Chapter 17 - Purchasing Someone

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The competition below the platform grew fiercer and fiercer, and the surrounding cheers also grew louder and louder.   

Qin Nuo’s interest waned. Soon, he turned his head and did not continue to watch.   

Qin Xun stood beside him, tutting, “My, my, this move won’t do. It ought to be higher. My, my. As expected, this lass is a bombshell.”  

Not long afterwards, the swordswoman stabbed through the shoulder of the girl using emei piercers. Fresh blood sprayed out. The wounded girl screamed in pain before collapsing onto the ground. 

The winner was clear. Although no one had died, the scene was bloody, arousing the discomfort of others.  

Qin Nuo maintained a frown throughout the entire debacle. Ten or so employees poured into the arena and took the fighters away.    

Though the longsword user had won this match, she had been the underdog earlier in the match. She was all bloody, and covered in cuts and bruises. On top of that, her clothes were pretty much in tatters. This was the ancient times where the rules of etiquette were strict. Any girl—as long as she had even the tiniest sliver of agency in the matter—probably wouldn’t have fallen into such dire straits. 

Noticing his puzzlement, Qin Xun laughed heartily as he explained. 

“Some of these people were captives from sects annihilated due to vendettas. Some were purchased as slaves and trained from a young age. Not to mention the ones who were caught from the Southern Dynasties1—every single one of them are at the end of their ropes. Who knows where they came from? However, this is the Shence Battalion’s plaza. Their origins are absolutely upright. Even if you wish to buy any, you can rest at ease and make your purchase.” He lowered his voice, “If you are interested, Ninth Younger Brother, I’ll yield [the person you purchase] to you to keep for yourself.  Don’t worry. Even if Jia Bi does not give face to other people, could he refuse to give face to us two bros?” 

“Does this place count as one of the secret businesses that the Shence Battalion has?”  

“Ha, it’s not a secret. Nowadays, there is no one in the Forbidden Army or the imperial bodyguards who isn’t making a little extra cash on the side to subsidize household expenses. Everyone knows about it.”   

Qin Nuo thought of Jia Bi, Zhao Pingyi, and the other people whom he had met yesterday. Now he had very complex feelings about them. Not only because of the fact that they operated a fighting arena such as this that obliterated one’s humanity, but also because they moonlighted as human traffickers.   

“This kind of girl’s play is just an entertaining act to amuse those who don’t know any better, or those who came from outside the capital. There’s nothing worth watching. Older Brother knows that you also don’t like to watch this. The real deal is coming up next. If the two of us bros want to make some money, it’ll be down to this match.”   

Next up were two young men. One of them was wielding a longsword, while the other employed a tantō 2.  

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Based on what Qin Xun had said, the two of them were both ranked skilled users. Only now did Qin Nuo know that martial arts practitioners were also classified according to ranks.  

Qin Xun couldn’t make up his mind on which one to bet on. He browsed through the profiles in his hands. Both fighters were captives from the Southern Dynasties who had been captured when Da Zhou had breached the city walls of Jianye3. After hesitating for a good while, he finally made up his mind, “I’ll bet one thousand and two hundred gold on the guy in blue.”  

Just as before, Qin Nuo did not participate in this activity. This kind of fighting competition that placed human lives at stake truly exceeded the range of what Qin Nuo could accept.     

After he placed his bet, Qin Xun finally noticed Qin Nuo’s odd expression. He smiled and said, “Who would have thought that Ninth Younger Brother is this compassionate and soft-hearted? These people are all either prisoners of war or people who sold themselves into slavery. They’re not worth sympathizing with. Shence Battalion’s plaza has always stayed within their bounds. There’s absolutely no way that they’ve hoodwinked any ordinary people into the arena.”

Qin Nuo shook his head, “I just think that it’s too cruel to treat strangers this way, even if they are prisoners of war.”  

Qin Xun stilled. He guffawed, “Good Ninth Younger Brother, you really are too naive. I’ll be frank with you. As far as the prisoners of war are concerned, getting into this fighting arena is something that they wish for.”  

“The majority of the seven thousand prisoners of war who were captured in the previous Battle of An Dong were sent over to the coal mines in West City, to say nothing of the ones who were captured in earlier battles. The lives they lead there are rough. If they come to this fighting arena, they can at least fill their stomachs and dress warmly. Moreover, if they are fortunate enough to be purchased by someone and taken away, they might even have a bright future ahead of them.” 

Qin Nuo fell silent. Ancient societies had always been ruthless to captives of war. For example, four hundred thousand captured soldiers from the Battle of Changping4 had been buried alive in one go. Although the Da Zhou dynasty wouldn’t straight-up massacre them, the majority would be sent to places like the coal mines. Forced labor in harsh conditions, excessive exhaustion, and barren food—under this kind of torture, most captives wouldn’t make it past two or three years before burning out and dying. On the other hand,  if they were sent to this fighting arena, there was a slight chance for them to gain an opportunity to survive.       


