Chapter 78: How do you know this song?

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There was a traffic accident ahead, the speed of the car slowed down, and the nanny car stopped along with the traffic. While staring out of the window at the street scene, Yu Nian was contemplating why things turned out this way.

Since a long time ago, he had been accustomed to facing and dealing with everything on his own, taking responsibility and achieving things by himself. 

Therefore, no matter whether it was the incident about “Insomniac Scroll’or someone targeting his “Drunken Horse Roaming in Spring” painting, he categorized them as “things he needed to handle” without considering involving Xie You, not even mentioning it to him.

But what about Xie You? Yu Nian began to reflect on their interactions, and it became evident that he did indeed like Xie You, even to a great extent.

However, in reality, he hadn’t let Xie You into the walls he had built for himself.

Perhaps Xie You had also noticed this too? Even when he offered help, Xie You was cautious and restrained, guarding against crossing any boundaries and carefully maintaining a level of assistance that wouldn’t make Yu Nian uncomfortable.

Just like this time, Xie You had been closely monitoring his situation. That’s why, within a very short time, he managed to remove harmful rumors from trending, giving him and his team some breathing space. Then, when everything was about to settle, Xie You made the final decisive move – making Tang Xiaoke issue a public apology and admit to what he had done, putting an end to the matter.

As for himself – Yu Nian chuckled bitterly and turned his head to Meng Yuan, saying, “He is my boyfriend, but when the drug incident happened, I thought about how to handle it properly. I contacted Uncle Rong, contacted Brother Qiu, contacted you, but I didn’t think about reaching out to him proactively.”

“Not because I needed to seek his help, but at least to let him know my situation.”

Instead, he let Xie You meticulously analyze the vast amount of true and false information and delicately help him out, step by step, in a way that wouldn’t be burdensome.

If it were him, how would he feel?

At the mention of this, a faint pang of pain tugged at his heart.

Hearing Yu Nian speak, Meng Yuan continued, “I think, to some extent, you were in the wrong. We have a professional working relationship, so your personal matters, whether you choose to share them or not, are entirely up to you. As long as you do your job well, I have no say in your private life.
But… how should I put it, Xie You is not just an outsider. It’s normal to have personal secrets and space when you’re in a relationship. However, treating him as ‘someone else’ is something he can sense, and it will inevitably make him feel distant.”

Yu Nian felt somewhat disheartened, “I never treated him as someone else.”

It’s just that he was used to handling everything on his own and not speaking up.

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Seeing the bitterness on Yu Nian’s lips, Meng Yuan pondered for a moment and comforted him, “It’s your first time being in a relationship after all, there will always be ups and downs. But now that you realize the problem, it’s good. Otherwise, if you break up later, it’ll be too late to regret it.”

At this point, Shi Rou added cautiously, “That’s right, Nian Nian, it’s good that you’ve become aware of the issue. Now you can work on finding a solution. Relationships might encounter problems, but it’s not about avoiding them, it’s about resolving them.”

“Yes, what Rou Rou said is right. Both of you didn’t know each other for the first twenty-something years, and you had your own lives. Now that you’ve met and are willing to adapt together, it’s great, and you can look forward to a future together.”

Shi Rourou chimed in, “Brother Meng is absolutely right!”

Yu Nian nodded and smiled gratefully, “Thank you, Brother Meng and Sister Rou Rou.”

Meng Yuan joked, “No need to thank us. When you have a positive mindset and a smooth love life, you’ll work hard in your career and be motivated to make money!”

The nanny car came to a stop, and Yu Nian put on his cap and mask before getting off. Meng Yuan lowered his head and gave a few instructions through the car window before letting the driver proceed.

After scanning his fingerprint to access the exclusive elevator hall, Yu Nian stood in front of the metallic elevator doors, took a deep breath, and realized that he was even more nervous than when he first stepped on stage. Just then, his phone in his pocket vibrated.

Yu Nian answered the call, “Uncle Rong?”

Rong Yue sounded urgent, “I just heard the news! You were stopped in the auction house? And it caused a commotion with security? Was it someone from Xiao Ting’s side who stopped you?”

Yu Nian didn’t rush to enter the elevator and replied, “Yes, that person introduced themselves as Xiao Ting’s assistant and wanted to talk to me about selling the painting.”

Rong Yue was taken aback and then burst into laughter, “Well done, Nian Nian! Xiao Ting thought he could send some random assistant to invite you to discuss selling the painting? That’s wishful thinking!”

