Chapter 31

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That's right, he really used all fours and was really hanging...

Two thin arms were firmly wrapped around Mu Hanfeng's neck, and two long legs were tightly clamped around his waist.

Mu Hanfeng was originally bending down to check the front of the car, but just as he straightened up, there was a new koala-Che on him.

For a moment, Mu Hanfeng felt that he had become a tree trunk, not even daring to move.

The two of them were clearly separated by the fabric of their clothes and two layers of raincoats, but Mu Hanfeng still clearly felt the warmth and softness of the little Omega's body.

He subconsciously wanted to reach out and pocket Tong Che's little buttocks, but the circumstances were so inappropriate that Mu Hanfeng stretched out his hand, but all he got was a handful of cold rain water.

He moved his hand up and patted Tong Che on his back, his voice a little hoarse, "Tong Tong is not afraid. Tell me what you saw."

It was only when Mu Hanfeng's voice sounded in his ears that Tong Che snapped back to consciousness, realising afterwards the position he was in!

He hurriedly jumped off Mu Hanfeng's body, his head hanging low, so he didn't see the momentary look of regret that crossed Mu Hanfeng's eyes.

"Mu... teacher Mu," Tong Che mumbled in a small voice, "I didn't mean to do that. I'm sorry..."

"I know you were scared," Mu Hanfeng interrupted the apology that was about to come out, his tone soft. Are you still scared now? "

Tong Che quietly moved closer before shaking his head, "I'm not afraid anymore."

After these words, Tong Che suddenly remembered something and turned back abruptly. He saw the reserved camera that was close at hand.

Tong Che: "... "

"Master Liu," he called out to the camera brother, aggrieved, "can you delete that part just now?"

If that part was released, Tong Che could imagine what the pop-ups would be like and how his persona would crumble!

However, Master Liu smiled naively and didn't do what he wanted, "Little Prince Che, I can't decide this. It's up to Director Wang and the others to decide. "

Tong Che: "...."

"Tong Tong," Mu Hanfeng called out to him with a smile, "Come and look for clues."

Tong Che instantly perked up. As long as he looked for clues properly, his image might still be salvageable!

"Teacher Mu," asked Tong Che, "Did you find anything on the front of the car?"

"I don't see anything for now," Mu Hanfeng shook his head, "It just looks like it's been hit, and the deformation is quite serious."

With that, he also took a step forward and looked into the car.

Tong Che called out in time, "Teacher Mu, you..."

He originally wanted to remind Mu Hanfeng that it was scary inside, but before he could finish his sentence, Mu Hanfeng had already poked his head in.

Not only did he poke his head in, but he also looked back at him with a smile, "Tong Tong, did you just get scared by this doll?"

Tong Che: "......"

You call that scary thing a doll?

But he only dared to think about it in his mind, he didn't dare to say it out loud.

Mu Hanfeng didn't tease him anymore, but directly pulled open the car door to get a closer look.

When the car door was pulled open, the "rain" suddenly became even louder, and a gust of wind blew through. After the sound of thunder, a clear female voice rang out: "Brother, don't you like me wearing this the most, the floral skirt? Why didn't you praise me for being beautiful today? "

The voice was extraordinarily sweet, but in this ambience, it was indescribably weird.

Tong Che involuntarily shivered, and the next second, he felt a warm body behind him.

Mu Hanfeng leaned over and supported him with his chest, and also reached out to wrap his arms around his shoulders.

It was like a hug from behind.

Tong Che instantly felt a lot more stable. He tilted his head and showed a small dimple towards Mu Hanfeng.

However, in the next moment, when he saw the "doll" on the passenger side of the car, Tong Che couldn't smile again.

The owner of the pair of big eyes that he had met passionately earlier was indeed a doll, or to be more precise, a mannequin.

She looked like the height of an average Omega girl. Her eyes were huge, her double ponytail hairstyle showed that she was not too old, and what made Tong Che want to shriek the most was that this model was wearing a flowery skirt.

After a closer look, with the not so bright light, Tong Che could still see that this so-called flower skirt was not really flowery, but a pure white dress stained with blood and blooming, like a blood flower.

The sound in the room was still blaring non-stop, accompanied by the booming thunder, and the only thing that was repeated over and over was that one sentence.

It was a 360-degree, all-around sound, as if it was right next to the ear, chanting to the point where people's hearts were on edge.

