Didn’t Qin Xun say that Qin Jian had proper business to attend to and that he was in Qianyuan Hall having an audience with the emperor? How did Qin Jian wind up hitting on a girl here in the blink of an eye?  

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The girl clothed in yellow glared at Qin Jian with her large, round eyes. Her graceful eyebrows were knitted and her face was full of displeasure as she faced him, “It isn’t gentlemanly of Your Highness to have tricked me over to this place!” 

“I (self-appellation of a king) said that an old friend requested to meet you. Unless Eldest Young Miss1 Huo has another ‘old friend’ in this palace?” Qin Jian replied unhurriedly.     

“Your Majesty and I haven’t met each other many times. How could we be considered ‘old friends’?”  

“You (informal) and I (informal) are husband and wife. How could [we] be discussed in terms of ordinary etiquette?”    

The girl dressed in yellow lowered her head, “Please guard your tongue2, King. I (daughter of a state subject/official)3 am unwed4.” After stating this, she reluctantly bowed in salute and said, “I have already been out here for a long time. The Empress Dowager might be looking for me. I will take my leave first.”  

After saying this, she turned around to leave.  

When he heard her mention the Empress Dowager, a trace of chilly vitriol flashed across Qin Jian’s forehead. He darted forward and grabbed hold of her arm, “Halt!”  

What should he do? Should he intervene or not?  

Qin Nuo, who was behind the rockery5, had already realized the identity of the girl before his eyes: Huo Youjuan6, the Di daughter of Imperial Duke Ying7 of the Huo family and the most favored niece of Empress Huo (now Empress Dowager Huo) as well as Qin Jian’s fiancee. 

He had heard that Empress Dowager Huo had originally planned to have her marry the Crown Prince Qin Cong as the Crown Prince Consort. Alas, Emperor Jingyao had acted first and betrothed her (HYJ) to Qin Jian. From this point, one could see just how much Emperor Jingyao doted on this third son of his. The Guo family and the Huo family did not get along. Qin Jian was also extremely prejudiced towards Empress Dowager Huo and her son. However, Qin Cong’s position as crown prince was untouchable. So, to ensure that Qin Jian’s life and assets wouldn’t be moved after his (Emperor Jingyao) death, he might as well have him (QJ) become the Huo family’s little son-in-law.  

Not to mention, Huo Youjuan was well-known among the capital’s aristocracy for both her talents and good-looks. She was more than good enough to be matched with Qin Jian.  

However, looking at the sight in front of him (QN), this pair of husband- and wife-to-be did not seem to have a very harmonious relationship.  


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Qin Jian’s attention had been wholly focused on the bad deed he was aggressively committing to the girl’s body. All of a sudden, the top of his head hurt. Immediately, he felt an acute pain from the top of his head, causing his vision to go blurry. Miss Huo took advantage of this opening to break free from his restriction. With one hand holding her lapel together and the other holding up her dress, she frantically fled away.  

Qin Jian touched his forehead. The sight of the bloody traces (on his fingers) frightened him. He looked down. The flowerpots that had acted as weapons were already shattered beside his feet.

He looked up and saw that the top of the rockery still had several flowerpots lined up at the edge. All of them were planted with the current season’s most wonderfully blooming plants and flowers such as white and yellow chrysanthemums.   

Their movements had been too big, causing these decorative flowers and plants to fall.   

Qin Jian had a stomach full of nefarious fire that he had no way of venting. Feeling incensed, he kicked a flowerpot fragment next to his feet into the air as he cursed in a low voice, “Lowly slave girl. [I] will put you in your place in the future.”   

Only after Qin Jian had walked far away and he (QN) had confirmed that he (QJ) wouldn’t look back did Qin Nuo carefully and cautiously walk out from behind the rockery.  

After moving away from the scene, he finally released a sigh of relief. Actually, the rockery hadn’t shaken that much. He had used a branch and poked some tottering flowerpots, interrupting this “affectionate couple” act.  

Originally, he hadn’t wanted to get involved. However, Miss Huo’s identity was respectable and honorable. If she were to shout at the risk of her life and draw the palace workers over, there was no doubt that he would wind up offending both parties as soon as they discovered him behind the rockery. So, he might as well do a little something to help her get away.   

But why would Qin Jian forget his manners like this? Setting aside the fact that it was currently the period of national mourning, Miss Huo’s identity was both respectable and honorable. Moreover, she was going to be his official consort. There was no need for him (QJ) to act so impetuously. When he had been in the deep palace, Qin Nuo had heard that this third older brother of his lived a luxurious life. He (QJ) had many concubines in his harem whom he favored; he was definitely not lacking for women.    

This puzzlement was answered after he met that good younger sister of his, Qin Zhi.   

There was still a lot of time before the commencement of the banquet. All the princesses and commandery princesses were waiting for the commencement of the banquet in the Western Side-Palace Hall. When Qin Nuo sought her out, Qin Zhi animatedly accompanied her older brother (QN) to the flower garden.   

