Chapter 32

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Without surprise, and as if by accident, his lips touched Mu Hanfeng's slightly cool earlobe.

Tong Che suddenly froze. The back of his shoulders tensed up, his five fingers subconsciously closed, and the fingernails sank deep into his palm.

But he didn't back away, didn't make any other moves, didn't dare to move, and of course, in his heart he probably didn't want to move either.

In the blink of an eye, many thoughts seemed to pass through Tong Che's mind, but at the same time, it seemed like there was nothing at all.

All of his mind was occupied by these lightest of movements, the subtlest of touches, and he didn't even react to why he didn't move. Mu Hanfeng, also, remained in his original position.

Time seemed to have stood still at this moment. Tong Che even forgot where he was and what he was going to do. All he could sense was Mu Hanfeng's soft earlobe that was gradually warming up from the slight coolness, the deep and cold smell of the sea that was rising up from Mu Hanfeng's body, the two people's intertwined breath, and only his own heartbeat that was faster and louder than the next, as if it could shatter his eardrums.

In a trance, Tong Che felt that the sound of his heart beating like a drum was not only from himself.

Was teacher Mu's heart beating this fast?

At that very moment, Tong Che suddenly felt his hand, which was clenched into a fist at his side, being wrapped in Mu Hanfeng's large hand.

Mu Hanfeng suddenly inclined his head and looked over.

For a moment, the distance between them was extremely close, so close that they were about to touch their lips together.

But then both of them quickly turned their heads back, but the space they were in was so small that even if they tried hard to pull apart, they were only a little further away than before.

So both of them didn't move again.

Tong Che stared straight at Mu Hanfeng. His eyes were already deep, and now they were even more like the surface of the sea with a tidal wave in them, revealing a danger that made the Omega instinctively want to retreat, but at the same time so charming that he wanted to sink into them.

When he looked into those eyes, it was as if he was hypnotised and couldn’t help it.

Tong Che's eyes gradually became misty, and he subconsciously moved forward, little by little.

A little closer, a second more, and he would be completely covered with Mu Hanfeng's lips. A little closer and he would drown in this sea!

"I... found... you... "

A trailing, mechanical and eerie voice suddenly rang out, instantly breaking all the ambiguity and confusion.

In the next second, the red robot had spun around and arrived to his feet.

With a jolt, Tong Che woke up and jerked his head backwards, just short of doing a backflip!

Mu Hanfeng reached out in time to protect the back of his head, so that Tong Che did not come into contact with the wall.

It took another two seconds for Tong Che to regain his senses. He sat up straighter, dropped his head and stumbled, "Mu... teacher Mu, I... that... is... I... "

However, after stumbling for half a day, he couldn't come up with a clear answer.

Mu Hanfeng's hand slowly moved up to the top of his hair and lightly rubbed it. His voice was low and hoarse. "It's just a robot. Don't be afraid."

He looked up at Mu Hanfeng. His lips moved, but in the end, he didn't say anything. He just nodded his head. Tong Che knew that Mu Hanfeng actually knew very well that his reaction just now was not because he had been frightened by that robot.

But he had covered it with a light sentence, covering Tong Che's embarrassment at the same time, covering all the ambiguity and charm.

While Tong Che breathed a sigh of relief, there was an inexplicable loss in his heart. It was really inexplicable because Tong Che was still not sure what kind of psychology he had just had and what kind of response he had hoped Mu Hanfeng would give him.

It was a pity that Mu Hanfeng was not able to read these mental activities of Tong Che yet.

If he could...

Today, if there was another Omega that was not Tong Che and he happened to be interested in them, and something happened just like it did with Tong Che, Mu Hanfeng would not let go so easily.

He would either press the person to kiss him back, or at least say a few flirtatious words to ask the omega if he was doing it on purpose and what he really wanted.

But this person was Tong Che.

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Mu Hanfeng didn't know why he became so cautious when he met Tong Che.

But if it wasn't Tong Che...

Mu Hanfeng lowered his eyes, smiled, and didn't think about it any further, because there was something fundamentally wrong with his thinking...

There was no such "but if", no such assumption, he had never really been interested in anyone but Tong Che.

"Teacher Mu, Prince Che, "the cameraman snapped the two back to earth, "Are you still looking for clues?"

