Chapter 94: As long as the effort is deep, finding opportunities can become a reality

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The shop owner was puzzled and contemplated, Is this person foolish and wealthy? He is still so determined to buy it despite my attempts to dissuade him?”

He emphasized, “I’ve explained everything to you. This is a consignment sale, and once the money is in my hands, there’s no way to refund it even if you change your mind, even if the item is right in front of me!”

Yu Nian said politely, “Thank you, but I really want to buy this cup.”

After stroking his mustache, the shop owner stopped persuading him further. After all, there’s no business without any sales. He said, “Alright, I’ll sell it to you. Take a look around my shop, and if there’s anything else you want, I’ll give you a discount! Look at this enamel one…”

Patiently listening for a couple of sentences, Yu Nian interjected, “No, I only want this one. I won’t buy anything else.”

“Alright, I’ll wrap it up for you!” The shop owner then asked, “Do you want me to clean the mud on top of it before packing it?”

“Thank you, just wrap it up. No need to trouble yourself with cleaning.”

Meanwhile, the director was still discussing with the lighting technician while Yu Nian held the purchased porcelain cup and found Meng Yuan. He asked, “Brother Meng, can you do me a favor and keep this for me?”

Seeing Yu Nian being serious, Meng Yuan was curious and asked, “During the shoot, the staff mentioned that you spent 25,000 to buy a broken porcelain bowl. Is this the one? Does it have any special significance?”

“It’s not a bowl, it’s a cup. But I’m not entirely sure about its specific significance. I’ll have to go back and research it.”

Upon hearing this, Meng Yuan knew that the item must be quite special. He agreed, “Sure, you can focus on shooting the advertisement, and I’ll keep it safe for you. I promise not to hit or drop it.”

However, the news of Yu Nian spending 25,000 to buy an antique porcelain bowl from a shop in the ancient street of Ning City quickly spread through various media outlets.

An account named “Daily Revelations” was the first to post on Weibo, “News has it that during a shoot, Yu Nian spent 25,000 to buy a porcelain bowl from an antique crafts shop in the ancient street. What’s your opinion on this?”

[Is he so rich that he has nowhere else to spend his money? How could he trust things from an ancient street? Spending 25,000 on a bowl, I’d find 25,000 too expensive! It’s a tax on intelligence!]

[He was truly deceived. The shop owner must have sweet-talked him, claiming it’s an ancient artifact used by an emperor! Worth a fortune, guaranteed to retain or increase its value! I could come up with a hundred versions of this story. The common sense and intelligence of celebrities in the entertainment industry are really questionable!]

[Is Yu Nian trying too hard to build an image? He started with the spoiled rich guy persona, got exposed as someone who couldn’t even afford takeout, then switched to an inspirational character. Later, for some reason, he was involved in various scandals, probably because his team was reluctant to let go of the rich guy image, and they started leaning toward the wealthy antique collector direction. But spending 25,000 on something from an antique shop is just too much for a persona!]

Shortly after, entertainment reporters went to the ancient street to interview the antique shop owner and inquire about the details. The shop owner didn’t hide anything and repeated the conversation with Yu Nian in detail. The interview footage was released, and the hashtag #YuNianGotScammed# quickly became a trending topic.

[#YuNianGotScammed# Aaaaahhhhh, Nian Nian! We may have money, but we don’t spend it like this! The shop owner said, whoever buys this is a fool; why are you so naive!]

[#YuNianGotScammed# The shop owner said the money was already given to that old lady, and they can’t get it back now. My heart aches for Nian Nian! Well, if he washes it properly, he should be able to use it to drink water. But before using it, make sure to disinfect it! Who knows where that dishonest old lady found this broken bowl!]

[#YuNianGotScammed# And this made it to the trending topics? I’m telling you, this guy is way too confident! The shop owner earnestly advised him not to buy, warning him of being scammed, but Yu Nian insisted. Well, he’s got money, and he probably thinks his eyesight is amazing, able to find diamonds in the sand!]

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Meng Yuan brushed through the comments and summarized, “Your fans feel sorry for your money, worry about you getting scammed, and urge you to be more cautious. They all want to stop you from spending money. As for the sarcastic and mocking comments, they mostly come from bystanders and critics, using the same few patterns.”

As he spoke, he noticed Yu Nian carefully holding the porcelain cup and looking at it. Meng Yuan was curious, “Nian Nian, is this thing really worth 25,000?”

Having experienced losses in antique collecting and investment, Meng Yuan knew he wasn’t good at judging the value. However, he had some trust in Yu Nian — a person who even plans bulk purchases for clothes wouldn’t recklessly spend money.

