Chapter 77: Happy to buy

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Ignoring the person who asked the question, Yu Nian first looked down and replied to Meng Yuan, “The news is true.” Then, he lifted his head to face the unfamiliar man standing in front of him and politely said, “I’m sorry, I don’t know you, and I don’t know anyone surnamed Xiao, your boss. As for the conversation, I’m busy and don’t have time.”

His tone was gentle, but he wasn’t buying it.

The man adjusted his glasses, discreetly sizing up Yu Nian, and his smile became even more humble. “I apologize for disturbing you without making it clear. My name is William Wu, and my boss is Xiao Ting, a Chinese entrepreneur in Canada. He’s the one who bought ‘The Quest for the Mighty Mountain’ at the recent auction. After extensive inquiries, we finally found Mr. Yu. I wonder if Mr. Yu can spare some time to sit down and have a talk?”

Yu Nian maintained his smile, “I’m not interested.” After saying that, he prepared to leave.

William Wu hurriedly said, “Mr. Yu—”

Avoiding William Wu’s obstruction, Yu Nian turned to the security personnel inside the auction house and spoke clearly, “The gentleman behind me is preventing me from leaving. I need you to ensure my personal and property safety.”

The security personnel were very cooperative. Two of them quickly stood beside Yu Nian and nodded, “That’s our duty.” At the same time, another security personnel had already approached William Wu and made a “please leave” gesture.

“Mr. Yu—”

Yu Nian didn’t pay any more attention to William Wu and continued to address the security personnel, “Additionally, I need your assistance.”

The security personnel responded promptly to Yu Nian’s request.

In the office of the Xingyao Building, Meng Yuan was pacing back and forth, holding his phone, and muttering, “Spent 200 million and bought a piece of paper!” He paused and exclaimed, “200 million!”

He couldn’t stop talking, “Rou Rou, 200 million. So much money, what on earth did Nian Nian buy with it? He actually smashed 200 million on something!”

“Please don’t ask me, Brother Meng. Poverty has already limited my imagination. But there are so many speculations online, and the answers are all over the place.” Shi Rou replied while refreshing the hot search results on her phone.

Suddenly, she fixed her gaze and gestured, “Brother Meng, come and see this!”

Meng Yuan walked over and saw on the screen of the phone that it was a video of Yu Nian being escorted by several burly security guards, walking out of a door. The scene was surrounded by reporters with their cameras and microphones pointed at him, bombarding him with questions.

“Yu Nian, what’s your response to the allegation made by a senior schoolmate about your drug use during your university days?”

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“Regarding the report of spending 200 million on a piece of paper, can you confirm its authenticity? Is it just a publicity stunt? Did you really spend 200 million?”

“Can you reveal what you bought at the auction? Any hints?”

Yu Nian, dressed in a well-fitted black casual suit and white shirt, maintained a composed expression on his finely chiseled face.

Under the full protection of the security guards, he stepped into a black Bentley, and as the car door closed with a ‘thud,’ it shielded him from all the prying cameras. The Bentley slowly drove away, and the video ended.

[Aaaaaah, the charisma, and aura that Nia Nian exudes! It’s explosive! Especially when he walks, that habit of adjusting his clothes with a lift of his hand. He looks like a crown prince on a royal tour! I could watch this a hundred times!]

[He just came out of the auction venue! I have only one request, let me, a poor person, have a glimpse of that 200 million-worth piece of paper! Just one look, and I’ll be satisfied! Damn, 200 million, that’s like having a mountain of money… Wait, how many stacks was it again?]

[The discussion group seriously calculated Yue Nian’s income. He has been in the entertainment industry for less than a year as an artist, and although he frequently tops charts and gains immense popularity, no matter how much money he makes, it’s unlikely to reach 200 million! So, it’s probably all his savings. As for the rumors about Yue Nian doing drugs, based on reasonable deduction, he shouldn’t have that kind of money…]

Shi Rou couldn’t help but watch the video clip again from the beginning. “Nian Nian’s looks and temperament are truly unparalleled in the entertainment industry in recent years!”

