I [Imperial] Am Not This Kind of Man

Chapter 11: Death of the Emperor

This chapter was translated by Daed and edited by Shiny to be hosted on Foxaholic.com only. Want to support the translator? Turn off adblock or buy Daed a kofi here! Thank you.

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Chapter Description: Emperor Jing Yao’s funeral has begun.

A ray of light shone on the horizon and the night permeated with chaos finally came to an end.

At the entrance of Cai Wei Palace, Thirteenth Princess Qin Zhi stood amidst the cluster of flowers outside the door. She was lost in her thoughts, feeling melancholy, when a fine voice suddenly came from behind. She turned around to see a sight that would have been astonishing even in her dreams.

“Older brother?” Her eyes widened in utter disbelief.  

Qin Nuo laughed wryly, lowering his voice, “Good (younger) sister of mine, don’t draw attention yet. Hurry and find some clothes for me.” Having found Qin Zhi, Qin Nuo was relieved. Fortunately Cai Wei Palace was not far from Qian Yuan Palace Hall, and Empress Huo had cleared out many palace workers in order to facilitate their plans. That was why Qin Nuo could make it safe and sound, avoiding making a fool of himself further.

Qin Zhi instantly came to her senses, and she hurriedly gave orders to her personal maids.  

Despite being quite young, the maid—Xue’Er—was very efficient. She swiftly retrieved the clothes from inside the palace. Qin Zhi dashed over to the thicket in the small garden outside the palace hall and found Qin Nuo, who had already gotten so cold that his complexion was turning blue. Without any time to care about the boundaries between males and females, she briskly helped him change.   

“Thank goodness I have you.” Qin Nuo sighed in relief. Since he was going to keep vigil over the ill emperor tonight, he hadn’t brought a single attendant with him. Otherwise, he wouldn’t need to seek Qin Zhi’s help.     

“Older Brother, how did you wind up like this? And in this get-up.” Qin Zhi really could not help her burning curiosity. “Fortunately, no outsiders saw this spectacle. Or else, Older Brother dressing up in such bizarre attire while Father Emperor is critically ill would become the talk of the palace.”  

Seeing that there was no one else around, Qin Nuo lowered his voice, “I just overheard the most incredible matter, so I had no other choice but to flee in disguise.”  

Although she had a lively nature, Qin Zhi was still very aware of her limits and position in her usual conduct. Thus, Qin Nuo told her about the secret that he had overheard of Empress Huo and the Crown Prince’s scheme to take action against Great General Pei. However, he omitted the matter of Fan Juan and his involuntary manslaughter of Virtuous Consort Ge. Right now the circumstances had changed, and the truth of the matter had a chance of being uncovered. If such a day were to arrive, he hoped that it wouldn’t implicate his good (younger) sister.  

Hearing that there would be a coup in Qian Yuan Palace Hall, Qin Zhi was scared out of her wits. This was the kind of great matter that she has only heard about from novels! Who would have thought that it would happen right in front of her?

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“Thank goodness Older Brother escaped. What should we do, should we return to Wen De Palace? Should we tell the older sisters?” Qin Zhi was flustered. 

Qin Nuo could only placate her by saying, “Don’t be so frantic first. Right now, all our brothers and sisters are within the two palaces. We won’t be complicit in this matter, we just need to wait for the news. It’s just that there will be turmoil happening soon in Qian Yuan Palace Hall, so we cannot go near it for the time being.”   

If they couldn’t continue with the original plan, how was he supposed to explain Virtuous Consort Ge’s death? Ai, if he had known earlier, then he would have hardened his heart and killed Fan Juan……Forget it, there was nothing to be gained by dwelling on hypotheticals. Even if he had to go through it again, Qin Nuo knew that he probably wouldn’t be able to kill someone with his own two hands.    

Qin Zhi soon calmed down. Once she thought about it, she conceded that Qin Nuo was right. They could only wait there for the news. 

She gazed off into the distance at the tranquil Qian Yuan Palace Hall. The darkness had already receded, but that palace hall that symbolized the supreme authority of Da Zhou was as serene as before. It was like a huge animal; even if dawn had arrived, it was still sluggishly immersed in its slumber.

How would things develop? Everything that lay before him was like a sea of fog; Qin Nuo was already unable to grasp the direction that the current situation was heading towards. 

If he were able to wield authority, then he wouldn’t need to wait so anxiously. This notion  flashed through his mind abruptly. At this juncture when they were on the verge of changing the fate of the country, he might have been a prince, but he didn’t even count as a chess piece on the chessboard. Well, alright, since Qin Ze had framed him, he probably counted as half of a chess piece. 

Against Qin Nuo’s expectations, the answer to the riddle was disclosed earlier than he had imagined. 

At the third quarter of dawn, the envoy dispatched from Qian Yuan Palace Hall came to Cai Wei Palace, bearing the Empress’s orders.  