Yu Nian’s gaze remained fixed on the porcelain cup, with a calm expression. Upon hearing Meng Yuan’s question, he shook his head, “It’s worth more than that.”

Meng Yuan’s eyes lit up, “More? Is it worth 250,000? You would be making a tenfold profit!”

Still shaking his head, Yu Nian smiled, a playful glint in his eyes, “More.”

Meng Yuan’s breathing hitched, and he tentatively asked, “2.5 million?”

Looking away, Yu Nian’s lips curled, and he said a number, “250 million.”

Meng Yuan’s eyes seemed to float away, and it took him a while to find his voice, “How much… did you say?”

Yu Nian patiently repeated, “250 million. This is a Doucai Chicken and Stone Pattern Cup 1. If it were to be auctioned, the starting price would be around 180 million. So I estimated it at 250 million, and the final transaction price might be even higher, but not exceeding 300 million.”

After a long pause, Meng Yuan stammered, “I feel like ever since I started working with you, my threshold for being stimulated by large sums of money has been getting higher!”

He felt that in the future, even if he faced mountains of gold and silver, he would still remain calm. After all, he once held a cup worth 250 million for a good half a day!

Hearing Meng Yuan’s words, Yu Nian laughed, “But I’m not certain if it’s genuine yet. I’ll have to go back and do some research.”

Meng Yuan chimed in, “A gamble?”

“It’s not really a gamble. Even if it’s a replica, the craftsmanship is so exceptional that it’s completely worth 25,000, and even exceeds it.”

Yu Nian furrowed his brow, feeling strange about the situation. He said, “The shop owner’s words just don’t sit right with me. If the person consigning the item is the rightful owner of this Doucai Chicken and Stone Pattern Cup, then she wouldn’t be unaware of its true value, nor would she casually consign it at a small shop in the ancient street. Moreover, judging from the shop owner’s words, the cup’s owner left a very bad impression on him.”

Meng Yuan hadn’t thought of this aspect. He said, “If it’s indeed an authentic piece, then it’s fortunate that you bought it; otherwise, such a treasure might have been left to gather dust or, worse, be broken accidentally. What a pity!”

With some time left before the premiere, Yu Nian decided to call Rong Yue and arrange to meet at a private restaurant.

In the private dining room, Rong Yue hadn’t arrived yet, and Shen Wei, a chef from the kitchen, came to greet Yu Nian with a joyful expression. “Young Master, it’s been a long time since you last visited!”

Yu Nian smiled warmly, “I’m sorry, Uncle Shen. It has indeed been a while. I’ve been very busy recently, non-stop work.”

“Is it because of the movie with Miss Yu Qing? I saw it in the news. Young Master looks fantastic in the ancient costume, and Miss Yu Qing’s portrayal of a female general is also perfect for her role.” 

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Yu Nian tasted the pastry Shen Wei had specially made for him and smiled, “Yes, when we were kids, my sister always wanted to be a female general or a female swordsman—basically, someone who could fight with swords and knives!”

Both of them reminisced about the past at Si Ning Manor and burst into laughter.

Rong Yue came over quickly, and as soon as he entered the door, he kept saying, “Nian Nian, what treasure did you pick up? I read the news, saying that you bought it at an antique handicraft shop in the ancient street?”

Yu Nian invited Rong Yue to sit down and said directly, “It’s a Doucai Chicken and Stone Pattern Cup.”

Rong Yue took a deep breath, needing some time to recover before saying, “Is it… is it real?”

Yu Nian placed the porcelain cup on a piece of silk cloth with confidence and said, “There’s an 80% chance I haven’t misjudged this.”

“What 80%? Your eyes are sharp. You can tell the authenticity of something with just one glance at its age! Moreover, you’ve been with your grandfather since you were young. Whether it’s newly unearthed or displayed in museums, haven’t you seen and touched almost everything? If you say there’s an 80% chance it’s genuine, then it’s most likely real!” 

Observing the cup covered in dirt in front of Yu Nian, Rong Yue breathed lightly, “I’ve only heard of this item, but I’ve never seen it before.”

Yu Nian replied, “Right, the ‘Daily Records’ once recorded, ‘Emperor Gaozong had a pair of Doucai Chicken and Stone Pattern Cups, worth a hundred thousand coins.’ These cups were originally used in the imperial court and rarely made their way to the common people. There are very few of them in existence. When I saw it on the street, I was astonished.”

Rong Yue sighed, “Your eyes are truly exceptional. If it were me, I probably would have glanced at it and not recognized its value at all. As they say, with enough experience, one can discover hidden treasures!”

