Chapter 85: Nian Nian, it wasn’t me, really.

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“Do you like it, Nian Nian?”

Without speaking, Yu Nian raised his chin and kissed Xie You on the lips. After a moment of daze, Xie You responded and wrapped his arm around Yu Nian’s waist, deepening the kiss.

On the pure white snowy ground, there were the footprints of the two entwined. Under the light, next to the short pines covered with white snow, their silhouettes were outlined with a warm glow.

Time seemed to lose its grip during the kiss. Feeling his legs slightly weak and a bit dizzy from lack of oxygen, Yu Nian gently bit Xie You’s lips and said, “Xie You…”

Xie You’s hand, which was around Yu Nian’s waist, moved downward and slipped inside the hem of Yu Nian’s clothes, resting his palm on Yu Nian’s slender waist and emanating warmth. Hearing Yu Nian’s words, he responded with a soft nasal tone, “Hmm?”

Stirred by the voice, Yu Nian kissed Xie You again, feeling his waist melt from the gentle touch.

When they finally parted, Yu Nian leaned into Xie You’s embrace, listening to his rapid heartbeat, and smiled lightly. Xie You’s thumb gently wiped the water stain from the corner of Yu Nian’s lips, seemingly enchanted, and his gaze was focused. “Nian Nian… Do you like me kissing you?”

Yu Nian nodded, “Of course, I do.”

Xie You seemed to be seriously studying a topic as he asked, “Does Nian Nian prefer gentleness or passion in the kisses?”

Amused by his serious expression, Yu Nian leaned close to Xie You’s ear and said, “As long as it’s you kissing me, I like both.”

Xie You’s earlobe turned warm, and he blushed slightly.

He controlled himself and pecked Yu Nian’s nose, then he finally said the words he had prepared for a long time, “Today marks one month since we’ve been together.”

From April 25th to May 25th, exactly one month.

Seeing the anticipation in Yu Nian’s eyes, Xie You couldn’t help but kiss the corner of Yu Nian’s eye before continuing, “I hope that in every month of my life from now on, you will be with me.”

His voice was hoarse and deep, like sweet wine. Taking a sip of it made one slightly tipsy, wanting to be intoxicated.

Seeing Xie You looking at him expectantly, Yu Nian’s eyes and brows were filled with a smile. “It’s only been a month since we got together, but it feels like time has flown by, and yet, it also feels like it’s been a very long time.”

Yu Nian held Xie You’s hand with his own and spoke clearly, “Meeting you has been the most beautiful thing in my life so far, and perhaps in my entire life.”

He used to think such words were too sentimental, but now that it was his turn, he realized that words alone couldn’t express his feelings adequately.

Not wasting the snowfall Xie You arranged for him, Yu Nian carefully built a small snowman and made a simple flower crown with vines and flowers. Xie You followed Yu Nian’s instructions, helping to pick flowers and leaves.

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When they finished, Yu Nian stood up and took a photo to post on Weibo. It was around 6 a.m. in China, but Weibo was never short of people, no matter the time.

[Staying up all night and just about to go to sleep, I saw Nian Nian’s Weibo post! Good morning, good morning! Wow, Nian Nian looks beautiful, and the snowman is so beautiful too!]

[The time difference party is roaring! Over three thousand comments already! Don’t you guys sleep? Are you buying a house on Weibo to react so quickly? But wait, isn’t Nian Nian in Paris? Why is there snow, and it’s thick enough to build a snowman! I just checked outside the window, and no, I haven’t traveled to winter…]

[OMG! Nian Gao girl noticed the key issue! Nian Nian’s shadow is in the lower left corner; the snowman’s shadow is in the middle, then! Whose! Shadow! Is! In the upper right corner! Aaaahhh, who’s with Nian Nian building the snowman? I secretly hope it’s Brother Meng!]

The discussion in the Weibo comments section was getting more heated. At the same time, Yu Nian was earnestly building a second snowman. After finishing, he wrote “Yu Nian” and “Xie You” on the snowy ground in front of the two snowmen. He then clapped his hands to get rid of the snow, also blowing on his hands, “All done!”

Xie You held Yu Nian’s wrist and placed his hands around his own neck. “Warm up your hands.”

With a smile in his eyes, Yu Nian said, “Look, these are our names, written together for the first time.”

Xie You looked away for a moment before whispering, “From now on, they will always be written together.”

After strolling around the courtyard, the two made several snowballs along the way and went to the small hill in the courtyard to sled down the snow. Tired from playing, Yu Nian followed Xie You indoors and asked, “Is everything going smoothly?”

Xie You nodded, “It’s been resolved. The local government intervened as a guarantor, and the injured workers’ emotions are stable now. The compensation arrangements are also underway.”

As they stepped on the stone steps, Xie You suddenly stopped and said, “Nian Nian.”

Yu Nian also stopped and turned to him, standing one step higher on the stairs. “What’s wrong?”

“Do you ever feel… bored being with me?”

