Chapter 86: I’ll help you with medicine

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Seeling Xie You looked as if he had just been caught hiding a little secret, and Yu Nian drew out his words, “So, it wasn’t you after all.”

Xie You remained silent.

Yu Nian smiled, feeling quite pleased with himself.

Seeing this smile, Xie You felt a dryness in his throat, “Nian Nian, please don’t smile like that.”

Curious, Yu Nian asked, “Why not?”

“It makes me want to… kiss you.” As if he wanted to quickly stop himself from revealing certain thoughts, Xie You changed the subject, “I had someone check on that old lady. She is indeed Feng Tongbi, a descendant of the Feng family in Jin City. She got married to the eldest son of the Jiang family in Jingcheng in her youth. After her husband passed away and the Jiang family declined, she moved abroad and has been a widow ever since. About ten years ago, she published an autobiography called ‘Old Stories’ and even gave interviews to domestic journalists.”

Yu Nian followed Xie You’s lead and changed the topic, “She asked about ‘Praying for Heavenly Virtues’ today.”

Xie You understood Yu Nian’s implication, “This work hasn’t been seen in a long time. Do you suspect something?”

“Yes,” Yu Nian nodded, “I’m not entirely sure if ‘Praying for Heavenly Virtues’ is with the old lady, but she personally came to me, so there must be something important. Anyway, I’ll be here for more than a week, so I’ll come and see her when I have time. It won’t delay much.”

Xie You agreed with Yu Nian’s decision, “When I can’t accompany you, I’ll arrange for a driver to pick you up, alright?”

Yu Nian understood that whether it was arranging a bodyguard or instructing a driver, it was all because Xie You was concerned about his safety. So, he smiled and agreed, “Of course, that’s fine.”

The next morning, Yu Nian arrived at the shooting location early. Seeing him, Meng Yuan finally put down his worries, “I was mentally prepared for you to be late!”

Yu Nian said, “I have always been punctual.”

Meng Yuan raised an eyebrow, “What about that line from the poem, ‘From now on, the emperor will not attend morning court’?” Realizing that his head seemed to be full of yellow waste, he coughed lightly, “Let’s not talk about that. The online situation in China is not peaceful. Wang Ningxue personally apologized and even wanted your forgiveness in the end, right?”

Yu Nian confirmed, “Yes.”

“The problem lies here. There are a bunch of crazy fans who insist on you personally coming forward to express forgiveness.”

Yu Nian paused, surprised, “Is there a follow-up to this?”

“Yes,” Meng Yuan’s tone turned cold, “Among these fans, probably half of them pretended to be pitiful in front of Wang Ningxue and then ran to your Weibo to say that you are a heartless playboy who hurriedly tried to distance yourself after sleeping with her. Now that Wang Ningxue has come up with an excuse, admitting that she intentionally smeared you, they want to morally pressure you and make it seem like you have a bad character and bullied her.”

Yu Nian pondered, “Brother Meng, don’t you think this is strange?”

Meng Yuan slowed down his pace, with a hint of surprise on his face, “You think so too?”

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Seeing Yu Nian nod, he continued, “I’m not sure if I’m overthinking, but I have a guess. I can’t be sure. Do you know Zheng Zhaoxi?”

“Yes, he debuted two years before me. He started as part of a trio and later went solo.”

Meng Yuan said, “Exactly. Before you debuted, he was dominating the headlines every three days. He has starred in movies and TV dramas, released albums, and both ratings and sales were great. However, he couldn’t break into the big leagues in the entertainment circle and is still only popular among his fans. The current rumor is that Zheng Zhaoxi intends to collaborate with the luxury brand Daibo, and they have been in contact several times, but no deal has been made. Recently, Daibo expressed interest in working with you.”

Yu Nian understood, “Daibo has very strict requirements for their brand ambassadors.”

“Extremely strict. Daibo mainly deals with high-end leather goods, and the brand’s history dates back to the last century. Due to a previous scandal involving a brand ambassador, which led to a significant decline in the brand’s reputation, they are now extremely cautious in selecting brand ambassadors.” Meng Yuan spread his hands, “If the rumors within the entertainment circle are true, Zheng Zhaoxi must be hoping that you will stay entangled in the rumors with Wang Ningxue and never emerge.”

Yu Nian had a clear understanding, “But this situation won’t remain heated for long, and his plan will most likely fail.” At this moment, a voice called out “Yu Nian” from a distance, and he recognized the speaker. Smiling, he said, “Director Messer, long time no see!”