While Rong Yue examined the Doucai Chicken and Stone Pattern Cup carefully, Yu Nian pondered for a moment and asked, “Uncle Rong, how much do you know about the Xiao family in Ning City?”

“The Xiao family?” Rong Yue considered, “I don’t know much about the Xiao family, but I’ve heard of them. Among the four major families in Ning City, your Qingshan Yu family has settled here for a long time, so you count as one. The Shen family, related by marriage, also counts as one. As for the Liu family and the Xiao family, both have been in decline for generations. The Liu family has long ceased to exist, and the ancestral home has almost turned into a tourist attraction.”

He thought carefully, “As for the Xiao family, I’ve heard mention of them. There’s only one descendant left, named Xiao Yingke. He should be around fifty or sixty years old now, and he’s in very poor health. I don’t know if he’s still alive.”

Yu Nian contemplated, “The shop owner said the consigner was an elderly lady with gray hair, and she claimed to be from the Xiao family.”

“That’s impossible.” Rong Yue shook his head confidently. “The wife of the previous generation of the Xiao family passed away when she was in her thirties. The only remaining Xiao Yingke never got married!” He asked Yu Nian, “Do you think this cup came from the Xiao family?”

“Yes, even though the Xiao family declined, they might still have a few family heirlooms.”

Rong Yue thought for a moment, “I know some people who can inquire about this for you.”

At that moment, Yu Nian’s phone rang. When he saw the name displayed on the screen, a radiant smile appeared on his face as if it was filled with starlight and fireflies.

Listening to Yu Nian speak gently, Rong Yue couldn’t help but glance at him a few times.

“I’m at the private restaurant, yes, the one with beautiful blooming roses.” Yu Nian looked relaxed, listening to Xie You’s voice.

“The premiere is tonight?”

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“Yes, so I might be up late tonight. After the premiere, there will be interviews with journalists, so don’t wait for me; just go to bed.”

After a pause, Xie You’s voice came through softly, “Nian Nian, I miss you very much.”

Yu Nian’s eyelashes trembled.

He knew that this phone call represented Xie You’s attempt to trust him and their relationship.

His heart felt like it was soaking in warm water, and he couldn’t help but smile even more brightly. “I miss you too. When I get to the venue, I’ll just be in a supporting role, so I won’t be too busy. I can send you messages to chat.”

After a few more words, Yu Nian hung up the phone, and Rong Yue cleared his throat slightly. Yu Nian followed suit and continued the previous conversation, “Uncle Rong, once I confirm the authenticity of this Doucai Chicken and Stone Pattern Cup, I might put it up for auction.”

Rong Yue wasn’t too surprised, “Why not keep it for yourself?”

Yu Nian shook his head calmly and said, “I need money. Besides, I don’t have any attachment to this porcelain cup. I don’t believe in feng shui or any of that stuff about cups used by emperors having dragon energy.”

Though Rong Yue supported his decision, he couldn’t help but feel distressed and pounded his chest a few times, “My heart is shattered into eight pieces!”

After having dinner at the private restaurant and bidding farewell to the chef, Yu Nian headed to the premiere venue. As soon as he sat down in the private dressing room in front of the makeup mirror, someone knocked on the door.

Shi Rou opened the door excitedly and called out, “Sister Qing!”

Yu Nian turned around and asked, “Siser, so early?”

Yu Qing’s hair and makeup were done, and she wore a thin coat over her evening gown. She sat down on the nearby sofa without ceremony and said, “What’s going on? There are rumors everywhere saying that my little brother has become a scapegoat, not only being taken advantage of but also happily acting like a fool.”

Yu Nian blinked and replied, “It’s a good thing that I didn’t get scammed.”

Yu Qing didn’t know much about antique artifacts, but she trusted Yu Nian’s judgment. Excitedly, she leaned closer and asked in a low voice, “Even you, the young master of the Yu family, say it’s a good find. How much is it worth?”

Yu Nian gestured with two fingers.

Startled for a moment, Yu Qing raised an eyebrow, understanding the gesture, and burst into laughter. “Some people say you act foolish and spend money to play the role of an antique expert. Spending 25,000 to buy a broken bowl and get on the trending list! Damn, get the f*ck out of the character design!”

Meng Yuan, who was busy with work, took a break to join the conversation. He sighed dramatically, “Indeed, the trending list wasn’t something we bought; it was Nian Nian’s fans who got it there.”

Yu Qing was in a good mood now and continued, “Exactly! As a popular figure, we should be trending!”

Meng Yuan pretended to lament, “Yes, as a popular figure, how can we make an impact without trending?”

