Chapter 33

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Mu Hanfeng reached out, and steadily caught the little kitten that was sprawled out in his arms. He then looked up and felt that these "ghosts" looked pleasing to the eyes.

The "ghosts" were still pulling and screaming, "If you know our secret, you will all come down with us! Stay with.... us..."

The kitten in Mu Hanfeng's arms was shaking uncontrollably again. The corners of his lips hooked, and he suddenly reached out. He copied the bend of Tong Che's legs, and lifted him up in a princess hug, and even lowered his head to the ear and whispered soothingly, "Don't be afraid, Teacher Mu will hold you."

Tong Che was not sure whether he was scared or stunned by the hug, but he just nestled in Mu Hanfeng's arms, not saying a word and not moving a muscle.

Mu Hanfeng was in a good mood, so he grabbed the diary next to him and threw it at the screaming "ghosts", scolding them indifferently, "You have your secrets back, shut up, you're scaring my kitten."

The "ghosts": "......"

This isn't what we were promised!

Obviously, they came here to scare people, but not only did they not scare them, but they got a mouthful of dog food instead?

Who the hell is messing with who's mind!

The "ghosts" who had their minds broken left the stage with sad faces, while Mu Hanfeng walked into the new room with his little kitten in his arms.

The cameraman wanted to howl from behind. He could already imagine how excited the fans would be when the footage was released!

He even wanted to shout three times, "FengChe CP!

Wait, how did he even know their CP name!

For a moment, the cameraman was in the same state of disbelief as the "ghosts".

The "ghosts" had already run away in exasperation, but Emperor Mu was still holding on to Tong Che.

Not only did he not let go, but he also nuzzled the person's ear, "Tong Tong, have you touched my collarbone enough?"

Tong Che: "!"

Who touched your collarbone! Don't talk nonsense!

Tong Che stared at Mu Hanfeng's sharp jawline and the abrupt Adam’s apple peeking out from the collar of his shirt for three seconds before finally waking up and realizing that he was now completely held in Mu Hanfeng's arms!

And in such a humiliating position as a princess hug!

Tong Che was so embarrassed that he wanted to be grabbed by a "ghost". He struggled a little, stumbling, "Teacher Mu, I'm not afraid anymore. Can you put me down now!"

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Probably because Tong Che was too embarrassed, Mu Hanfeng was afraid that he would really run to the "ghost" and throw himself into the trap. So he did not tease him anymore and put him down with a smile on his face.

When Tong Che stood up, he still hung his head, not daring to look at Mu Hanfeng or speak. The tips of his ears, hidden under his golden hair, had already turned red.

Mu Hanfeng's Adam’s apple rolled for a moment, helplessly throwing out a serious topic, "Doesn't Tong Tong want to know why that room belonged to Xiao Jie just now?"

Tong Che froze. His thoughts were successfully carried away. He raised his head to look at Mu Hanfeng and nodded vigorously, "I want to know!"

Mu Hanfeng hid his smile and raised his hand to pinch the adam’s apple in his throat twice before saying, "Let me show you something."

He fished out the four coupons from his pocket again and handed the bottom one, which was full of cracks and had been taped back together, to Tong Che.

Tong Che reached out and took it. He felt it for a moment and felt that something was wrong.

"Did you think of anything?" Mu Hanfeng asked him in a low voice.

Tong Che suddenly remembered that in the last room, before opening the door, Mu Hanfeng suddenly looked back and his eyes fell on the desk.

The desk...

That's right!

There was a pair of scissors and a piece of transparent tape on the desk, with some not-so-obvious scraps of paper next to it!

"This coupon," Tong Che spoke up, "was the one you rummaged out of Xiao Jie's pocket."

Mu Hanfeng nodded, "That's right. He tore it, but then taped it back up with transparent tape. "

"But," although he thought there was nothing wrong with this line of thought, Tong Che couldn't help but ask, "Is that what made you sure, Teacher Mu?"

Then wasn't it possible that the girl had deliberately swapped the broken coupon with Jie's, or if, in fact, the coupon didn't have anything to do with the scissor tape on that table?

