I [Imperial] Am Not This Kind of Man

Chapter 10: Getting Away

This chapter was translated by Daed and edited by Shiny to be hosted on Foxaholic.com only. Want to support the translator? Turn off adblock or buy Daed a kofi here! Thank you.

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I’ll be going back through previous chapters and editing things for consistency in format. Let me know if you would want a glossary or something for names and places. Any feedback is appreciated, since it helps me to improve my translations and have a better idea of what you readers would like/what I should prioritize. Honestly speaking, I’m not sure how much I should prioritize this project in terms of update frequency since I don’t see how many people are reading this actively. So for the most part, I’m translating this for myself since I love this novel and want to share it with others who may not be able to understand/read the raws as I can. 

Before daybreak, at exactly the time when the color of the sky was still dusky, the atmosphere in Qianyuan Palace Hall was tense, somber, and desolate because the most honorable ruler of the empire was currently lying in the main palace hall, his life or death uncertain. Everyone held their breath and focused their attention, wishing to minimize their presence as much as possible.    

Empress Huo, accompanied by the crown prince, personally attended to the invalid emperor in the resting chambers. Meanwhile, the four consorts—Noble, Pure, Virtuous, and Worthy—waited respectively in various side palace halls for news. The princes were all settled in Liu Guang Palace Hall while the princesses were all in the Cai Wei Palace.

This kind of grave attitude basically allowed everyone to understand, the most critical moment was about to arrive! It had been said that the empress had already dispatched people outside the imperial palace to summon the important court officials.  

Amidst this kind of tense yet quiet atmosphere, the door of a side hall opened silently.  

A tall and neat figure exited, heading towards the main hall. The snow-azure cloak enveloped the entire figure. Their jet-black hair was somewhat messy, and the long bangs covered the eyes and brow from one’s view.

A palace worker holding up a medicine box with both hands passed by and saluted her from afar; however, the Virtuous Consort paid no mind to them and continued forwards.  

The palace worker speculated, ‘In this sort of atmosphere, even the Virtuous Consort Ge who always pays attention to her neat appearance would not be able to maintain her composure!’    

“Virtuous Consort Ge” bypassed the winding corridor and turned a corner. Seeing that there was no one around, Qin Nuo came to a halt. To facilitate the incoming palace regime change, Empress Huo didn’t have many palace workers walking around outside. This largely benefited his plot.  

He was tall and lean, dressed in a big, fat cloak and wearing makeup applied by Fan Juan’s adept hands. Under the bleak color of the sky, no one seemed to see through his disguise on this whole route. Of course, the most important aspect was that everyone in the Qian Yuan Palace Hall were all too anxious, so no one paid much attention to the details of “Virtuous Consort Ge’s” features.     

When he was certain that there was indeed no one around, Qin Nuo leaped onto the railing and climbed along it to the top of the beam.  

He swiftly removed the cloak and shoved it into the crack in the beam. Then, he took out several pins from his hair and changed the hairstyle. Under the cloak, he wore Fan Juan’s palace maid outfit to make it more convenient for the next step in the plan.  

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Up to this point, the execution of the plot to disguise as Virtuous Consort Ge and leave the side hall had been going smoothly. There were already a good number of palace workers whom he had encountered on the way who had witnessed Virtuous Consort Ge heading towards the main hall. The next step was to get out of Qi Yuan Palace as a palace maid and rush to Cai Wei Palace to ask Qin Zhi to come over and help him out.   

Everything had to be done as quickly as possible, before the conflict between the Huo family and Pei Ling officially began. Qin Nuo certainly did not want to be the two major players’ cannon fodder, and he especially did not want to cause his younger sister to also become a cannon fodder.  

Alas, when he reached the east entrance of Qi Yuan Palace, there was an unforeseen accident.   

“Which palace are you from?” Extending his weapon, the imperial guard who appeared at the palace entrance blocked Qin Nuo’s way.  

“I’m Lü He from the Ninth Highness’ side. I came under orders from Thirteenth Princess to find His Highness. Who would have thought, I did not find him. I heard a eunuch from the pantry say that the princes were all over at Liu Guang Palace Hall. I was just on my way there.”   

As he spoke, he offered Fan Juan’s token up.  

The imperial guard took the token and saw that it was indeed a managerial palace maid level token. His tone warmed significantly, but he continued to deny entry, “No one is able to leave Qian Yuan Palace Hall without the Empress’ approval. May this maiden return.”  

Qin Nuo became anxious. In a falsetto, he inquired, “Is it possible to bend the rules a bit? I have nowhere to go even if I stay in Qian Yuan Palace Hall.”   

