Tong Che: "......"

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He actually had no words to retort. But this time, he knew that Mu Hanfeng was only teasing him on purpose. Tong Che had no more scruples and turned his embarrassment and anger into motivation to launch a bubble ball attack on Mu Hanfeng.

Mu Hanfeng didn't hesitate to attack back, and the two of them were instantly engaged in a "bubble ball fight".

The cameraman didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. He wanted to remind them that there was still breakfast waiting for them, but when he thought of the great footage being recorded, he stopped talking.

The camera showed the little Omega in a cream turtleneck jumper and the tall Alpha in a plain black shirt, surrounded by countless coloured bubble balls, each with a frostier look than the other, but with soft smiles in their eyes.


They played for a long time, but the abrupt ringing of the phone interrupted their childish game.

The two were stunned for two seconds, then Tong Che realized that it was his outdated phone that was ringing. He brought it out. The screen flashed and displayed the words "Mi Beibei". He pressed the answer button and turned on the speakerphone. Mi Beibei's sweet voice came out, "Brother Che, why haven't you come out? Are you trapped inside? Director Wang asked if you guys want help! "

If he hadn’t answered this call, Tong Che would have forgotten that he was still recording a show and competing with people.

"Not trapped," Tong Che blushed a little, "No need to help, we'll be out in a minute."

"Really?" Mi Beibei didn't quite believe it, "but Teacher Yin said that the path you guys took was very perverted and hard to get through, eh."

Tong Che didn't expect that Yin Lan and Xiao Yao had already gone out. They obviously hadn't passed that level just now, otherwise they would have met in this sea of bubble balls. But the maze was already full of paths, so they probably went back the same way and chose another path.

Thinking of Yin Lan's exaggerated look when he saw that set of dance moves, Tong Che smiled, "Really, it wasn’t that hard. We'll be out soon. "

Hanging up the phone, Tong Che looked up at Mu Hanfeng with some embarrassment and said, "Teacher Mu, let's... find the key quickly."

"There's no need to look for it."

He raised his hand and flipped his wrist, revealing a golden key lying quietly in his palm. Tong Che was stunned and quickly figured out what this was all about. His heart warmed instantly and he said earnestly, "Teacher Mu, thank you."

As Mu Hanfeng walked towards the door, he asked, "Did you have a good time?"

Tong Che nodded heavily, "Yes, I am very happy!"

Mu Hanfeng found himself enjoying watching this little Omega's eyes light up. As if he was in a brighter mood too, he raised his hand and gave Tong Che's head a quick rub. The hair was so soft that he withdrew his hand and subconsciously twisted his fingers before saying, "It's good to be happy. Let's go and eat."

Tong Che nodded with a red face and obediently waited for Mu Hanfeng to open the door. He added, "I wonder what is beyond this door."

No sooner had he said this than the door opened. To their surprise, there was more passage outside, but there was no new room. There was only a curtain with the word "Exit" written on it.

Mu Hanfeng lifted the curtain, and sure enough, they were really out.

Wang Qi was waiting at the door. As soon as he saw the two of them, he exaggeratedly exclaimed, "You two made me wait so long!"

Tong Che felt that it was his own fault and opened his mouth to apologize. But Mu Hanfeng seemed to guess his intention and spoke up before him. When facing others, Mu Hanfeng showed no tenderness at all, and his tone changed. He regained his usual indifference and said, "Director Wang, over-performing is a big no-no when it comes to acting."

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Wang Qi: "......"

Come on. Are you afraid people won't know you're a professional?

Wang Qi didn't want to talk to this big bastard anymore. He turned his head and saw Tong Che standing next to Mu Hanfeng, secretly hiding his mouth and laughing.

Very good, another little bastard!

Wang Qi was furious and shoved the two breakfast coupons into Mu Hanfeng's hand, then hurriedly walked forward, chanting as he went, "Hurry up and go. My time is limited. If you're not, don't blame me if you don't get to eat. "

Hearing this, Tong Che blamed himself even more. If he hadn't been so playful, they wouldn't have come out so late. He turned his head to look at Mu Hanfeng, his lips twitching, "Teacher Mu..."