Leaning his back against Mu Hanfeng, Tong Che reluctantly steadied his mind, took a breath, and carefully observed the interior of the car. Inside the car, apart from the "girl" in the flowery dress on the passenger side, there were three other "people".

The one in the driver's seat was a man, with his head banged on the steering wheel, his face invisible. He was wearing a short sleeved shirt and shorts, his bare skin covered with bruises of varying shades, looking bloody, and his body was also stained with blood.

Only then did Tong Che notice that the car's windscreen had shattered to pieces and was scattered all over the car.

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Mu Hanfeng's eyes fell on the man's neck, and he let out a soft "tsk," "This is a tragic death."

The man's neck had a large piece of broken glass stuck in it. Most likely, his artery was cut and he bled to death.

Tong Che also took a look at him and lowered his eyes with some trepidation, sighing in a small voice, "This prop is so realistic."

The corner of Mu Hanfeng's lips hooked, suddenly reaching out and cupping Tong Che's chin, making him turn, "Look at me if you're afraid."

Tong Che was caught off guard and locked eyes with the alpha, instantly forgetting all the scary things and unconsciously looking away.

"Tong Tong," Mu Hanfeng asked in a low voice, "what are you thinking about?"

Mu Hanfeng's eyes were so deep that after looking at them for a long time, it was as if he had been hypnotised and was not able to resist speaking from his heart.

So, Tong Che spoke in a very soft tone and murmured, "Thinking, how can Teacher Mu look so good."

Mu Hanfeng: "......"

Damn! One by one, this natural teasing was killing him!

His breathing stalled twice. He let go of Tong Che and twisted his head to continue to look at the group of hot eyes in the car to put out the evil fire.

Only after another two seconds did Tong Che abruptly come back to his senses. Realizing what he had just said, Tong Che's face instantly turned scarlet.

He sneaked his eyes to glance at Mu Hanfeng, only to see that Mu Hanfeng was looking at the car with a serious look on his face, looking for clues, only his adam’s apple rolled up and down a little.

Tong Che hurriedly withdrew his gaze and also unconsciously swallowed before continuing to look at the car.

In addition to the two people in the front seat, there were two other people in the back seat, a man and a woman, who were much more "peaceful" than the ones in the front seat at a cursory glance.

There was very little blood on their bodies, only a few spots, making it more likely that they had been splattered.

There were also a few scratches on the exposed skin.

In order to get a better look, Mu Hanfeng reached out again and pulled the door of the back seat on this side of the car.

The moment the door opened, a gust of wind rose and thunder rumbled.

The audio finally changed its lines, from the sweetness of the previous voice to another, more mature and more shrill female voice, "Little Jie, my good son, didn't you say that mommy looks best with red nail polish? Why don't you let Mommy touch you today? "

Listening to the words on the stereo, Tong Che subconsciously looked down and swept a glance towards the woman's hands in the back seat.

Sure enough, the woman's fingers were very thin, with very long nails and bright red nail polish.

In this situation, Tong Che had no doubt that this was not any nail polish at all, but blood!

Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng glanced at each other, Mu Hanfeng held his wrist, and together they went around to the other side of the car and pulled open the door of the back seat on that side.

As they had expected, the moment the door opened, there was another gust of wind and a thunderous noise.

And this time, the voice in the stereo turned out to be a low, muffled male voice, "Little Jie, Daddy bought for you the Lego car you've always wanted. Why don't you want it now? "

Looking down, both Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng saw a Lego model on the man's lap, a sports car with beautiful lines.

It was bright red.

Tong Che's heart and soul were tense, and he didn't care if he was shy or not, or if Mr. Mu didn't care; he couldn't wait to press his entire body against Mu Hanfeng's.

Of course, Mu Hanfeng did not care. Not only did he not care, he was also very condoning. He was afraid that the little Omega was too thin-skinned, so he did not tease him, and his eyes were downcast to hide the smile under his eyes.

Now only the driver's door was left unopened, and if they were correct, the one sitting in the driver's seat was the son of the two in the back seat, the brother of the one in the passenger seat, Little Jie.

Without further hesitation, Mu Hanfeng took a step forward and reached out to pull open the driver's door.

This time, to the surprise of Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng, the moment the door opened, the wind and thunder stopped, and even the rain seemed to have diminished a bit.

A clear teenage voice came out of the stereo, "I like you guys so much. I really, really like you."