The imperial guard furrowed his brow. Unwittingly glancing backwards, his attitude remained firm, “No. No one can leave. If you have nowhere to go, then go wait on standby in the pantry.”  

Qin Nuo swept his gaze in the direction which the guard had glanced in. There was a covert winding corridor behind him (the imperial guard). Terror instantly grew in his heart, there was someone hiding in there!   

Even if there was no sound to be heard nor any silhouette to be seen, the guard’s subconscious move divulged the secret within. Qin Nuo was afraid that the people who Empress Huo had arranged had already arrived! He was a step late, what should he do?  

Not daring to stay any longer, Qin Nuo muttered a low “Excuse me” and headed back.  

If it weren’t for the fact that Empress Huo and the crown prince were the ones behind Virtuous Consort Ge and Qin Ze, he really wanted to stop here and head straight back to Liu Guang Palace. Who cared what that brat Qin Ze would think? But he couldn’t. Virtuous Consort Ge’s death was connected to too much.  

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Ah, that’s right! He could still climb out! Taking advantage of this time where they are driving off all the servants, it was a prime time to escape.  

No matter what, he had to leave this place first. As for the originally discussed absolvement plan, he merely needed to talk to Qin Zhi and have her cooperate with his excuse. He had already impersonated Virtuous Consort Ge to make this trip anyway, so he could be considered as having fulfilled his promise to Fan Juan.  

With the abrupt change of plans, Qin Nuo sidled along with his back against the wall and sought a corner which no one was paying attention to. Once he confirmed that there was no one around, he hitched up his dress and grabbed the wall with his bare hands.   ”

Just as he was about to climb up along the wall, there was a sudden cry of surprise a distance ahead, “Look, General, there’s a palace maid up ahead climbing the wall!”   

Startled, Qin Nuo lost his footing. Splash! He fell into the water.  

The moment he fell into the water, Qin Nuo’s first thought was, ‘This water’s really cold!’ He suppressed the urge to yell for help, doing his utmost to get afloat. He had learned how to swim in his past life, even though it was the most basic doggy paddle. After changing his body, the skill still remained in his brain.  

After paddling twice, he seemed to regain that feeling (of doggy paddling). Qin Nuo’s heart was filled with joy. Right at this moment, an unexpected incident occurred. A strange object appeared beside him, wrapping around his waist like a swift snake. Simultaneously, he felt a tremendous force.     

What is this? There are snakes in this lake? In an instant, Qin Nuo’s mind was in a state of chaos. He thought of Virtuous Consort Ge’s face in death—dying with open eyes, dying with remaining grievances—, could it be that the corpse in the lake had become animated?!  

With this thought, his hair raised on end! He was no longer able to maintain the status of swimming. Simultaneously, he screeched in alarm, “Save me……wu……cough cough……”  

After consecutively swallowing several mouthfuls of water, Qin Nuo felt his entire person fly up in the air before landing heavily on the ground.  

" "

At this time, he realized that it wasn’t the work of a departed spirit demanding vengeance for grievances nor were there any snakes in the lake. No, what was wrapped around his waist was a long whip. And the other end of the whip was firmly grasped in the hand of the young person facing him.   

The young person’s appearance was unexpectedly handsome and full of spirit; unfortunately, he sported a frivolous expression. Towards Qin Nuo’s wretched state, he actually whistled lowly, “Aiyah, it’s a beauty.”  

A middle-aged Confucian scholar clad in azure rebuked him lowly, “You are in the palace, you must not speak so vulgarly!”  

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With a commotion as big as this, the imperial guards on the other side of the corridor would be alerted even if they were dead. They rushed over while yelling, “Who’s there?!”  

Qin Nuo managed to climb up to his feet. He was drenched entirely from head to toe, his jet-black hair bun was messy, the dripping silk flower half-hanging on top of his forehead. 1 

He could imagine how sorry of a figure he cut right now. What was unexpected was that the imperial guard facing him was actually able to recognize him with one look.  

“You’re that……Lü He!”  

The imperial guard was furious, “Didn’t I tell you you could not leave? To think that you have the audacity to attempt to climb over the wall and defy imperial regulations. Seize her!”  

Under his command, two imperial guards were about to come up and restrain this disobedient palace maid. Suddenly, a figure emerged from amidst the people opposite them, loudly yelling, “Halt!”  

The voice was somewhat familiar. Qin Nuo wiped the water from his face and concentrated his gaze on the new figure. He was utterly shocked.  

