Chapter 63: Are you satisfied with what you see?

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Until he sat back in the Nanny car, a smile remained on Yu Nian’s face.

Meng Yuan wondered, “Why are you smiling so happily? Even after being tricked by Qi Zhe, you don’t seem upset at all. Nian Nian, what good thing happened to you?”

Yu Nian clenched his fist lightly and covered his smiling mouth. Unable to hold it in, his smile grew wider. He replied, “I found that the person I like is very similar—” He stopped talking, turned his head, and burst into laughter again.

Meng Yuan raised his hand to cover his eyes. “I can’t bear to see that smile. Just tell me, what does it look like?”

“Like rock candy. It appears cold and hard on the surface, but it melts in your mouth and tastes very sweet.”

After listening, Meng Yuan jokingly asked Shi Rou, “Rou Rou, I’m planning to make an appointment with the dentist. Do you want to come along?”

Shi Rou nodded repeatedly and put her hand on her cheek. “Yes, yes! Oh, my cheek suddenly hurts!”

The three of them burst into laughter. After the laughter subsided, Meng Yuan asked Yu Nian, “What do you plan to do about Qi Zhe?”

Yu Nian composed himself and said, “I want to hear your opinion first, Brother Meng.”

“I’ve thought about it carefully. Actually, Qi Zhe’s exposure might be an opportunity,” Meng Yuan said with a serious attitude, deliberately putting on a stern face when he saw Yu Nian’s expression. “Mr. Yu, please temporarily put away your budding love!”

Shi Rou laughed and quickly covered her mouth.

Yu Nian sat up straight, placed his hands neatly, and replied, “Okay!”

Meng Yuan continued, “From your debut on ‘Sound of Nature’ till your exposure as Si Ning, many people primarily saw you as an idol with a strong fan base because of your appearance and temperament. After your exposure as Si Ning, your talent started to receive recognition. With the release of ‘Elegant’, more and more people discovered that your music is excellent. Given this situation, we can take this opportunity to weaken other aspects and strengthen and consolidate your musical talent and skills.”

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Shi Rou added, “So appearance is the least valuable?”

Meng Yuan nodded, “Yes, that’s how it is here, Nian Nian.”

Yu Nian understood Meng Yuan’s meaning and pondered for a few seconds. “I think it’s okay.”

“Whether it’s commercial value or positioning, you have gradually established a stable position. Having a public image like that can become a burden and hinder your development. So, in the future, you can show yourself as you are.” Meng Yuan sighed, “Relying on appearance, public image, and popularity without improving oneself internally will eventually lead to a dead end. It’s the works that truly matter.”

Shi Rou also nodded in agreement and asked tentatively, “Nian Nian, are you feeling better now?”

“I’m fine,” Yu Nian shook his head gently. “Although Qi Zhe had ulterior motives, he did bring my photos to Brother Meng and create this opportunity for me. He deliberately approached me and badmouthed me in front of the teacher, but it didn’t really affect me. This time, his exposure didn’t involve any rumors. So, as long as he stops deliberately targeting me, I’ll treat it as if I never knew him.”

Meng Yuan said, “That’s good. You have a lot of things to do. Why waste so much energy on these matters? If you have the energy, why not write a couple more songs to make money or take on more endorsements?”

Shi Rou covered her mouth and laughed, “This is probably how it feels when Qi Zhe goes through all that trouble, thinking he can stir up trouble, but it turns out to be inconsequential and irrelevant to Yu Nian. It’s strangely satisfying!”

Meng Yuan sneered, “Yes, it’s infuriating for him.”

In the afternoon, after the hashtags #TheStrongestSupport# and #TooPoorToOrderTakeout# trended, another topic related to Yu Nian made it to the trending list.

[#LooksCanBeDeceptive# I was going through the behind-the-scenes footage and candid photos from Yu Nian’s recording of “Sound of Nature,” and I couldn’t tell the brand or find the same style of clothes he wears. I begged the experts to help, but today, when I went shopping with my mother, I saw the same T-shirts hanging at the entrance of the discount store, ten yuan each or a hundred for a dozen! I can only say that looks can be deceptive! What kind of magical wardrobe does he have?]

[#LooksCanBeDeceptive# Hahaha, no one in the entertainment industry can match his style! But Yu Nian’s appearance and temperament make everything he wears look like a limited edition luxury brand!]

[#LooksCanBeDeceptive# As a fan, I love Yu Nian so much that I would scream even if he wore a patched-up shirt while singing ‘Mountain Snow’! confession, confession, I fell into the ‘Elegant’ trap, and I can’t climb out after ‘Mountain Snow’! I’m begging for a new album with my blood!]

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[#LooksCanBeDeceptive# I feel sorry for my baby Yu Nian. He can’t even afford takeout. But those who mock him for it and wonder why Yu Qing doesn’t give him money, don’t they have twisted values? It’s not shameful to be poor; it’s shameful to not strive for improvement like a leech! Yu Nian has been working hard to improve himself from the beginning. Even when he debuted, he danced on a sprained foot. He achieved his current success through his own efforts. Not only is it not shameful, but it’s also completely positive!]

