Chapter 92: Xie Xiaoyou, your Nian Nian is gone

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Yu Nian met Xie You’s gaze, his fingers tightening by his side. The next moment, he averted his eyes and looked at Qu Xiaoran. “President Qu, thank you for telling me all this today.”

“Haha, didn’t I say not to call me President Qu? It feels strange,” Qu Xiaoran felt relieved, his whole body relaxing, and he waved his hand with a smile. “No need to thank me, it’s only natural.”

As Yu Nian curved his lips and gave a slight smile, he said, “I have another appointment later, and I can’t be late. So, I’ll leave now.”

Another appointment? Leaving already?

Qu Xiaoran’s mind went blank, and he couldn’t react, “Ah? Okay… sure!”

Yu Nian nodded, stood up, bid his farewell, and turned to walk toward the door. As he passed by Xie You, he didn’t even slow down his pace, nor did he glance at Xie You. He simply placed his hand on the doorknob, opened the door, and walked out.

After the sound of the door closing, Qu Xiaoran remained baffled—this development doesn’t seem quite right?

He looked at the motionless Xie You standing by the door, like a statue, with no sign of any reaction. Pointing outside the door, Qu Xiaoran said, “Hey, Xie Xiaoyou You, your family’s Nian Nian just… left.”

Xie You didn’t respond.

Qu Xiaoran became worried and hurriedly approached Xie You, only to realize the problem. “Damn it, Xie Xiaoyou, please breathe! Are you trying to suffocate yourself?”

Xie You’s chest heaved, and he seemed to have just regained consciousness, losing his usual composure. His eyes were filled with anxiety, and his voice trembled even as he spoke, “Nian Nian—”

Qu Xiaoran couldn’t bear to see him like this and emphasized again with a serious tone, “Yu Nian left. He opened and closed the door just now and left!”

He slapped Xie You on the shoulder, “Even if you are suffocated in my office, Your Nian Nian will never look back at you! Do you know what’s going on now? Yu Nian is angry, that kind,” Qu Xiaoran couldn’t think of an adjective, “It’s that kind of serious anger anyway! Do you know what to do now?”

Xie You’s hand hanging at his side trembled uncontrollably, and his throat felt numb. He hoarsely asked, “What should I do?”

Qu Xiaoran rubbed his forehead in frustration, “Of course, you have to go and coax him back! Coax him back, sincerely apologize, and genuinely say sorry. Yu Nian is angry with you right now, and it might even be the kind of anger that leads to a breakup!”

After saying that, Qu Xiaoran was also puzzled. Wasn’t the misunderstanding resolved? Why was Yu Nian still angry? Could it be that his expression really conveyed something wrong?

The words “breakup” hit Xie You like steel needles mixed in ice-cold water, causing his heart to constrict painfully. Breathing became difficult, and even his body tensed uncontrollably.

Realizing that he had been too harsh with his words, Qu Xiaoran didn’t have time to salvage the situation and urged, “Hurry, go quickly before you can’t find him!”

As Xie You opened the door and walked out in disarray, Qu Xiaoran took a sip of water, pacing back and forth while muttering to himself, “Gods and Buddhas protect us, I hope Xie You’s relationship hasn’t really broken down. Otherwise, he’ll cry his eyes out in the middle of the night! He might even wet his pillow with tears!”

He hadn’t muttered for long when the office door was opened again, and Xie You walked in.

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Qu Xiaoran looked behind Xie You and found no one there. His heart sank, “Damn it, where is Yu Nian? Isn’t he with you?”

Xie You stood in place, barely holding himself up, and said, “He left.”

Swallowing his saliva, Qu Xiaoran’s heart pounded as he asked, “Did you chase after him… and couldn’t find him?”

Xie You nodded.

Qu Xiaoran continued, “Did he leave to catch up with the work?”

Again, Xie You nodded.

Unable to bear seeing Xie You in such a lost and disoriented state, Qu Xiaoran forced to console him and tried to come up with reasons, saying, “Maybe he was in a hurry, so…”

“Xiaoran,” Xie You interrupted Qu Xiaoran’s words, sounding as if he had lost all his strength in one breath. He lowered his eyelids, his gaze seemed to be lost, as if his eyes were deep, devoid of any radiance.