Yu Nian was dressed in a light-colored hoodie, jeans, and black and white sports shoes. His smile was bright, and he had a youthful charm. With his hands in his pockets, he leaned down due to the height difference and kissed Xie You gently. “If you have this worry, I would also worry about the same thing. But, really, I don’t feel bored at all.”

He then chuckled and said, “The airplane food was terrible. I’m so hungry.”

Xie You breathed a sigh of relief. “Alright, dinner is ready in the kitchen; your favorite dishes. Let’s go.”

After having dinner and taking a bath, Yu Nian wore a black silk robe and let out several yawns in a row.

His skin was naturally fair, like delicate porcelain. After taking a hot shower, his skin took on a faint pink hue, and against the pure black fabric, it was quite eye-catching.

Not noticing where Xie You’s gaze fell, Yu Nian asked, “Are we going to bed together?”

Xie You pursed his lips. “There are… many rooms here.”

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Recalling what he had said before, that there was only one bed in the house, so they slept together, Yu Nian understood his meaning and deliberately said, “But I haven’t seen you in so long. Sleeping on the same bed, we can chat together.”

Xie You asked, “…just chat?”

Yu Nian leaned closer to Xie You, mischievously saying, “Well, what else can we do?”

Xie You didn’t answer, and his breath carried the warm and moist aura of Yu Nian, “Then… let’s sleep together.”

But when they lay on the soft bed, Yu Nian was quickly overwhelmed by drowsiness. His eyes were barely able to stay open, let alone anything else. He propped up his arm, and the loose neckline of his silk robe slipped down his shoulder, revealing his dazzling white chest and arms.

Not realizing that he had exposed so much skin, Yu Nian sleepily leaned over and kissed Xie You, murmuring a muffled goodnight.

Xie You held his breath and gently pulled up the fallen neckline of Yu Nian’s robe to cover the tantalizing sight. Then he hugged him, turned off the lights, and whispered, “Sleep well, goodnight.”

When Yu Nian woke up from his sleep, all the fatigue was gone. He opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was Xie You, who was sleeping with his eyes closed. Yu Nian was about to breathe lightly so as not to disturb Xie You when he suddenly felt something touching his thigh.

He instinctively moved slightly, and Xie You’s thick black eyelashes trembled in response.

With a playful smile in his eyes, Yu Nian didn’t reveal anything and just casually rubbed his thigh a few times. Soon, Xie You couldn’t resist any longer and opened his eyes, his voice hoarse and sexy, “Nian Nian—”

Noticing that Yu Nian had his face buried in the pillow, looking completely innocent, but his small actions were quite seductive, Xie You’s breathing became rough. Finally, he got up and quickly walked to the bathroom.

Yu Nian followed in his slippers and saw the bathroom door closed, with the sound of running water coming from inside.

Running his hand through his messy hair, Yu Nian pondered – Did he go too far?

In the morning, Xie You was handling official business remotely in his study, while Yu Nian brought two books from the bookroom and sat comfortably on the carpet, cross-legged, reading barefoot. The early summer breeze blew in from the terrace, carrying the fragrance of plants in the courtyard and making the air serene.

The books in his hands had probably been stored in the bookroom for many years, and Yu Nian turned each page carefully. After reading for a while, he propped his chin up and smiled, “It’s been a long time since I set aside everything and peacefully flipped through books like this.”

Xie You’s gaze moved away from the computer screen, and he looked relaxed as well. As an observer, he could clearly see that Yu Nian was usually strict with himself, always on edge, and had a busy schedule with very little time for proper rest.

At that moment, Yu Nian’s phone, which he had casually thrown on the sofa, rang. His face darkened, “Just said there was nothing, and now something comes up. I bet it’s Brother Meng.”

As he reached for the phone and glanced at the screen, it indeed displayed Meng Yuan’s name.

Yu Nian rarely acted lazy, but he put the phone on speaker and placed it down, sitting on the carpet and leaning against the sofa as he spoke, “Brother Meng, what’s the matter?”

Meng Yuan got straight to the point, “There’s an… elderly lady who contacted me, saying she wants to meet you.”

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Yu Nian was puzzled, “Do you know her, Brother Meng?”

“I don’t, but she left an address and a message. She said her name is Feng Tongbi. If you’re interested, you can meet her.” Meng Yuan relayed the message and asked, “Nian Nian, do you know her? That old lady looks well-groomed and has a kind expression. She gives off an air of elegance, like someone from a wealthy family!”

Feng Tongbi… The Feng family?

Yu Nian smiled, “I don’t know that old lady, but I’ve heard of her. Brother Meng, could you please send me the address she left?”

Meng Yuan agreed, “Are you planning to go today?”

“Yes, I’ll pay her a visit, and it won’t delay tomorrow’s work.”

After hanging up the phone, Xie You asked, “Is it the Feng family in Jin City?”