Meng Yuan clicked his tongue. “I’m completely useless! I haven’t even spent money on buying water armies, yet the online sentiment is completely one-sided.”

Yu Nian also leaned in to look at the phone, “It’s really a coincidence. The discount store in the picture is the same store where I bought the T-shirts!”

“Come on, take a look at the latest news. The discounted T-shirts and hoodies in that store have sold out. The Prince of Product Placement, living up to his name,” Meng Yuan said with a smile. He continued, “And the calligraphy brush from the promotional short film you helped Ningbo shoot, it’s also sold out. The merchandise featuring your image from the promotional video was put on the shelves at Ningbo’s cultural store, and it sold out within a minute.”

Yu Nian proudly said, “I managed to grab one for myself.”

“Your reflexes are that fast? Where is it? Let me see it. I haven’t seen the actual item!” Meng Yuan exclaimed.

“I gave it away to…”

Meng Yuan quickly interrupted, “Okay, okay, I know who you gave it to. You don’t have to say it.”

He checked the time and said, “Reporters will be here soon for a short interview. After that, we can board the plane.”

Shi Rou had just finished fixing Yu Nian’s hair when the reporters arrived. The interview questions were not sensitive, and the interview went smoothly.

“Are you going to participate in an event in Jing City this time?”

Yu Nian, wearing a white hoodie and washed jeans, sitting comfortably on the sofa, exuding a refreshing youthful vibe, adjusted the microphone on his collar and replied, “Yes, Funa Poetry Mineral Water is doing charity work at the water source base in Jing City, and I will be going there too. I hope through this publicity, we can raise awareness about protecting water sources and contribute to environmental conservation.”

The host smiled and said, “Yes, environmental protection is always an important issue. Speaking of Jing City, it has many traditional snacks and various types of cuisine. When you’re there, Yu Nian, you should try them! Is there anything you want to eat or any favorite dishes?”

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As soon as he heard this question, Meng Yuan had a bad premonition.

Sure enough, Yu Nian’s mouth curled up, and he answered, “Lately, I really like rock candy.”

Meng Yuan and Shi Rou exchanged a glance and simultaneously covered their faces—toothache!

Soon after, an announcement came over the airport loudspeaker. Meng Yuan checked the time and approached them, saying, “It’s time to go. The plane is starting the boarding process.”

51st floor of the Xingyao Building.

Qu Xiaoran yawned and lazily slumped on his desk, glancing at Xie You. “Why did you come to my office so early in the morning?”

Xie You handed over something he held in the palm of his hand to Qu Xiaoran and emphasized, “Look, but don’t touch.”

Qu Xiaoran rolled his eyes in a perfectly standard manner. “Who cares about it?” Seeing Xie You staring at him, he quickly changed his tone, “Okay, okay, you care about it. But, didn’t you already boast to me twice about it last night?”

Xie You pretended not to hear that statement and introduced, “Yu Nian helped me grab this. There are stickers, keychains, fridge magnets, and—”

Qu Xiaoran covered his ears and protested, “Brother, can you change your introduction? I can even recite the emphasis and punctuation by now!” He quickly changed the topic again. “Oh right, oh right, when did you learn all those fan support techniques? They’re getting more and more skillful, almost reaching the sky!”

Xie You paused the introduction and made a note about his behavior. “Other celebrities have fan support, and Yu Nian should have it too.”

“It seems like that’s the case! But your scale is really big. I checked the trending topics, and they all say that after the mysterious person’s support, Yunnian’s fans are beyond comparison. It’s like a calamity, hahaha!” Qu Xiaoran enjoyed the situation and whispered, “Now that that old guy, Ding Zhaoxian, is gone, how are you planning to confess to Yu Nian? If you’re not in a hurry, I am!”

Then he saw Xie You take out a complete proposal from his phone and placed it in front of him.

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“…Setting off fireworks for nine minutes and nine seconds, painting roses on the helicopter’s body, releasing 999 balloons in the air, and covering the ground with rose petals?”

Qu Xiaoran paused, and continued reading, “Option two, in the early morning of spring, by the Moanas River, creating a path with crystals… at the end of the path, placing a dew-covered rose and asking, ‘Are you satisfied with what you see?'”

What kind of lines are these?

“On the island, planting 9,999 rose bushes to form the word ‘LOVE,’ taking him there on a private plane and viewing it from above.” Qu Xiaoran stopped reading. “Island? The private island you bought two years ago?”

Xie You responded, “Hmm.”

As Qu Xiaoran scrolled down, he suddenly didn’t know what to say—Xie You quietly and secretly prepared more than ten or twenty alternative plans!

But are you satisfied with what you see? What does that line even mean?

Qu Xiaoran asked tactfully, “Can you tell me what inspired you?”

Xie You honestly replied, “I read reference books.”

“You read reference books too? Impressive, Xie Xiaoyou!” Qu Xiaoran was about to ask what kind of reference books he read when a news notification popped up on his phone.

“Earthquake in Jing City—” Qu Xiaoran’s face turned pale, and he stopped speaking.

In an instant, Xie You’s fingers tightened, and the corners of the keychain dug deep into his palm.

Qu Xiaoran strained his vocal cords and spoke hoarsely, “Yu Nian… Is he in Jing City?”

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