Mu Hanfeng looked over and cut off his words, "You are not allowed to apologize. You didn't do anything wrong. It was me who took it upon myself to hide the key. "

His heart warmed and he swallowed the "sorry" that was on his lips. And he replaced it with, "Teacher Mu, I... I wanted to say that I eat very little. I only need a little bit and I am full. "

The rest, he could give to Teacher Mu.

The latter half of the sentence was not spoken by Tong Che, but Mu Hanfeng understood it. His adam apple rolled briefly, and he suddenly asked meaningfully and rhetorically, "Are you giving me everything to eat?"

Tong Che did not understand, so he said, "Yes, Mr. Mu can eat whatever he wants."

Mu Hanfeng's eyes swept over the back of Tong Che's white neck for a moment, and he suddenly closed his eyes. The tip of his tongue touched his posterior molars, and his head was filled with images from his previous dreams when he marked this little Omega.

Mr. Mu wants to eat you.

Mu Hanfeng did not dare speak this sentence aloud, afraid to scare the little Omega. It was also really disrespectful. Finally, he faintly threw out three words, "Let’s go faster."

At the eating place, Ning Ran and Mi Bebe, Xiao Yao Yin Lan, were already in.

Yin Lan, the first to see them, hurriedly waved his hand, "How come you guys just got out now? Is the next stage of that part more perverted than splitting your lower back? "

Mi Beibei also came over and said, "Brother Che, please tell me quickly. How perverted was it? You don't know, once Mr. Yin and the others came out, they kept spitting out that one level was particularly perverted. With a big waist down and the front bridge and the one split horse, Then they started praising you like crazy. Praising you to the point that you were a heavenly fairy. "

Tong Che was amused and said coyly, "How can it be that exaggerated? It's Mr. Yin who is over-complimenting. "

"No," even Xiao Yao spoke up, "Your dancing skills are really good."

"Look, Xiao Che is modest," Yin Lan said, and even asked Mu Hanfeng's opinion, "Mr. Mu, what do you think?"

This kind of sudden Q-person part was very interesting to the guests. And everyone immediately turned their attention to Mu Hanfeng. As they all know, it is difficult to ask Mu Hanfeng to praise people. They are already very thankful that he does not ridicule people.

The next second, Mu Hanfeng was heard saying, "Mm, Tong Tong is very powerful."

Tong Che was looking humble, but his heart was already fluttering. He even wanted to count how many times Mr. Mu had praised him today!

For a second, everyone was stunned. Yin Lan took the lead and said, "Oh." Then they all started hoiting in good faith.

When they saw that the redness on the tips of Tong Che's ears had spread to his cheeks and looked like it would continue to his neck, Ning Ran came to the rescue and said, in a warm voice, "Okay, okay, Little Che and Teacher Mu haven't eaten yet."

Only then did the other three people collect themselves.

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Tong Che had thought wrongly before; he wanted to leave his share for Mu Hanfeng to eat, but now he realized that breakfast was buffet style!

The two got up to get the food, and as expected, the buffet area was basically empty.

When Tong Che looked around, not to mention his daily essential whole wheat bread, there was no staple food whatsoever. In the end, he only managed to get a boiled egg and a bowl of white porridge. Mu Hanfeng also only took a fried egg and a cup of steeped black tea.

When they sat down at the table, Mi Beibei showed a "really" look and pushed a stack of chocolate brownies in front of Tong Che and said cheerfully, "I'm still smart! I guessed that there would be nothing left to eat now. Brother Che, I saved this for you! "

Yin Lan also hurriedly pushed over a piece of matcha cake, "I would have forgotten about it if Mi Beibei hadn't said so, Xiao Che, I saved it for you too! As a reward for telling us the clues in the maze, although we couldn't get through that stage..."

Tong Che was flattered and thanked, but when he turned his head, he saw Mu Hanfeng's sunken face.

Mu Hanfeng thought coldly in his heart, "These two, they are being courteous to the little Omega, but one is a traitor, the other a thief!

But in Tong Che's eyes, this took on another meaning. He mistook Mu Hanfeng for thinking that they had only left it for him and none for Mu Hanfeng.

Tong Che hurriedly pushed the two plates of small cakes in front of Mu Hanfeng, and smiled at him as if to please him, "Mr. Mu, eat them all for you!"

