The blocking agent that Tong Che used before had already taken effect, and now Mu Hanfeng could hardly smell the little Omega’s pheromones.

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But at this moment, that didn't lessen his unique alpha desires in the slightest -

He wanted to bite down hard, to pierce the little Omega's fragile glands with his sharp canine teeth. To inject all his pheromones into it, to make him smell like him, to brand him as his own!

All these thoughts were swirling around in Mu Hanfeng's mind, and he unconsciously tightened his grip on the little Omega, and couldn't help but drop his head even lower, his lips just before the red glands, which seemed to be making a silent invitation!

But Tong Che's voice came from his arms with a slight tremor, only to hear him ask, "Mu... Teacher Mu, are you also... are you also in heat?"

Mu Hanfeng instantly sobered up. He suddenly let go of Tong Che, got up and sat against the side of the bed, turning his back to him as he lit a cigarette. He took a big puff before answering in a low voice, "No, I'm not in heat."

Although he did want to mark this little Omega like crazy, he was very sure that his pheromones were very smooth and he was not in heat at all.

There was no way he was in heat either.

Tong Che, however, froze.

He hadn't actually recovered fully yet, and could feel that the pheromones in his body were far from smooth, but perhaps he had been soothed by Mu Hanfeng's pheromones and was indeed feeling better than before.

As his body got better, his mind could now think.

Tong Che had sorted out a small part of his current situation, but there was still more that he couldn't sort out.

He had a sudden false estrus, and later on, he became confused and close to unconscious. It was probably Mr. Mu who carried him out of the bathroom.

But as for after that...

After carrying him out, why on earth would Teacher Mu be in his bed and look like he was about to bite him!

Tong Che's original guess was that Mu Hanfeng was also in the heat.

It was also taught in junior high school physiology class that alphas don't go into heat on their own, but can be induced to do so by an omega. Especially as the pheromone fit between the two increases, the easier it is for the alpha to be induced as well.

Tong Che felt that if he could falsely go into heat because of Teacher Mu, it meant that the fit between the two was high enough, so in turn, it made perfect sense that Teacher Mu was induced into heat by him. But now, Teacher Mu was saying that he was not in heat...

Tong Che was in a daze, and in a flash, he thought of the words he had murmured just before he woke up - "I want to be bitten by Teacher Mu."

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Tong Che was shocked, so it wasn't a problem with Teacher Mu at all, it was he that was too rude!

Was it because he was pulling at Mr. Mu and insisted that he had to share his bed with him!

The more Tong Che thought about it, the more frightened he became, and after a moment of hesitation, he decided to apologize first. Who knew that Mu Hanfeng was one step ahead of him?

Mu Hanfeng took another puff of his cigarette and exhaled a smoke ring. Tilting his head, his tone was a rare seriousness, "Tong Tong, I'm sorry, I didn't control myself just now."

Although it is true that this was not his intention, it is also true that this little Omega threw himself at him first.

Originally, Mu Hanfeng had wanted to hypnotise himself to sleep as soon as possible, and later try to bite Tong Che in his dream with a strong enough subconscious. He wasn't sure if it would work, but he just wanted to try it instinctively.

After swallowing three sleeping pills in one go, Mu Hanfeng did indeed fall asleep.

But he hadn't slept for even five minutes, and before he could dream of any markings, he was woken up by this little Omega.

The little Omega's soft, warm body was arching around in his arms back and forth...

Who the hell could resist that?

He warned him to "stop moving", but to his surprise, the little Omega was rubbing on him even more. Not only rubbing even more, but even saying outright that he wanted to be bitten by him! Even though he knew that the one who said that was Tong Che, who had not yet come to his senses, Mu Hanfeng could not restrain the desire that was surging in his head for a while.

To Mu Hanfeng, who had lived and been indifferent for twenty-eight years, this was a rare and new thing.

Before today, he never felt that he could be aroused so easily.

Before he met Tong Che, he had never been aroused by anyone either.

But now, Mu Hanfeng had come to his senses.

Regardless of the previous situation, his good intentions, and who had flirted with whom first, the conclusion was the same: he had indeed lost control at that moment.

This necessitated an apology.

This was not some so-called modesty and upbringing, but just Mu Hanfeng's pride and insistence engraved in his bones; he was unwilling and would not be like the man he loathed, an animal ruled by desire.

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But Tong Che did not dare accept this "sorry" at all.

He already had an idea in his mind. What kind of person was Mu Hanfeng? He was recognised as the Alpha with the strongest restraint! But even though he had such strong restraint, he couldn't control it. Was he really too attractive to Mu Hanfeng? Tong Che didn't think he had such a distinctive face, so the only possibility was that he had really come on strong... too strong!

The more he thought about it, the more he wanted to bury his head in the crack of the bed. He shook his head in a panic and said in shame, "Teacher Mu, don't apologize, it's all my fault."

Mu Hanfeng put out his cigarette in the ashtray, raised his hand and pinched his brow, asking in a deep voice, "Tong Tong, whatever you said and did before, it was done unconsciously." How can you be blamed for that? "

Tong Che paused, his lips moving, but he didn't pick up the words for a moment.

Mu Hanfeng was actually right. He was just coming on strong, and that was because he thought he was dreaming. He didn't mean to.

It's just that, after so many years, he's already used to saying "I'm sorry" and taking all the blame on himself.

When Mu Hanfeng saw that the little Omega was silent, he sighed silently and changed the subject, "Are you more comfortable now?"

Tong Che returned to his senses and subconsciously nodded, "Much more comfortable, basically healed!"

Mu Hanfeng turned around and looked at him carefully. He suddenly took a tissue, gently wiped off a layer of fine sweat from Tong Che's forehead, and said, "Is that so?"

Tong Che froze. Isn’t he?