The two hugged, and Messer chuckled, “Are you accustomed to the climate here?”

Yu Nian replied cheerfully, “I’m very used to it. The sunshine is very pleasant.”

Taking advantage of the moment, Messer lowered his voice, “There’s a lady inside who will be observing us during the shoot. I hope you won’t be disturbed and perform well.”

Yu Nian understood Meise’s meaning, “Thank you for the reminder.”

The shooting location was set in an old-style castle, and Messer was personally explaining the advertisement plan to Yu Nian. “The first ten seconds of the commercial show you going out to ride a horse and fish before returning, dressed in casual clothes, driving a convertible sports car, and ‘vroom’ parking in front of the castle’s entrance.”

As Messer spoke, he drew a messy diagram, “Then, you take off your sunglasses as you get out of the car and follow the attendants into the dressing room. Take off your shirt and let the maidservant help you put on a tailcoat, tie the bow tie, and wear cufflinks and a wristwatch.”

“We will hang oil paintings all over the wall of the corridor you just passed through. You will walk from that corridor to the banquet hall, and the attending servant will open the door to the banquet hall for you.” Messer waved his pencil, “At that moment, bang! The eye-catching, luxurious, and sparkling crystal chandelier will dazzle the viewers! The arched ceiling, adorned with murals, will be illuminated, creating a magnificent scene! The setting will be dreamy, and whether it’s the gentleman in the tailcoat or the elegant lady with a feather fan covering her face, they will bow their heads and make way for you!”

Saying that, Messer patted Yu Nian’s shoulder enthusiastically, “Your temperament can handle it!”

“I will do my best,” Yu Nian replied, noticing the lady Meise mentioned sitting under a white parasol not far away. The lady was in her sixties, wearing a black knitted dress and pearl earrings, with neatly arranged gray hair and a handbag placed orderly on her lap.

Messer also noticed her and lowered his voice, “Don’t mind her, just give your best performance.”

The set for the banquet hall was being arranged, and Messer insisted on recreating the scene of a palace ball. So, Yu Nian only needed to wear a casual shirt and shorts, with sunglasses perched on his nose, and repeatedly drive the convertible sports car to the main road in front of the courtyard.

By the time they finished filming this scene, it was already dusk, and the observing lady had left without them noticing. The next day, Yu Nian arrived at the shooting location on time, and the lady was already sitting under the parasol. Yu Nian nodded politely as a greeting and received a response from her.

On the third day, they finished filming early. When Yu Nian got into the car, Meng Yuan wondered, “Did Mrs. Daibo come again today?”

“Yeah, she came, and she left about half an hour before me,” Yu Nian replied, feeling thirsty and taking a sip of water. He continued, “But Messer said she probably won’t come tomorrow, so I shouldn’t be nervous.”

“To be honest, even I’m nervous. After watching for three days, we still don’t know the result,” Meng Yuan rubbed his chin, “Chinese media released news about Zheng Zhaoxi having dinner with the Daibo regional manager, and it seemed to be a pleasant atmosphere.”

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He pointed with his finger, “Honestly, I still want you to secure the Daibo endorsement. There’s only one Hersey, and it’s too thin. Since the goddess of opportunity has favored you, it might really happen!”

Yu Nian had a good mentality, “If I get it, I’m lucky; if not, it’s not meant to be.”

“True, let’s not dwell on it,” Meng Yuan looked at his watch, “Where are you planning to go next?”

“I’m going to visit an elder,” Yu Nian replied, seeing Meng Yuan mouth the words.

As he had called ahead of time when Yu Nian arrived, Mrs. Feng was already waiting by the gate. She had changed into a different outfit and wore a set of jewelry, looking clean and refined. When she saw Yu Nian coming in, she glanced toward the back and said, “Your boyfriend didn’t come?”

Yu Nian slightly bowed, answering, “That’s right, he’s attending a banquet. I came alone today.”

Mrs. Feng made a thoughtful sound, “Then come in. I picked some newly bloomed roses from the courtyard to make rose pastries. Try them.”

Yu Nian slowed his pace and followed Mrs. Feng inside. There was a cup of tea and a plate of pastries on the table.

After washing his hands, he took a bite. The fragrant aroma of the flowers spread on his lips and tongue. Yu Nian praised, “It’s delicious! It reminds me of the rose-filled pastries I had when I was a child!”