Yu Nian nodded, “It should be. I heard about it from my grandfather. In my grandfather’s generation, there was only one daughter left in the Feng family in Jin City, named Tongbi. Afterward, due to the changes of time, we gradually lost contact.”

Xie You made some phone calls, adjusted their schedules, and delegated important tasks. Then he said to Yu Nian, “I don’t trust you going alone; I’ll accompany you.”

Following the address sent by Meng Yuan, the driver brought them to a suburban area—a small villa with an attic and a well-kept garden. Climbing roses covered the fence, filling the air with their fragrance. The driver parked the car nearby, and Yu Nian and Xie You got out to knock on the door.

After a while, an elderly lady in her eighties walked slowly along the garden path toward them. She wore a deep blue suit with embroidered edges on the collar and cuffs, a string of pearl necklace, and an exquisite jade bracelet on her wrist. Her demeanor was dignified, giving an inexplicable feeling of time crossing paths.

Opening the gate, the old lady scrutinized Yu Nian and said, “Are you from the Yu family?”

Yu Nian bent slightly to make it easier for her to hear, respectfully saying, “Yes, I am Yu Nian, 22 years old this year. My grandfather is Yu Xiuning, and my mother is Yu Tayue. This is Xie You, who came with me.”

Having listened, the old lady stepped aside and said, “Good, come in with me.”

Inside the house was simple and bright. The old lady brewed a pot of tea for them and sat opposite Yu Nian. She was elegant in every move and spoke softly and slowly, “I heard that you’ve brought back ‘Insomniac Scroll,’ ‘Drunken Horse Roaming in Spring,’ ‘Continuous Rain in Jingshan,’ as well as two vases and a cup. Is that true?”

Yu Nian sat upright, savored the tea’s fragrance, and nodded, “Yes, they were all auctioned and brought back by me in recent years. Besides those, there’s also a painting called ‘Portrait of a Lady’.”

“The one painted by Zhao Zhe?”


The old lady nodded and asked, “Among them, ‘Insomniac Scroll’ has always been hailed as the best in the world. In your opinion, is there anything that can surpass it?”

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Yu Nian pondered for a few seconds and replied, “If it’s just in my opinion, then there is one.”

“Which one?”

“‘Praying for Heavenly Virtue.'”

Seemingly surprised by Yu Nian’s answer, the old lady put down her teacup, “That calligraphy isn’t good-looking.”

“It’s indeed not aesthetically pleasing, even ugly. But my grandfather once said that every stroke of that calligraphy represents history, culture, integrity, and even the tragedies of war and destruction. Every drop of ink carries blood and tears, the ruin of a nation and a family.”

“Yes, that’s something Mr. Xiuning would say,” the old lady mused, “What about comparing it to ‘Insomniac Scroll’?”
“The ‘Insomniac Scroll’ is exquisitely beautiful, a pinnacle of calligraphy art. ‘Praying for Heavenly Virtue,’ on the other hand, is filled with pain, despair, and sorrow on a personal level.” Yu Nian didn’t hesitate and continued, “There’s no need to compare the two; both are fragments that piece together the long scroll of history. The former represents the grandeur of calligraphy, while the latter represents the human world within calligraphy.”

Feng Tongbi didn’t comment on whether it was good or not, right or wrong. Instead, she looked at the antique clock and said, “Let’s end it here for today. I have an appointment to have tea with someone.”

Yu Nian understood and said, “Then I will take my leave today and visit you again in a few days.”

Without refusing, Feng Tongbi nodded and turned her gaze to Xie You, asking, “And who is he?”

Yu Nian knew what the other was asking and smiled openly, “He is my boyfriend, Xie You. Because he was worried about me, he came here with me.”

Feng Tongbi nodded again, “He is also a good child. During our conversation just now, his attention was completely focused on you. He cares about you deeply.”

Yu Nian felt a bit embarrassed but nodded with a smile and bid his farewell.

Back in the car, Yu Nian received some pictures sent by Meng Yuan. Xie You glanced at them and asked, “Clothes?”

Yu Nian replied while answering Xie You’s question, “Yes, these are the clothes I’ll wear for the Hersey Fashion Banquet on June 1st. The brand provided five options, and Brother Meng and I decided on this set. It seems that the design just came out a few days ago and hasn’t been showcased yet. I’ll probably be the first person to wear this outfit.”

While Yu Nian was discussing the details with Meng Yuan, he noticed that Xie You quickly closed a message on his phone, obviously trying to hide something.

Yu Nian didn’t ask about it and was about to speak when they heard a ‘ding’ sound, and another message came in on Xie You’s phone. The message was short, containing only one sentence, and both of them could see its content clearly.

“I have contacted Hersey and bought out the design blueprint of this outfit.”

Yu Nian quickly caught the keyword, “Bought out?” He froze for a moment, something flashed through his mind, and he immediately asked, “The limited edition fox tail used in the advertisement for the Florence Illusion Ocean Lipstick, was it… also bought out by you?”

Xie You became nervous and denied hurriedly, “No, it wasn’t me, really!”

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