Chapter 93: “Shhh—“

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Xie You was standing outside the door.

He was wearing his usual dark suit, and the crisp white shirt collar was neatly ironed, but the top button was left undone, revealing a sexy Adam’s apple. His back was still straight as if supported by a steel rod, but there was a faint shadow under his eyes.

Xie You greedily used his gaze to trace the contours of Yu Nian’s facial features. After a long while, he hoarsely called out, “Nian Nian.”

Yu Nian’s heart felt heavy and bitter. He thought, just like before, Xie You always used the same format to mock him on Weibo, making He Shan send various foods or gifts to appease him as an excuse.

He would even secretly replace the thermos of hot soup with an identical one and send it back to him.

The person he liked was truly foolish.

Curling his fingers slightly, Yu Nian remained silent and stepped aside to make way for him.

Xie You entered the room.

Yu Nian was dressed in a soft white cotton t-shirt, and his hair was loose. He looked at the shadows of the two figures entangled on the ground, waiting for Xie You to speak.

However, to his surprise, Xie You suddenly reached out and forcefully pulled him into an embrace. Before he could react, he couldn’t help but follow Xie You’s lead and took two steps back until his back was against the hard wall.

Xie You held Yu Nian tightly around the waist and leaned down, kissing him passionately on the lips.

In an instant, their breaths intertwined, until they were entangled in a grinding motion. It was then that Yu Nian noticed the faint scent of alcohol between their lips and teeth—Xie You was drinking? However, any serious thought was quickly hindered by the aggressively probing tongue and teasing bites from the other person. The scorching sensation in his chest, the pounding in his heart, and the rapid, panting breaths amplified every sensation, making everything exceptionally clear. It was as if every nerve ending had been suddenly awakened by this fiery kiss.

As the smell of alcohol spread, Yu Nian seemed to be intoxicated along with Xie You’s slight tipsiness.

His lips hurt from the passionate kisses, and Yu Nian let out a soft moan, the end of his voice lingering. Xie You’s strength eased, and he continued to kiss down, touching Yu Nian’s Adam’s apple and then opening his lips to lightly bite it.

The stinging pain was mixed with itchiness, and it seemed as if his blood vessels were filled with male hormones, causing them to pulsate. The heat traveled up his spine, and Yu Nian instinctively held onto Xie You’s arm but didn’t push him away. Because of Xie You’s action of biting his Adam’s apple, he had to tilt his chin, exposing his vulnerable and delicate neck. His eyes closed slightly, and his thick eyelashes trembled like flower petals in the wind.

Xie You’s palm supported Yu Nian’s lower back and pressed him harder against his own body. His lips kept peppering kisses, and then he touched Yu Nian’s delicate earlobe, using his tongue to leave a wet mark before finally kissing his ear.

“Nian Nian…”

Xie You’s voice became even huskier, as if scratching against Yu Nian’s eardrums.

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Yu Nian clung to Xie You and murmured in a muffled voice, “Hmm?” His voice had a hint of sweetness, like a sugar-coated hook.

Xie You placed his legs between Yu Nian’s and pressed him even closer to his body, his palms caressing Yu Nian’s lower back.

There was no longer any trace of timidness in his tone as he said firmly, “You love me.”

His lips lightly kissed the tender skin near Yu Nian’s ear, and Xie You’s voice sounded like a mellow wine that intoxicated instantly. “I miss you, so much that my bones ache.”

Yu Nian’s breathing calmed down a bit, and he let Xie You continue to pepper him with kisses. “Have you been drinking?”

“Yeah,” Xie You responded, sounding a bit sulky.

“Does it make you feel uncomfortable?”

Resting his forehead against Yu Nian’s, Xie You caressed it a couple of times before taking Yu Nian’s hand and placing it over his left chest where his heart was. “It’s uncomfortable here, Nian Nian. It really uncomfortable.”

Yu Nian didn’t withdraw his hand but didn’t offer any comforting words either. Instead, he asked, “How do you know I love you?”

The room fell silent for a few seconds before Xie You’s hoarse voice broke the quietness.

“You get mad at me, leave, and can’t be found, but you still open the door for me and kiss me.” After a pause of two seconds, he continued, “I thought you really didn’t want me anymore.”

Yu Nian still didn’t speak but was suddenly lifted up by Xie You’s strength. The living room was dark, but Xie You seemed familiar with it and brought Yu Nian to the sofa.

He put his arms on Yu Nian’s side, bent down, and covered the  whole person  under  his body — a posture full of possessiveness.