This voice did not sound emotional, nor affectionate or moving, but it was not hoarse or gritty. The words were just empty, which made the whole thing creepy.

It seemed to come from a distance, yet it sounded close to the ears.

A layer of cold sweat involuntarily rose up on Tong Che's back, but in the next second, Mu Hanfeng's hand holding his wrist moved backwards and gently pressed on his back.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Tong Che struggled to turn his brain and looked at Mu Hanfeng, "Is it this Xiao Jie who did it on purpose?"

Given the current situation, only Jie had the most specific lines.

"But," without waiting for Mu Hanfeng to answer, Tong Che said to himself again, "Why would he do that? Didn't he end up dying too?"

Mu Hanfeng's brows drew together but he did not draw the conclusion. He only said, "Let’s look and see if there are any more clues."

With these words, he stretched out his empty hand and pulled out the mobile phone from Xiao Jie's trouser pocket.

Mu Hanfeng checked the phone and took note of the time: August 13, 2012, at 18:47pm.

This should be the time set for the story.

Mu Hanfeng casually tapped the screen twice more, and saw a disc-shaped pattern suddenly pop up on the top, with two words written on it-"Virtual" and "Real".

Five dots were drawn below "Virtual", and three dots were drawn below "Real".

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Although he didn't know what it meant yet, Mu Hanfeng looked at it carefully and memorised it before putting the phone back in Jie's pocket. He felt around in the other pockets and found a hotel coupon.

It was a coupon for a buffet dinner at XX Hotel, and the cut-off time on it was exactly 19:00 pm on the night of August 13, 2012.

Tong Che knew that Mu Hanfeng was going to feel the other three people's pockets next. He wanted to help along, but he was really scared. He gave himself a lot of psychological construction before he trembledly extended his hand towards the pockets of the man in the back seat.

But before his hand could touch the man's trousers, it was suddenly gripped by Mu Hanfeng.

"Tong Tong," Mu Hanfeng gave a low laugh in his ear, "Don't touch him, he’s dirty. I'll do it. "

Tong Che didn't break free, just curled his fingers and whispered, "But I want to give you a hand."

"No," Mu Hanfeng said in a relaxed tone, "it's not a problem, I'll search through them quickly."

But Tong Che always had an inexplicable persistence in certain areas. He pursed his lips and said seriously, "Teacher Mu, I'm not afraid. I can help you search together."

Mu Hanfeng looked down at the little Omega, raised his eyebrows, and suddenly said, "Tong Tong, you want to put your hand in someone's pocket so badly?"

He was about to retort, but before he could open his mouth, he saw Mu Hanfeng's lips curl up and add, "Teacher Mu will satisfy you."

Before Tong Che could react, in the next second, he felt his hand being completely wrapped by another big hand. Mu Hanfeng lifted the raincoat and tucked their hands into his pocket together.

Tong Che was stunned.

It was not until Mu Hanfeng had already felt out a mobile phone and a coupon from the backseat man's pocket that he came back to his senses.

The hand that Mu Hanfeng was holding together seemed to have become a ball of fire and was emitting a steady stream of heat.

He was so embarrassed that he couldn't say anything, but he didn’t want to take his hand out either.

He glanced at Mu Hanfeng secretly, seeing that he was staring at the screen of the mobile phone. Tong Che hesitated for a moment before he quietly moved the hand that Mu Hanfeng was clutching and gently took Mu Hanfeng's fingers.

Mu Hanfeng's breath stagnated for a moment, a faint smile surfaced in his eyes, and he calmly held the small hand, which was already slightly moist, and tightened it even more.

"Mu... teacher Mu," Tong Che finally stammered, "What are you looking at?"

He turned the phone screen directly towards Tong Che. On the screen, there was the same disc pattern as on Xiao Jie's phone, but the difference was that the words written on this disc were "Yin" and "Yang".

Below "Yin" were six dots, while there were four dots under "Yang".

After looking at them, Tong Che suddenly asked, "Teacher Mu, do you think this has something to do with the code of the door?"

Mu Hanfeng glanced at Tong Che and nodded thoughtfully, "I think so."

Tong Che's eyes then lit up again.

Mu Hanfeng was now familiar with many of his expressions, and seeing this appearance of a peacock opening its feather, Mu Hanfeng went along and complimented him, "Tong Che is really smart."