Mrs. Feng smiled, with creases at the corners of her eyes, “It’s been a long time since I made them, as long as they taste good.” She wiped the tea stain at the corner of her mouth with a handkerchief and casually asked, “Where were we in our conversation last time?”

Yu Nian put down his food and answered seriously, “We were discussing the comparison between ‘Insomniac Scroll’ and ‘Praying for Heavenly Virtues.'”

“That’s right, my memory is not so good!” Mrs. Feng wiped her lips again with the handkerchief and leisurely continued, “In your opinion, what makes ‘Praying for Heavenly Virtues’ outstanding?”

Yu Nian organized his words before answering the question, “When we trace back our nation’s history, it’s indeed quite long. But if we study it carefully, we will find that this history belongs to the kings and nobles, but not to the common people. Every individual is like a grain of sand, yet those who record history, with their perspective either horizontal or vertical, elevate it to the utmost heights, connecting it to the rise and fall of the world or the fortunes and losses of generations. Meanwhile, the people at the bottom of society are often overlooked.”

Mrs. Feng listened intently, “Please continue.”

Yu Nian held the teacup with his fingers, “But ‘Praying for Heavenly Virtues’ is different. During the Tian De period, prosperity was overturned in a single dynasty, rebellions arose, and the land was engulfed in flames. At that time, the governor of Liao City vowed to defend the city to the death, never surrendering to the enemy. All the city’s common people pledged to live and die with the city.

On the twelfth day of the siege, several low-ranking soldiers who died from chaotic arrows were carried back. At that moment, Feng Zhuo happened to see this scene, filled with sorrow and indignation, and wrote these words, praying for heavenly grace and peace for the common people. In the manuscript, he solemnly wrote down the names of these soldiers and lamented that the land was stained with blood while the throne changed hands, and it was the common people who suffered the hardships.”

After taking a sip of warm tea, Yu Nian continued, “A scroll of remnant paper, even if the strokes are incredibly beautiful, is still just remnant paper. The thoughts, emotions, blood, tears, and history poured into it are the reasons why it can shine for thousands of years without being obscured.”

The room fell silent for a while before Mrs. Feng asked Yu Nian, “Have you finished eating?”

Yu Nian nodded, “Yes, I have.”

Mrs. Feng stood up, “Shall we take a walk around nearby, young man?”

Yu Nian quickly got up, “Sure.”

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They strolled in a small park in the city center for a while and then went to a bakery to buy some bread. Along the way, they chatted about Yu Nian’s childhood. When it grew dark, they returned to Mrs. Feng’s home. She sat down on the sofa and asked Yu Nian, “You should know my identity, right?”

“I do. My grandfather mentioned it to me when I was a child. The Feng family in Jin City has a long history of integrity and has thrived for generations,” Yu Nian replied.

“You are very clever. Then you should be able to guess my purpose,” Mrs. Feng said.

Sitting across from Mrs. Feng, Yu Nian nodded, “Yes.”

Seemingly recalling something, Mrs. Feng’s tone softened with a hint of nostalgia, “When I was young, our family was at its peak, living a life of luxury. Later, I married the man I loved, who was also from a well-matched family. Unfortunately, he passed away at a young age and before leaving, he told me to live my life to the fullest. So, I have lived alone ever since. This year, I feel more and more that my time is limited, and I might not wake up one day after sleeping.”

Yu Nian listened attentively.

“When I got married, my father loved me and gave me the ‘Praying for Heavenly Virtues’ as part of my dowry. It has accompanied me for half a century. I have no descendants and don’t want to give it to just anyone,” Mrs. Feng looked at Yu Nian with affection, “You are a good child, and you were also taught by Mr. Xiuning since you were young. So, I want to entrust it to you. Whether you burn it, pass it down, or donate it, it will be entirely up to you after I pass away.”

Yu Nian was surprised. He had speculated about Mrs. Feng’s intentions, but he never expected her to gift him the priceless ‘Praying for Heavenly Virtues’!

Seeing that Yu Nian had something to say, Mrs. Feng preemptively interrupted him, “Don’t worry about money. I have plenty of it. Even if I live for another ten years, it will be more than enough.” She smiled, folded her hands on her lap, and sat elegantly.

“When I was young, I listened to my grandfather’s teachings. He once said that civilization is not a broad concept but is made up of these scrolls, porcelain pieces, bamboo slips, and wooden tablets, pieced together bit by bit. ‘Praying for Heavenly Virtues’ has accompanied me for so long, and it’s time for it to go back.”

Yu Nian didn’t refuse again but respectfully stood up and bowed to Mrs. Feng.

