Mu Hanfeng immediately understood why Yin Lan would propose this. It was because the lake view room would be more expensive than the ordinary standard room, and they had not made enough money.

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After hesitating for a moment, Mu Hanfeng was about to open his mouth to say something when he heard Tong Che speak first. His tone was very sincere and purely suspicious: "What's wrong, Mr. Yin? Is it because there are too many mosquitoes by the lake? "

Yin Lan: "......"

Mu Hanfeng directly lowered his head, and pressed back a laugh.

What a little fool.

Xiao Yao came over and tugged Yin Lan, dragging the person back, while also smiling like Tong Che and asking, "Yes, what's wrong teacher Yin? Is it because there are too many mosquitoes at the lake? "

But Tong Che hadn't reacted yet, and stood there, blinking blankly.

"Aigoo Brother Che, why are you so cute?" Mi Beibei laughed, "Now it's almost December, where are the mosquitoes? And even if there were mosquitoes, since they are such thick-skinned Alphas, would they be afraid of being stung? "

Tong Che came to his senses with a swish. He raised his small fist and lightly punched his head twice, "I'm the one who's stupid. I always think of mosquitoes when I talk about the lake."

Mu Hanfeng lowered his head and nonchalantly whispered low to his ear, "Little fool."

Tong Che was embarrassed and annoyed, wanting to glare at him but not daring to, only daring to puff up and call him, "Teacher Mu!"

It's really addicting to tease this little Omega. Mu Hanfeng shook his head and pretended to cough. He looked at Yin Lan and Xiao Yao, and started talking about business, "Why do you want to change rooms with us?"

When he heard Mu Hanfeng ask, Yin Lan was instantly possessed, and he ran over to get close to Mu Hanfeng.

"Teacher Mu, no, Brother Mu, Boss Mu, save us! We can't afford to pay for the room even if we don't eat dinner! "

Tong Che's little brain finally came around. These two people did not earn enough money, but they were in the hotel and did not go out. There is only one reason -

"Teacher Yin, you were also recognized?"

This time, Yin Lan froze, "also? What do you mean also? Did you guys..."

Mu Hanfeng suddenly snickered, looking at Yin Lan as if he was looking at a retard. The bottom of his eyes clearly said, "Can we be as stupid as you?"

Tong Che was afraid that Mu Hanfeng would open the mockery and pull hatred again, so he hurriedly spoke out and told them in a few words about their successful escape.

Yin Lan and Xiao Yao were not very eager to talk to Tong Che after listening to him; it turns out that people are not stupid. The really stupid ones are the two of them!

Either they were too unconfident about their own popularity or too confident about the mask on their faces. In any case, the two of them went around the resort before and did not find anything that could make money, but they saw a singer.

As soon as the two discussed it, they went up to ask someone to rent the equipment. A guitar and a microphone. Like countless times before, Xiao Yao sang and Yin Lan played the guitar. Although they didn’t sing the songs they had written, but Xiao Yao voice that teased countless omegas was recognized within a quarter of an hour.

The first time was okay. The two of them ran fast with their long legs, and managed to get away.

They wanted to start all over again in a different place, but the second time they were recognized, the mask was directly removed!

This was a complete violation of the program team's requirements, and the two were taken back to the hotel by Wang Qi to accept punishment. Today, they are completely out of the game and can no longer go out to make money.

As for why the funds were not confiscated: Did the program crew suddenly get a conscience?

Of course not! It’s just because time was too short and they had earned too little, only enough to offset the rent!

After listening to Yin Lan's vivid tears, Mu Hanfeng pushed his glasses up, his tone still unmoved, "So you are now penniless?"

"No," Yin Lan said honestly, "there is still 50 yuan. The team gave us 100 in the morning. We used 50 for lunch. "

Wang Qi came over and said, coolly, "You deserve it. You hadn’t even earned any money, but you dared to use 50 yuan for one meal! "

Yin Lan and Xiao Yao bowed their heads and admitted to scolding.

