In the middle of the night, Tong Che was smothered awake. Before he woke up, he was originally having a very sweet and shy dream—in the dream, they were on the same hill where they had been during the day, and Mu Han Feng was teaching him how to fly a kite.

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However, the difference between reality and fiction is that in reality, although Mu Hanfeng also taught hands-on, he just stood beside him and reached out to hold his hand. But in the dream, Mu Hanfeng was standing behind him. Teach him by wrapping his whole body in his arms!

In the dream, Tong Che was, of course, incredibly shy. Not only were his ears and cheeks burning, but every inch of his skin that came into contact with Mu Han Feng was burning.

But gradually, this "hotness" changed from a psychological "hotness" due to shyness to a physical "hotness". His body grew hotter and hotter; sweat beaded on his forehead, and the arms around his waist became a sweet burden, strangling him as if he couldn't breathe properly.

Pheromones spurted out of his glands uncontrollably, and his whole body felt like it had been thrown into a green coconut and soaked.


Tong Che finally struggled to wake up.

Sucking in his nose, Tong Che was completely awakened with a jolt. It wasn't a dream; the whole room was now filled with the smell of his pheromones!

Tong Che jumped out of bed, and his first thought was to look at Mu Han Feng, who was sleeping in the bed next to him.

Seeing him lying flat with his eyes closed, breathing evenly and steadily, Tong Che breathed a small sigh of relief.

Not daring to delay any longer, Tong Che jumped out of bed, and was caught off guard. His legs were so soft that he stumbled. He hurriedly supported the edge of the bed to stand firm.

The black fog that had risen before his eyes slowly disappeared. He gingerly opened his suitcase and retrieved the suppressant and the blocker. Then he tiptoed into the bathroom and closed the door behind him.

What he didn't know was that the moment the bathroom door was closed, Mu Hanfeng, who had been lying on the bed "asleep", opened his eyes. The eyes were clear, with no trace of sleep.

In the bathroom, Tong Che first gave himself a blocker, which was similar to a neck collar. Except that the former is a chemical blocker and the latter is a physical blocker. Compared to the neck collar, the blocking effect is much stronger. In a situation like his current pheromone explosion, the neck collar is undoubtedly no longer effective, and the only solution was to use a blocker.

But the blocking agent could only stop the pheromone from leaking out, but not stop it from remaining active in his body. With his back pressed against the cold tiles, Tong Che took a deep breath. He slowed down for two minutes, and then unpacked the inhibitor without hesitation.

But he didn't have the strength in his hands, and it took a lot of effort to get the sharp needle into his wrist. The inhibitor he used was a strong one, and generally speaking, it would take no more than five minutes at most for the injection to take effect, and the pheromones would slowly settle down.

Tong Che leaned against the wall and kept adjusting his breathing as he waited for it to take effect.

He felt that at least ten minutes had passed, yet he still didn't feel the slightest sign that it was going to settle down. Instead, it felt like it was advancing.


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In that instant, those big words suddenly popped up in Tong Che's mind. He had been taught in his secondary school physiology class that a false-estrus could not be suppressed by inhibitors, and that the only way was to be temporarily marked by the Alpha that had "lured" him into an estrus.

Tong Che pursed his lower lip, his face white with misery.

He now knew that he and Mu Han Feng must have had a high degree of compatibility.

It didn't even need to be tested, his body had already given the most honest answer-every cell in his entire body, was screaming with longing. Longing to be near Mu Hanfeng. Longing to be bitten hard by Mu Hanfeng and to be completely wrapped in Mu Hanfeng's pheromones.

But no.

They weren't lovers, maybe not even friends yet.

What could he do?

Could he just rush out and hug Mu Hanfeng and shamelessly ask him, "Teacher Mu, can you bite me?"

Besides, he found that his legs were so weak that he could hardly stand up. He tried to hold on with his arms, but his arms had no strength either. So, he couldn't get up at all and ended up sliding to the ground.

He pulled the corners of his mouth in mockery. He really wanted to be shameless, but his body wouldn't even give him the chance.