Mrs. Feng sat upright on the sofa and accepted the gesture.

When they were shooting the cover for the “V+” magazine, Meng Yuan waved his hand in front of Yu Nian’s eyes, “What’s wrong? Are you too tired? Why have you been daydreaming these past two days?”

Yu Nian snapped back to reality, “It’s nothing. I’m just thinking about something.”

Meng Yuan didn’t inquire further and softly reminded Yu Nian, “The photographer for the cover shoot is truly talented. He won a bunch of international awards at the age of nineteen. However, he’s also aloof and not easy to get along with. I guess you could say he has a strong sense of hierarchy!”

Yu Nian didn’t understand, “Hierarchy?”

“Yes, there are many complications in the fashion industry, and I don’t know how he judges hierarchy, but if you encounter any difficulties, just bear with it. This is not our turf,” Meng Yuan explained.

“Okay, I understand.”

The prevailing trend this year is retro, and “V+” magazine’s theme is also aristocratic vintage. They requested Yu Nian to dress up in an outfit from the last century and ride a horse in the woods.

And indeed, Meng Yuan’s prediction came true. Yu Nian mounted and dismounted several times, and his inner thighs became sore from rubbing. The entire morning passed, yet not a single photo was taken.

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Seeing the photographer talking to the lighting technician, Yu Nian pondered for a moment, then asked Shu Rou to bring his phone. Making sure the photographer could hear him clearly, Yu Nian called director Messe, enunciating each word clearly, “Mr. Messer, I apologize for disturbing you. I just wanted to confirm, is Mr. Slimane’s salon on the evening of the second, at 7 o’clock?”

Slimane’s fashionable salon only invited eleven people each time to gather and chat in his living room, making it a place that countless people in the fashion circle wanted to step into.

As he mentioned “Slimane’s” name, the photographer visibly glanced at his position.

With a smile, Yu Nian continued his phone call. The effect was immediate, and the shooting progress became smooth and rapid. They finished work at 3:30 in the afternoon.

Once there were no outsiders around, Meng Yuan clicked his tongue, “Clever as always! How did you think of that?”

Yu Nian explained, “Actually, it’s quite simple. This photographer is extremely talented, so he must have carefully observed and evaluated me, a first-timer meeting him, which is why the shooting progress was slow, not intentionally difficult.
But I just needed to let him know that the top figure in the industry he admires approves of me, and then he would subconsciously accept me.”

“So the shooting went smoothly afterward?”

“Yes, and I checked the shots; they look great. He said he would edit them in black and white, and I’m waiting for the final result,” Yu Nian said, taking in a breath of cool air, “My thighs must be covered in abrasions from mounting and dismounting.”

Instead of returning to the hotel with Meng Yuan, Yu Nian went to Shie You’s place with the escort of his bodyguards. As soon as he sat down, Xie You returned.

Yu Nian was surprised, “You’re back so early today?”

Xie You walked hurriedly, slightly out of breath, “You’re injured.”

Yu Nian sat still, not daring to move, “Yes, I got some abrasions while horseback riding during the shoot.”

Xie You looked visibly nervous, “Let me apply some medicine for you!”

Yu Nian’s eyes gleamed with a smile, “Sure.”

However, when Xie You found the injury was on the inner side of his thigh, he seemed to recall something, and his hands felt hot. But he clenched the cotton swab in his hand, took a deep breath, and softly asked, “Yu Nian, can you, can you spread your legs?”

Yu Nian complied, spreading his straight legs apart, revealing the abrasions on the inner side of his thighs. The area rubbed repeatedly had broken the skin and was oozing a trace of blood.

Suddenly, Xie You tightened his grip on the cotton swab.

After catching his breath, Xie You half-knelt on the carpet, leaned closer, controlled his strength, and gently applied the ointment to the injured area on Yu Nian’s leg, carefully asking, “Yu Nian, does it hurt?”

Feeling that the atmosphere was getting too intimate and the air was becoming scarce, Yu Nian turned his head slightly, closing his eyes as he answered, “Not really.” His voice unexpectedly became slightly hoarse.

After applying the ointment, Xie You’s forehead was covered with a thin layer of sweat. He stood up in a hurry, not daring to look at Yu Nian again, “I’ll go to the bathroom!”

After taking a few steps, Xie You turned back and made up his mind. He knelt on one knee on the carpet, leaned in, and kissed Yu Nian’s smooth knee before hastily leaving again.

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