Chapter 18 - Return to the Imperial Palace

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With one trip outside, six hundred fine silver taels had been squandered. Looks like he should go out less often in the future.  

Qin Nuo had splurged when he had spent the money; however, when he calculated the accounts, his heart still ached a little over it—especially when he saw Dong Bo’s pitch-black expression.   

Soon enough, Qin Nuo realized why Dong Bo had such a dark expression.  

The Mid-Autumn Festival had come upon them. As the household of the commandery king, they had to exchange gifts and greetings with his family and close friends.  

“King, after this servant’s rough assessment, according to our identity as the household of a commandery king, we will need to spend approximately four thousand silver taels on the festival gifts.”   

“So much?” Qin Nuo was shocked. “We are just celebrating one festival and around half of my yearly salary will be gone.”  

“This is already the most thrifty budget. And this is only due to the fact that you (king) do not have many people that you have dealings with as you have just moved out into your own mansion. You only need to interact with the imperial clansmen and kings.” Dong Bo said honestly.   

After leaving the palace, a person’s social network would gradually expand. In the future, with the establishment of consorts and concubines in addition to the new friendships he would forge, the number of people who they would need to engage with would multiply by at least five or six-fold.   

Qin Nuo flipped through the list of gifts that Dong Bo had formulated. He instantly realized that these were offerings with no returns1. 

As a clansman of the imperial family, he had to pay particular attention to keeping up appearances (in the gifts he gave and how he gave them). There was no way that he could give gifts like how they did in the modern day, where someone who received a gift could gift it to someone else. There was no way that the imperial clansmen would circulate those gold and silver gifts amongst each other (in their social circles).

If the jade peach ornament that Marquis Wang had gifted Imperial Duke Li were to appear in Imperial Duke Song’s mansion one month later, it could only mean one of two things: either Imperial Duke Li looked down on Marquis Wang, or Imperial Duke Li’s household had already shamefully declined in wealth and they could not afford to give anything befitting of his status. No matter which one it was, it would circulate among the capital’s social circles as a matter of ridicule, causing great damage to the prestige of the Imperial Duke Li’s mansion.  

The basis behind this kind of phenomenon was also because of the fact that this era was still a ‘handicraft era’—no matter if it was an antique toy or gold and jade household utensils, they were all unique and unrivaled. Even the common items such as the sets of gold bowls and silver chopsticks that the Imperial Household Department cast had an identification mark printed on the bottom that specified where and when they were produced in addition to their serial numbers2.  

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But one Mid-Autumn Festival holiday already required this much, and there would be grander holidays in a couple more months. This was all still under the premise that the festival ceremonies would be simplified during the national mourning period. Didn’t that mean that the amount of money he spent would be doubled once the mourning period ended next year? According to Da Zhou’s customs, the filial period was supposed to be three years. However, after the New Year Festival in the same year of the emperor’s passing, they could resume the usual banquets and activities. The common folk would also be able to wed and unite as they pleased. 

No wonder Qin Xun was making a fuss about earning money. It really would be quite difficult to get by with just the silvers from their salaries and the little income they received from their holdings3.   

But something as disgusting as gambling absolutely could not be touched.   

After muttering irresolutely to himself for a moment, Qin Nuo opened his mouth and asked, “Dong Bo, have you heard how the other imperial mansions earn their money?”    

A gratified expression appeared on Dong Bo’s face. Ever since his great bout of illness half a year ago, her king’s brain had gotten much better; nevertheless, his gentle and kind moral character had stayed the same.  

 “As far as this servant knows, many of the kings have stores and lands; some have a hand in sea commerce and raise several merchant fleets, while some have big businesses over at Bei Jiang4. For example, Commandery King Dong’s mansion operates many satin villages and they acquire stock from the South seas every year…”  

 As expected, everyone had their own methods of getting rich.  

 Handing the ledger back to Dong Bo, Qin Nuo said, “Let me ponder over it a bit more. We’ve got to earn some silvers.”

 “The king is sagacious. Actually, there is no need to be so anxious. The mansion has been newly opened up at the moment. In the future, when [we] have some silver taels saved up, we can slowly purchase some feudal land and shops. Money begets money. Naturally, [our mansion] will slowly come to have ample money.”  Dong Bo accepted the ledger and consoled in a gentle tone.  

 This was her indirectly advising him not to spend his money recklessly anymore. Certainly, spending six hundred taels to buy a severely-injured person with no real use—and having to pay5 for the medical expenses, to boot—was not something that the average person could do. Qin Nuo was well aware. He smiled and replied, “I got it. I won’t do it again.” It wasn’t like he had any ‘special hobbies’; he merely wanted a cheap master6.  