“His Majesty is close to death. Summon all the princes and princesses to the palace hall to pay their respects!”  

Hearing this grievous news, Cai Wei Palace was instantly filled with the sounds of woeful cries. There was not a single princess who didn’t have tears streaming down her face while she was at a loss. Qin Nuo, trapped amidst rouge and powder, was somewhat stiff.  

The eunuch who was relaying the news noticed him and inevitably called out to him, “Ninth Highness should hurry over there too. Liu Guang Palace Hall should have already received the news as well.” Everyone thought that he had come to find Qin Ze; no one suspected a thing. 

By the time that he had followed the weeping procession and arrived at Qian Yuan Palace Hall, the imperial clansmen and court officials were already there in front of the palace hall.

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Not long afterwards, the princes also came rushing over from Liu Guang Palace Hall; Qin Ze stood among them. His gaze swept across the ranks of his imperial sisters and he caught sight of Qin Nuo who was at the back. Immediately, his eyes widened and his face contorted in disbelief.

“What is it, Tenth Younger Brother?” Qin Xun, who stood beside him, asked.

“Nothing.” Qin Ze lowered his head, concealing his trepidation. 

Qin Nuo looked down, acting as though he hadn’t seen Qin Ze. Now that things had reached this point, he could only deny it to the very end.   

At the moment, what Qin Nuo was most worried about was not Virtuous Consort Ge’s death; he was more concerned about the coup that Empress Huo had directed for the whole night. It hadn’t even been one or so shichen since he had left Qian Yuan Palace Hall. Could it be that they had already dealt with Pei Ling so quickly?  

Empress Huo’s efficiency was truly high then if that was the case! 

Before he could ponder over it any further, the palace workers were already guiding the princes and princesses into the palace hall.  

Following the crowd to kneel in the palace hall, Qin Nuo took a furtive look at how Empress Huo and the Crown Prince gathered around the bed with several high-ranking imperial concubines. Through the gaps between their figures, that person’s sallow complexion was revealed.

He was clearly in a state where he was exhaling more air than he inhaled. 

In the room packed full with his wives, concubines, sons and daughters who were all caring for him, the emperor’s stiff pupils whirled around. Then he stretched a hand out towards the center of the palace hall. A trembling finger pointed downwards while his throat produced an “uh uh”1 sound.  

Just as Qin Nuo was sneaking a peek upwards, he happened to meet the emperor’s gaze and was startled. He hastily lowered his head, yet he was unable to control his wildly pounding heart. That kind of gaze…Were all people at death’s door so full of resentment? The direction that his finger pointed at just so happened to be where he was kneeling.  

He didn’t dare court death by raising his head again. 

Empress Huo was unable to hold back her sorrow; she threw herself at him and clutched onto the emperor’s arm, “Your Majesty, do you [formal] have any decrees? Do you want to call the high-ranking court officials outside the palace hall to come inside?”  

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The emperor “uh uh”-ed, seeming to agree. Immediately, a quick-witted palace worker turned and ran out.  

Empress Huo didn’t care about anything else as she threw herself by his bedside.  

The emperor’s stiff gaze fell upon her figure; his pupils that were inorganic like glass beads reflected the haggard face which was brimming with concern. This was the woman who had accompanied him for a lifetime…… 

Resentment flashed through his eyes, and he suddenly began to violently struggle to get up. Alas, due to this sudden movement, he used up the last bit of his life energy. In the end, with his gaze staring dead-on at the empress, he helplessly swallowed his last breath.  

“Your Majesty! Your Majesty……” The empress’s calls became increasingly mournful like a cuckoo continuing to weep blood after its tears were exhausted2.

“Father Emperor!” Crown Prince Qin Cong followed suit and bawled.  

In a moment’s time, the sound of weeping arose from all directions and resounded to the clouds. The sounds traveled out of the palace. Everyone outside Qian Yuan Palace Hall—whether they were important court ministers or cleaning servants—collectively sank down to their knees and cried endless bitter tears. 

The sound of this crying would quickly spread from the palace to the whole court and the whole of Shengjing3. Furthermore, it spread throughout the huge empire.     

" "

Every joyous celebration was to be canceled; even the commoner marriages among the people were affected. In this era, this person lying on the sickbed was the only one able to hold such a profound influence over every corner and every individual in this realm. 

At this time, the palace worker who went to summon the left-right prime ministers and the six ministers had returned with the important court officials following behind them. When they saw this sight, they instantly fell to their knees and followed in crying woefully.

For some time, there was no other sound whether it was inside Qian Yuan Palace Hall or outside it. Qin Nuo knelt among the masses. Despite not feeling that sad, he couldn’t help but shed silent tears as well due to the heavy atmosphere.  

After crying for half a day, the Left Prime Minister Fan Wencheng straightened his back, swaying as he did so. He shuffled forward on his knees in front of the bed before kowtowing three times. With his grief-stricken face covered with tear stains all over it facing the ground, he said, “Empress, Crown Prince, you two must take care of your health. With His Majesty’s passing, we still need to rely on you two to handle the important matters of our court.”  