The two of them had suddenly gone under the table to avoid the robot, and the cameraman had hurriedly adjusted the equipment, but before he could finish, the two of them stood up again.

They looked stranger than ever after they stood up, as if they were possessed.

Mu Hanfeng glanced at the tips of Tong Che's crimson ears. His gaze paused for a second, then withdrew as if nothing had happened, only raising his hand to unbutton two of his shirt buttons and speaking again, his voice still cold, "Let’s look now."

Tong Che regained his senses, raising his hand and rubbing his face hard. He nodded as his eyes drifted about, "Teacher Mu, then I'll go to the desk first and have a look."

Without waiting for Mu Hanfeng to answer, Tong Che turned around, but the robot once again turned to his feet.

Even though he had prepared himself mentally, Tong Che still reflexively flinched.

The next moment, a slender hand came from the side and held the robot down. Mu Hanfeng found the switch on top of the robot's head and pressed it, but found that it had probably been set in advance, so pressing the switch was useless and it wouldn't stop.

After thinking for a second, he turned the robot over with one hand and snapped out the battery inside.

The cameraman who witnessed the whole process: "....."

I didn't expect that the Great Emperor Mu would be such a simple and brutal person!

Tong Che was happy. Throwing away all the previous ambiguity, embarrassment, loss, and a series of other messy emotions, he curved his eyes, saying sincerely, "You're great, Mr. Mu!"

Mu Hanfeng's fingers paused for a moment, the corners of his lips hooked, and he gave a soft "hmmm."

Tong Che didn't think about it anymore and went over to the desk to look for clues.

If you ignore the bloody doll that fell in front of him and the psychotic robot that just ran all over the floor, the room looks really ordinary, just like an ordinary girl's bedroom.

It was predominantly pink in tone, with wallpaper, curtains, bed linen, and furniture, all in varying shades of pink. There wasn't much furniture either. By the window was a bed, and directly opposite the bed was a wardrobe.

Next to the bed was a large bookcase, the one that the robot just jumped out of. The top half was transparent and you could see a lot of books standing neatly inside.

Next to it, in the corner against the wall, was the desk.

Tong Che took a cursory glance at the desk, which looked neat and tidy, and apart from the necessary school supplies, there was a pile of teaching aids.

After flipping through it, Tong Che didn't find anything different from it, only that the girl should be in high school, and the teaching aid books were all used to prepare for the entrance exams.

Tong Che reached out and pulled open the left drawer. It only contained a very thick notebook.

When he picked it up, he realised that the notebook was the kind that required a password.

The cameraman was beside him, focusing the camera on the notebook, and he sighed casually, "This kind of password book is really primitive."

Tong Che also nodded along, "Yes, I haven't seen one on the market for years."

Of course, what Tong Che didn't say was that he actually had one of these codebooks himself, which he had bought as a child to write his diary in, but it had been locked away in a cupboard for many years, sinking to the bottom and eating dust.

Tong Che tried the time in the background of the story without hope, 0813, and it was really wrong.

Unable to open it, he could only speak up and call out to Mu Hanfeng, who was standing in front of the bookcase, studying it carefully, "Teacher Mu, I found a password book, but I don't know the password."

Mu Hanfeng didn't turn around, but pushed his glasses up and moved closer to the glass of the bookcase before saying, "Try 0519."

Tong Che's fingers flew and dialled the four numbers, and after a very slight "click," the combination lock was unlocked.

Tong Che's eyes were full of joy, "Teacher Mu, how did you know that?"

Mu Hanfeng waved at him, "Come and look at this."

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Tong Che walked over to Mu Hanfeng, holding the book. Following Mu Hanfeng's line of sight, he found a photo frame standing in the glass bookcase.

There was only one photo in the frame, with four people in it, not real people, of course, but the same four mannequins as in the car outside, with Jie sitting in the middle, wearing a birthday hat on his head.

The date in the bottom right corner of the photo read "12/05/19."

"That means," Tong Che mused, "May 19th is Jie's birthday."

Mu Hanfeng responded and inclined his head to look at him, "Doesn’t it seem strange?"

"Yes," Tong Che agreed, "this password book should be hers, her own diary."Why would she use her brother's birthday as a password? "

Mu Hanfeng also showed a thoughtful expression, and raised his chin at the password book in Tong Che's hand, "Open it and take a look."