“Did Nian Nian… really not want me anymore?”

With a loud “thud,” the door of the nanny car closed as Meng Yuan also got in. He looked at the composed expression of Yu Nian and didn’t dare to ask directly, “Nian Nian, how did your conversation with President Qu go?”

“We talked well,” Yu Nian knew what Meng Yuan wanted to ask, and his smile was shallow. “President Qu explained to me why Xie You kept things from me.”

Meng Yuan immediately knew there must have been a misunderstanding, so he felt relieved. “That’s good, that’s good. Then, do you want to finish work early and go back tonight?”

“No need,” Yu Nian touched the ring on his finger and said to Meng Yuan, “Brother Meng, didn’t you say that ‘Orange Entertainment’ wanted to interview me about ‘Ancient Road’ and my new single? They scheduled it for 5 p.m. today.”

Meng Yuan was puzzled, “Huh? Aren’t you going to have a good dinner and talk with President Xie tonight?”

“Not anymore,” Yu Nian shook his head.

“Why not?”

“Because I’m angry,” Yu Nian said decisively.

Just then, Meng Yuan’s phone rang. He looked down and told Yu Nian, “It’s President Qu. Should I answer it?”

Yu Nian glanced at his own phone, which remained silent. He answered briskly, “No need.”

Meng Yuan looked at Yu Nian’s profile as he gazed out the window, and he made up his mind. He promptly declined the call.

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In the afternoon, after attending the Oumu Watch brand anniversary celebration, Yu Nian had an interview with Nie Mingxin from “Orange Entertainment.” Nie Mingxin was an old acquaintance of Meng Yuan, and it was their third meeting, so they were familiar with each other.

While preparing, Yu Nian sat on the sofa and casually asked, “Sister Mingxin, I want to know, is the rumor about Zheng Zhaoxi true?”

Nie Mingxin, knowing there was no one else present and nothing to hide, nodded, “Yes, it’s true. But in our entertainment circle, we all know things are not so simple. What’s exposed is not the whole story.”

“Not the whole story?”

“That’s right,” Nie Mingxin saw Yu Nian’s curiosity and elaborated, “Zheng Zhaoxi debuted early as part of a three-member group, and he was the most popular among them. There were rumors back then that he had a wealthy woman supporting him behind the scenes. Later, he successfully went solo and met his current manager, Nick Wang. Nick Wang is skilled in marketing, and he successfully created Zheng Zhaoxi’s public image. He participated in variety shows, released singles, engaged with fans, and handled things quite skillfully. During that time, the wealthy woman was also phased out. However, once Zheng Zhaoxi regained his freedom, his love life became a mess. Nick Wang worked hard to cover up all the news to protect his public image.”

Having been in this industry for so many years, Nie Mingxin was accustomed to everything and continued matter-of-factly, “But when you walk the night road too often, you’re bound to encounter ghosts. This time was no different. He was simultaneously involved with multiple people, regardless of gender, and when the evidence came to light, his carefully crafted image completely collapsed. Now, Nick Wang is desperately trying to prevent any exposure of Zheng Zhaoxi’s past involvement with the wealthy woman.”

Meng Yuan listened and said, “I’ve also heard related rumors. This time, Nick Wang is truly on the verge of tears.”

Nie Mingxin agreed, “Absolutely. Nowadays, celebrities are not just individuals; they are brands with a whole team behind them, along with fans and supporters. They are all interconnected.” She lowered her voice, “But some of my colleagues in our industry chatted in a group and said it’s obvious that Zheng Zhaoxi offended someone; otherwise, public opinion wouldn’t have turned so drastically in such a short time.”

Glancing at the time, Meng Yuan reminded her, “Alright, let’s stop here. We don’t have enough time for the interview.”

Yu Nian sat on the sofa, put on his coat, and accepted the microphone handed to him by Nie Mingxin. He thanked her and pinned it on the collar.

Nie Mingxin composed herself, exchanged some pleasantries as usual, and then started the formal interview.

