The rich sweetness of milk chocolate instantly spread in his mouth, and Tong Che curled his eyes. He was about to ask Mu Hanfeng how he secretly brought the chocolate when he caught a glimpse of the camera turning around.

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The cameraman smiled nervously at them, "Teacher Mu, Little Prince Che, have you found any new clues?"

Mu Hanfeng was worthy of being a movie emperor. Switching to a concentrated research demeanour in a second, he said indifferently, "I'm looking."

Since the camera was right in front of him, Tong Che couldn't say anything more. So he reluctantly suppressed his thoughts and followed him to look at the patterns on the wall.

"Teacher Mu," Tong Che exclaimed excitedly, reaching out and pointing to a certain spot on the wall, "Look at this. Is this a clue?"

Mu Hanfeng followed Tong Che's finger and found that the pattern there was indeed different. It looked like random graffiti.

But if one looked closely, you’d find that among the random graffiti was a string of very standard graphic symbols. Like the Olympiad math problems done in elementary school.

"Tong Tong is so attentive." Mu Hanfeng complimented him in passing.

Tong Che immediately said, modestly, "I just happened to see it."

He said it lightly, but the tips of his ears quietly reddened again.

Mu Hanfeng had already known that this little Omega was so easy to tease. But now he realised that not only was he easy to tease, he was also easy to praise.

As he studied the graffiti, he continued to chat casually, "So you're shy now? You're still not immune after being praised by so many people every day? "

Mu Hanfeng knew that Tong Che was really popular now. He had received a lot of praise, whether it was on the internet or in the circle.

Tong Che cooed in a small voice, "Can that be the same..."

The more people praise you, the more it can't compare to the smallest sentence from your idol!

Mu Hanfeng was stunned and understood, but he deliberately pretended not to understand, and his usual frosty tone was tinged with a rare bit of interest. "How is it different?"

The tips of Tong Che's ears suddenly turned even redder, but he still replied seriously, "Teacher Mu is my idol. So, of course, he is different from others. "

Having learnt a lesson from the last interview, he didn't dare say this out loud again for fear of being scolded again when it was broadcast. So he had to come up to Mu Hanfeng's ear and whisper it quickly.

Mu Hanfeng has been in the circle for five years, and he has heard such words countless times. He had long since stopped having waves in his heart over that. Including the ones that came from Tong Che's mouth, it wasn't like Mu Hanfeng hadn't heard of them before. Back in that video interview, he had heard them before. At that time, he didn't care much about it, but now, he didn't know whether it was because of this little Omega's overly sincere tone or the warm breath that was sprayed on his ears, tickling his heart, Mu Hanfeng suddenly felt in a good mood.

Tong Che immediately took a step back after saying this. He was afraid that Mu Hanfeng wouldn't believe him and would continue to tease him by asking something else. So he quickly changed the subject, "Teacher Mu, do you see a pattern?"

Mu Hanfeng probably knew what he was thinking. He smiled and replied, "Well, look at the first symbol, it's a triangle over a circle. The second is a square over a triangle..."

"I got it!" Tong Che took over, "The third is a circle over a square, and the fourth is all three of them stacked together, so the order is: AB, BC, AC, ABC!"

This was actually a very simple pattern, but Mu Hanfeng didn't spare any praise, "How clever."

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A small dimple appeared at the corner of Tong Che's mouth, and then he quickly lowered his eyes, "But what's the use of knowing this?"

"There's no hurry," Mu Hanfeng soothed him, "Let’s continue walking forward and see."

Tong Che had a kind of fascinating trust in Mu Hanfeng. He listened to what he was told, and the two of them proceeded to walk forward. Not forgetting to continue observing the walls.

But they reached the end of the pathway without finding any other clues. This time, there was no fork in the pathway. There was only a small door with something like a dancing machine attached to it.

When Tong Che went up to take a look, he saw three people on the machine's screen, each doing three different dance moves.

The first was a big waist drop, the second was a front bridge hit, and the third was a one-line horse. Each of these was something that could not be completed without having basic dance skills.

Thinking about the only clue they just had, and looking at the camera sensor mounted on the machine in front of them, Tong Che probably understood that they had to follow the pattern they found and do all three moves stacked together once. Only then would the door be able to open.

"Can you do it?" Mu Hanfeng also saw the dancing figures on the screen and inclined his head to ask Tong Che.

After a slight hesitation, Tong Che nodded, "I'll try."

Although he hadn't had much time to properly practise his basic skills in the past year, he had the body traits that belonged exclusively to omegas after all. Besides, he had practised when he was a trainee before, so he should still be fine.

Tong Che stretched casually and was about to start, but suddenly he heard another male voice not far behind him: "Friends in front, how are you?"

Tong Che paused in his movements and turned his head to look over, finding that it was Xiao Yao and Yin Lan.

In between greetings, the two had already approached. Yin Lan looked at Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng, and then at the machine, asking, "Are you guys stuck here and can't get through?"