The person who stopped them was Eunuch Wang. As for the people beside him……Qin Nuo’s gaze swept across them. In the very front stood a tall and sturdy middle-aged man who possessed eyes akin to a tiger’s and who appeared intimidating even though he was not enraged. Even though he wore a simple reddish black warrior uniform, his natural intimidating aura cultivated by hundreds of battles could not be suppressed. By his side stood a literati in azure and a teen in purple. The teen was the one who had brandished his whip to pull Qin Nuo up from the lake. From this mere feat one could see how outstanding the teen’s martial arts was.     

It couldn’t be… don’t tell him this is the legendary Pei Ling—Great General Pei. Then these two beside him ought to be his strategist and bodyguard.  

Eunuch Wang’s following words confirmed his conjecture, “How can such insolence be condoned in front of Great General Pei!”  

So it was indeed Pei Ling. He looks very bold and powerful, very assertive. No wonder that ol’ emperor dad of his would feel threatened. Someone who looked like this seemed like the very picture of someone who dominated the battlefield.     

But based on what he had overheard from Qin Ze and the others’ conversation earlier, there should be another half a shichen before they arrived. Why were they here so early? This wasn’t good, what should he do about the rest of the plan? Qin Nuo turned these thoughts and ideas over in his mind. Alas, he was unable to come up with a solution that would satisfy both sides.   

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Upon hearing that they were facing Pei Ling, the imperial guards were all spooked. Ever since he had returned from the border, Great General Pei had shut himself in his manor and declined to meet any guests. Hence, despite having returned to the capital for two years now, there weren’t that many people in the capital who had actually met this military ‘god’ of Da Zhou. Now that they had the opportunity to see the man in person, the imperial guards’ eyes inevitably showed surprise.   

Since no one seemed to be paying attention to him, Qin Nuo took the opportunity to stealthily back up so that he could slip away. A keen-eyed imperial guard noticed and immediately made it widely known, “Eunuch Wang, this palace maid called Lü He had wanted to leave earlier. After we stopped her, she actually had the audacity to try to climb over the wall of Qian Yuan Palace Hall!” Despite his surprise, the imperial regulations still ought to be upheld.   

“Lü He?” With a constipated expression, Eunuch Wang’s complicated gaze swept across Qin Nuo’s figure. “Don’t speak nonsense, this……She did that because of her anxiousness at the time. Nevermind, right now the sky is cold and the earth is chilly. With this appearance, there’s a risk of inducing the displeasure of the honored guests. Hurry up and return to Cai Wei Palace to tidy yourself up.”  

Even a fool could tell that Eunuch Wang was intentionally protecting this little palace maid standing before their eyes. Did this Lü He have any relation to him?   

Qin Nuo was quite surprised, especially since Eunuch Wang knew the real Lü He. So he recognized him? That’s why he helped cover up for him, and let him hurry back to Cai Wei Palace to tidy up……Wait a minute. Cai Wei Palace. Qin Nuo promptly understood. Eunuch Wang had mistaken him for Qin Zhi!   

In the first place, he and Qin Zhi were twins. After the man dressed up in woman’s clothes, they had a 70-80% resemblance. Currently, his makeup was a mess, covering up that 20-30% difference. Additionally, it was before daybreak and the lighting along this path was dim….  

Qin Nuo was secretly amused. He hastily climbed up in one fluid movement. Just as he was about to turn and run, he felt a tightening sensation around his waist. It was at this time that he remembered there was still a whip wrapped around his waist.  

The teen in purple snickered. With a shake of his hand, the long whip loosened from around Qin Nuo’s waist in a split second. Like an agile snake with a life of its own, it withdrew back to the teen’s wrist, leaving a wave-like imprint in its wake.   

Qin Nuo scrutinized it closely. This whip was completely jet-black, suffused with metallic luster, intricately wrapped around the teen’s wrist like an elaborate arm guard.2 Who would have imagined that once unfolded, it would be such a mystical weapon.  

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Retracting his line of sight, he wordlessly turned around, leaving this terrible place at the fastest possible speed.   

As he watched his silhouette depart into the distance, the teen in purple couldn’t resist from rubbing his chin and smiling, “To think that there is such an individualistic maid in the palace. Lü He, was it?”  

Eunuch Wang coughed twice, pretending not to hear him. He proceeded, “General Pei, let us be on our way.”

Thank you for reading my translation. If there were any errors or better alternatives in this chapter, please contact me (@ Daed) in our Foxaholic discord or comment below. If you have any feedback for me or anything you want to chat about, you can take the survey, comment below, or find me in our discord server (preferred)! You can also join and get my reader role to be notified of the latest updates.


The silk flower thing and bun probably looked like this: 这鞭子通体乌黑,泛着金属光泽,细密环绕在少年手腕上宛如一个精巧的护腕. You could probably search “whip bracelet” or “wristband” for a visual example.

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