When asking about Yu Nian’s upcoming new single, Nie Mingxin said, “It’s said that in your upcoming single, you incorporated special ancient musical instruments. Can you talk about that?”

Yu Nian, dressed in washed jeans and a white t-shirt under a light blue short-sleeved shirt, had fair and delicate skin. His simple attire gave him a refreshing summer look.

“Of course, I can. In my upcoming song, I added elements of ancient music, and the instrument’s name is Feng Xiao, which has a history of over three thousand years.”

When talking about something he liked, Yu Nian’s eyes always seemed to sparkle like stars, “According to legend, Emperor Shun commanded the music officials to create musical instruments. The music officials made a musical instrument called “Cenci” using bamboo. This instrument is composed of bamboo pipes of different lengths, giving rise to the saying “cenci buqi” (参差不齐), meaning “uneven” or “varying.” There is another saying that goes, “Compared to bamboo, the Cenci is as irregular as the wings of a phoenix,” which is why this instrument is called “Fengxiao” (凤箫), meaning “Phoenix Flute.” Feng Xiao has a pure and beautiful sound, and it sounds distant and clear. I believe that when the song is released, it will definitely give everyone a unique auditory experience.”

Nie Mingxin then asked, “It’s rumored that you invested one million in your new song. Is that true?”

Yu Nian smiled, and the dimple at the corner of his eye mixed with his smile, making his gaze enchanting and pleasing to the eye.

Yu Nian smiled, the dimple at the corner of his eye mixing with his laughter, making his gaze charming and delightful.

He shook his head, “The rumor about investing one million is false. At most, I invested a hundred yuan. The player of the Feng Xiao is an old friend of my grandfather. When he heard about my idea, he liked it a lot and said I was doing something meaningful, so he refused any payment. As for the lyrics, composition, arrangement, mixing, accompaniment, harmonies, and post-production, I did it all myself.”

The next day, after the interview video was released, the barrage and comments section were filled with laughs.

[Hahaha, Nian Nian is so genuine! So, after ‘buying a piece of paper for 200 million’ and ‘spending 900 million to be happy,’ now we have ‘investing 100 yuan to release a new song?’]

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[Hahaha, I love it! Nian Nian is a complete package of lyrics, composition, and post-production! Come at me if you disagree!]

[Hahaha, trending hashtag confirmed! Looking forward to Nian Nian’s new song! I’ve been listening to ‘Elegant’ and ‘Mountain Snow’ on repeat countless times; finally, we got a new single to listen to! Also, everyone, ‘Ancient Road’ is about to be released, it’s time to buy movie tickets! Let’s go!]

Shi Rou refreshed the latest rankings and said, “Nian Nian, #InvestingAHundredYuanToReleaseANewSong# has been trending at the top of the search for a whole day now. Apart from the company’s promotion, many music influencers have also posted related content. Some express their anticipation for your new work, while others are concerned that ‘Elegant’ and ‘Mountain Snow’ have set the bar too high, and the new song might not surpass them.”

Yu Nian absentmindedly toyed with his phone and responded with a faint “Hmm.”

Shi Rou noticed that Yu Nian had been glancing at his phone all day, but it hadn’t lit up once.

Aware that Yu Nian was waiting for Xie You, Shi Rou didn’t know how to comfort him without touching his sore spot. Instead, she used a cheerful tone and said, “By the way, Nian Nian, I found a great restaurant that offers takeout. Do you want to try it?”

Yu Nian knew that Shi Rou was worried about him. He replied gently, “No, thank you, Sister Rou Rou. I finished work relatively early today, so I’ll cook at home.”

Shi Rou didn’t push it, “Alright then, take a good rest, Nian Nian.” She was concerned about Yu Nian’s state and couldn’t help but give a little reminder, “When using a knife, don’t daydream and be careful not to cut yourself.”

Yu Nian nodded in response, “I’ll be careful, Sister Rou Rou, don’t worry.”

As the car stopped in front of Yu Nian’s home, Shi Rou helped him organize his things. At that moment, her phone made a “ding” sound, and she looked at it with wide eyes. She glanced at Yu Nian, hesitated, and then stammered, “Nian Nian, I-I set up a special filter for President Xie.”