“Furthermore, Shence Battalion’s public venue has always been peaceful, unlike our Third Older Brother’s place.”   

“Third Older Brother—Qin Jian? What’s this got to do with him?”  

“Heh-heh,” Qin Xun lowered his voice, “Pidong Battalion5 in the west of the capital also has a plaza; it’s Third Older Brother’s dry share6. Heh, now that place has thrilling entertainment. Last time when I (older brother) went, my, there was a spectacle of ligers eating live humans. They were all ferocious beasts that had been drugged, unbearably irritable, and possessed matchless strength. Ten or so of them rushed up to fight against humans. None of the skilled users there could stand their ground. They were all torn into shreds.”  

“Sheesh! I don’t like to watch this [kind of spectacle]. It’s too brutal and bloody. I was unable to enjoy my food when I ate for several days afterwards.”  

Qin Nuo’s face darkened. He had thought that the sight before his eyes had already been cruel enough; he hadn’t thought that there was something even more cruel. Ligers eating humans—just hearing about this kind of scene made him want to throw up.   

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Pidong Battalion was also one of the five garrisons in the capital’s Forbidden Army. It was commanded by the Guo family. Everyone in the capital knew that they were the Third Prince Qin Jian’s trusted aides and the military force backing him.  

In the time it took for their conversation to take place, the fight before their eyes began.  

The two young people were both swordsmen. As Qin Nuo looked closely, he noticed that, sure enough, it was vastly different from the previous match. As the two shifted and dodged, their auras were released and contained, their moves experienced.7 Although they were young, each move they made were ones that could kill.   

A true fight with one’s life at stake usually didn’t need to take too long. The slightly younger male in blue began to have a visible advantage. Each movement of the sword was deadly. The man in cyan opposite him failed to dodge them several times; his shoulders and arms were riddled with cuts.  

The atmosphere around the fighting arena began to turn fervent. Whistles and shouts rose and fell in succession.   

“Hurry and cut him—charge with power! Cut that doggone bastard into two!”  

“Hurry and get back up—counterattack! I (arrogant self-appellation) had bet my silvers on you!”

Qin Nuo watched closely with rapt attention. After a short period of time, the conflict reached a result. The male in cyan was stabbed in the chest by a sword and fell onto the ground. His chest moved up and down, making it apparent that he was still breathing.   

A burst of a tsunami-like cheers rang out within the plaza—akin to those that extolled the emperor8—mixed with mournful curses that were thrown around. It seemed that the gamblers who had bet on the man in cyan were currently stomping their feet and cursing him. Many voices sounded at the same time, “KILL HIM! CUT HIM TO DEATH!” The scene was rowdy and distasteful.        

The moment that it seemed like his opponent no longer had the strength to fight back, the male in blue became hesitant instead. Although his sword was in his hand, he was unwilling to finish off his opponent who laid on the ground for a considerable amount of time. 

The person in cyan opposite him staggered back up to his feet and seemed to have said something. However, due to the distance, no one could hear what he had said. Then, the person in blue lunged forward, his sword aimed straight for the neck of the guy in cyan.  

The person in cyan raised his longsword to block the attack. However, as he was already severely injured, he was unable to use much strength. Although he blocked the lethal move, he was thrown out of the arena by the internal force infused in the sword.    

The person in blue chased after him for two steps. When he discovered that his opponent had already fallen out of the arena, he stopped in his tracks, seemingly relieved.  

There were sighs and whistles across the viewing platform. Finally, a referee stepped forward, “The winner of the battle is clear.” Then, he signaled the servants to come up and take the two people away.    

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Another wave of curses reverberated throughout the arena. When they had placed their bets, they had also gambled on the odds of whether the opponent would live or die. This wave of curses was clearly coming from the group of people who had wagered that the person in cyan would die.  

Inside the room, Qin Xun was so delighted that he nearly leapt to his feet. He had bet that the person in blue would win and that the person in cyan would live despite losing. And he had actually won the bet.  

Qin Nuo suddenly opened his mouth, “Seventh Older Brother. Around how many silvers are needed to buy someone?”  

Qin Xun was astonished. Since the commencement of the fighting arena’s entertainment, Qin Nuo’s expression hadn’t been very good. He (QX) had thought that he (QN) was not interested in this. He hadn’t expected him to open his mouth at this time.  

Though, now that Qin Xun thought about it again, which young and vigorous youngster didn’t like to gamble on fights? It was simply because Qin Nuo hadn’t experienced for himself before, so he had been startled. Now that he (QN)  had had time to recover, he ought to be able to perceive that there was great joy in this way of life.   