With him being the first to bring it up, the important ministers below all came up one by one, “His Majesty’s departure is the common people’s misfortune. May we request that the two honorable individuals care for the common people, and set your grief aside.4.”

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“Indeed, His Majesty had always cherished the Crown Prince. He wouldn’t be willing if Your Highness’s health suffered from your extreme grief.”  

In the midst of the important court ministers’ pleas, Empress Huo and the Crown Prince’s sobbing finally came to an end. Slowly, the sound of weeping in the palace hall also gradually subsided—except for one voice, which continued inappropriately.    

Qin Nuo looked in the direction of his third brother Qin Jian who was beside him. He was prostrating in agony, his voice mournful and hoarse, “Father Emperor!”  

Empress Huo slightly furrowed her brow. The Seventh Prince Qin Jun at the side immediately went over to Qin Jian’s side, “Third Brother, Father Emperor had always taken pity on you for your debility. Being so doleful like this, aren’t you making Father Emperor leave without peace of mind?”  

Qin Jian smacked him away in a swiping arc5, “Move away. You ungrateful, fickle lot, what’s wrong with me lamenting my father emperor[‘s demise]? Each and every one of you merely knows to eagerly accept the position over the empire that Father Emperor has left behind. Aside from me, who sincerely cried for Father Emperor?”  

Qin Xun tumbled over from his push. Luckily, Qin Nuo—who was behind him—caught him.

He certainly rebuked them to his heart’s content! Qin Nuo couldn’t help from seeing this third brother of his in another light. Who would have thought that Qin Jian would be so gutsy? Or could it be that he knew that he wouldn’t have a good outcome once the Crown Prince ascended to the throne, so he might as well ‘smash the pot since it was already cracked’6?  

Towards Qin Jian’s teary rebuke, the imperial clansmen and important court officials chose to simply turn a blind eye. Only Prime Minister Fan shook his head, “His Third Majesty’s judgement has been blinded7 by his extreme grief.”

Qin Jun who had been pushed and made to tumble cooperatively explained, “Father Emperor used to dote on Third Brother the most. It’s no wonder that he would forget himself.”   

“Indeed, Father Emperor left so abruptly. Who isn’t upset?” As he said this, the Crown Prince could not resist continuing to shed tears. Empress Huo wailed, “How am I [self-appellation of a lower-rank female] supposed to live on after His Majesty has left us?!”  

The palace hall was once again filled with the sounds of weeping and howling. The court officials could not avoid going up to dissuade them. 

After crying again for a short period of time, Empress Huo managed to restrain her sorrow with difficulty and said, “With His Majesty’s departure, I am at a loss of what to do. In the imperial court, Prime Minister Fan is the most virtuous and prestigious. Thus, I will ask you [formal] and the Minister of Rites—Sir Zhang—to…for His Majesty’s…” Halfway through her speech, Empress Huo was unable to curb her grief and dissolved into tears once again.   

Once again, the court officials were unable to avoid going up to admonish her. And so, with this kind of repeated back-and-forth between the two sides, the arrangements for Emperor Jing Yao’s obsequies8 commenced.  

Thank you for reading my translation. If there were any errors or better alternatives in this chapter, please contact me (@ Daed) in our Foxaholic discord or comment below. If you have any feedback for me or anything you want to chat about, you can post in the forum, comment below, or find me in our discord server (preferred)! You can also join and get my reader role to be notified of the latest updates.


呃呃杜鹃啼血 dùjuāntíxuè – lit. the cuckoo, after its tears are exhausted, continues by weeping blood (idiom) / fig. extreme grief (MDBG)盛京 (historical name of Shenyang, which is located in northeast China). Apparently it was used as the capital of the Qing dynasty at one point by the Manchu people. Here is the Wikipedia link and the Baidu link if you want to check it out.有了他开这个头,下面的重臣纷纷上前,“陛下大行,是苍生之不幸,还请两位尊上顾念天下百姓,略收悲容。””秦健反手将他推开.” The mental image I have of this action is that Qin Jian is pushing Qin Xun away with an outwards motion of his hand. He is prostrating here, so perhaps think of it as being done in the arc that you would make when you turn your hand over.破罐子破摔了 – an idiom meaning to “smash the pot since it’s already cracked”; basically, he has nothing else to lose or that he was abandoning himself to despair. English equivalents: “throw the handle after the blade” or “send the helve after the hatchet”).痰迷心窍了 – “phlegm misting the orifices of the heart”. More reading available here. Basically, it was believed that phlegm was accumulated when the energy of the body did not circulate properly and thus it would condense in various areas of the body. This phlegm can block the orifices of the Heart and subsequently “mist the mind”.obsequies – funeral rites; this is a broader term for the whole funeral process.

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