Mi Beibei pursed her lips and turned her head to complain to Ning Ran, "Sister Ning, Teacher Mu bullied me again!"

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Of course, she said this mostly as a joke, but also for the variety show effect.

Ning Ran also knew that Mu Hanfeng did it on purpose. But now the one with the cotton candy machine is Dad. She could only grit her teeth and swallow her anger, "Can I request Teacher Mu to please play normal and make Beibei another one? We will pay for it. "

She also deliberately focused on the four words "play normal".

When Mi Beibei heard that she had to pay for it, she immediately waved her hand and said, "Then I don't want it. This one is enough to eat! "

But Mu Hanfeng had already drawn a new bamboo stick to make a new cotton candy, saying in a low voice, "I just do the work. Tong Tong is in charge of the money. "

Tong Che was startled and looked at Mu Hanfeng with wide eyes, "Teacher Mu, I..."

"Brother Che!" Before he finished speaking, Mi Beibei was already yelling, "Can it be free? Is it free? "

Of course, Tong Che was willing, but he still turned his head to seek Mu Hanfeng's opinion, "Teacher Mu, Mi Beibei left us chocolate brownies this morning. Let's give her some free candy, okay?"

Mu Hanfeng didn't say "yes" or "no," he just said, "Whatever you choose. You're in charge of the money, you have the final say. ."

Tong Che felt touched. Anyone who heard their idol say such a thing would be. Even though he knew that it was for the show, he was still unable to resist feeling warm. Taking a deep breath, he quickly adjusted his facial expression, and turned to look at Mi Beibei, "Okay, we’ll give you one as big as mine."

"Brother Che is so good!" Mi Beibei smiled sweetly.

Tong Che also smiled and bit down on a big mouthful of cotton candy.

Mu Hanfeng finally did not "play out of order" this time, and made a round and fat cotton candy and handed it to Mi Beibei.

Mi Beibei looked at the small thin bar in her left hand, and the big fat ball in her right hand, and begged softly, "Teacher Mu, can you do me a favor and give me another small one? Just like Brother Che's rabbit head! "

Mu Hanfeng looked at her, did not answer, but only raised his chin coldly, "Bring it."

Mi Beibei did not know what he was going to do, but still handed over all the cotton candy in her hand.

Then, in the next second, she saw Mu Hanfeng coat the bottom of the first cotton candy he made with a layer of syrup and glue it directly to the top of the big one.

"Well," Mu Hanfeng raised an eyebrow, "it’s a unicorn."

Mi Beibei: "......"

You are a unicorn!

Tong Che couldn't help but laugh. It wasn't that he laughed easily. It was just that Teacher Mu put on his famous cold face after making the unicorn, and the effect of telling such a cold joke was amazing.

Mi Beibei finally ate the cotton candy, but she didn't leave immediately. She wanted to chat with Tong Che some more, but Mu Hanfeng stood at the side and stared at her, with the words "Go awag" written all over his face in big print.

Ning Ran couldn't stand it and pulled Mibeibei back to her side, "Beibei, let's go. Don’t we have to make more money?"

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"Yes!" Mi Beibei slapped her head, "There is still money to be made!"

Only then did she fondly greet Tong Che, "Brother Che, we are going to make money. Good luck to you guys. Oh, let's play again tonight! "

Tong Che waved his hand at her and replied, "Good luck to you too."

After seeing Mi Beibei and Ning Ran leave, Tong Che took another bite of cotton candy and said, "I wonder how they will make money."

Mu Hanfeng had never been remotely interested in other people's affairs and just shook his head.

Tong Che also just casually said, then looked up and saw Mu Hanfeng still staring at him. He subconsciously sent the cotton candy in front of Mu Hanfeng, "Teacher Mu, do you want to eat?"

After these words came out, Tong Che realized that he had asked a stupid question. If Mu Hanfeng wanted to eat, wouldn’t he make one for himself? And how could he eat what he had already bitten into?