The hotel's front desk clearly marked the price. Ordinary standard rooms are 198 per night, lake view rooms and star rooms are 388 per night, nearly twice the difference.

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Yin Lan and Xiao Yao can't even afford to stay in a normal standard room now. They can only pay 50 yuan for a temporary stay, and they will have to make up for it tomorrow when they earn money.

Mu Hanfeng tapped his index finger on the arm of the sofa and said, in a light voice, "Wait a minute, I'll discuss it with Tong Tong."

Tong Che asked Mu Hanfeng in a low voice, "How much money do we have in total now?"

Mu Hanfeng had already counted the money when they were wrapping up, so he answered directly, "398."

This is their net income after deducting costs and lunch, but barely enough to pay for the lakeview room. If they did pay, there would be only 10 yuan left, not to mention the morning breakfast. They would have to go hungry that evening.

Tong Che's good-looking eyebrows furrowed together. He was torn. On the one hand, he couldn't bear to refuse Yin Lan and the others. He also wanted to live in the lake view room, but on the other hand, he took into account that money was really tight. He was hesitating when he heard Wang Qi speak up: "I forgot to tell you all that we have a money reward today - the most relevant theme award."

The six people's eyes were instantly fixed on him, like wolves who had been hungry for a long time and saw meat.

Wang Qi was unaware of their sight and calmly opened the projector to show the work of their three groups today.

Xiao Yao and Yin Lan were recognized for their singing and were out of the game.

Ning Ran and Mi Beibei rented a photo booth. One as a makeup artist and one as a photographer, but they really earned a lot.

Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng are selling hand-woven garlands and cotton candy.

"According to our theme for this issue, - back to the basics," Wang Qi announced, "today's most relevant theme award is none other than Mr. Mu and Xiao Che. The prize is 100 yuan! Congratulations! "

This could be said to be money falling from the sky, and Tong Che was so happy that he exclaimed from the bottom of his heart, "So good!"

After receiving the 100 yuan cash from the program team, Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng finally got a lake view room under the envious eyes of Mi Beibei and Ning Ran, as well as the earnest expectations of Yin Lan and Xiao Yao.

But Mu Hanfeng made a request. They could get a lake view room, but not the one that Xiao Yao and Yin Lan had stayed in.

Xiao Yao and Yin Lan did not feel anything about this point. They were also alphas and understood. The more powerful an alpha is, the stronger the sense of territory and exclusivity they have.

The two of them were also unwilling to live in the room where Mu Hanfeng had lived, not wanting to be shackled by the invisible pheromones that remained.

The program team was very nice in this regard and offered them another brand new lake view room. On the way to the room, Tong Che was in a good mood, even humming softly, just a step away from three bounces.

Mu Hanfeng was amused, "Are you that happy?"

"I am happy!" Tong Che nodded heavily, and he was a little embarrassed. As if he was telling some little secret to Mu Hanfeng's ear, and said quietly, "This is my first time staying in a lake view room!"

Mu Hanfeng paused.

He remembered Tong Che's excitement when he was playing with the bubble ball, and the dream about his childhood, and....Mu Hanfeng's eyes moved down and landed on Tong Che's left wrist.

The little Omega in front of him had a cool and cold face, but in fact, he was not really cold and icy in nature at all. On the contrary, when he smiled, he would reveal such nice dimples. But behind this cute and lovely look, what had he actually experienced?

When he first decided to appear on this variety show, Mu Hanfeng came here to solve the mystery. But he didn't expect that the more he got in touch with this little Omega, the more mysterious he seemed, and the more he wanted to know.

Mu Hanfeng lowered his eyes, hiding the darkness at the bottom of his eyes.

There are only a few people who can pique his interest.Let alone after contact, and this interest instead increased.

The little Omega beside him is an exception.

But Mu Hanfeng didn't think it was a good sign. "Mr. Mu," Tong Che's excited tone brought Mu Hanfeng back to his senses, "We're here!"

Mu Hanfeng collected his thoughts and let out a "mm", "Wait for me to open the door."

With that, he fished out the room card from his pocket and opened the door.