Tong Che obediently opened the first page, and when he looked at it, he saw a clear and meaningful but uncompromising writing style -

August 13, 2012, Heavy Rain

It's raining so heavily today, as if it could wash away all traces, which is so nice.

I really like rainy days.

Yesterday, Dad brought back three dinner buffet vouchers for the XX Hotel and said he'd take us out for dinner today.

But there are four of us. How can we do that with three vouchers?

So he told Dad that he wouldn't go and let the three of us go.

But dad likes him so much, how could he let go?

So at lunchtime today, Dad brought back an extra one.

That man is always like that, always acting like he's taking a step back, acting like he's condescending and thinking of me, but behind the scenes he's a different person, a real hypocrite!

I'm sick of his fake kindness!

And I despise both my father and my so-called mother!

They should be a family, forever and ever. Never to be separated for a long, long time.

I really like rainy days.

May this day be remembered.

It's so nice that my wish will come true.

For a moment, both Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng were a little dazed after reading this whole page.

It must be said that at first glance, this diary seemed to be just a girl's self venting, but after thinking about it, it seemed to be full of weirdness and, moreover, it seemed to explain a lot of information points.

The first thing that concerned Tong Che was, "How strange? From this diary, it shows that this girl has a lot of hatred for her family, and she seems to have more motive than Jie. "

In the last room, both Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng felt that the one with the problem was Jie, but when they got here and read this diary, it felt like the one with the problem had become the girl.

Whether there were more clues that had not been uncovered, or whether he was deliberately trying to mislead them, Tong Che had not yet figured it out.

Instead, what Mu Hanfeng was concerned about was, "This girl, and Xiao Jie's relationship, should be as half-siblings."

Tong Che froze and repeated, "Half-brother?"

Mu Hanfeng's fingertips skimmed over the line "the so-called mother" on the page, paused at the bottom, "They should be the family," the corners of his lips curving up in a somewhat mocking curve.

Such words were too familiar to him, so familiar that he knew them to his bones.

Tong Che felt that Mu Hanfeng's expression had suddenly become not quite right, and he was about to ask, when he saw that Mu Hanfeng had collected his expression again and lightly explained to him, "Look at these two lines. If they were from the same father and mother, would she use such an expression?"

This time it was Tong Che's turn to pause for a long time. He pulled the corners of his lips and replied in a small voice, "In fact, even if it was the same father and mother, it's not impossible to think like this."

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For example, when he was a child, watching his mother and father laughing and playing with his younger brother, he had more than once thought that...

They should have been a family, and he was superfluous.

Mu Hanfeng was stunned for a moment and looked at Tong Che with furrowed brows, but didn't say anything for a while.

But soon, Tong Che smiled again and changed the subject, "Teacher Mu, let's take a look further. Maybe we'll know more clearly."

With that, he lightly turned the page with his finger and flipped back another side.

Mu Hanfeng also swallowed the question that was on his lips, and together they looked down and continued to read the diary.

The date on this page was, August 10, 2012.

Tong Che was puzzled again. He flipped the diary back and forth and cursed, "Why is this date recorded backwards?"

Mu Hanfeng said directly, "Turn to the last page and take a look."

Tong Che obeyed and flipped to the last page, only to find that it was blank. But he also found obvious tear marks.

The date further back was May 18, '12.

So most likely, the page that had been torn out was May 19, the day of Jie's birthday.

Just why was it torn up? And where would it be now?

The two of them looked at each other, and Mu Hanfeng made a decision, "Tong Tong, you read through the diary. Call me if you find anything. I'll look around and see if I can find the page that was torn out. "

Tong Che nodded obediently, "Okay, I'll definitely look carefully."

Mu Hanfeng reached out and rubbed the top of Tong Che's hair again, then turned around to go back to rummaging through the cupboard.

Tong Che blushed and turned over a page to go over the diary.

He gradually discovered that this diary was not really kept every day. There were usually three or four days in between, and what was written down was nothing more than the rest of the three people in the family.

August 10, 2012

He came to my room again today, pretending to deliver some watermelon. I just threw it on the windowsill, I didn't eat a single bite, I might as well feed it to the mosquitoes.

Tong Che subconsciously glanced at the windowsill and saw that a watermelon rind was indeed faintly exposed in the corner covered by the curtain.

Tong Che then took two steps that way, reached out and pulled the curtain open, and looked down at it.