Qin Xun smiled and said, “I had read over the information just a little earlier. The three matches today are all normal goods. Those two girls might be somewhat more expensive. As for the other combatants, they could probably be acquired with over a thousand taels.”    
“However, Older Brother will give you a word of warning. Most of these people are prisoners of war—they can’t be trusted. Why would you want to buy one to bring back with you?” Unless you 9 have a small-scale fighting arena set up in your home or you have particular interests.    

The tip of Qin Nuo’s eyebrow twitched. The reason why he wanted to buy someone was very simple: he needed someone to give him pointers on his own martial arts. Ever since he had found the secret manual, he had considered asking the martial arts instructors in his mansion. However, he did not want to reveal this little secret that he knew martial arts. But now, wouldn’t things be easier if he bought someone from here and took them back?   

These people were either captives from the Southern Dynasties or abandoned sect disciples. They were all people who had no backer nor any roots here. If he feared that they would divulge his secret, he could just kill them.    

“Which one caught your fancy, Ninth Younger Brother?”  

“The one who fought just now.”  

“The teen in blue?” Qin Xun stroked his chin. That teen did have delicate features. Could it be that this ninth younger brother of his had a fondness for this type?  

Qin Nuo’s words dispelled his suspicions, “No, the slightly older one in cyan.”   

“Huh? That guy’s skills aren’t good, and his face has been marred. What use is he?”   

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“Well, he’s cheap. After all, I’m10 poor.” Qin Nuo answered candidly, acquiescent.  

“Uh…” Towards this reason, Qin Xun had no words to say.  

Nevertheless, he helped him call the steward over and inquired about the price and (indentured) servant contract. Sure enough, the price of the loser was much lower, especially someone who had lost several matches in succession.   

Qin Xun flipped through the recent battle performance record and couldn’t help himself from clicking his tongue as he wondered, “Why does your11 fighting arena still let goods like him on stage? He really is a good-for-nothing12.” In the half-year since he (FY) had entered the fighting arena, Fang Yuan had fought and lost consecutively several times. His win rate was zero. 

 “Actually, his actual skillset lies beyond these limits. Perhaps due to his yearning for the motherland, he has recently lost the desire to live. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be sold at such a low price to Your Highness.” Steward Lin explained with a smile.   

Indignation was written across Qin Xun’s face. “Hey Ol’ Lin, you better not deceive us. How can someone who has ‘lost every battle he ever fought’13 be described as ‘someone whose actual skillset lies beyond these limits’…”

Qin Nuo’s heart moved. So he hadn’t been the only one who had noticed this. Earlier when Qin Nuo watched this person in cyan battle his opponent, he had observed that the person in cyan had been pulling his punches. He looked down at the indentured servant contract, “So his name is Fang Yuan14.”

However, since the man had this kind of despondent attitude, Qin Nuo wondered whether he (FY) would be willing to give him (QN) pointers on his martial arts sincerely. Perhaps wanting to get an instructor for cheap had been an erroneous decision? Ah well. It didn’t matter. In any case, it had only cost six hundred silver taels; if that amount was spent, then it was spent. 


南朝 (Nán Cháo) – Southern Dynasties (420-589) “A tantō (短刀, “short sword”) is one of the traditionally made Japanese swords that were worn by the samurai class of feudal Japan…The tantō is a sword, but is used as a knife” (Wikipedia). Visual example: (from this source) 建邺 (Jiànyè) – Jianye district of Nanjing City 南京市 in Jiangsu 江蘇|江苏. Jiangsu is Jiangsu province (Kiangsu) in southeast China, abbr. 蘇|苏, capital Nanjing 南京) Battle of Changping of 260 BC, at which the Qin army encircled and annihilated a Zhao army of 400,000. Wikipedia link here if you would like to read more. 辟东营 (pìdōngyíng) According to Finance Managers, “‘Dry shares’ refers to the shares that shareholders can occupy a certain proportion of the company’s shares without actual capital contribution”. Here’s the Baidu link. 两人腾挪转移之间,气度开合,招式老练。 山 (shān) -mountain / hill / anything that resembles a mountain / CL: 座 / bundled straw in which silkworms spin cocoons / gable. 呼 (hū) – to call / to cry / to shout / to breathe out / to exhale. According to mtl of the Baidu page, “Shanhu [(山呼 shānhū)], a courtesy used by officials of feudal society to extol the emperor. Also called ‘Song Hu’.” This originates from the Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty climbing Mount Song and the officials calling thrice “Long live the emperor!” (Well, to be more literal, they said, “The emperor lives for ten thousand years!” Here’s a Wikipedia page about why this means “long live”.) Here’s another Baidu link to the page for the whole phrase (山呼万岁 shān hū wàn suì – calling out on the mountain ‘Long live (the Emperor)’). general “you” informal “I” and “younger brother” (in reference to himself) casual form 废物点心 (fèi wù diǎn xin) -(coll.) a good-for-nothing / loser 屡战屡败 (lǚzhànlǚbài) – to suffer defeat in every battle (idiom) 方源 (Fāng Yuán).

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