The interior decoration of the lake view room was actually not much different from the ordinary standard room. The biggest difference is that there is a large terrace, and the terrace was facing the lake.

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Tong Che entered the room and turned on the light. He put his suitcase up against the wall, and couldn't wait to run to the terrace.

This lake is named Falling Star Lake, and was also a major feature of Yunshan Resort. Many stars can be seen after nightfall, and the stars are reflected in this lake. It looked like a sky of stars falling on the lake, which was extraordinarily charming.

Today's weather was very good, Tong Che stood on the big terrace, admiring the lake full of stars, breathing in the evening breeze with dampness. He couldn't help but turn around and call Mu Hanfeng, "Teacher Mu, don't you want to take a look? This Falling Star lake is really beautiful! "

Mu Hanfeng put their suitcases away and answered, "I'll come."

Standing on the terrace and looking at the lake, Mu Hanfeng heard Tong Che ask, "Isn't it very beautiful?"

In fact, Mu Hanfeng felt that the scenery here could only be called average at best. After all, he had seen much more beautiful scenery than this.

However, turning his head and looking into Tong Che's expectant and bright eyes, Mu Hanfeng replied sincerely, "Yes, it's very pretty."

The little Omega's were so bright that they looked a hundred times better than this Falling Stars lake.

Tong Che then curved his eyes and smiled again. He actually wanted to look longer, but the wind was too cool in the late autumn night, and Tong Che also knew that his body was really not up to par. So, after sneezing twice, Mu Hanfeng drove him back to the room, "Go take a hot bath. You can look at it tomorrow during the day."

Tong Che had to reluctantly go back to the room and enter the bathroom.

But Mu Hanfeng was still standing on the terrace, lighting a cigarette.

Tong Che’s eyes, which were brighter than the stars in the sky as he looked at him, were still lingering in front of his eyes.

Mu Hanfeng lowered his head and let out a deep puff.

He is not an indecisive person. On the contrary, every step that he has taken up to now has taught him the importance of being resolute and decisive.

Therefore, in the face of his sudden inner analysis, Mu Hanfeng did not dwell on it for long.

After flicking the cigarette ash, Mu Hanfeng took out his mobile phone and sent Yunsu a WeChat message: "Asu, help me check what happened to Tong Che's wrist."

Yun Su: "Wrist? What happened to his wrist? "

Mu Hanfeng: "It seems to have been injured."

Yunsu: "Tsk tsk tsk, this little omega is amazing. It’s only been a day and a night, and he has already attracted the attention of our film emperor Mu?"

Mu Hanfeng was stunned. If Yunsu hadn’t said anything, he wouldn’t have even noticed that he and Tong Che really got along with each other for only one day and one night.

But since the heart had already made up its mind, Mu Hanfeng was not someone who would be affected by a few words. He thought of something, slightly narrowed his eyes, and calmly typed: "Indeed, I am quite hooked."

Yun Su returned a good, long string of ellipses.

But despite being speechless, Yun Su's business ability was really strong. In less than five minutes, he sent over a -

"An actor who was in the same crew as him said that Tong Che personally told them at that time that his left wrist was a trainee dance injury. The actor said it seemed to be strangely serious as, at that time, the left hand holding a thermos was shaking.

Mu Hanfeng recalled how Tong Che kept rubbing his wrists during the day, and how he resisted terribly when he touched him, and took a deep breath.

This little liar.

If it was really a dance injury, why such a big reaction?

Mu Hanfeng didn't believe it at all, but he didn't plan to ask again. He had always been patient with what he was interested in.

But even Mu Hanfeng himself did not expect that. Even if he was thinking this way, subconsciously he really wanted to know, and it was reflected directly in his dream.

In the dream, it was still on that beach.

This time, Mu Hanfeng did not sit at the beach, basking in the sea breeze, as a silent and introverted fool. He took the initiative and found the little Omega who had been peeping at him.

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To Mu Hanfeng’s surprise, Tong Che in this dream still looked like a teenager. His facial features were still as cold as they are now, but he was still a little immature. He seemed to have a different kind of youthful feeling.