Xie You kissed the corner of Yu Nian’s lips and said, “But no matter whether you’re mad at me, sad because of me, or disappointed in me, you still love me.” Pausing for two seconds, he went on, “Nian Nian, I rely on you to love me”

The neon lights from outside the window spilled in, allowing them to roughly see each other’s outlines in the darkness. Yu Nian turned his head and took the initiative to kiss Xie You’s wrist gently. “Yes,” he said, his voice gradually softening. “Xie You, you can rely on me to love you. I can’t bear to let you go.”

Xie You’s breath caught in his throat. In the darkness, he gazed at Yu Nian for a long time before slowly moving his arms away and then reaching out to tightly embrace him, burying his head in Yu Nian’s neck.

The faint scent of cedar filled the air, invading their surroundings. Yu Nian allowed Xie You to hold him, and the passionate heat coursing through his veins gradually subsided.

His voice was gentle and clear as he spoke, “You can rely on me to love you. You can complain to me, get angry with me. I may feel upset for a while, but I will still love you. You can show me your uneasiness, fear, jealousy, possessiveness—I will accompany you, comfort you, and try my best to understand you.

Whenever you want to find me, it’s okay. Say as much meaningless stuff as you want, send me whatever you want—I won’t find it annoying, I’ll cherish and appreciate everything.”

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Saying that, Yu Nian bent his lips,  with a slight smile in his voice, “You can try to trust me more, trust how strong your attraction is to me, trust my love for you won’t be diminished by these things. Try to believe that even if I see all of you, the real you, the not-so-perfect you, I will still love you, and love you even more.”

“Okay, Xie You?”

Xie You’s breathing became lighter, and after a long pause, he trembled and replied, “Okay.”

When the lights in the living room turned on, Yu Nian asked, “Have you had dinner?”

Xie You shook his head. “No.” He added, “Nian Nian, I’m really hungry.”

Yu Nian turned and walked towards the kitchen. When he noticed Xie You was about to follow, he raised his chin and said, “Mr. Xie, can you do me a favor? Send me all the messages you wrote in your phone but didn’t send to me, can you do that?”

Xie You’s ears turned red in an instant. He pursed his lips and replied, “…Okay.”

In a little while, Yu Nian’s phone, which had been set aside, started ringing continuously. After reheating some extra food, Yu Nian handed the chopsticks to Xie You and sat across from him, accompanying him while checking the text messages received on his phone.

“Nian Nian, the coffee was really good today.”

“Nian Nian, this meeting is too long, the reports are empty and meaningless, a waste of time. I’m hungry.”

“Nian Nian, it’s raining again, do you have an umbrella?”

“Nian Nian, there are so many documents today, I’m a little tired.”

“Nian Nian, I miss you, are you recording a show?”


Yu Nian read them carefully and replied to each one. By the time he finished reading all the messages, Xie You had already finished his supper and voluntarily went to the kitchen to clean the dishes.

Putting down the phone, Yu Nian casually asked, “Who’s going to take a shower first, you or me?”

Seeing Xie You’s silence, Yu Nian raised his hand, resting his chin on it as he leaned against the back of the chair. “How about you don’t leave tonight?”

Xie You avoided his gaze and said, “…You go first.”

The next morning, Yu Nian woke up according to his biological clock and found himself tightly embraced by Xie You, their skin touching without any gaps, as if Xie You was afraid that he would disappear.

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When Yu Nian made a slight movement, Xie You woke up. Subconsciously, he kissed the person in his arms on the forehead. His voice was hoarse from just waking up, “Nian Nian?”

Yu Nian half-closed his eyelashes and made a “shush” gesture.

The thin blanket was neatly placed on them without any mess. Xie You’s breathing changed, and finally, Yu Nian leaned closer and kissed the corner of Xie You’s lips, smiling brightly. “Good morning!”

When Yu Nian met with Meng Yuan, Meng Yuan raised his eyebrows and smiled, “Oh, our Nian Nian has come back to life with full blood?”

Yu Nian nodded unreservedly, “Yes!”

Meng Yuan didn’t plan to ask any more questions. Seeing Yu Nian’s smiling face, he was sure that all the issues, big and small, had been resolved. He didn’t waste any time, “Come on, we have to stay up late tonight. ‘Ancient Road’ premiere is at midnight, after all. It’s your song and you have a supporting role in the movie!”

Yu Nian took the schedule and quickly glanced at it. He was in a good mood, “No problem! It’s been a while since I’ve seen my sister too.”

Meng Yuan handed over another sheet, “The Golden Melody Awards are scheduled for the 5th. Count how many nominations you’ve got.”

Yu Nian looked carefully and was astonished, “Best Male Singer, Best Song of the Year, Best Album, Best Arranger, Best Composer, Best Lyricist, Best New Artist, Most Popular Male Singer… Why are there so many? Did I get nominated for all of these?”