Then, the next second, he snapped his eyes shut and jumped back two meters.

It was, surprisingly, literally, feeding the mosquitoes!!!

He saw half a watermelon sitting on the windowsill; already only the rind was left. The middle was all eaten clean, covered with pitch black, densely packed little flying insects!

Even the camera man who was following couldn't help but rub his arms, "Holy shit, this prop is really realistic, it's too creepy to look at."

Hearing him, Tong Che slowly opened his eyes and asked, "Is it a prop?"

The camera man was stunned and laughed, "Of course it's a prop. Did little Prince Che take it seriously?"

Tong Che blushed and touched his nose, "I didn't see too clearly."

The camera man thoughtfully reached out and pulled the curtains back up.

Mu Hanfeng happened to walk over and saw nothing, so he tilted his head and asked Tong Che, "What did Tong Tong see?"

As he said that, he reached out to pull the curtains again.

Tong Che had a jolt. His hands were faster than his brain, and he directly held Mu Hanfeng's arm, "Teacher Mu, don't look! It's disgusting! "

Mu Hanfeng lowered his eyes and looked at the two little hands that were clinging to his arms. The bottom of his eyes were unconsciously tinted with a smile, and his tone was also more gentle. " Okay, I’ll listen to Tong Che, I won’t look."

Tong Che, as an afterthought, let go of Mu Hanfeng with a "swoosh".

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Instinctively, he wanted to apologize, but Mu Hanfeng was one step ahead of him, "Good boy, do you want me to read the diary with you?"

Tong Che hurriedly shook his head, "No need, I can do it!"

The little kitten was so determined, so Mu Hanfeng went along with him and went back to looking for that lost diary page.

However, Tong Che felt that his luck was probably not really good. It was also possible that the purpose of this diary was not to provide clues at all, but to simply mess with people's minds!

Because after the watermelon was covered in tiny flying insects, Tong Che followed the hints in the diary -

A beautiful gift box was opened and a skeleton with bleeding eyes popped out of it.

Reaching into the pocket of a pair of trousers, he felt a slippery mock caterpillar.

Flipping open a reference book to a ghastly ghostly face.

Lifting the covers, the bed was strewn with Barbie dolls with broken legs and arms.


Seeing the end, Tong Che's brain was numb and his face felt wooden.

Even Mu Hanfeng could not coax him back to earth.

The whole room was almost turned upside down, but there was nothing to show for it. They did not find the missing page of the diary, nor any other useful clues.

Even the cameraman got anxious for them and looked at the door. And when he did, he hurriedly called out to the two of them, "Teacher Mu, Xiao Che, come and see, this door is not a combination lock!"

Both Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng were stunned and walked to the door, only to find that the door was indeed not a combination lock, but rather, next to the door, there was something like a display screen.

Mu Hanfeng reached out his hand and gently touched the display.

The display lit up and a message popped up -

[Answer this question correctly to pass through this door.

What is Jie's relationship with the owner of this room?

Please answer with your voice.]

This question was obviously unexpected by Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng, because it was so simple, so simple that it seemed to be fake.

What relationship?

Wasn't it brother and sister?

Tong Che asked, thinking of what Mu Hanfeng had said when he was reading his diary earlier, Tong Che asked, "Half-brother and sister?"

Mu Hanfeng didn't answer right away, and he furrowed his brows as his mind raced through all the things he had seen since he entered this room.

It was as if there was something very important that they had overlooked.

Mu Hanfeng's fingers were tucked in his pocket, and he unconsciously twisted them, just in time to find the four coupons, and he could clearly feel the crack on the bottom one.

Suddenly, turning back, Mu Hanfeng's eyes fell on a certain part of the desk. In a flash of lightning, he found the source of that incongruous feeling!

Mu Hanfeng turned back to the display and blurted out, "It's himself! This room, it's Jie's own room! "

The second his words fell, the door slowly opened.

Tong Che was full of surprise and was about to ask how Mu Hanfeng had suddenly made this judgment, but a cool breeze suddenly shot up from the bottom of his feet and Tong Che closed his mouth.

Right in front of them, whistled out four white-clad, cloaked, invisible faces, "ghosts".

They were trying to drag Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng in with their long, outstretched hands and hissing noises in their throats.

Tong Che's head went blank and he fell back, right into Mu Hanfeng's arms.

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