Both brother and sister had countless things to say to each other after ten-something days of not seeing one another. Perceiving that his younger sis’s complexion was considerably better than the last time they had seen each other, Qin Nuo’s heart was put at ease. After going through the whole ordeal of Emperor Jingyao’s funeral rites, all the princes and princesses had lost a lot of weight. With the situation becoming more relaxed these past couple of days, Qin Zhi’s small palm-sized face had regained some color.  

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“My days aren’t any different from before. Every day I go to pay my respects to the Empress Dowager with our older sisters; then stroll through the rear flower garden twice; chat with my sisters, practice my writing; do a bit of embroidery; and just like that, a day is over.” Qin Zhi gabbed about the life she led these days, “Sometimes the empress dowager wasn’t in a good mood, so we only paid our respects outside the palace hall before leaving.”  

The Empress Dowager wasn’t in a good mood? Qin Nuo perceptively caught onto this critical piece of information. Her son had already inherited the throne; aside from the previous incident where she had failed to eliminate Great General Pei causing all her efforts to end in vain, what reason did the Empress Dowager have to be in a bad mood about? Don’t tell him that it was because of Emperor Jingyao.  

“It seems like it’s because of the Huo family’s matter. Older Brother, you probably don’t know. I heard that the young miss of the Huo family doesn’t want to marry Third Older Brother.”  

Qin Nuo promptly came to a realization. No wonder he had witnessed Qin Jian losing himself earlier. It hadn’t been the attitude that he (QJ) should have towards an official wife who was of noble birth.

Then Qin Nuo thought about Qin Jian’s previous unscrupulous behavior and the way he had caused Empress Dowager Huo to lose face several times at the funeral. Although they had been trivial things that could be easily dismissed, Empress Dowager Huo had never been a broad-minded person. She must also be furious with this Shu son, to say nothing of the fact that these two already had vendettas against each other prior to this. Based on Qin Jian’s temperament, it was impossible for him to rein in his temper, tuck his tail between his legs, and conduct himself with integrity after Emperor Jingyao’s death.  

Poor Emperor Jingyao. He had gone out of his way to arrange this marriage in order to resolve the hatred and desire for revenge between both parties. However, by the looks of things, it appeared that instead of forming a union of marriage, the two parties were about to start a feud instead.  

At the time when the engagement had been set, Huo Youjuan had been very young. Hence, Qin Jian’s marriage had been delayed till this year. As a matter of fact, if Emperor Jingyao hadn’t fallen ill, Qin Jian would have gotten married this month.  


But this arranged marriage had been determined by Emperor Jingyao’s royal decree. How could it be so easily dissolved?  

Whatever. It had nothing to do with him, so he’d let the matter rest.9. Qin Nuo quickly turned his attention back to Qin Zhi’s current topic of conversation.   

A Lady of Bright Beauty10 in the new emperor Qin Cong’s imperial harem was with child11. She had already been with child since she was a concubine in the Crown Prince Mansion. Now she was six or seven months along.

“Everyone in the Imperial Hospital was saying that it appeared to be a male fetus.” Qin Zhi gossiped.  

When he heard this, the first thing that came to Qin Nuo’s mind wasn’t what kind of imperial twists and turns the Shu eldest son would trigger; instead, he thought, “Holy sh*t, I’ve (self-appellation assuming an older male figure identity)12 got to lose a lot of money again!” The etiquette for offering one’s congratulations (formal) for the birth of the emperor’s eldest son was definitely not going to be light. Fortunately, it was a Shu son. If it was a child borne by the empress, then he would have to send a gift to the empress’s maiden family in addition to all the other courtesies.  

“I heard the empress is also with child.” Qin Zhi’s following words left Qin Nuo speechless. 

Ugh13, speak of the devil and he doth appear14!  

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“But the state of the empress’s fetus is unstable. Reportedly, it’s because she overworked herself during Father Emperor’s funeral.”  

It was at this moment that Qin Nuo recalled how the empress—as Emperor Jingyao’s daughter-in-law—had fainted several times in the middle of the formal wailing15 at his funeral. Presumably, she had still been unaware that she was with child at the time; thus, she had been careless.

When Qin Cong had been crown prince, only one of his side-concubines16 had given birth to a son. Unfortunately, that son had passed away before his first birthday. Afterwards, the area below Qin Cong’s knees had been empty17. Now, he had received a series of glad tidings one after another, right after he had assumed the throne as emperor. The young emperor had qualified successors to carry out his undertaking; with this, the imperial court probably felt more secure. But Qin Nuo’s money pouch wouldn’t be as secure. He had to make haste in working out a strategy for his great scheme to get rich. 

“Older Brother, you should be able to obtain more abundant news faster than me since you are outside the imperial palace. How could you not even know about this kind of important matter?” After speaking for so long, Qin Zhi sighed. However, her older brother had always been dim-witted. Even though his condition had taken a big turn for the better, his dense and honest temper was probably a lost cause. 