Of course not. It was true that he was feeling better, but it was still a long way from being better. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been sweating.

Normally, given Tong Che's character, he would have said he was fine. He had long been accustomed to taking care of himself and not giving others any more trouble.

But at this moment, with Mu Hanfeng's eyes as deep as a pool of water gazing at him, Tong Che swallowed the "of course" that was on his lips and said, "Actually, it's still a bit hard." He seldom said such things to people, so he spoke in a very small voice, and had very little breath.

Mu Hanfeng smiled, eased his voice, and asked, "So, how can I help?"

Tong Che's hands tightened. He crossed his heart, and asked softly, "Teacher Mu, can you... can you release some more pheromones like you did before?"

Mu Hanfeng didn't answer, but did so directly. He carefully mobilised the pheromones in his body and released them in controlled amounts, observing the little Omega's expression and asking him in a low voice, "Does this make you feel better?"

Tong Che's tense body gradually relaxed, and he nodded vigorously, showing his dimples to Mu Hanfeng, "It's much better."

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After saying that, as if he was afraid that Mu Hanfeng wouldn't believe him, Tong Che hurriedly added another sentence, "This time it's true!"

The smile under Mu Hanfeng's eyes deepened, and he said slowly, "That's good."

Wrapped in the overflowing scent of the sea, Tong Che felt a lot more relaxed in his body and in his mind, and his mind gradually became active.

Thinking of something, he looked at Mu Hanfeng with some hesitation and said, "Teacher Mu, don't you... have anything you want to ask me?"

Mu Hanfeng raised an eyebrow, "Like what?"

Tong Che clutched the corner of the blanket and replied in a small voice, "For example, you should have noticed that I used the suppressant this time, but it didn't work..."

Mu Hanfeng paused and said, in a relaxed tone, "I thought this was your Omega's little secret."

Tong Che's fingertips hidden in the blanket trembled as he subconsciously fished over the little fat bear, rubbing its fur one by one, "But... but, aren't you afraid that this will happen to me next time?"

The two of them had to spend a whole month together, and after only two days, he was in fake heat. Not only disturbing Teacher Mu's sleep, but also making him lie in his bed. Who knows what would happen next time?

Mu Hanfeng seemed to have heard something very interesting. He stared at the little Omega for a long time and found that he was genuinely worried about him.

He could not help but stifle a laugh, the corners of his lips hooked up, "Tong Tong, are you really stupid or fake? You, a little Omega, aren't afraid of being eaten by me if I get out of control? What do I have to fear?"

Tong Che: "......"

Tong Che's ears abruptly reddened. Although this was true, after his previous experience, on the one hand, he really trusted Mu Hanfeng's restraint, on the other hand...

On the other hand, Tong Che felt that if he was really bitten by Mu Hanfeng, he wouldn't be at a disadvantage. After all, Mu Hanfeng was his idol, and what Omega in the world wouldn't want to be bitten by his idol?

However, Tong Che did not dare tell Mu Hanfeng this, so he simply played dead and buried his head in the pillow without making a sound.

Mu Hanfeng looked amused and did not intend to tease him any further, so he finally went back to his own bed, looked at his phone, and said, in a warm voice, "It's still early, sleep a little longer."

Tong Che buried his head in the pillow and nodded. His voice was a bit muffled, "Teacher Mu, I've really given you trouble tonight..."

Mu Hanfeng sighed. He really didn't know how this little Omega had grown up. How had he developed such a considerate nature?

But obviously, this was not the time to ask about that, so he just said, "It's no trouble, go to sleep now."

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Tong Che nodded obediently again, and closed his eyes. He fell asleep quickly now that he was comfortable.

Mu Hanfeng had originally thought that he would not be able to sleep this time, but as he lay there, he slowly fell asleep again.

Tong Che dreamed about Mu Hanfeng again. The dream this time was extraordinarily simple and hardcore. As soon as Mu Hanfeng appeared, he held him tightly in his arms, and, without saying a word, bit his neck hard. He seemed to be venting something. Marking him hard!

Tong Che woke up again, feeling so relieved all over his body that he was no longer surprised. He also secretly calculated that the next time he was really in heat again, it would probably be a week later.

Mu Hanfeng looked at the re-energized little Omega and remembered the dream he had just had, and two points of interest appeared in his eyes.

Today was the last day of this week's cohabitation session.

Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng, just like yesterday, still rented a booth selling kites. One made kites, the other painted them. They were perfect partners.

At the end of the night, in the hotel lobby, Wang Qi had his assistant tally the total earnings of the three CP groups for the past three days.

Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng took the crown with a huge lead of a full 300 yuan, and got the first big gold coin handed out by the show.

After congratulating the two, Wang Qi turned his head to face everyone again and said the same old encouraging lines: "In the next recording process, everyone still has a lot of opportunities to get gold coins. So don't give up easily until the last moment! Only the pair that stands to the end and gets the most gold coins is the real winner and is qualified to win our mystery prize! "

Everyone also cooperated with him, cheering each other both within the group and scolding each other outside of it.

After recording enough material, Wang Qi let the six people go back to their rooms to rest.

Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng did not sleep well last night. So Tong Che hugged his teddy bear and fell asleep as soon as he hit his pillow, and Mu Hanfeng, for the first time ever, fell asleep less than twenty minutes after taking sleeping pills.


It was a night of peaceful dreams.

The next day, after gathering to eat breakfast, Wang Qi led six people to a small wooden house.

A large red love heart hung on the cabin, which was embedded with big rose-pink letters: Love Hut.

All six were thunderstruck by the cheesy aesthetic, but only Wang Qi alone joyfully announced: "It is now November 24, 2022, Yangcheng time. Welcome to the first week of our "The Power of Love for the Nth Time" love session. The theme is "Getting to know each other! "

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