If it was impossible to be bitten for real, unless he fell asleep and dreamt of getting a bite from Mr. Mu in his dream, then maybe he could get better.

With such hopes, Tong Che leaned his head back against the wall and closed his eyes, trying to hypnotise himself.

But the pain in his body was unbearable this time, so unbearable that Tong Che couldn't ignore it and couldn't sleep at all.He couldn't even move, and his mind was so confused that he felt like he had gone back to the night of the initial division ten years ago.

Suddenly, there was a sharp knock on the bathroom door, and Mu Hanfeng's voice came in with a rare anxiety, "Tong Tong? Are you okay? "

Tong Che's lips moved, but no sound could come out.

"Tong Tong, I'm coming in!"

When Tong Che heard Mu Hanfeng say this, he felt that the voice was very close and far away from him, so ethereal.

He was unable to respond, only seeing the bathroom door being pushed open vigorously and a tall and handsome figure appearing in front of him.

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Tong Che's eyes were blurred and he could no longer see the figure's face. But he knew that it was Mu Han Feng who had come.

For the next moment, he fell into an embrace filled with the scent of the sea, soothing and reassuring.

Tong Che opened his mouth again and called out in an airy tone, "Teacher Mu."

"Teacher Mu is here," Mu Han Feng's low voice, which could easily soothe the heart, responded, "Sleep. It won't be as hard if you wake up. "

Tong Che raised the corners of his lips with effort, and in the last second before deep sleep, a very inexplicable thought suddenly crossed his mind - it was as if there was someone holding him like this on the night of the split.

Mu Hanfeng put Tong Che on the bed, but he didn't dare to leave, so he sat on the edge of the bed.

He had always been a light sleeper, so when Tong Che rolled over and sat up, he woke up with him.

He wanted to ask, "What's wrong?" But the words stopped at his lips as he realized that the coconut fragrance that lingered in his nose at that time was real and not in a dream.

Although he was an alpha, he still had the most basic physiological common sense and knew that Tong Che was in heat.

Although he didn’t know why this happened all of a sudden, the little Omega was so thin-skinned that if he made a sound, he would definitely scare him.

If Emperor Mu wanted to pretend to be asleep in good faith, he could easily fool anyone.

He closed his eyes and listened to Tong Che get out of bed, open his suitcase, hear a rustling, assuming he should have taken something like an inhibitor, and finally hear him enter the bathroom and close the door.

He originally thought that this little episode would end there. But Tong Che didn’t come out of the bathroom again. After waiting for a quarter of an hour, not only did he not come out, but there was no sound of movement inside.

He didn't care whether Tong Che would be shy or not, so he got out of bed and walked to the bathroom.

By the bathroom door, the little Omega with messy hair and red cheeks was sitting dazedly on the floor.

He was all soft and hot in his arms, the warm breath that smelled like coconut spraying erratically on his chest.

However, this did not arouse the slightest desire in Mu Han Feng. On the contrary, he only felt heartache.

Mu Hanfeng found it interesting. After all, he hadn't experienced this kind of emotion for at least ten years. He didn't know why Tong Che had hit the inhibitor, but it didn't do anything.

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However, having never eaten pork but having seen a pig run, Mu Han Feng knew that at times like this, it was better to mark him temporarily.

But now that Tong Che was already asleep, Mu Hanfeng would not do something like take advantage of someone without permission, even if he was helping them.

Looking down at the little Omega, who was obviously asleep, but still breathing unevenly and frowning. He instinctively leant towards him. Mu Han Feng narrowed his brows, intuiting that there was another way...

The idea came out of nowhere and was absurd, but it was too late in the night to go to the doctor accompanying the show, so "that" was the only way to try.

With that in mind, Mu Hanfeng didn't hesitate any longer. He got up and went to the bedside table, pulled open the drawer for the sleeping pills, and poured out three of them at once, swallowing them all in one gulp.

This was a new medicine that he had just changed not long ago, and it was quite potent. He has been suffering from insomnia for years and has already developed a tolerance to sleeping pills, so one pill is basically enough.