Mu Hanfeng explained, "We thought it was strange before, that the password for the diary would be Jie's birthday. And although the font inside was clear, it was actually very sharp, not quite like an average girl's writing. Moreover, the last page, which was on Jie's birthday, would be impossible to find no matter how hard we looked, and the fact that we couldn't find it meant that he didn't want us to see it. Because if it was seen, it would reveal that it was his birthday that day, and it would just happen to match up with the photo, and we would know that the diary was Jie's own."

"Right, there's more!" Tong Che remembered something and added, "And there's only dress trousers in that wardrobe, but not a single skirt!"

It is not that a girl must wear a skirt, but in the first room, the girl in the car was wearing a skirt and asked if Jie didn't like her best in that flower skirt. As a result, it stands to reason that the girl must have had more than one skirt in order for Jie to make the comparison.

It was just that when they were in the room, they had the preconception that it was a girl's room because of the pinkness that caught their eyes.

Then came the distraction of the diary, and there were always all sorts of strange and disgusting things jumping out and scaring them, and Tong Che had long since lost the ability to think.

When he had calmed down now, after hearing Mu Hanfeng say so, Tong Che also slowly came back to his senses.

No wonder it always felt inconsistent at that time!

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"Teacher Mu," Tong Che couldn't help but praise again, "You're really amazing!"

To be able to come up with the right answer at such an urgent moment like that, was really impressive!

As soon as he saw the little Omega's face, Mu Hanfeng felt itchy in his heart, and he couldn't help but say, "Hmm? What am I good at? "

Tong Che: "......"

It's an illusion! Why did he feel that Mr. Mu was asking this question in a colourful way!

It must be an illusion!

So Tong Che replied with a straight face, "Everywhere, everywhere is amazing!"

The tip of Mu Hanfeng's tongue pressed against the back of his teeth, rubbing over them twice.

This is really torturous!

He was about to say something else when he suddenly heard a booming sound from not far away, accompanied by the sound of a siren getting closer and closer.

Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng looked up together and realised that there was a track on the floor of this room, and now, an electric car was driving along the track towards them!

The car stopped in front of them, and the window of the driver's seat was rolled down, revealing a miserable white face with bright red lips.

The tragic white face smiled at Tong Che. His bright red mouth was about to grin up to his ears, like he had just eaten a child, looking horrible, and a hoarse voice came out, "Get in."

Tong Che cowered for a moment, subconsciously shrinking towards Mu Hanfeng again, and asked in a trembling voice, "Can... can we not get on?"

The staff pretending to be a ghost liked this kind of timid child the most, and he continued to grin and scare, "Oh, if you don't get in the car, you will be eaten."

This room was very empty, and if you speak loudly, there will be an echo. So Tong Che's ears were full of "eaten"

The word "oh" was in a nice tone of voice, but there was nothing cute about it in this situation, only a strong sense of weirdness.

Mu Hanfeng simply reached out and wrapped his arm around Tong Che's shoulders, bringing him back into his arms before raising his eyes and sweeping the room.

It was only then that he realized that the room was long and narrow, with them standing on one side of the car and the other side basically against the wall. The tracks at both the front and back were so deep that they could not be seen to the end.

It looked like they would have to get in the car.

"I guess we can't avoid it," Mu Hanfeng responded with a low voice, "Don’t be afraid, am I not always there?"

Tong Che was still scared, but there was nothing he could do but dawdle and behalf pushed and half carried by Mu Hanfeng, sitting together in the back of the electric car.

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The cameraman was holding his equipment, puffing and panting as he sat on the passenger side, next to the "white-faced ghost"...

He didn't want to talk...

As soon as he was seated, the car started immediately. In fact, the car wasn't driving very fast, but the walls around them were now covered with strange and scary graffiti, which was dazzling to the eyes.

Tong Che quietly moved to Mu Hanfeng's side, noticing that Mu Hanfeng did not reject him, he moved again, and could not help but whisper to him, "Teacher Mu."

In the dimness, Mu Hanfeng's expression could not be seen clearly, but his voice was tinged with laughter, "Little kitten, Teacher Mu is here."

Tong Che's ears tingled, he raised his hand and rubbed them, "Teacher Mu, how long do you... how long do you think we have to sit?"