Meng Yuan’s face lit up with a smile. “Not just his looks and temperament, he’s also quick-witted! As soon as the news about him being seen at the auction spread, he must have thought of seeking protection from the auction’s security personnel and boldly leaving through the main entrance. He faced it head-on, straightforward, and dignified. As a result, he’s already making headlines again!”

Shi Rou vigorously nodded, “Exactly! Some people previously claimed that Nian Nian’s appearance at the auction was fake news, a distraction, but now with the video as evidence, nobody can doubt it anymore, right?”

“That’s not all.” Meng Yuan shook his head, “Netizens aren’t fools, and many have basic math skills. From the time Nian Nian debuted until now, including his previous work under the name Si Ning, it’s possible to estimate roughly how much he has earned. Even if we assumed the highest amount, it wouldn’t reach 200 million. So, it seems like Nian Nian wants to use this opportunity to completely clear himself of any drug use or gambling allegations and, at the same time—”

Shi Rou blinked rapidly twice, asking, “At the same time, what?”

“Nian Nian is not the kind-hearted type. Last time, his senior brother gave an interview, saying that Nian Nian was so broke during college that he couldn’t even afford takeout food. And what did Nian Nian say? He said it’s a favor to pretend not to know that person anymore. All he wants is—”

“All he wants is for Qi Zhe to stop targeting him!” Shi Rou interjected. “But now, Qi Zhe is trying to make himself relevant again!”

“Exactly, and there’s also Tang Xiaoke. Both of them are determined to take down Nia Nian in one go. If Nian Nian really endures it all, he won’t be the same person anymore.” Meng Yuan crossed his arms and rubbed his chin. “Oh my, oh my, why do I like this kind of non-submissive and unyielding character so much?”

Holding her phone, Shi Rou eagerly asked, “So what should we do?”

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“We’ll just enjoy watching Nian Nian clap back at them. When the time is right, we’ll add fuel to the fire.”

At 6 o’clock in the evening, the media officially reported that the highest price achieved in the recent auction at Yuan Jia Auction House was for the renowned “World’s Top Document,” the “Insomniac Scroll,” which sold for 200 million yuan. With a 12% commission, the total price reached 220 million yuan, setting a new record for the transaction amount of artwork in the past five years.

Under this news, countless people mentioned Yu Nian, expressing their astonishment.

Half an hour later, on a cultural talk show, the host interviewed the famous collector Rong Yue. During the interview, the host asked, “Let’s follow the current trend! Mr. Rong, at the just-concluded Yuan Jia Auction House event, the ‘Insomniac Scroll’ finally made its appearance and was sold for over 200 million yuan. What do you think of this price?”

Rong Yue, wearing a plain traditional robe, held an empty folding fan and smiled. “Since we’re following the trend, you’ve forgotten one aspect. It’s Yu Nian who spent 200 million yuan to buy that piece of paper.”

This topic was supposed to be added on a whim, and they didn’t expect Rong Yue to bring up Yu Nian’s name. The host also chuckled, “Right, did you just check the news backstage?”

“No,” Rong Yue shook his head and closed the folding fan with a crisp sound, revealing the truth without any suspense, “To be honest, I informed Yu Nian in advance about the auction of the ‘Insomniac Scroll’ at Yuan Jia. Furthermore, there were items I wanted to bid on during this auction, but the competition was too fierce, and I’m too poor. After a few rounds of bidding, I gave up.”

The host seized the opportunity, “So, you know Yu Nian?”

“More than that, I’m like a half-elder to Yu Nian, and he calls me ‘Uncle’ as well. Not just the ‘Insomniac Scroll,’ but also the ‘Continuous Rain on Jiangshan Painting’ and the ‘Landscape Pattern Fish-tail Vase’ from two or three years ago, were all bought by me abroad, with Yu Nian accompanying me. At that time, he was still in college, quite young, and I felt more at ease with him by my side. Now, he’s twenty-two and considered an adult, so I came on this show.” 

