Chapter 87: Nian Nian and President Xie came back together?

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On June 1st, after attending Hersey’s fashion banquet, Yu Nian began to prepare for the evening themed salon hosted by Slimane on the afternoon of June 2nd.

By the side, Shi Rou was busy peeling apples while browsing hot topics, sharing them with Yu Nian.

“Sister Qing generously invited the reporters who visited the set to have hotpot. Xia Mingxi got a few shades darker because of filming, and his loyal fans expressed their concern…
Zheng Zhaoxi’s airport photos show him wearing everything from Daibo. And your attendance at Hersey’s banquet last night is trending at number seven, but there’s a marketing account that took your photo from the banquet and compared it with Zheng Zhaoxi’s photo, asking who looks better, which caused some controversy.”

Taking a bite of the apple, Shi Rou switched to a music platform, “Ancient Road’s promotional song dropped two places, now at number five, while ‘Elegant’ and ‘Mountain Snow’ are stubbornly holding on to the first place.”

Meng Yuan, who was discussing with his domestic team online, heard Shi Rou’s words and asked, “Which account caused the controversy?”

“Wait, let me check,” Shi Rou flipped through the posts, “It’s called ‘Gossip Conveyor.’ Their latest post analyzes your fashion resources, saying that you may look glamorous, but you only have one endorsement from Hersey that’s worth mentioning.”

“Huh, really,” Meng Yuan sneered, “This account is sponsored by Zheng Zhaoxi’s manager, Nick Wang. They deliberately provoke and create controversy. It’s no coincidence!”

Yu Nian, who had been listening quietly, interjected, “Because of the Daibo endorsement?”

“Otherwise, what else could it be? You and he are on completely different paths. Zheng Zhaoxi doesn’t have any representative works, but he’s very popular and generates a lot of buzz. He used to have endorsements with two luxury brands, but they’ve expired. Daibo is looking for a new ambassador, and they set their sights on him.”

Meng Yuan put down his work and added, “They’ve been very proactive, but Daibo has been hesitant to sign him. It’s been half a year now. Wang Nick is getting anxious, and I heard it’s because Daibo’s lady has personally seen you.”

“Half a year of hesitation?” Shi Rou was surprised, “Why don’t they just sign Zheng Zhaoxi then?”

Meng Yuan glared at Shi Rou, “Do you think endorsements from international luxury brands are easy to come by? Do they have an unlimited supply of endorsements for anyone to choose from?”

Shi Rou stuck out her tongue, “Then… Brother Meng, why doesn’t Daibo sign Zheng Zhaoxi?”

“Zheng Zhaoxi has a good public image, but he’s surrounded by various messy scandals. Since this year, his popularity has been declining noticeably. His foundation is not solid, and one wrong move could lead to disaster. I think that’s why Daibo has been reluctant to sign him.”

Shi Rou understood, “But even though Zheng Zhaoxi is a bit messy, he’s still among the top-tier influencers, so Daibo is still considering.”

Meng Yuan: “Exactly, and that’s why the grudge has formed. The best opportunities are limited, and now that you’re rising, it’s inevitable to threaten someone else’s interests.”

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Yu Nian finished selecting his clothes and accessories and continued listening to the conversation, “Hmm, Zheng Zhaoxi already considers me as an enemy. After the incident with the moral manipulation and public opinion control, I expect there will be more actions this time.”

Meng Yuan crossed his legs and grinned, “I’m not afraid of hard work. I’m afraid of having nothing to do. If you have a quiet day without anyone paying attention, it won’t be long before you become irrelevant. To be popular, you have to attract gossip and controversy!”

As the sky gradually darkened, Yu Nian, accompanied by bodyguards, went to Slimane’s house for the salon. The theme for the evening was “Ancient Castle,” so Yu Nian chose a complex and luxurious outfit with a cane as an accessory.

As soon as he arrived, Slimane on the sofa greeted him, raising his voice, “Welcome to Slimane’s castle!”

Yu Nian smiled and hugged him, but when he looked around, he saw Lady Daibo sitting on a crimson velvet sofa nearby, dressed in a black court-style long dress, looking very elegant.

Approaching her, Yu Nian performed a graceful hand-kiss, saying, “Good evening, Madame.”

Lady Daibo smiled faintly in response, “Good evening.”

Slimane was a social expert, and given his status in the fashion industry, no one would create any discomfort at such moments. Before Yu Nian arrived, he had done his homework and could call out the names of everyone present. Before long, Yu Nian seamlessly blended into the crowd.

At 10 o’clock, the party came to an end, and Slimane’s butler suggested taking a group photo. Lady Daibo sat on Slimane’s left side, and the right side was still empty.

As everyone was considering how to arrange themselves, Slimane beckoned to Yu Nian, “Come, sit closer.”