Who knew that before Mu Hanfeng could answer, the "white-faced ghost" driving in the front seat laughed and spoke, "Until the end of time!"

Tong Che shook for a moment, and Mu Hanfeng held his hand, "Don't listen to him, I guess we'll be there soon."

The "white-faced ghost" spoke up again, "Don't listen to me? I'm driving, of course, I'm in charge, hehehehe. "

Tong Che trembled again, Mu Hanfeng gently squeezed his fingers and asked with a smile, "Won’t you listen to Teacher Mu?"

Tong Che, even though he was scared, did not forget to show his loyalty and nodded hastily, "Yes, I only listen to Teacher Mu!"

Mu Hanfeng was relieved. If it wasn't for the "white-faced ghost" sitting in front of him, with no eyes on the back of his head, he would have wanted to be foolish and say, "Did you hear that? Tong Tong said he only listens to me!"

After two seconds of silence, the car was still speeding forward, as if there was really no end in sight, and Tong Che couldn't help but ask quietly, "Mu... Teacher Mu, are you really not scared at all?"

The "white-faced ghost" once again took over in seconds, "Hehe, what comes around goes around."

This time not waiting for Tong Che to shake, Mu Hanfeng directly grabbed Tong Che's waist, and also spoke sharply, "Don’t be afraid. He is so ugly, what are you afraid of him for?"

White-faced "ghost": "…"

What kind of logic is that? Is being ugly not even worthy of scaring people!

Tong Che was also amused by Mu Hanfeng, and the fear in his heart was allayed.

But within two seconds, Tong Che felt the sunroof of the car being opened, and as if a drop of water had fallen in and landed right on his forehead.

He subconsciously looked up, and came face to face with an upside-down, green-faced, fanged ghostly face.

The ghost face grinned at him, revealing a mouthful of extraordinarily sharp teeth that looked like they could easily tear apart anything.

A layer of cold sweat rose up on Tong Che's back, and he couldn't control it, so he let out an "ah..." before quickly bending down and burying his whole head between Mu Hanfeng's legs.


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Too caught off guard, Mu Hanfeng raised his flag instantly.

Feeling his forehead touch something hard thing, Tong Che froze for two seconds before suddenly reacting to what it was...

Tong Che was familiar with what it was and all thoughts of monsters and ghosts were immediately thrown to the back of his head. He sat up with a start, his shoulders straightened, "Mr Mu...Mr. Mu, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to do that!"

Mu Hanfeng gasped sharply and tugged his raincoat to cover it, and replied in a hoarse voice, "It's okay."

It's weird if it is okay!

Tong Che was so ashamed, but he didn't know what to do. And he had to worry about the "white-faced ghost" and the camera in the front row, as well as the long camera that was directed at their faces.

I blame the ghost hanging on the roof of the car for scaring him!

No, I blamed it on my own cowardice.

No, I still blame the ghost!

Tong Che was so embarrassed and annoyed that his mind was a mess of wool. He was angry at himself and at the ghost that had scared him.

Before he could sort out who was to blame, he suddenly felt the top of his hair being touched again.

He had thought it was Mu Hanfeng, but when he inclined his head, he saw that both of Mu Hanfeng's hands were folded over his lap.

Before he could retract his eyes, he then felt his cheek being touched, a cold touch without the slightest warmth.

Tong Che: "......"

How dare this ghost actually do that! Did he just bully him for being timid!

Tong Che was not afraid anymore. He tilted his head up in anger, but he saw nothing. However, the moment he withdrew his eyes, the corner of his eyes saw a shadow by the window.

He saw a deformed face taped to the car window, with its mouth open, and a long tongue falling out of its mouth, almost up to its neck.

The car stopped just at that moment, and Tong Che hesitated for a second before opening the window with a trembling hand and quickly pulling the long tongue of the "ghost." He tied it in a knot, and yelled in a self-righteous manner, "You dare... you dare scare me again! "

He looked like a scared kitten who was still pretending to be angry.

Mu Hanfeng, who witnessed the whole scene from the side, suddenly felt that he was going to explode!

This is too foul. How can someone be this cute?!

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