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At midnight, after completing the premiere formalities, Yu Nian took his seat in the theater. Yu Qing sat next to him. While waiting for the movie to start, she whispered, “Wang Ningxue didn’t come, not because of Director Xu, but because her agent said she couldn’t free up her schedule.”

Yu Nian was in the middle of exchanging messages with Xie You when he heard this. He simply nodded and replied with a nonchalant “Hmm.”

Not wanting to dwell on this topic, Yu Qing cheerfully said, “Honestly, I haven’t seen the finished film yet. I’m looking forward to it!”

Yu Nian, “Me too!”

Soon, the lights dimmed on the stage. On the large screen, an endless expanse of desert mountains and yellow sand filled the scene. The sound of galloping horses and whistling grew louder and closer. Yu Qing, playing the female general Ye Qing, appeared on the screen. She was dressed in armor, with sharp eyes, wielding a long polearm, and riding gracefully on horseback.

Suddenly, she gestured to the soldiers behind her and urged her horse. Just then, the enemy launched a surprise attack. Countless arrows shot out from the ambush on both sides, and dozens of enemies charged forward, their target being Ye Qing!

Ye Qing pulled on the reins, her gaze as sharp as a knife, and raised her hand. With a forceful throw, her long blade whistled through the air, cutting through the throats of the enemies, leaving deep red bloodstains, before embedding itself deep into the yellow sand.

As blood dripped along the blade and mingled with the sand, the camera zoomed in, and the sound in the scene suddenly disappeared. The characters “Ancient Road” were displayed on the screen, leaving a powerful impact.

Yu Nian’s character was that of the legitimate son of the distinguished Gu family in the Eastern Capital, recognized as a talent at a young age, and praised by the current emperor himself. He had a noble and refined demeanor, like a pine tree standing on a rock, and a smile like a bright moon in one’s heart.

Upon learning that corrupt officials in the court conspired with foreign tribes to attack Jinghe Pass, he left the Eastern Capital overnight to go to the border and deliver the news to General Ye Qing.

In a moment of crisis, he ascended the city wall, personally leading troops to defend against the enemy. He saved his home and the common people, but unfortunately, he didn’t make it back alive.

Shortly after the midnight premiere, “Ancient Road” sparked intense discussions. It held four of the top five positions on the trending lists. 

[#AncientPathEndingSong# Listening to this song, I cried so much in the cinema that I couldn’t catch my breath, and my makeup got ruined! I really recommend this movie—it’s a masterpiece! This song is also so beautiful! If anyone says it’s not good, I’ll disagree vehemently! The songwriter Yu Nian and the singer Yu Qing are like gods descended to the mortal world!”

[#EasternCapitalGuXuanning# Sobbing… Can the screenwriter please come out? Can we not let him die? I’m seriously becoming obsessed with it! When I saw Gu Xuanning getting hit by multiple arrows and falling from the city wall, dying amidst the yellow sand on the border, my tears just burst out! Sobbing… Gu Xuanning, the elegant and noble scion of the Gu family!]

[#EasternCapitalGuXuanning# I initially went to the cinema with the idea that a singer’s acting might not be that great, but with such high popularity, the marketing must be good! But unexpectedly, it hit me so hard! Seriously, Yu Nian brought Gu Xuanning’s character to life! I’ll definitely watch it again and again, and admire Gu Xuanning even more! QAQ]

On the fourth day of its release, “Ancient Road” crossed 1.5 billion yuan at the box office, achieving remarkable success for the historical drama genre. It received high ratings on various platforms, and the movie’s theme song with the same name soared to the top of major music charts. Meanwhile, the #EasternCapitalGuXuanning# hashtag became deeply rooted in the top three positions, with discussions about it constantly increasing.

Meng Yuan was somewhat dumbfounded by this level of attention. Jokingly, he said, “Nian Nian, should we take on another film and see how it goes?”

Yu Nian was clear-headed and said, “Brother Meng, I don’t have any particular talent in acting. It’s just that the director and crew were excellent, and the character ‘Gu Xuanning’ in the script was well-received, which is why it garnered such a high level of discussion. But if it were a different crew and script with a different character, it would probably receive half the attention.”

Meng Yuan looked at the GIF of Gu Xuanning that dominated the Weibo homepage and felt a little reluctant, but he knew Yu Nian was right and nodded, “I’ll follow your lead.” Checking the time, he added, “It’s almost time. Let’s head to the Golden Melody Awards.”

“Sure,” Yu Nian got up, and at the same time, his phone rang. He answered, “Uncle Rong?”

“I’ve got some information about the Xiao family you asked me to look into.”

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