Tong Che smiled shyly and whispered, "I just remembered what you said, that numbers are usually the most obvious hint."

Mu Hanfeng was stunned. This was what he had said on their first day of recording, when they were crossing that maze. He didn't expect the little Omega to have memorised it like that.

Mu Hanfeng smiled, and while leading him to the other side of the car, he asked casually, "Does Tong Tong remember how many times I have praised you for being cute?"

Tong Che's ears turned red again, and he actually stretched out his free hand, trying to turn his fingers.

He was so cute that Mu Hanfeng almost fell over.

He also stretched out his free hand, wrapped Tong Che's fingers, and smiled softly, "It seems that I haven't praised enough. I will praise more in the future, until you can't count the number of times. "

Tong Che: "!"

Ah, ah, how can Mr. Mu be so flirtatious!

After watching the little Omega's brain shut down from shyness once again, Mu Hanfeng was satisfied.

Incidentally, he also fished out a mobile phone and a coupon from the woman's small purse in the back seat,

As expected, the phone had the same disc pattern on the screen, with the words "Table" and "in" written on the two symmetrical ends of the disc, with only one dot under "Table" and three dots under "in".

Mu Hanfeng memorised it and put the phone back, cupping the coupons in his hand along with the other two.

Finally, he got the same phone and coupons from the girl in the passenger seat.

The discs on the screen showed "Profit" and "Loss", with two dots under "profit" and seven dots under "loss".

Remembering this, he proceeded to put the phone back, and it started to rain again immediately. The accompanying thunder and lightning, with the wind howling, made the environment very realistic and frightening.

A new line came out of the audio, this time in a voice different from the previous four. It was a very old voice that felt like it had experienced the times.

The voice recited word for word -

"The real and the imaginary are born, and there is a difference between them.

The yin and the yang are different by a thousand miles.

The appearance is not the same, but the accumulation of less becomes more.

There is no way to know the profit and loss, and there is no delusion. "

After listening carefully, Tong Che's little face collapsed, and he muttered in a small voice, "I don't understand it at all."

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Mu Hanfeng, on the other hand, already had a thought, and he snorted, "Just making things mysterious."

Tong Che hurriedly turned his head to look at him and said, "Teacher Mu, did you understand?"

"I think so. It's not difficult, just listen to the key points according to the previous clue. "

The previous clue? Wasn't it about numbers?

The audio started to loop for the second time. Tong Che didn't hear the numbers, but he heard familiar words, such as "virtual and real" and "yin and yang"...

These were the words they had just seen on those phones, so Tong Che was sensitive to them, but still had no idea.

Mu Hanfeng was patient and didn't rush him, so Tong Che listened a third time. And this time, he finally heard something related to "numbers" in this long list of incomprehensible words-"between," "difference," "product," "sum".

Recalling the dots underneath those words, he had a flash of inspiration and clapped his hands in excitement, "Teacher Mu, I understand! Let's quickly look at the dots under those words again. How many are they, respectively? "

He was probably so excited that he forgot to be scared for a while, and reached for the phone again, but was stopped by Mu Hanfeng.

Mu Hanfeng flicked his finger on Tong Che's forehead before giving him the answer, "The dots under "virtual "are five and "real" had three."

Tong Che did not care to be shocked at how Mu Hanfeng remembered everything with just one look, and hurriedly counted up, "Between five and three, it's four!"

Mu Hanfeng gave a "hm" as a confirmation and continued, "Yin is six, Yang is four."

"The difference is subtraction," Tong Che whispered, "Six minus four equals two!"

Mu Hanfeng continued, "The "table" is one, the "in" is three."

Tong Che continued to count, "The product is multiplied, and the table is three!"

Mu Hanfeng again said, "The "profit" is two, and the "loss" is seven."

Tong Che counted again, "The sum of profit and loss is nine!"

Mu Hanfeng's eyes were filled with laughter. "Why is Tong Tong so clever?"

Tong Che was even more embarrassed, "It's because Teacher Mu is smart. Not only is he smart, but he also has such a good memory!"

The Great Emperor Mu, who had been praised countless times, couldn't help but have the corners of his lips curled up as he listened to the little Omega's blunt praise at this moment.

After being in for a long time, his eyes gradually adjusted to the brightness. Tong Che scanned the room and found a door on the wall directly opposite, so he asked, "So these four numbers, would be the code to open this door?"