When it came to the others, Mu Hanfeng was very quiet, so Tong Che took it upon himself to act as the "social bearer" and explained, "I'm not stuck, I'm just about to start."

Yin Lan asked again, "Starting what?"

Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng simply moved to either side, so that the screen could be clearly shown to them.

Who knew that after looking at it, these two looked at each other and were even more puzzled, asking in unison, "What is this?"

Tong Che was amused by the two men's naive looks, which greatly contrasted with their appearance. But for fear of upsetting them, he could only reluctantly purse his lips and ask rhetorically, "When Mr. Xiao and Mr. Yin first came over, didn't they find any clues?"

Xiao Yao and Yin Lan looked at each other again, both seeing a heavy sense of speechlessness and dumbness in each other's eyes.

This time, Tong Che understood that it was probably by luck that these two people had made it this far.

As Mu Hanfeng stood by without the slightest intention of speaking up, Tong Che could only briefly explain what they had found earlier and their own speculations, and finally added, "But we're not sure, we haven't tried yet."

Yin Lan pointed at the screen in an exaggerated manner after hearing this, the little tug on the top of his head about to fly up," They want us to do these actions? The program team is still not human. Don't they know Brother Xiao and I last did such vigorous actions in elementary school? This is unfair! "

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Tong Che completely failed to hold back and burst out laughing, but he quickly covered his lips and apologized, "I’m sorry, I didn't mean to laugh..."

Yin Lan and Xiao Yao were not angry and waved their hands graciously, "Feel free to laugh. Our steel like movements have always been mocked by omegas. It's nothing new to us. "

Tong Che relaxed and pointed at the machine, "So... I'll start?"

Xiao Yao made a "please" gesture, "I don't think we can do it anyway, so start your show!"

Tong Che then didn't delay any longer. Recalling the pattern, he first dropped down sharply, didn't straighten up, and then hit the front bridge in quick succession. Just after he stood up, he heard a "ding" and a light bulb lit up under the screen of the machine.

He looked back at Mu Hanfeng and said, "It really seems to be like this!"

Mu Hanfeng unconsciously smiled, "Well, Tong Tong is very powerful."

He was instantly shy again and didn't dare look at Mu Hanfeng again, and went on to do the second set-first hitting a beautiful front bridge, and then doing an extraordinarily standard one-line horse straight after landing.

His legs were already slender and straight, and the trousers he wore today were just perfectly skinny. So, sitting straight on the ground like this outlined the perfect lines of his legs.

Mu Hanfeng's fingers involuntarily curled up a little.

"Little Che is awesome! " Yin Lan put his hand directly to his mouth and whistled loudly.

Tong Che looked up and smiled at him gently.

Mu Hanfeng's eyes darkened, and he suddenly moved, standing in front of Yin Lan and Xiao Yao.

"Hey," Yin Lan complained, "Teacher Mu, you're blocking my view of Xiao Che."

Mu Hanfeng gave a slow "hmmm." His tone was light, but inexplicably contained a sense of inadmissibility. "No looking, don't steal from us."

Yin Lan: "...."

I'm not stealing anything! As if one look at Tong Che and he can get down with his rigid waist and do the one-line horse!

However, Xiao Yao bumped his elbow just in time, preventing the fool from speaking his mind.

Tong Che didn't notice Mu Hanfeng's little movements as he watched the second small light bulb light up. He then quickly completed another set of exercises involving the waist drop and one-line horse.

When he stood up, another light bulb came on.

Tong Che's eyes were full of joy as he completed the last set, the downward waist drop and the front bridge one-line horse in one go. As the fourth small bulb lit up, he heard a mechanical sound, and the door next to the machine slowly opened.

"Teacher Mu!" Tong Che looked up at Mu Hanfeng. His eyes looked like they were filled with stars, "It worked!"

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Mu Hanfeng also tugged at the corners of his lips, "Well, let's go."

The two of them went out the door side by side, and the camera man immediately followed them.

Yin Lan suddenly dragged Xiao Yao forward in one single stride, ready to rub together, but ended up watching the door close in front of them just as they rushed to the door.

The cameraman who was following them couldn't hold back his laughter, and his equipment was shaking.

The two of them were angry and worried. Staring at the difficult moves on the dance machine.

On the other hand, when Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng entered the door, they were greeted by a sea of bubble balls, and on the other side of the sea of bubble balls, there was a door. The sensor speaker above their heads emitted a clear voice: "Children, do you want to go to the other side? The key to the door is in the sea!

Tong Che understood that there was nothing technical about this time. It was just a matter of finding the key in this sea of bubble balls and opening the door.

But this "sea" was big enough, so although it wasn't like finding a needle in a haystack, it would take a while to find the key.

Tong Che couldn't wait to leap forward. His body jumped in deftly and was instantly surrounded by the bubble balls.

Mu Hanfeng followed suit and took a step into it.