Tong Che immediately put his hand back and smiled at Mu Hanfeng, "Teacher Mu, you can pretend I didn't ask anything."

Mu Hanfeng held back a smile, "You eat. I don't like to eat sweets."

Tong Che said, "okay," and obediently ate by himself.

Mr. Mu really does not look like a person who likes to eat sweets.

After eating a large cotton candy, Tong Che was very satisfied. He was full of energy and said to Mu Hanfeng, "Teacher Mu, you sell the cotton candy here while I go take a look at things we could sell."

With that, Tong Che took a step towards the hall, but his arm was gently pulled back. He stopped in his tracks and looked at Mu Hanfeng in confusion.

"Don't move." Mu Hanfeng said, then suddenly raised his hand and his thumb rubbed over the corner of Tong Che's lips.

Tong Che's whole body instantly tensed up, and he couldn't even speak properly, "Teacher Mu-Mu-Mu..."

"Relax, "Mu Hanfeng's smile appeared in his eyes. He withdrew his hand, showed Tong Che his thumb, and said lightly, "It's dipped in cotton candy."

This time, Tong Che was even more embarrassed. He hurriedly dropped a "thank you, teacher Mu". Then, like a small rabbit caught in the tail, he turned around and ran into the hall in a flash.

Mu Hanfeng looked at his back and twisted his fingertips, which still seemed to have the touch of little Omega's lips on them.

Inexplicably itchy, Mu Hanfeng took out a cigarette from his pocket. He was worried that there would be a camera not far away to follow the whole process.

There, Tong Che moved around in the hall and found a place to sell flowers.

An idea came to mind, and he took out his outdated phone to call Mu Hanfeng, who was at the entrance of the hall.

The phone was quickly connected, and out came Mu Hanfeng's low, cool voice, "Tong Tong."

Tong Che's ears were tingling, as if Mu Hanfeng was really calling him this way in his ear.

Thinking about business, Tong Che calmed down and said, "Teacher Mu, there are flower sellers here. I would like to buy some to make garlands to sell. Is that okay? "

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"Tong Tong," Mu Hanfeng laughed low and said again, "You are in charge of the money. You can buy whatever you want."

He hung up the phone with red ears and used the only 30 yuan they had left to buy a large bucket of the most unknown small wild flowers, dragging them out of the hall and set them next to Mu Hanfeng's cotton candy machine.

"Teacher Mu," Tong Che sighed, "We are now really broke."

Mu Hanfeng shook his head and fished out 20 yuan from his pocket.

Tong Che's eyes lit up, "You have already sold four cotton candies?"

"Only two," Mu Hanfeng pointed to the two newly displayed cotton candy next to the machine, "They looked like this."

Only then did Tong Che notice that there were two more colourful cartoon marshmallows on the cotton candy machine - a blue bear and a yellow duckling. The design made the price instantly double.

Tong Che was full of energy again. He squatted down, his fingers flying as he soon made up a garland and put it on his head.

A wreath of bright colors was added to the light blond hair, and Tong Che's skin was already white and translucent. Against the background of the sun, he looked like a little angel.

Mu Hanfeng stared at him for two seconds, his adam apple rolling for a moment. He restrained his gaze and casually found a small bench for Tong Che to sit on. He quickly made up a small garland and looked at Mu Hanfeng, "Teacher Mu, do you want it?"

He thought that even if Mu Hanfeng didn't want it, it would be okay to sell it directly later. However, the alpha extended his wrist towards him. Tong Che lowered his eyes as he put the small flower bracelet on Mu Hanfeng's wrist.

Mu Hanfeng’s wrist waz not as slender as his, but the wrist bone was also very distinct and prominent. Now wearing a small flower bracelet inexplicably weakened two points of his sharp aura.

Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng discussed and priced the large garland at 5 yuan and the small garland at 3 yuan, and marked the price on a small cardboard. It didn't take long for business to come.