Mu Hanfeng responded, but didn't rush towards the door, instead saying, "Let's see if there are any other clues in this room again."

Tong Che nodded obediently, so the two of them searched the car carefully again, but they didn't find anything more useful. They went around the whole room again, against the wall, but found nothing new.

"So let's run through what we know," Mu Hanfeng said methodically, "First of all, the story takes place on August 13, 2012."

"It should be the afternoon or evening of the 13th," Tong Che added, "Also, there are story characters. It should be this family of four!"

"Then we can now tentatively deduce," Mu Hanfeng took over, "that they were on their way to the hotel for a buffet dinner when they had a car accident. Whether it was man-made or an accident is yet to be investigated. "

"I think it was an accident," Tong Che whispered to express his thoughts, "After all, of these four people, only Xiao Jie is the strangest right now, and the one driving happens to be him."

"I think so too," Mu Hanfeng approved, and then turned again, "but we can't find his motive yet."

From the information already available, this was just an ordinary family of four, so why on earth would this boy want to get the people closest to him killed in this way, as well as himself at the same time?

Tong Che was not discouraged. He held out his little fist in a cheering gesture, "I'm sure we'll find out, Teacher Mu is so amazing!"

Mu Hanfeng loved the way the little Omega trusted and relied on him, and his heart softened to the core.

With the general clues cleared up, Mu Hanfeng led Tong Che towards the door and subconsciously looked at the four coupons in his hand, and this time, he could actually see some differences.

The bottom of the coupon had a lot of cracks on it, but it had been taped back together with transparent tape.

This means that the coupon had been torn up very badly, but then, for some reason, perhaps out of regret or something else, it was taped back together.

And the owner of this coupon was none other than the boy driving the car, Xiao Jie.

Mu Hanfeng lowered his eyes and smiled. It seemed that this character had a lot of secrets.

Putting the coupon away into his pocket, Mu Hanfeng looked at Tong Che, "Tong Tong, do you still remember what those four numbers were that you just calculated?"

"I remember!" Tong Che nodded, "It's 4... 4239!"

"Then it seems to be right." Mu Hanfeng lifted his chin towards the door lock. Tong Che followed and looked over, finding that the door was a combination lock with a code of exactly four digits.

"Let’s give it a try." Mu Hanfeng said.

Tong Che nodded with bright eyes and stretched out his fingers, reading aloud as he entered, "4, 2, 3, 9."

The moment all four numbers were entered, the door lock beeped twice, and a little green light flashed twice, after which the door opened.

"It's really right!" Tong Che's tone was overflowing with joy.

Mu Hanfeng was also unconsciously infected and raised the corners of his lips as he reached out to pull open the door.

The moment the door was pulled open, both Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng felt a much brighter light cast over them.

Subconsciously closing his eyes and opening them again, Tong Che was barely able to adjust to the suddenly bright environment in front of him.

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At first glance, the new room looked much more harmless than the stormy and thunderous one outside. It looked like a girl's bedroom, and the entire colour palette was pink and soft.

Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng stepped in at the same time and walked in.

But before they could move again, they heard a "bang" and something suddenly fell from above their heads!

The object was to the left of Tong Che. If it had been an ordinary person, his first reaction would have been to dodge it. But Tong Che was either dazed or his brain circuit was different from normal people.

However, the object fell very fast, and Tong Che tried to catch it, but his left wrist was already useless. With a flick of the wrist, the object continued straight to the ground after only a second of contact with Tong Che's hand.

Tong Che only felt a sticky feeling on his hand. He looked down to see it and the next second, he screamed uncontrollably.

His hands were now covered in a red, blood-like liquid!

"Don’t be afraid, Tong Tong. Don’t be afraid, " Mu Hanfeng hurriedly reached out and patted Tong Che gently on his back one after another, soothing him in a flurry of voices, "It's just paint, it's fake, don’t be afraid."

Under the comfort of Mu Hanfeng’s warm voice, he finally calmed down. He then looked down at the object that had landed at his feet and realised that it was in fact an incredibly ugly doll with a dress stained with blood, no, with red paint...

He probably happened to touch the doll's skirt, and that got the paint on his hand.

"Hold out your hand," Mu Hanfeng said as he fished wet wipes out of his pocket, "I'll wipe it off for you so you won't be afraid any longer."