In the dream, Mu Hanfeng asked the teenage Tong Che very bluntly, "How exactly did your wrist get hurt?"

But even in the dream, he didn't get an answer.

Mu Hanfeng was still undeterred and went straight to the hand, trying to remove the silver bracelet that Tong Che had been wearing on his left wrist.

In reality, if Mu Hanfeng really pushed hard, it would have been impossible for Tong Che to break free. But a dream is, after all, a dream, and Tong Che in the dream still tried desperately to break free. He managed to break free and ran off so fast that Mu Hanfeng had no chance to react.


The next morning, Tong Che was woken up by the alarm clock, and he was very tired. Mu Hanfeng leaned on the head of the bed, tilted his head to look at him, and asked quietly, "Did you sleep well?"

Tong Che's eyes were still half closed. He lazily stretched his waist. His clear, cold voice was rarely tinged with sleep and sounded a bit soft, "not good. I had a dream that I ran all night. "

After saying these words, Tong Che paused and abruptly woke up.

He realized with hindsight that the culprit who caused him to run all night in his dream was the one next to him! Thinking like this, Tong Che looked at Mu Hanfeng with two points of grief.

Mu Hanfeng pretended that he knew nothing, and even asked innocently, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Tong Che gave a start and instantly averted his eyes. Blushing and frowning, "No, Mr. Mu, I just hadn’t woken up yet..."

As he said that, he jumped off the bed and ran towards the bathroom, not daring to look at Mu Hanfeng again.

He was also bewildered. It was just a dream; how could he still be angry?

Both of them washed up, changed their clothes and went downstairs. There was no new stage to pass the level today, so they gathered in the hall, handed in their phones, and put on their masks. After listening to Wang Qi's chatter, they went straight into money-making mode.

Tong Che thought that the wrist stubble was completely over. But after separating from everyone, Mu Hanfeng's first sentence was, "No more braiding garlands today."

When he said this, Mu Hanfeng didn't have the same casual look as when he was teasing him earlier, instead he was extra serious, and the aura of a top Alpha was pressing down. Tong Che was instinctively frightened, but he still mustered the courage and said seriously, "Mr. Mu, we are a team. There is no reason for you to make money while I am idle.

Mu Hanfeng was stunned for a moment, and the corners of his taut lips unconsciously loosened a bit. He half jokingly said, "Other little fresh meats are all squeamish and can't wait to say that they are hurt here and there, looking for time off. How come when it comes to you, you don't even want to be given leisure time?"

Mu Hanfeng's words were not unfounded. There were really many artists like that in the circle. He himself had seen many of them.

Tong Che frowned, as if he hadn't even thought of such an operation as described by Mu Hanfeng. After a long time, he replied with a tense face, "I’m not like that."

The smile under Mu Hanfeng's eyes deepened, and he reached out and lightly tapped Tong Che's nose, "Well, I know you are not."

After saying that, he didn't give him a hard time anymore, but turned to ask, "How is your painting?"

Tong Che was stunned, not understanding why the topic had changed so quickly. But he still obediently replied, "It's okay. I draw for fun sometimes when I'm bored. "

From what Mu Hanfeng knew about Tong Che now, he knew that this little Omega was used to being modest. His "okay" was at least upper-middle level."

Mu Hanfeng put his mind at ease by saying, "That's fine, let's go. Teacher Mu will take you to do something else today."

Seeing that he had no intention of saying more, Tong Che also had the sense not to ask any more questions, and just followed Mu Hanfeng obediently all the way to a small hill.

There was a row of stalls on the hill, all selling handmade kites. There were also many tourists flying kites.

Tong Che vaguely understood what Mu Hanfeng was trying to do.

Sure enough, in the next second, Mu Hanfeng picked a stall that seemed to have the most complete set of raw materials, and negotiated with the stall owner. It took only two minutes to reach a deal.