Of course, that's if he is to fall asleep normally. "One tablet is enough" means that he will be able to fall asleep at least half an hour after taking it.

But in a situation like this, where he woke up in the middle of the night, if he didn't swallow three tablets in one go, Mu Hanfeng reckoned that it would be difficult for him to fall asleep again. If he did not fall asleep soon, his solution could not be implemented.

Instead of going back to his own bed, Mu Hanfeng leaned against Tong Che's bed, closed his eyes, and waited for the medicine to take effect, dragging him into a deep sleep.


Tong Che was dreaming again.

The pheromones in his body, which had been suppressed by the inhibitors for a long time, suddenly exploded because of this fake heat, and the impact was so strong that Tong Che was disturbed and fell into the chaotic memories of the day of his differentiation.

It was even in his dreams.

In the dream, Tong Che, who had just turned thirteen years old and was about to be transformed, was suffering from severe physical discomfort, sitting on a large reef by the sea, carrying two cans of cold beer in his hands.

Taking a deep breath, he lifted his weak arms, and with great effort, pulled open a can of beer.

The cold liquid flowed down his throat and into his stomach. Even though it was beer, it was too spicy for a first-time drinker, not to mention the fact that his body was already uncomfortable to the extreme. Now his throat and stomach are becoming even hotter and more painful. He finished the whole can in one gulp, and with a burning sensation all over his body, he opened a second can.

If anyone had seen him at that moment, they would have noticed that there was not a trace of pain in his eyes; instead, there was only the pleasure of being relieved.

It had been taught in physiology class that both Alpha and Omega must not touch alcohol during the time of differentiation, and that at this particular time, alcohol was extremely damaging to the body. As his head became more and more dizzy, a black fog rose up in front of his eyes, and his whole body became as heavy as a sack filled with lead.

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His breathing turned from rapid to thin, and his heartbeat gradually slowed down.

At that moment, the young boy really thought that he was going to die.

But the second before he lost consciousness, he suddenly smelt the smell of seawater that was a hundred times more raging than before. It wrapped him completely and tightly, without leaving any gaps.

In a trance, a tall figure stood against the light, and his long, strong arms easily picked him up and held him securely in his arms.

It was strange because the young Tong Che in the dream should not have known Mu Han Feng. But the moment he was picked up, he did not feel any rejection or panic. On the contrary, he liked it very much and even indulged in this embrace.

Like a drowning man who has found the only driftwood, the young boy was already unconscious. His eyes were closed, and the glands at the back of his neck were throbbing.

Until a low warning came from above his head, "Stop moving."

It took a lot of effort for him to understand what the handsome Alpha holding him was saying, and he immediately became aggrieved, arching harder into Mu Hanfeng's arms, and mumbling, "Just a rub... I want.. I want..."

"Want what?" Another question sounded in his ears, the voice sounding even more intense than before.

After hearing this question, Tong Che felt his consciousness start to pull away from his dream, but without fully waking up. His mind became incredibly clear in this moment, so clear that the only thought left was that he mumbled out, "I want... I want to be bitten by Teacher Mu."

The Alpha holding him breathed heavily and the smell of the ocean grew stronger, as if the tide was going to rise in the next second. The sensation was too real, too real to be a dream.

Not... like... a... dream!

Tong Che abruptly woke up. He opened his eyes and was confronted with what was close at hand, Mu Han Feng's lean and strong chest. Before he could understand what was going on, Tong Che raised his head mechanically, caught off guard but not unexpectedly, and bumped into Mu Hanfeng's eyes, which were already deep, but now seemed to be brewing like a vortex.

Tong Che's heart jumped heavily, and his Omega instincts sensed the danger and wanted to escape. But before he could do anything, the back of his head was suddenly held by Mu Han Feng and pressed into his arms.

Mu Hanfeng lowered his eyes and stared deeply at the slender back of the little Omega's neck, which was exposed in front of him without any cover. It was not as white and smooth as usual, but had a small bulge that was flushed with red.

It was a beautiful sight.

The tip of Mu Han Feng's tongue rested against his posterior molars, and his eyes deepened.

He knew that that was Tong Che's gland.

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