Hah. Qin Nuo laughed awkwardly. He had been a shut-in18 before he had transmigrated. After he had transmigrated, he had continued to exhibit his innate qualities of being a shut-in. Aside from the times when he had been invited by Qin Xun, Qin Nuo had practically never gone outside. He had spent the past couple of days holed up at home reviewing his accounts. But he really ought to make some inquiries regarding the news that was going around.   

After the two of them conversed for a while longer, Qin Nuo handed her a little box.  

“What’s this? Older Brother, is this rouge that you (informal) bought from outside the palace?” Qin Zhi took the exquisite little refined brocade box.19

“How could the rouge sold outside of the imperial palace match up to those inside the imperial palace?” Qin Nuo said as he shook his head. In that split-second, his heart and mind shook. A little idea suddenly rose up in his mind: rouge—perhaps he could concentrate his time and efforts into it?  

Qin Zhi opened the box. Inside was a stack of shiny white pieces of paper: five taels20, ten taels, twenty taels—there was a banknote for each.

This was a total of two thousand and two hundred silvers that Qin Nuo had exchanged into smaller banknotes according to their value in silver that would be more convenient for spending.  

“Older Brother.” Qin Zhi’s eyes slightly reddened, “You will have more social interactions outside of the imperial palace for which you will need to spend a lot [of time and money] on. How could you spend your money21 on me? I eat and drink well inside the imperial palace. Do I have any more need for money?”   

“Your current status is not the same as before. The new emperor’s imperial harem may not necessarily take as meticulous care of you all as they had when Father Emperor had been around. If there is anything that [you] want to eat or play every once in a while, I will be unable to take care of you immediately as I am outside the imperial palace, so don’t treat yourself unfairly22.”  

“I have a salary, land, and holdings outside of the imperial palace; how could I lack for this bit of money? Take this first. If you still lack for anything, dispatch someone out of the imperial palace to tell me.” Qin Nuo instructed. 

Qin Zhi nodded her head strongly and stored the brocade box within her bosom.  

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Only when they saw that it was almost time for the banquet to begin did they go their separate ways.    

Having met today, Qin Nuo’s mood eased considerably. Qin Zhi’s days in the imperial palace weren’t that bad, putting him at ease. But his brothers didn’t seem to be in as good of a mood.  

When he returned to the main hall where the imperial clansmen were gathered, he noticed that it wasn’t just Qin Jian who was sporting a super dark expression; even Qin Xun and the others seemed distressed.   

“What’s wrong?” Qin Nuo leaned in close to Qin Xun’s side and asked in a low voice.   

Qin Xun replied in a hushed voice, “News just arrived from the inner palace that there are two hundred thousand troops at the Bei Shuo border!”



This could be just “Miss” (but emphasizing her noble status) or “Eldest Young Miss Huo” depending on context. Even though I have situational context, I don’t rememberknow her family situation so I’m just leaving a note here. Basically “watch what you say” ”臣女” (chénnǚ). 臣 (chén) – state official or subject in dynastic China. 女 (nǚ) -female / woman / daughter 出阁 (chūgé) -(of a girl) to marry (literary) Visual example:  霍幼绢 (Huò Yòujuàn) – surname Huo, “young”, “thin, tough, soft fabric” 颖 (yǐng) – head of grain / husk / tip / point / clever / gifted / outstanding Or “harassment / molestation / indecent assault” 事不关己,高高挂起 (shìbùguānjǐ, gāogāoguàqǐ) -to feel unconcerned and let matters rest (idiom) 昭媛 (zhāo yuàn) – an imperial concubine ranking. Third in ranking of the imperial concubines, which are a rank lower than imperial consorts ”with child” = archaic way of saying “pregnant” Qin Nuo refers to himself as “爷 (yé) – grandpa/old gentleman”, which is similar in this context as if he referred to himself as laozi (arrogant masculine self-appellation). 爷 (yé) is also the same character in wangye, which is what Qin Nuo is. 呃 (è) -(exclamation) / to hiccup 说曹操曹操就到 (shuō Cáo Cāo Cáo Cāojiùdào) – lit. speak of Cao Cao and Cao Cao arrives (comes from Three Kingdoms)/ fig. speak of the devil and he doth appear during the funeral, there was a formal wailing bit while offering sacrifice to the departed Secondary consort. They’re not the main/legal wife but they are only one rank lower. Their children would be Shu born (meaning they are not born to the main/legal wife) In other words, he had no other children/toddlers 死宅 (sǐzhái) – someone who hardly ever emerges from their home, where they play games, watch movies etc Visual example:    Visual example (with a typo lol):  破费 (pòfèi)- to spend (money or time). The connotations of this implies that it’s more than budgeted time or money out of the budget. 偶尔有想吃什么,想要玩什么,我在宫外一时照应不到,你别亏待了自己

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