“I was shocked too when I saw it. But think about it, your songs have been occupying the top three spots on the three major music platforms for so long, and your physical album has always been number one in the sales charts. If you weren’t nominated, I’d have to investigate whether there’s some shady business going on behind the Golden Melody Awards.”

Meng Yuan felt that he had become more and more calm since he started managing Yu Nian as an artist. “It’s just a few categories, not even in double digits yet!” he added with a smile.

Yu Nian laughed along with him.

After discussing the schedules, Meng Yuan checked the time, “I haven’t said much, but why is it already getting late? Let’s go, we need to leave now. Your schedule today starts at 10:30.”

As they walked out, Yu Nian asked, “Is it for the cultural promotion month’s public service advertisement shooting?”

“Yes, that’s the one. Many artists are participating, and each person only gets a few seconds of screen time. It shouldn’t be too troublesome, and it’ll be over quickly.”

On the way, although they encountered a few red lights, the traffic was smooth, and they arrived at Ning City’s ancient street ten minutes earlier than the scheduled time.

Meng Yuan followed behind Yu Nian and glanced around. “I remember shooting a Florence advertisement nearby. This place is called Qingjiang Road, and that side is Qingxi Road, right?”

From where Yu Nian was standing, he could see the roof of the Si Ning Manor through the gaps between the low buildings. He withdrew his gaze and replied, “Yes, that time we shot the advertisement right next to the Si Ning Manor.”

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Meng Yuan suddenly noticed, “Si Ning Manor, Si Ning… it’s a coincidence, the name is the same as yours, you are also called Si Ning.”

Yu Nian nodded, “Yes, that’s right.”

Having the same name wasn’t uncommon, especially since both names were quite common. Meng Yuan didn’t think too much about it. At this moment, the director of the advertisement also walked over. After exchanging pleasantries, the director said, “This shoot is quite simple, Yu Nian, you just need to walk from one end of the ancient street to the other. Nothing fancy, just act like a normal tourist. Take your time, stroll through the ancient streets, and see what the stalls are displaying.” As the director explained, he gestured with his hands and then asked Yu Nian, “Do you understand?”

Yu Nian replied, “Thank you, Director. I understand.”

After changing into the appropriate attire and shouldering his backpack, with the camera positions and lighting ready, the director stood behind the camera and called out through a loudspeaker, “Action!”

Yu Nian felt comfortable in front of the camera. While many crew members followed him, he appeared relaxed and natural, completely following the director’s instructions, pretending to be an ordinary tourist.

Ning City had a long history, and the ancient street had been there for countless years. With the word “ancient,” many stalls and shops sold calligraphy, porcelain, or old “antiques.”

Following the lighting and camera movements, Yu Nian walked on the not-so-flat bluestone pavement, advancing along the ancient street. His gaze swept over the various goods displayed on the stalls, and unconsciously, he counted their names in his mind.

“Imitation blue and white bird vase, imitation famille rose landscape vase, imitation ink landscape pen holder, imitation deer-patterned double-eared vessel, imitation Doucai Chicken—”


His breath halted, and Yu Nian’s gaze slightly focused as his steps slowed down.

Coincidentally, the director also called for a pause and waved for the lighting technician to come over. Yu Nian simply didn’t move and carefully examined the porcelain cups casually displayed on the stall, still covered in dry clay.

The shop owner noticed that Yu Nian seemed interested and quickly spoke up, “This porcelain is on consignment. An old lady with all white hair brought it to me, asking me to sell it on her behalf, claiming she dug it up from her own backyard. Out of kindness, I agreed to help her.”

Yu Nian didn’t avert his gaze and asked, “Her backyard? Is the person consigning the item a local?”

Rubbing his stubble, the shop owner carefully recalled, “Hmm… it seems she is a local. She even said… oh, right, she said her husband’s family name is Xiao.”

Yu Nian further inquired, “Which Xiao family, may I ask?”

“Xiao Yue family,” the shop owner smiled. “Since you’re shooting an advertisement to promote our Ning City culture, I won’t deceive you. I don’t think this porcelain is worth much. The clay might have been smeared on recently, and it’s not even worth 2,500 yuan. But that old lady insisted that she dug it up from her backyard and got some dirt on it, so it must be valuable. She hiked up the price, asking for 25,000 yuan, and was determined to deceive naive tourists who don’t know better and have more money to spare. She’s quite cunning.”

He gestured with five fingers, shaking them twice. “But people nowadays aren’t easy to fool. Anyway, I’ve had this item here for nearly two to three months, and it hasn’t sold. No one even bothers to look at it.”

He chuckled, “In my opinion, 25,000 yuan, whoever buys it is a fool!”

Yu Nian raised his lips, “I’ll buy it.”

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