Mu Hanfeng gave a start and realized that this little Omega had misunderstood, but it was hard to explain, so he just said, "I'm not hungry and I don't like to eat sweet things."

Tong Che pursed his lips, "But I... can't eat sweets."

Once he said that, Mu Hanfeng understood. After all, in the circle, body condition management is basically a mandatory course for every artist. But, looking at Tong Che's skinny little face, Mu Hanfeng furrowed his eyebrows and said, "You are so skinny and still dieting. Then how can Mi Beibei live?"

Innocently shot Mi Beibei: "......"

Ning Ran glared at Mu Hanfeng. She hugged her own soft little Omega to the side and gently soothed her. They vaguely heard some words, "My family's Beibei is not fat, really not fat, just fluffy!"

Tong Che held back his laughter, but his gaze was glued to the cake and he could not move away.

If Mr. Mu persuades with one more sentence, well, half a sentence will do. He won't be able to resist eating it!

Mu Hanfeng noticed it. His heart was clear, and he spoke again, unconsciously hiding a smile in his tone, "Then how about we eat together, one half for each person?"

Tong Che completely broke down and convinced himself that it was okay to eat only half. But in the end, he was still coaxed by Mu Hanfeng to eat most of the chocolate brownie and matcha cake on the grounds that he didn't like sweets and that it would be a waste since he couldn't eat them.

When breakfast was finally over, it was almost noon.

Wang Qi couldn't wait to announce what was coming next: "Finally, it's time for our delightful self-reliance session!"

The assistant gave the three teams 120 yuan, 100 yuan, and 80 yuan, in the decreasing order in which they came out of the maze before.

Then she announced: "This is the teachers' funds for the next three days. All the food and lodging in these three days will be paid for by the teachers themselves! "

When her words fell, Yin Lan was already lying on Xiao Yao’s back wailing, "The program team is really not human!"

Even Tong Che, who has always been very tolerant of all kinds of harsh conditions, couldn't help but be dumbfounded, "Three days, two people, 80 yuan?"

Probably because his dumbfounded appearance was too incompatible with his icy persona, the cameraman gave a big close-up.

Of course, no matter how they spat, the program team was determined.

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When enough footage was recorded, Wang Qi gave each of them a mask that only showed their eyes, nostrils, and mouth. He supervised them as they wore the masks, and then unceremoniously kicked the six people out of the warm restaurant.

He also shook his fist in a "cheer" gesture, saying, "Face the wind! Remember to abide by the rules and do not be recognized by others! "

After leaving the restaurant, the brief "friendly alliance" was officially broken and they became rivals again. Parting ways at the entrance of the restaurant, Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng headed inside the resort.

Tong Che stepped on the fallen leaves on the ground, making a "crunching" sound, and was a bit distressed, "Teacher Mu, do you think we can make money?"

Before entering the circle, Tong Che had done all kinds of odd jobs, but he was not as poor as he was now, with only 80 yuan for two people, and it had to last three fucking days.

"Don't be anxious," Mu Hanfeng's face is not the least bit worried. He calmly said, "There must be a way."

His attitude inexplicably let Tong Che rest easy.He did not ask more questions, he just sped up the pace.

Soon, the two walked to one of the most lively areas of the resort: the dining room and souvenir hall. It was already late November, not the peak tourist season, and there were not too many people.

At the entrance to the hall, there was a stall selling freshly made cotton candy, which attracted Tong Che's attention.

Mu Hanfeng followed Tong Che's line of sight and also saw the stall.

Without a second thought, Mu Hanfeng walked towards the stall.

Tong Che froze and hurriedly called out, "Teacher Mu, I don't want to eat. You don't buy!"

They only have 80 yuan now, they can't be so extravagant!

Mu Hanfeng turned back, raised his eyebrows, and asked rhetorically, "Who said I'm going to buy it for you?"

Tong Che was now even more stunned. If it’s not to buy for him, could it be that Mr. Mu wanted to eat candy?

He heard Mu Hanfeng ask the vendor, "Boss, how much is this cotton candy machine for eight hours?"

Only then did he understand Mu Hanfeng's intention, and he was embarrassed by his own self-interest just now. He was still thinking about it, and Mu Hanfeng had already negotiated with the vendor.