She suddenly didn’t know how to phrase it properly.

Yu Nian’s hand holding the bag trembled slightly as he understood, “Did he update his Weibo?”

Shi Rou nodded cautiously.

Yu Nian asked, “What did he post?”

Shi Rou instinctively pressed the phone to turn off the screen, “It’s nothing.” Then, she bit her lip and reopened the app, “Nian Nian, do you really want to see it?”

“Yes, I want to see it.”

Shi Rou then handed her phone to Yu Nian. “Um… President Xie, he’s blackening you again.”

The phone screen displayed: “Xie You: #InvestingAHundredYuanToReleaseANewSong# Ha, can the new song surpass ‘Elegant’ and ‘Mountain Snow’?”

The comments were diverse.

[President Xie updated! Great news, he finally updated! I thought President Xie forgot his Weibo password! Wait, it’s about Yu Nian again? Xie You’s blackening of Yu Nian is truly deep and dedicated! Dedication to blackening!]

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[Does anyone else find it weird? What’s with President Xie’s tone…? Uh, is it just me? It seems like he’s saying that Yu Nian is running out of talent, but the young Yu Nian had remarkable literary talent too. So, is President Xie actually praising Yu Nian’s talent? Mumbling in a low voice, ‘YouYu Girl’ will never give up!]

[He hasn’t even released the song yet, and he’s already boasting and bragging. Isn’t he afraid of being embarrassed when it’s not as good as he claims? President Xie is doing great, I’m waiting for Yu Nian’s new song!]

Shi Rou carefully observed Yu Nian’s expression and noticed that the lines around his lips were slightly relaxed, and there was a hint of a smile in his eyes. It was as if the tension in him had eased, melting like ice and snow, making her reluctant to look away.

Returning to her senses, Shi Rou probed, “Nian Nian, are you… okay?”

“I’m fine, Sister Rou Rou, you don’t need to worry about me.” Yu Nian handed the phone back to Shi Rou. “I’ll head back now.”

Shi Rou nodded. “Okay, see you tomorrow, Nian Nian!”

After returning home, Yu Nian poured himself a glass of water, then put on slippers and went to the kitchen to cook rice, wash vegetables, and prepare dinner. In less than half an hour, he had cooked both a meat and a vegetable dish.

After finishing dinner and washing the dishes, Yu Nian watered the plants on the balcony one by one. Then, his phone rang, and his expression brightened as he looked at the name on the screen. However, it dimmed again once he saw the message, “Brother Sun?”

On the other end of the phone, Sun Mengze laughed, “Nian Nian, are you free? Brother Wei wants to treat us to a hotpot tonight. Wanna join?”

Yu Nian instinctively glanced at the door and declined, “Sorry, I have plans tonight. Next time, I’ll treat Brother Sun, Brother Wei, and Bai Yan to a meal together.”

“Sure, I’ll hang up now. See you during the recording!”

After ending the call, Yu Nian stood still for a moment, lost in thought. The evening breeze blew in, dissipating the heat of the day. He took a shallow breath and then returned to the study to continue preparing the songs for his new album.

By the time it was past 10 p.m., the neon lights outside were shimmering. Yu Nian held a pencil and wrote lyrics, but unconsciously drifted into his thoughts.

It had been a whole day.

This feeling was really hard to bear, and every second felt torturous.

At that moment, a knock on the door pierced through the silence in the room.

His grip on the pencil loosened, and it fell onto the messy paper. Then, rolling off the desk, it landed on the ground with a soft thud.

Yu Nian stood up, not bothering to pick up the pencil; instead, he stood in the dim light of the study, intently listening to the rhythmic knocking on the door, each knock feeling like it struck his heart.

Too quiet—the wind, his breathing, even the sound of his heartbeat. The rhythmic knocking continued for almost two minutes before Yu Nian took a step forward, crossed the living room, and stood at the doorway.

With his right hand on the doorknob, Yu Nian tightened his five fingers, applied a little force, and opened the door.

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