They were right at the entrance of the hall, in a conspicuous position.

Although the two were wearing masks, the temperament of their bodies was too prominent. One is making cotton candy like in the artwork, and the other is knitting a garland with his fingers, as if he inherited a folk craft that is about to be lost. It soon attracted tourists.

Mu Hanfeng also added some marketing tools. If one wanted cotton candy and a garland, it would cost 13 yuan.

At first glance, it looked like a 2 yuan loss, but it invariably improves sales.

After two hours of selling, they already had a "turnover" of 245 yuan after two o'clock in the afternoon. At least the rental fee for the cotton candy machine was out.

Tong Che finished the calculation in his own mind, and even hesitated about whether to skip lunch altogether, if he could save a little bit.

But Mu Hanfeng seemed to see through his thoughts and asked directly, "Tong Tong, what do you want to eat? I'll go in and buy it."

Although Tong Che had already been around inside, at that time, he only paid attention to what could be sold. He did not even bother to look at what there was to eat, so he honestly said, "The cheapest will do."

Mu Hanfeng lost his smile and reached out to flick his forehead, "No need to be so frugal, little money lover."

Tong Che touched his forehead and said obediently, "Then you look and buy. I’ll listen to you. "

Mu Hanfeng went into the hall to buy food in a good mood.

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Tong Che watched his back disappear before he turned around and gently moved his left wrist. He couldn't help but frown as he let out a light "hiss."

This wrist is really not a good thing. He usually doesn’t use it much, buy today he braided flower garlands for two hours. He moved it a lot and it started to hurt again.

When Mu Hanfeng came out of the hall, he saw little Omega rubbing and pressing his left wrist with his right hand.

"What's wrong?" Mu Hanfeng asked, "Does your wrist hurt?"

Tong Che was startled and immediately let go of his hand, shaking his head, "No... it doesn't hurt."

Mu Hanfeng didn't think much of it. He just thought that this little Omega was tired of knitting flower garlands and was holding himself up. So he thoughtfully didn't ask more questions and only handed him a handbag in his hand, saying, "Eat first. Rest if you're tired. "

Tong Che took it and said "thank you" seriously.

When he opened the bag, there was a crispy and golden fried meat pie with shredded vegetables in it.

"Try it," Mu Hanfeng said, opening the bag himself. "It’s a special snack here."

Tong Che took a bite. The crispy texture wrapped in the cumin aroma of the barbecue instantly swept the taste buds, and his eyes lit up. "It's delicious!"

Mu Hanfeng also took a bite, "mmm," "It’s good you like it."

After a short break, a new group of tourists soon arrived. The two hurriedly finished eating, and then went back into a new busy.

It's just that Tong Che was able to endure the pain at first, so Mu Hanfeng could not see it. But now, every time he finished making a garland, he had to stop and rub his wrist.

Mu Hanfeng looked to the side and frowned. Finally, when Tong Che stopped for the nth time, he couldn't resist walking over and directly pulled his left wrist, "Does it hurt a lot? Let me see..."

He wanted to say "let me see," but the word "see" did not come out as Tong Che violently struggled on a reflex, "No need. Teacher Mu, I'm fine, I'm really fine..."

Mu Hanfeng didn't expect such a big reaction from Tong Che, so he was stunned for a moment and let go of his hand.

As soon as Mu Hanfeng let go of his hand, Tong Che put his left wrist behind his back. He hung his head, not daring to look at Mu Hanfeng's eyes, "Teacher Mu, I didn't... I..."

He wanted to say that he was not insensitive, but there were just some things he didn't want Mu Hanfeng to know. But the more anxious he was, the more he couldn't say anything.

Mu Hanfeng sensed that he was not in the right state and said, in a soothing voice, "It's okay, it's my fault for being abrupt."

Tong Che became even more anxious and said, "No, I don't blame Teacher Mu. It’s, it's me who has the problem..."