The vendor left. Mu Hanfeng stood behind the cotton candy machine and briefly reported to Tong Che, "The rent is 300. I gave him a deposit of 50, and then 250 at the end of the night."

Tong Che made his own calculations. If cotton candy sells for 5 yuan, selling 50 of them would be enough to pay the rent. And the rest would be theirs if they sold some other ones.

With this in mind, Tong Che said to Mu Hanfeng, "Teacher Mu, I'll go in and see what else we can sell!"

"Wait a minute." Mu Hanfeng called out to him.

Tong Che obediently stopped in his tracks and waited for Mu Hanfeng to follow.

Mu Hanfeng did not speak again but directly took action. He poured the syrup into the cotton candy machine and waited for about a minute, watching the syrup get hotter and hotter, gradually overflowing with shreds of sugar. He then pulled out a bamboo stick from the side and turned it quickly on top.

His aura was so strong that even if he wore a mask, he still couldn't hide it. On the contrary, he had taken off his glasses, revealing only those deep pool-like eyes, which made people dare not look at him. It seems out of tune with this marshmallow machine.

But on the other hand, the hand with clear bones and slender fingers, like artwork, holding the bamboo skewer and constantly turning to roll the cotton-like flecks looked very pleasing to the eye.

Tong Che forgot himself for a while, and stared at it in a daze. Watching the white candy filaments rolled bigger and bigger into a large fluffy white cloud.

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Mu Hanfeng withdrew his hand, raised his head, and handed the white cloud to Tong Che.

Tong Che abruptly returned to his senses and said, "For me?"

Mu Hanfeng gave a "mmm" and followed up on his previous rhetorical question, "If I can’t buy it for you, Mr. Mu will make it for you."

The omega’s eyes curved up and the dimple on his cheek was very deep, as he sincerely said, "Teacher Mu, you are very kind!"

The corner of Mu Hanfeng's lips curled up, and he admonished, "Don't eat yet."

Tong Che wanted to ask, "Why can't I eat?" But he didn't ask, he just obediently watched Mu Hanfeng's actions.

Mu Hanfeng took two more bamboo sticks and quickly made two small-sized cotton candies.

Tong Che sighed heartily, "Teacher Mu, you are so skilled!"

"I learned when I took a movie before." Mu Hanfeng explained, and used the syrup to stick the two small marshmallows to the large marshmallow in Tong Che's hand, making the shape of a rabbit's head!

"So cute!" Tong Che sighed.

"Not bad," Mu Hanfeng said, "but not as cute as you."

Tong Che was so embarrassed that he blocked his face with the cotton candy and was about to eat it. Before he could open his mouth, he heard Mi Beibei's voice again, "Brother Che!"

Tong Che turned his head to look over and saw that it was Mi Beibei and Ning Ran, who were probably also looking for "business" and came here.

"Brother Che!" Mi Beibei jogged over, looked at the cotton candy in Tong Che's hand, and then looked at Mu Hanfeng, standing behind the cotton candy machine, and asked, "Are you selling cotton candy here?"

Tong Che nodded and politely asked, "Do you want one too?"

"May I?" Mi Beibei softened her tone, "Can I eat it for free?"

Tong Che didn't say anything, but looked at Mu Hanfeng. He originally thought that because of Mu Hanfeng's character, he would not be willing. After all, they are now competitors, not to mention that Mi Beibei and Ning Ran also had 20 yuan more base money than they did. But he did expect Mu Hanfeng to nod his head very dryly.

"Great!" Mi Beibei clapped her hands happily and continued to ask, "Teacher Mu, I also want a little rabbit like Brother Che. Can I get one? "

This time, Mu Hanfeng didn't nod his head, but just took the bamboo stick and turned it.

Mi Beibei just took it as his tacit approval and looked forward to it with bated breath.

However, within half a minute, Mu Hanfeng withdrew his hand and handed the bamboo stick to Mi Beibei.

On the bamboo stick, a thin and miserable strip of cotton candy was rolled.

"This is it?" Mi Beibei was incredulous, "This is not as big as Brother Che's rabbit ears!"

Mu Hanfeng looked indifferent and replied, in a very perfunctory and indifferent manner, "I’m sorry, it came out like that,."

Mi Beibei: "…."

I believe you are just being a jerk!

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