The great scheme to get rich could be considered at length7. Right now, Qin Nuo had another matter that took precedence.

Traditionally, with the Mid-Autumn Festival being one of the important holidays of Da Zhou, the imperial clansmen and court officials would enter the imperial palace to have an audience with the emperor and participate in a banquet8. This year, because of the national mourning, the scale of the banquet had been greatly reduced. Of the court officials, only those who were at the third-rank and higher could enter the imperial palace and attend the banquet; and of the imperial clansmen, only the Kings of Blood, Commandery Kings, and their heirs could do so. Qin Nuo just so happened to be part of the group that would enter the palace.

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So, half a month after he had left the royal palace, Qin Nuo returned to the center of authority in Da Zhou once again.    

He rode a carriage into the imperial palace, passing the Gate of Pure Harmony9 and disembarking at a plaza on the west side of the imperial palace. He followed the eunuch who was acting as a guide through one winding corridor after another. The same familiar pavilions and kiosks (in the gardens) appeared before his eyes, but now, he viewed them with an added layer of estrangement.   

Qin Nuo wasn’t the only one who felt this way. He had just walked into the Hall of Flowing Light when he heard Qin Xun’s voice, “Why does the imperial palace feel so different after having spent a mere fortnight away from here?”   

Qin Xun’s round and plump body sat on a seat in the eastern direction. He was the first to greet Qin Nuo when the latter came in, “Ninth Younger Brother, you are the last of us brothers to arrive.” 

 Qin Nuo’s gaze swept across the surroundings. Familiar spots, familiar faces—on the whole, all of the princes were present, except for Qin Ze who was keeping watch over the imperial mausoleum. Qin Jian was nowhere to be seen either.   

Qin Nuo smiled and nonchalantly commented, “But hasn’t Third Older Brother not arrived yet?”

“Third Older Brother came way early in the morning. He is over at the Hall of Supreme Harmony10 reporting back to his superior about official business. I’m afraid he will come sometime later.”  

Unlike them (people who were assigned titular positions as means for them to work for a living), Qin Jian was a King of Blood and one rank higher in the order of feudal nobility. Moreover, the position that he had assumed was that of the Compiler of Literature and History. 

Actually, it was reasonable to say that Qin Jian’s position was also a top-notch leisurely and carefree one. No one expected His Highness the Prince to participate in technical work like compilation. They could just add his signature when the compilation of literature and history was complete. Why did he need to take so long to report official business to his superior?   

Seeing Qin Nuo’s puzzlement, Qin Xun smiled meaningfully, “Well, it’s Third Older Brother; he’s probably occupied with something11.”  

Something’s up! Just from the look on Qin Xun’s face, it was clear that something had definitely happened to Qin Jian. But this damn fatty wouldn’t say exactly what it was that had happened, and he couldn’t pursue the matter either. After all, all their other brothers were in the hall as well.   

After a while, the kings of blood and commandery kings among the collateral relatives of the imperial clansmen gradually arrived, greeting one another in the wide main hall. Qin Xun—the social butterfly—was extremely busy; he reminisced with one of the kings here and gossiped with another there.     

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On the other hand, Qin Nuo was much more idle. In any case, he had never been fond of this kind of occasion. Hence, he slipped out when no one was paying attention.  

Dismissing the palace workers from following him, he pretended to be admiring the scenery in Qianyuan Hall’s small garden as he ambled away by himself.   

 Walking along Qianyuan Hall towards the west, he made a turn into a secluded winding corridor. Qin Nuo carefully surveyed his surroundings. After confirming that he was alone, he climbed up the balustrade and jumped on top of the beam in the corner (when one turned into the corridor)12.  

 A small bundle was lying inconspicuously in the corner of the beam. Qin Nuo immediately let out a sigh of relief. Last time, when he had disguised as Virtuous Consort Ge and passed through here, he had taken off her cloak, hairpin, and earrings before stashing them on top of the beam. Right after this, Emperor Jingyao had perished. During the important event of national mourning, there had been countless people entering and exiting Qianyuan Hall. He had been unable to find an opportunity to slip away and retrieve the clothes during the period of the conferral of king titles, opening up of the mansions, and his departure from the imperial palace.

 Now, taking advantage of this opportunity he had gained after entering the imperial palace to pay respect to the emperor and celebrate13, he went ahead and destroyed this evidence without delay. After shoving the cloak against his bosom, Qin Nuo leapt down from the beam. Then, he followed the Crescent Moon Lake to the north and finally found a covert location.   

He took off his shoes and socks and stepped into the water with bare feet before lifting away a large rock in the lake and placing the cloak beneath it14.   