Rong Yue smiled and said, “Yes, according to the previous news format, you can create a headline like ‘Spent 90 Million to Buy a Faded Painting’ or ‘Spent 80 Million on a Broken Vase!”

Realizing that Rong Yue was revealing something truly sensational, the host hurriedly asked, “I’ve also heard about these two cultural relics. The bidding was extremely intense at that time, and both were eventually acquired by Yu Nian?”

“Yes,” Rong Yue sighed deeply, “Yu Nian was very persistent. He worked hard and saved every penny to invest in these relics, aiming to buy them back from foreign hands. But these things are not cheap at all. Even a piece of porcelain can be frightfully expensive! He put all his money into it, leaving nothing behind, just to bring these treasures back. However, such things do not come at a low price. He even had to sacrifice his daily expenses, buying discounted clothes and struggling to afford takeout. Thankfully, he is talented and capable himself. Let’s consider these acquisitions as something that made him happy.”

The host nodded silently – spending tens of millions to hundreds of millions on things just for the sake of happiness?

As soon as this interview was released, whether in the form of screenshots or short videos, it quickly went viral on the homepage.

[Damn, I was so shocked that my phone fell to the ground! Can someone please tell me! That broken vase wasn’t 80 million, it was 80 yuan! And that faded painting wasn’t 90 million, it was 90 yuan! My brain has become numb to money…]

[Ah, my goodness! I really want to ask @TangXiaoke for their thoughts after watching this! Hahaha! Before, they mocked Nian Nian, saying he couldn’t afford Hersey’s haute couture. Oh boy, turns out he can afford it! It’s just that what they buy is on completely different levels! Open your eyes and broaden your horizons!]

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[I openly mock @TangXiaoke! Do they really think everyone is like them, displaying their status by piling up luxury items on themselves? Before criticizing Nian Nian for being poor, maybe they should spend 200 million on a piece of paper to qualify for that. They talk about Yu Nian’s poverty with their mouths shut!]

[The case is solved! No drugs, no gambling, where did the money go? He spent it on things that made him happy…]

At 7:30 PM, following a similar routine as Qi Zhe, another student from Ningcheng University who is in the same grade as Qi Zhe was interviewed.

“…Qi Zhe and I are roommates, and there are some things I can’t keep to myself. Qi Zhe is a very cunning person; he knows what he wants. During our college days, Yu Nian was already a prominent figure. Qi Zhe used to observe Yu Nian’s daily routine and deliberately ‘coincidentally’ run into him. His purpose was to get close to Yu Nian because he wanted to become Professor Zeng’s disciple, just like Yu Nian.
…Qi Zhe even interned at Xingyao Entertainment for a while, also with a purpose. In the end, he succeeded—giving Yu Nian’s photos to Xingyao’s manager. After that, Yu Nian entered the entertainment industry as a singer. Qi Zhe went to Professor Zeng and offered himself, claiming that he wouldn’t end up like Yu Nian. But Professor Zeng rejected him; he didn’t think highly of Qi Zhe.”

The reporter asked, “What about the drug incident this time?”

“That was also Qi Zhe’s doing, as the photos were taken by him. I’ve seen them, and the pictures are still on Qi Zhe’s phone. As for the incident with Professor Kaning and the drug test at the conference in He City, how could Yu Nian possibly do drugs? Qi Zhe just wants to ruin Yu Nian’s reputation.”

[I don’t know what to say. It’s too complicated, and I, as a bystander, don’t want to comment anymore!]

[??? Jealousy can lead someone to employ such malicious means to harm others because of their talent and excellence. Has your conscience rotted and turned foul? Previously, you criticized Nian Nian, saying he was just pretending to be rich and actually very poor, so hypocritical. But when you didn’t achieve your desired results, you accused Nian Nian of doing drugs? Do you know that there will be consequences for such actions?]

[Aaaaaah, hurry, go to the next room! Another case is solved!! Someone from Ningcheng University captured it. Qi Zhe was once spotted riding a supercar at the school gate! With keen eyes, it was discovered that the supercar belongs to Tang Xiaoke! There’s even a photo of them together! I’m mind-blown!]