Tong Che was still a bit dazed, and he subconsciously obeyed and stretched out his left hand. But when he reached halfway, it was as if he thought of something. He suddenly came back to his senses and retracted his hand again, even putting it directly behind his back.

"Would he let teacher Mu see that this wrist of his isn't right?" he wondered.

There had already been one incident before, and Tong Che didn't want to run away from it again and again in front of Mu Hanfeng. But right now, he really was not ready to speak up.

Mu Hanfeng sighed lightly at the little Omega's skillful "dragon behind the closed hand" action.

"Tong Tong," Mu Hanfeng reached out and gently took Tong Che's arm behind his back, his tone relaxed, "I'm just going to wipe your hands, I'm not going to ask you about your little secret."

Tong Che couldn't say anything else. He stopped resisting and watched as Mu Hanfeng pulled his hand, which was covered in red paint, to his eyes. He lowered his head and carefully wiped each finger with a wet wipe, with extra gentle strength.

As he watched, Tong Che's eyes inexplicably burned.

Teacher Mu's tenderness was as irresistible as his impudence, and one could not resist it.


Mu Hanfeng had just wiped it clean and looked at the small hand that was white again, and was about to say, "Okay," but only one word came out before Tong Che interrupted.

"Teacher Mu," Tong Che called out, but did not look at him. His eyes still fell on his left hand, or to be more precise, on the silver bracelet that he was wearing on his left hand.

My little secret, all my past that I cannot say now, later, on the day when I am ready, if you are still willing to listen, I will definitely tell you all.

Mu Hanfeng understood what the little Omega was saying, and his always cold and frosty expression became extraordinarily gentle, like ice and snow melting away.

Mu Hanfeng gently squeezed Tong Che's finger and said seriously, "Okay, I will wait for that day."

Tong Che then showed his little dimples again.

Mu Hanfeng was about to say something else, but suddenly he heard the door behind him being tapped heavily, and the voice of the cameraman came in, "Teacher Mu, Little Prince Che, let me in!"

Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng: "...."

The two of them had been cozying up here for awhile, and they had forgotten about the cameraman outside!

Mu Hanfeng was rarely this confused, and he let out a stifled laugh as he held his forehead, while Tong Che was also bashful and hurriedly opened the door. He and was about to open his mouth to apologise when he heard Mu Hanfeng take one step ahead of him, "Sorry, the door closed too suddenly just now, I didn't react."

Tong Che and the camera man froze for a moment, probably because it was rare to hear such words as "sorry" coming out of Mu Hanfeng's mouth.

"It's not a problem," the cameraman waved his hand as he came back to his senses, "It's an unexpected situation, I understand."

Mu Hanfeng didn't say any more, and turned his head to look at Tong Che, "Keep looking for clues?"

Tong Che nodded, and couldn't help but look at the doll at his feet again.

Mu Hanfeng simply bent down, picked up the doll's head, and casually placed it aside.

Before putting it down, he also checked to see if there were any clues in it. But the thing was probably just for messing with people's minds. Except for the red paint, there was nothing useful.

Mu Hanfeng dropped it with eyes full of disgust and turned to survey the rest of the room. But before he could see what else was in the room, he heard another "bang"!

The door to the bookcase facing them suddenly popped open, and out slid a similarly red robot, mumbling in a sultry tone, "Brother, good brother, come and play hide and seek with me! I'll find you, I'll find you, I'll find you, I'll find you..."

Mu Hanfeng looked indifferent and suddenly felt that this secret room was much lower class. Otherwise, why did this kind of meaningless stuff that simply messes with people's minds always appear?

But Tong Che was obviously startled once again. He subconsciously clutched Mu Hanfeng's wrist and pulled him towards the nearest large desk, "Teacher Mu, let's hide!"

Mu Hanfeng looked at the little Omega's silly appearance, and then at the little hand clutching his wrist, and suddenly changed his mind.

It was okay. It didn't seem like this thing was pointless.

He didn't say anything and let Tong Che pull him along and hide behind the desk. It was only after crouching down that Tong Che realised that one side of the desk was against the wall and the other side was against another tall bookcase. The two of them seemed to be squeezed into a small, closed and narrow space as if their lips would touch each other's earlobes if they slightly tilted their heads to the side.

Perhaps the space was really too secluded, which deprived the brain of oxygen and sanity, but in any case, Tong Che, by some miracle, tilted his head sideways.


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