Everyone present were social elites, and they naturally noticed Slimane’s favor towards Yu Nian. They all smiled and made the way, allowing Yu Nian to sit on Slimane’s right side.

After the photo was taken, everyone bid their farewells. Yu Nian hugged Slimane and sincerely said, “Thank you for the invitation; I had a wonderful evening!”

Slimane leaned on his cane, his expression gentle, “I admire your temperament and demeanor, and your insights into aesthetics, art, history, philosophy, and even theology are very impressive. I genuinely believe that you have a bright future ahead.”

Yu Nian expressed his gratitude once again, “I will work hard.”

After attending Slimane’s private salon, people began posting group photos on social media, although it was already early in the morning in China. By 7 a.m., the entertainment section of the most popular forum had a hot post: “Am I Seeing Things? Is that… Yu Nian? Let me show you the screenshot!”

The main post was short, followed by ten screenshots. Soon, the thread was filled with hundreds of replies.

[Did I not wake up yet or am I hallucinating? Everyone in this photo is a big shot! International supermodels CC and Lisa, the recent Best Actress winner Emily, William, who won two Best Actor awards two years ago, and also socialites, designers, artists… The most impressive are the elderly Mr. Slimane and Lady Daibo in the middle; my eyes must be playing tricks on me!]

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[That marketing account from before is going to get roasted! Weren’t they saying that Yu Nian’s fashion resources were lacking? Has anyone in China ever attended the legendary Slimane’s fashion salon before? How can that be considered ‘lacking’? He’s even sitting right beside Mr. Slimane! How can that be ‘lacking’?]

[Seriously, Yu Nian’s looks and temperament are impressive! He’s sitting among a group of big shots and still manages to stand out without being overwhelmed! If it were anyone else, they’d probably disappear in their shadows!]

Before long, the hashtag #YuNian’sGroupPhoto# surpassed #YuNian’sHerseyBanquet# and entered the top five trending topics. When Meng Yuan saw this, he teased, “Yu Nian, how does it feel to knock out one of your own trending topics and replace it with another in the top five?”

Yu Nian tilted his head and playfully replied, “It feels great!”

After Shi Rou finished laughing, she eagerly leaned forward and asked Yu Nian, “Nian Nian, can we really hitch a ride on President Xie’s private jet back to our country?”

“Uh, yes, Xie You’s plane has spacious cabins. We’ll be going back the day before the recording of ‘Let Me Sing,’ so you all can rest well during the journey too.”

Because of the task entrusted to him by Grandma Feng for the “Praying for Heavenly Virtue” manuscript, Yu Nian had to bring it back to China. Checking it in as luggage was not safe, so President Xie adjusted his schedule and flew back to China on the same day as Yu Nian.

Shi Rou took a dramatic deep breath and said, “Just thinking about meeting President Xie makes me nervous!”

However, when she actually met Xie You, Shi Rou cautiously whispered to Meng Yuan, “Brother Meng, why do I feel like President Xie has changed a bit?”

Meng Yuan asked, “Changed how?”

Shi Rou contemplated, “It’s like his presence isn’t as intimidating anymore! President Xie, when he was with Nian Nian, doesn’t seem as scary now? Is it just my imagination?”

Meng Yuan gazed at the now much milder-looking Xie You, standing in front of Yu Nian, and replied with profound meaning, “Perhaps, when everyone is in front of the person they like, they only want to show their best and gentlest side.”

Long-haul flights were always tough to endure. Yu Nian tried to sleep with the support of Xie You, but he couldn’t fall asleep even after half an hour. He lazily leaned against Xie You and engaged in a casual conversation, exchanging words now and then.

Speaking of the “Praying for Heavenly Virtue,” Yu Nian smiled and said, “If my grandfather were still alive and saw the ‘Praying for Heavenly Virtue,’ I wonder how happy he would be.”

Hearing the tinge of loss and nostalgia in his voice, Xie You raised his hand and gently caressed Yu Nian’s face.

Yu Nian reclined on Xie You’s lap, absentmindedly playing with the distinct knuckles on Xie You’s fingers, and continued, “When my grandfather was alive, he spent several days discussing and debating with his friends to compile a list. It was a list of lost, unrevealed, and national treasures that had been scattered overseas for centuries. In total, there were 31 items.”

Tracing the clear palm lines on Xie You’s hand with his fingertips, Yu Nian went on, “Before my grandfather passed away, he had managed to retrieve 21 of them. After his passing, my grandmother once took me to Europe to purchase one from an auction.”

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Xie You gently asked, “How many have you retrieved, Nian Nian?”

“Six, plus the ‘Praying for Heavenly Virtue’ entrusted to me by Grandma Feng, a total of seven. ‘Praying for Heavenly Virtue’ is ranked second on the list. My grandfather once believed that this manuscript had been destroyed during wars and was lost to the world. He sighed over it for a long time.”