[Oh my god, there’s an abundance of juicy gossip today! So, this whole thing was orchestrated by Tang Xiaoke and Yu Nian’s treacherous senior brother, Qi Zhe, to destroy Yu Nian. They spent money on buying fake fans, paid media accounts, hot searches, and manipulated search results to fabricate this whole situation? Astonishing! It seems that many people who criticized Nian Nian were unwittingly manipulated as tools by this treacherous duo…]

Soon, resourceful netizens dug up various pieces of incriminating information about Tang Xiaoke. With the help of public opinion, Meng Yuan even disclosed an incident where Tang Xiaoke, at the age of seventeen, was involved in a speeding car accident and used money to hush it up.

At the same time, Yu Nian’s senior brother, Qiu Chuyue, also posted on his blog, “No matter what field of study one pursues, it requires not only intelligence and undistracted focus but also broad-mindedness, a magnanimous disposition, and persistence day after day. Unfortunately, you possess none of these qualities; that’s the real poverty.”

When Yu Nian arrived at the airport, journalists swarmed around him, and the questions transformed into:

“How do you feel about being meticulously framed and falsely accused of drug use by your fellow school senior?”

“After spending a huge amount of money on high-priced cultural relics, is it because of your passion for art, or is it for investment purposes?”

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“What are your thoughts on Tang Xiaoke’s incident of hitting someone with a car in the city and then using money to cover it up, claiming it was the other party’s bad luck?”

Yu Nian was guarded by security personnel, carrying a black sports backpack, dressed casually, and showing no impatience or irritation. He didn’t answer any of the questions and remained calm until he got into the nanny car that came to pick him up.

Once inside the car, Meng Yuan patted Yu Nian on the shoulder, laughing heartily, “Well done! In just the time it took for you to take a flight, the public’s opinion on the entire internet has reversed! Many people even apologized to you in your Weibo comments, admitting that they misunderstood you before and shouldn’t have criticized you without knowing the truth.”

Yu Nian let out a sigh, smiling with raised eyebrows, “Brother Meng, do you have anything to eat? I only had a sandwich for lunch, and now I’m really hungry.”

“In the car, there’s only bread. Want to munch on that for now?” Seeing Yu Nian accept it and immediately eat almost half of it, Meng Yuan clicked his tongue, “Who would believe it? Mr. Yu, who supposedly spent 200 million on a piece of paper, wolfing down a piece of bread like this!”

Shi Rou interjected in a soft voice, “When Yu Nian eats, he looks very elegant and graceful, not like wolfing down food.”

Meng Yuan gave Shi Rou a stern look and then handed a bottle of water to Yu Nian. “However, no matter how much they flood the internet with criticism, Tang Xiaoke remains silent as if playing dead. I refuse to believe he can stay hidden in his turtle shell forever!”

“He won’t stay hidden forever,” Shi Rou turned around from the front seat, excitedly sharing, “He publicly apologized! Tang Xiaoke made a public apology on Weibo! But many people are saying that Yu Nian’s background must be really powerful, as even the rich second-generation Tang Xiaoke bowed his head and apologized!”

Meng Yuan was momentarily stunned but quickly reacted, looking at Yu Nian. “Is it President Xie?” 

Yu Nian smiled, “Yes, it should be him.”

After briefly reading Tang Xiaoke’s public apology, Meng Yuan commented, “Tsk, the wording doesn’t seem like something Tang Xiaoke would come up with on his own. Most likely, his father forced him to apologize!”

He then raised his head and asked, “President Xie’s response was also incredibly swift. What did you say to him?”

Yu Nian hesitated for a moment, “I didn’t say anything to him.” As he said that, he realized the problem himself – from the time the incident occurred until now, he hadn’t properly talked to Xie You about it.

Meng Yuan could tell there was something amiss and probed, “Then, did President Xie say anything to you?”

Yu Nian shook his head.

He fell silent for two seconds, then spoke up, “Brother Meng, I won’t go home just yet. I’ll go find him.”

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