They gave the stall owner the 70 yuan they had left over from breakfast as a deposit and rented the stall for the whole 500 yuan. The rest of the rent was to be paid at night after work.

"I'll do it," said Mu Hanfeng, sitting on a small pony stool. His long legs crossed in front of him. "How about you paint?"

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Tong Che was happy not to have to watch Mu Hanfeng work alone, and he nodded heavily, "Yes! Teacher Mu, I'll do my best! "

The corners of Mu Hanfeng's lips also perked up with a smile, "Good. Let's work together and try to have a good dinner to improve our lives. "

As he said that, Mu Hanfeng was already moving his hands.

Looking at his skillful movements, Tong Che could not help but be surprised, "Teacher Mu, how come you are so good at making kites? Did you learn this for filming too? "

"Yes," Mu Hanfeng nodded, "I once played the role of a jianghu craftsman."

"I remember now!" Tong Che clapped his hands, "That movie was called "Jianghu", right?"

Mu Hanfeng kept his hands moving and asked casually, "Yes, have you seen it?"

"Of course I've seen it!" Tong Che's tone inexplicably had two points of pride in it: "I've seen every movie that Teacher Mu has acted in."

Mu Hanfeng froze slightly for a moment, then smiled, "That's right, I forgot that you're still my little fan."

The tone of his voice was clearly the same as usual, but the words "little fan" seemed to be deliberately low, and Tong Che instantly felt a tickle in his ears.

Mu Hanfeng was very skilled at making kites, and Tong Che was also very good at drawing, so they could basically satisfy every customer's request, and two of them were happy to do so. After all, the price of a "custom-made" kite was at least twice as high as that of a normal one.

Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng painted and worked together while they chatted. And in their spare time, they also flew kites together.

At first, Tong Che was not able to control the direction. Mu Hanfeng simply held his hand and taught him how to fly the kite, but the result was that Tong Che was once again blushing and was even more unable to control it.

In this way, the day passed unnoticed.

At the end of the day, Mu Hanfeng counted the money, and after deducting the rent, they had a net income of 608 yuan, which was enough to pay for the lake view room and improve their lives for dinner.

Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng ate local specialties in the evening, and Tong Che was in a good mood until they returned to their hotel room.

After enjoying the lake view on the large terrace for another five minutes, Tong Che returned to his room and opened his mobile phone to check if there were any important messages.

There was indeed one important message. Lou Gui told him that the advertisement for Solace's new inhibitor, which he had shot earlier, had been well received after a week's run. An inside source revealed that he was expected to become Solace's newest brand spokesperson.

Tong Che's mood did not flactuate. He was not a newcomer on his first day in the industry. He understood that nothing could be accurate until he saw the contract in black and white.

Tong Che only replied with the word "received" and exited Lou Gui’s dialogue box.

Probably because he was fooled by his previous words, Lou Gui did not mention Mu Hanfeng for the past two days, so Tong Che was naturally happy that he did not mention it.

Ruan Tang also sent a message, saying that she missed him and asking how the program was going.

Tong Che smiled and typed: "I missed you too. It was a good recording, and I had a lot of fun.

This was from the bottom of his heart. He felt he hadn't been this happy for a long time.

When he said he was happy, Ruan Tang was happy too. The two of them chatted a bit more, and then Ruan Tang suddenly changed the subject.

Oh yes, Brother Che! I remembered something important that I heard today! It's said that if you spend a lot of time in close proximity with an Alpha that you are very compatible with, the Omega may go into false-estrus! You and Mr. Mu...would you?

Tong Che froze. He had heard of false-estrus, but had never experienced it. After all, after 23 years of soloing, he had not had much chance to spend a long time in close proximity with a highly compatible Alpha.

As for Mu Hanfeng...

Tong Che hadn't thought about it. They were just recording the show together; they weren't really in love, so how could they possibly test their compatibility?

Besides, Tong Che didn't really care too much about it. He wasn't a normal Omega in the first place. He was in heat all the time. What's the point of being concerned about false-estrus?

But to his surprise, that night, Ruan Tang’s prophecy came true.

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