"Teacher Mu," Tong Che stepped forward in the bubble ball, reaching out and gesturing in the middle, "I'll look through this half and you look through the other, okay?"

Mu Hanfeng nodded his head.

Tong Che quickly got into the task and carefully felt and rummaged around. In comparison, Mu Hanfeng's movements were much more careless, and he had time to tease Tong Che, "Tong Tong, you're so soft."

Tong Che: "…."

He was so shocked that his movements jerked. He failed to keep his weight and fell directly onto the pile of bubble balls, bouncing all the balls around him. As if satisfied with his reaction, Mu Hanfeng then said the second half of the sentence unhurriedly, "If your body is soft, your heart must be soft too."

The first half of the sentence was still agreeable to Tong Che. After all, he had just finished "performing" the basic dances. But the second half of the sentence, made him clueless.

After hesitating for a moment, he asked directly, "I... how am I soft-hearted?"

"But you gave them such a detailed explanation, isn't that being soft-hearted?" Mu Hanfeng casually picked up a bubble ball and threw it at Tong Che.

In Mu Hanfeng's view, they were now in a rival relationship with each other, and when they had discovered a clue themselves, they certainly wouldn't want to share it with their rival.

Tong Che caught the bubble ball tossed by Mu Hanfeng and casually squeezed it twice, smiling narrowly, "But, even if Teacher Yin and Teacher Xiao knew what to do, wouldn't they still be unable to do it?"

Mu Hanfeng was stunned and laughed too. Looking at the little Omega's smug little expression, Mu Hanfeng wanted to go up and tap his nose. But he held back and continued to look for the keys.

Tong Che seemed to have discovered the fun of bubble balls. While searching, he secretly played with them. He would deliberately stand up and sit down again, and be embraced by the bubble balls. Sometimes he would pick one up and throw it in the corner, trying to wait for it to bounce back.

He was having so much fun that he didn't notice Mu Hanfeng at the other end of the room looking at him through the corner of his eyes, and he also forgot that there was still a camera in place.

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It was probably because the expression on Tong Che's face was so bright that even the camera man felt that he was happy from the bottom of his heart. He couldn't help but ask, "Little Prince Che likes playing with this a lot?"

Tong Che's eyebrows rose, and he nodded his head.

The camera man smiled and sighed, "You're really a child."

Tong Che's movement while playing with the bubble ball slightly stagnated, and then quickly he continued to search for the keys.

The pause was so brief that the cameraman didn't even notice it, but Mu Hanfeng did. Somehow, he inexplicably remembered the dream he had last night.

In it, Little Tong Che only had that one toy that ended up being snatched away.

Mu Hanfeng lowered his eyes and looked at his hand. The key he had just found was silently put into his pocket without moving a muscle.

Since the little Omega likes to play and is having fun, it would be better to let him play a little longer.

With this in mind, Mu Hanfeng suddenly shouted, "Tong Tong, catch it!"

Tong Che looked up, and before he could react, a huge wave of bubble balls had already poured out in front of him. He hurriedly raised his hands to catch them, but there were so many bubble balls that he couldn't catch them, and finally he simply fell into the sea of bubble balls.

The whole body was covered with bubble balls. Only a pair of beautiful eyes peeked out.

"Is it fun?" Mu Hanfeng asked.

Tong Che rolled over and sat up, nodding vigorously, his tone filled with genuine pleasure, "It’s fun!"

"Want to do it again?" Mu Hanfeng hooked the corners of his lips.

Tong Che hesitated for a moment. But he heard two points of connivance in Mu Hanfeng's tone. So he didn't answer, but directly picked up a large handful of bubble balls and threw them over.

"Oh," Mu Hanfeng raised his eyebrows, letting the colourful bubble balls fall on him, and looked at Tong Che. "You must be very daring to throw bubble balls at me."

Tong Che's fingers shrank back. He couldn't tell if Mu Hanfeng was deliberately teasing him again, or if he really felt offended. So he subconsciously tried to apologize again, "I... Teacher Mu is right..."

Mu Hanfeng could not bear this and interrupted him, "Tong Tong, I accept your challenge!"

Tong Che was stunned as he watched Mu Hanfeng's fingers suddenly unbutton the top buttons of his shirt, revealing his delicate adam apple and a small piece of his sturdy chest.

The difference was only a button, but it inexplicably made this top Alpha's aura, which had always been cold and ascetic, slip through the cracks. Bringing out two points of more inviting and straightforward sexuality.

Tong Che didn't know why he suddenly undid his button, but he unconsciously stared at him. Only when he was attacked by another wave of bubble balls did he come back to his senses. He met with Mu Hanfeng's deep eyes filled with teasing smiles, and all of Tong Che's previous uneasiness and apologies were gone.

"I warned you," Mu Hanfeng played with a sky blue bubble ball in his hand, deliberately lowering his voice and slowing it down. "Who’s to blame for seducing me into this?"

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