“Yes, I was busy and didn’t have time for that.” Yu Nian laughed too and continued, “But that person hasn’t given up yet. He managed to find me and asked if there was any specific reason behind it.”

“Rich and influential families have plenty of tricks up their sleeves. It might be related to something else,” Rong Yue said in a cheerful mood. “You handled it well. No matter what it is, if he wants to invite you, he should come personally!”

After a couple more exchanges, Yu Nian ended the call and entered the elevator. He used his fingerprint to verify his identity and pressed the floor where Xie You was located.

As the orange digits on the display increased, he got closer and closer to Xie You’s location. Unable to help himself, Yu Nian imagined what would happen if Xie You ignored him. Or perhaps…

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His thoughts stuttered when the elevator doors opened, and he saw the person he had been thinking about waiting for him right at the entrance.

Yu Nian couldn’t help but smile first, “You… were waiting for me?”

“Yes.” Xie You reached out and held Yu Nian’s hand, leading him out of the elevator. He turned his head, complaining softly, “This elevator is so slow. I stared at the changing numbers for so long, and you still didn’t appear.”

A corner of Yu Nian’s heart felt loosened and relaxed. He took a small step forward and hugged Xie You.

In response to his actions, Xie You froze for a moment, unsure of where to put his hands for several seconds.

“Nian Nian, what’s wrong? Are you feeling unwell or unhappy? Did someone bully you?” 

“I’m sorry,” Yu Nian said, holding his breath, waiting for Xie You’s response.

After a brief silence, Xie You raised his hand and directly lifted Yu Nian up.

Instinctively, Yu Nian wrapped his legs around Xie You’s waist and exclaimed, “Xie You—”

In a low voice, Xie You commanded, “Nian Nian, hold on tight to my waist.”

Yu Nian complied, and he soon realized that Xie You’s burning hot hands were supporting his backside, with his body tense and nervous.

Relaxing against Xie You’s embrace, Yu Nian’s lips curled into a smile.

As they entered the office, Xie You carried Yu Nian all the way to the sofa, gently placing him down. Leaning over, he said, “It’s alright.”

Afterward, Xie You’s fingers gradually intertwined with Yu Nian’s, and he lowered his eyelids. After a while, he spoke softly, “I lied just now. It does matter to me.”

With his hand held against his chest, Xie You pursed his lips and admitted, “I feel anxious.”

Two minutes later, Yu Nian placed two sofa cushions near the glass wall and patted them, inviting Xie You, “Do you want to sit with me?”

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Xie You loosened his black tie with one hand and unbuttoned the top button of his suit jacket, creating a more casual and relaxed look. He walked over to where Yu Nian was and sat down on the cushions.

In front of them, their shadows were projected onto the glass wall, allowing them to see the city skyscrapers stretching into the night, adorned with twinkling neon lights.

Sitting very close to each other, Yu Nian could smell the faint scent of cedar from Xie You. He suddenly didn’t know where to begin. It was like the first time he had invited someone he cherished into his walls, a feeling of withdrawal and timidity.

Xie You gently placed his hand over Yu Nian’s on his chest.

Yu Nian held Xie You’s hand in return and smiled, “What I have to say might be a bit long.” He paused for a moment and continued, “I was raised by my grandparents from a young age. My mother’s name was Yue Taying, the youngest daughter of my grandparents. When my grandmother gave birth to my mother, she was already in her thirties. My grandfather said that the name ‘Taying’ was inspired by the phrase ‘standing alone in the late night, supporting the sparse shadows, all the way back with the moon on the creek.'”

Xie You commented, “It’s a beautiful name.”

“Yes, and my family lived on Qingxi Road.” Yu Nian looked up and gazed outside the glass wall. “My memory of my mother is limited to her name and a few photos. I was born on New Year’s Eve, and my mother passed away while giving birth to me. My grandmother said that she insisted on seeing me before leaving this world. So, I’ve never celebrated my birthday.”

“I don’t know who my father is, and my mother never said anything about him. Even my grandparents didn’t know. It was considered quite unfavorable to be pregnant out of wedlock at that time. However, my grandparents didn’t think much of it. My grandfather even said that knowing one’s father and bearing his surname were just enforced rules of patriarchal society. So, I never thought of finding my biological father. I was lucky enough to have my grandparents raise me; that was more than enough.”

“They are both wonderful people.”