Yu Nian’s smile became radiant as he looked at Xie You, “Am I amazing or what?”

Xie You lowered his head, kissed him lightly, and praised, “Yes, very amazing.”

Stretching his long legs, Yu Nian’s smile deepened, “I’m also lucky. These treasures have resurfaced one after another in recent years, giving me the opportunity to buy them.”

Perhaps feeling comforted by Xie You’s presence, Yu Nian continued talking and eventually yawned.

Xie You spoke in a low voice as if handling something fragile, “If you’re tired, go to sleep. I’m here.”

Yu Nian adjusted his position and mumbled a half-hearted reply before falling asleep.

He didn’t know how much time had passed when Yu Nian heard low murmurs around him. Half-awake, he opened his eyes and subconsciously called out, “Xie You?”

“I’m here.”

Xie You covered Yu Nian’s eyes with his hand, shielding them from the light. As Yu Nian gradually adjusted, he let go of his hand.

The person speaking was He Shan. Yu Nian asked Xie You, “Did something happen?”

“Yes, there was an incident with the plane flying from Paris to Ning City today.”

Realizing what happened, Yu Nian said in a daze, “It’s… a plane crash?”


Upon hearing the answer, Yu Nian’s palms went cold. If it weren’t for the task of bringing back the “Praying for Heavenly Virtue” manuscript, which was fragile and couldn’t withstand much turbulence, he would have been on that plane with Meng Yuan and Shi Rou.

A close encounter with death.

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Xie You also realized this and gestured for He Shan to leave. Once they were alone in the cabin, Xie You leaned down and tightly embraced Yu Nian.

Yu Nian wrapped his arms around Xie You’s back, gently patting him as he reassured, “It’s okay, I’m right here.”

Xie You kissed Yu Nian’s neck several times before softly replying, “Thank goodness.”

Meanwhile, on Weibo, a popular entertainment blogger was the first to post, stating that the flight from Paris to Ning City had been involved in an accident. According to the tweet posted by Yu Nian’s assistant about his return to China, and based on the schedule and time, there was a high possibility that Yu Nian was on that crashed plane.

[Shut up, marketing accounts! Don’t speak without concrete evidence, okay? Oh no, just the thought of Nian Nian possibly being on that plane makes me want to cry!]

[Praying for Nian Nian’s safe return! QAQ My Nian Nian, Mommy won’t allow anything to happen to you! Your new single hasn’t been released, and your songs haven’t been sung yet!]

On the other side, Zheng Zhaoxi heard the news and chuckled, saying, “It would be great if he died.”

His manager Nick Wang  was taken aback and quickly looked around to make sure no one heard, then said with a bitter face, “Ancestor! It’s fine to think that way, but please don’t say it out loud! If this gets out, it will definitely become headline news!”

Zheng Zhaoxi was feeling annoyed and turned off his phone, looking displeased. “I shouldn’t have said that. Then let’s talk about this—what does Daibo mean? Haven’t you seen the photo on the trending topic? Yu Nian is sitting beside Slimane, and beside Slimane is Lady Daibo!”

Nick Wang also lost his temper, “Didn’t I tell you earlier that this deal with Daibo might not work out? If you get caught clubbing a couple more times and spend nights with a few more irrelevant people, neither of us will have a bright future!”

In the afternoon, the news of Yu Nian’s safe return to China became a headline. Both Meng Yuan and Yu Nian posted on Weibo, reassuring their fans that he had not boarded the ill-fated flight and easing their worries.

Half an hour later, the entertainment blogger who initially speculated that Yu Nian was on the crashed flight posted again.

“I’ve obtained the latest inside information. Entertainment reporters were waiting at the airport but didn’t spot Yu Nian because he didn’t use the regular exit or the VIP exit—he used the business boarding area! The private plane dedicated passage! Additionally, some bystander accidentally took a photo of the private jet landing at the private terminal during that time period, and there was only one private jet [image].”

[The image is really blurry and painful to the eyes. What’s the highlight here? I’m waiting for someone with keen eyesight to clarify!]

[!!!! I made a comparison chart. It seems… like this [image]. Take a look, everyone. The logo on the fuselage and tail of the two images, don’t they look the same? I’m getting a little nervous now, feeling like I’ve stumbled upon a huge secret, and I might get silenced…]

[Are the fans planning to forcefully associate them with someone else? Can they stop coming up with such wild speculations? It’s just embarrassing!]

[OMG, OMG, YouYu girl wants to own a name! As a former hardcore fan of President Xie, I can guarantee that the plane is President Xie’s! It’s his! If it’s not, I’ll eat my hat! Calm down, stay calm, I can’t, I really can’t be calm! Yu Nian came back on President Xie’s plane??? Even CP articles dare not write like this!]

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