After some time15, even if someone found this cloak, they would only think that it had incidentally come off when Virtuous Consort Ge had thrown herself into the lake before getting stuck within a crevice in the rocks.   

Having set down the load weighing on his mind, Qin Nuo returned to the rocky shoreline and put his socks and shoes back on while thinking that, in any case, it was still too early to leave the banquet, so maybe he should go see Qin Zhi first (before he left). They hadn’t seen each other for ten-something days; he wondered how her days had been like recently.    

Before he acted, he suddenly heard a clear and melodious voice colored with anger from behind him, “Your Highness, please conduct yourself with dignity!”   

Qin Nuo was startled. His hand that had been putting on his shoe promptly shook.  

“Where have I (self-appellation of a king) not conducted [myself] with dignity? Why don’t you (informal) tell [me]?”  

A familiar gloomy voice rang out. Isn’t that Qin Jian?  

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Qin Nuo stood up very carefully and cautiously. He peered through the gaps in the rocks towards the direction of the voices.  

Across from the fake mountain was a maple forest which spread across the area like wildfire16. Amongst this garish background stood a young and beautiful girl. The beads on the yellow cheongsam she wore sparkled17 and there was a white fox fur-embedded velvet satin shawl18 draped around her shoulders19. Although she was only fourteen or fifteen years old, she was already gorgeous, with looks that could ruin and overturn the state. Is this a noble lady who had entered the imperial palace to celebrate with the emperor?  

Qin Jian, who stood across from her, was dressed in dark purple court attire characteristic to the kings of blood, which made his already extremely gloomy complexion appear even more sinister and unpredictable.



Essentially, he only spent money/gave gifts and didn’t earn anything from doing so Visual example:  (from this source) Not too sure about this one. Raw: 庄 (zhuāng) – farmstead / village / manor / place of business / banker (in a gambling game) / grave or solemn / holdings of a landlord (in imperial China) North of Xinjiang 倒贴 (dàotiē) – to lose money instead of being paid (i.e. sb should pay me, but is actually taking my money). So, losing money after buying this guy instead of profiting. ”master” in the teaching sense, specifically master-disciple 从长计议 (cóngchángjìyì) -to take one’s time making a decision (idiom) / to consider at length 赐宴 (cì yàn) – the monarch orders their subjects/officials in the feudal court to share a feast with them. 赐 (cì) -to confer / to bestow / to grant (a present). 宴 (yàn) – (bound form) feast / repose. 清和门  (Qīng Hé Mén).  清 (qīng) – clear / distinct / quiet / just and honest / pure / to settle or clear up / to clean up or purge. 和 (hé) – old variant of 和 / harmonious. 门 (mén) – gate / door / CL: 扇 / gateway / doorway. Visual example: . I based this translation off the Gate of Heavenly Purity (Qiánqīng mén), the main entrance to the Inner Court of the Forbidden City in Beijing, China. Here are some Wikipedia links for the Gate of Heavenly Purity and the Forbidden City. 太和殿 (Tài Hé Diàn) – Hall of Supreme Harmony, the largest of the three halls that constitute the heart of the Outer Court of the Forbidden City 秦勋露出一个玩味的笑意,“三哥嘛,贵人事忙呗。” For “玩味的笑意” (玩味 wánwèi – to ruminate / to ponder subtleties, 笑意 xiàoyì – smiling expression/mirth), think of it as an expression that QX had made because he had thought of something or guessed something and so there is some mirth/amusement there (see this explanation). For “贵人事忙” (guìrénshìmáng), there are many ways to translate it. It’s something like “(honorific) you/nobles/exalted person is/are busy”. It means that the person  has a lot they need to do because of their high status and so they are very busy. It can be used sarcastically, politely, or sincerely.  Visual example (this is the closest we can find to help visualize):  朝贺(cháo hè) = 朝觐庆贺 (cháojìnqìnghè). 朝觐 (cháojìn) – to give audience (of emperor) / retainers’ duty to pay respect to sovereign / hajj (Islam). 庆贺 (qìnghè) -to congratulate / to celebrate In the raws, it’s written as “将披风压到了底下”, which would literally be “pressed down/weighed down the cloak underneath [the rock]” 一年半载 (yīniánbànzǎi) – “about a year and a half”; but it generally means “a period of time”. Baidu official page and Baidu answers ”遍地如火如荼”. 如火如荼 (rúhuǒrútú) – like wildfire (idiom)/unstoppable. Visual example:  (from this source) Visual examples (maybe; these are the closest I could find):  (from this source) or  (from this source) 一身罗黄色长裙珠光闪烁,肩头披着镶了白狐绒的缎子披肩

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