“Yes, they are really amazing.” Yu Nian’s eyes sparkled with joy. “My grandfather’s name is Yu Xiuning, and many people give him various titles – a calligrapher, an expert in cultural relic appraisal, a sinologist, and a master of traditional Chinese culture. From a very young age, I studied with my grandfather, learning to read and write. Whenever someone asked him to appraise cultural relics, I would accompany him. When others came to seek his calligraphy, I would help him grind the ink.”

Xie You wasn’t particularly surprised, but he said, “You mean Mr. Xiuning of the Qingshan Yu family, right?”

“That’s right, many people refer to him that way. When I was little, I even corrected a visitor who came to see him, saying that he wasn’t Mr. Xiuning but my grandfather.”

Xie You’s gaze softened, “How old were you then?”

“About three, I think? I’m not sure.” Yu Nian’s eyes reflected the neon lights of the city. “My grandmother’s name is Sheng Lingyi, and she was the youngest daughter of the Sheng family in Ning City. She was very skilled in writing lyrics and composing music. When I was little, I even saw her finish writing songs. She played the guqin, and my grandfather played the xiao flute. At that time, I thought everything would always be so beautiful.”

Later, when I was twelve, my grandfather passed away, and it seemed as if my grandmother had aged ten years overnight. After that, she changed “Yu Manor” to “Si Ning Manor,” which meant “remembering her deceased husband, Xiuning.”

Yu Nian spoke with gentle nostalgia, “When my grandfather passed away, many people came to pay their respects. I knelt in front of the memorial hall and returned each greeting. It was then that I slowly understood that I needed to grow up. I had to take care of my grandmother and the family. It was also during that time that I learned to solve problems on my own and to be independent.”

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Xie You tightened his grip on Yu Nian’s hand…

“When I turned eighteen, my grandmother’s life came to an end. It was as if she had a premonition a few days earlier. She often held my hand and said, ‘Life and fate are cyclical, just like the prosperity and decline of grass. People also have birth and death; don’t be too saddened.’
During that period, I couldn’t sleep at night, fearing that I might lose my grandmother too. Then, one day, when I went to wake her up in the morning, I found that she had already passed away. At that moment, my heart felt empty, and I didn’t know how to react.”

Xie You lowered his voice, “So that’s why you wrote, ‘People have birth and death, just like the prosperity and decline of grass. You made it clear before you left, but I still can’t escape the norms,’ right?”

Hearing Xie You recite the lyrics, Yu Nian sat up straight, astonished, “How… how do you know this song?”

Meeting Xie You’s gaze, Yu Nian suddenly felt his throat dry, and he subconsciously lowered his voice, “Were you the one who listened to me sing that song back then?”

Xie You felt a little embarrassed and averted his gaze, “Yes, at that time… my father had just passed away, and I suddenly had to take over the family business. That period was…” He paused for two seconds, “very difficult.”

During that time, the world had shown him all its sharp fangs, which, in retrospect, had now become an adjective.

Yu Nian smiled, supporting his chin with his hand, his eyes shining with light.

“That song was written in a hurry, and I didn’t even have a title for it. At that time, you were the only listener. I remember you leaving a message telling me that everything would be okay.”

It turned out that during their most difficult times, they had, in another way, given each other a little encouragement.

Recalling the phone call from Rong Yue earlier, Yu Nian asked, “By the way, do you know the Xiao family of Chinese immigrants in Canada?”

Xie You furrowed his brows, “I’m familiar with them. What’s the matter?”

“There’s someone named Xiao Ting who wants to buy the ‘Drunken Horse Raoming in Spring’ painting, which is currently in my possession. I was stopped by Xiao Ting’s assistant at the Yuan Jia auction house, saying he wanted to meet me, but I didn’t pay any attention to him.” Seeing Xie You’s nervous expression, Yu Nian’s smile widened, “It’s nothing serious; I’m just wondering why he’s so fixated on this painting.”

Xie You recalled, “The Xiao family immigrated a long time ago and has deep roots in Canada. Recently, there has been news that the head of the Xiao family is preparing his will and selecting an heir. So, including Xiao Ting, several potential heirs have become active. The old lady of the Xiao family loves collecting ancient paintings, and Xiao Ting is probably trying to win her favor and gain leverage for himself by targeting the ‘Drunken Horse Raoming in Spring’ painting.”

Yu Nian had an idea in mind and a mischievous glint in his eyes, “Then, compared to my boyfriend and Xiao Ting, who is more formidable?”

Xie You straightened his back, his fingers fidgeting and hidden at the corner of his lips. He coughed lightly and said, “Me.” His eyelashes trembled slightly, and he emphasized, “I’m much, much more formidable.”

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