"All right," Mu Hanfeng raised his hand and rubbed gently on Tong Che's head, deliberately loosening his tone, "If you don't want to talk about it, don't talk about it. Who can't have a little secret? "

Tong Che jerked, and finally raised his head to look into Mu Hanfeng's eyes. Those deep eyes gazing at him were as calm as ever, and Tong Che quietly sighed with relief.

Fortunately, he didn't let Mr. Mu see it, and it's also fortunate that Mr. Mu didn't continue to ask.

Teacher Mu was his idol, and he treated him so well, Tong Che didn't want to lie to him, but there were some things that he really couldn't say.

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Mu Hanfeng returned to the back of the cotton candy machine as if nothing had happened, and made a small cotton candy for Tong Che. Seeing that he was not tense as before, he suddenly changed the topic, "I cannot ask, but you are not allowed to endure when it hurts. The money we have earned is definitely enough today. "

Tong Che's heart was warm. He nodded and smiled at Mu Hanfeng, showing small dimples, "It’s not hard, I really can persevere."

Mu Hanfeng did not say more. But there is a saying that "things are unpredictable."

Tong Che finished eating another cotton candy and saw two girls approaching from a distance. So he prepared to make another wreath. Who would have guessed that when he was only halfway through making the garland, the two girls rushed over, blushing with excitement, "Ahhhhh! Is it Emperor Mu and brother Che? Aaahh! "

Tong Che was shocked and wanted to say "no," but he was afraid that his voice would expose him. So he hurriedly gave Mu Hanfeng a wink to keep quiet, He grabbed the cardboard with the prices written on it and held it up in front of the two girls.

The two girls looked at each other, a little confused, and continued to scream, "Ahh, it must be my husband and brother! Can you give us an autograph? Sign this and we take all the garlands! "

Then, one of them rummaged through her bag, and the other took out her mobile phone to take pictures of Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng.

Tong Che's heart was panicked, but his face was calm. He turned the cardboard over and grabbed a pen, writing down a line quickly: "Sorry, we are deaf and dumb. We can't hear what you say. Do you want to buy garlands?

When the two girls saw this line of words, they were really stunned for a while, and quickly apologized. They bought two more small garlands and left.

Seeing the two walking away, Tong Che let out a long breath, "I was scared to death, it's so thrilling."

Mu Hanfeng quipped, "You reacted quickly."

Tong Che laughed, but in the next second, he heard Mu Hanfeng ask again, with a smile, "But, your font, won’t it be recognized?"

Tong Che: "......"

He forgot about this!

He looked at the regular schoolboy font on the cardboard and wanted to die.

Tong Che's handwriting was recognisable in the circle because it was neat and childish. Especially when compared with the signature of a group of teachers with flying phoenixes and flourishes. It was more obvious.

The two little girls were just bluffed, but if they come back and see it again, it's the end!

Tong Che looked at Mu Hanfeng, begging for help, "Teacher Mu, what should we do?"

Mu Hanfeng looked at his watch, counted the money again, and confirmed that there was definitely no problem closing for the day. He happened to be worried that Tong Che's wrist would hurt, so he took the opportunity to say, "It's already past six, and we have enough money, so that's it for today."

Although Tong Che still wanted to make money, on one hand, his wrist really hurt a lot. On the other hand, he was more afraid that the girls would come back and cause unnecessary trouble. So he had to listen to Mu Hanfeng and closed.

The two of them found the cotton candy vendor, gave him the machine, and paid the rent in advance. Since they closed before the agreed time, they paid 30 yuan less rent. Then they packed up the few remaining wildflowers and prepared to take them back to the hotel temporarily.

On the way to the hotel, Tong Che thought they would be the first to return.

But when they got to the meeting point on the first-floor lobby, they realised that they were the only two left!

As soon as he saw the two of them come in, Yin Lan ran over as if he had seen a lifeline, "Xiao Che, teacher Mu, save us! Let's exchange rooms ba! The lake view room can be all yours! "

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