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Chapter 34 -

The "long-tongued ghost" obviously did not expect the young Omega, who looked so soft and frightened, to suddenly pull such a stunt, and just stood there with his tongue tied in knots.

The "white-faced ghost" had stopped the car and wanted to take advantage of the situation to scare Tong Che one last time, but before he could open his mouth, he turned his head and found his partner being "cruelly" bullied...

With his tongue hanging out, the "long-tongued ghost" was making "babbling" noises while gesturing for the "white-faced ghost" to avenge him.

So, the white-faced ghost turned his head with a smile and asked Tong Che, with his bright red lips, "Do you know what happened to the last person who tied his tongue in knots?"

At his words, a gust of wind blew in from the window, and Tong Che's already thin courage was instantly gone.

But Mu Hanfeng gave a light "tsk", then reached over and wrapped his arms around Tong Che. He turned his head towards the "white faced ghost" and asked gently, "Do you know what happened to the last person who scared my kitten like that? "

Whiteface ghost: "......"

Thanks, I don't want to know! I don't want to know!

We "ghosts" just don't want to lose face if we don't scare people!

Mu Hanfeng dropped that line and stopped talking to him. He grabbed Tong Che and got out of the car.

The camera man also hurriedly jumped out of the car with his equipment, and the "white-faced ghost" pulled the "long-tongued ghost" and drove away quickly.

Tong Che looked at the tail of the car and realized what he had just done. He looked down and saw the big hand around his waist and, as expected, turned all red.

Mu Hanfeng forced himself to endure the impatience under his body as he withdrew his hand in a natural movement, not forgetting to praise, "Tong Tong was really great just now, quick to react and brave."

Tong Che was even more embarrassed, showing a very shallow dimple.

Mu Hanfeng then moved his eyes to observe the room they were now in.

Tong Che also raised his hand and rubbed his face hard, taking a serious look around.

When they looked around, both of them froze.

The room was empty, and there was not even a light.

No, there was no light, but why wasn’t it dark?

Almost at the same time, Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng looked down at their feet, and the moment they saw it, they both sucked in a breath in unison.

It was because they found that the floor they were stepping on was not an ordinary floor, but a layer of transparent glass. Underneath, the glass was not empty, but there was a miniature scene, and it was very bright underneath, and the light came through.

Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng squatted down together and looked carefully at the miniature scene below, while the cameraman also set up his equipment to film it.

In the scene was a very ordinary looking house with four small figures, two men and two women, and it was easy to see from the shape that it was none other than Xiao Jie's family.

What surprised Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng was that the scene, and the people inside, were moving!

The scene slowly rotated and finally settled in the living room.

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At that moment, there were three people sitting on the sofa in the living room: Jie, his mother, and his sister.

His mother had red nails, and his sister was wearing a white dress.

But a quick glance revealed that Jie was sitting far away from the other two, basically sitting at opposite ends of the sofa.

He suddenly got up and poured a glass of water for each of the two, without drinking it himself.

As he passed the water, his mother's red fingernails touched the back of his hand, and Jie’s brow wrinkled slightly for a split second, and he kept that hand in his pocket after he sat down.

At this point, a new character appeared in the scene, it was none other than Jie's father.

Jie got up and poured another glass of water for his father.

After drinking the water, his father fished out three coupons from his pocket and handed two of them to Jie's mother and sister.

Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng looked at each other and understood that this should be to what was written in Xiao Jie's diary.

Sure enough, the next second, Xiao Jie's sister shoved her coupon into Xiao Jie's hand.

The scene suddenly switched to the sky outside the window, a darkening and a lightening that should have represented the passing of the night.

Still in the living room, this time, Jie's father pulls out another coupon and gives it to Jie's sister.

Jie got up and left the living room.

The scene starts to change after his back, and finally stops at the bedroom door. There were three bedrooms in total, two on opposite sides, both with their doors half-open, giving a rough idea of the layout inside.

The one on the left was dominated by pink tones, while the one on the right was dominated by blue tones.

Without hesitation, Jie entered the one on the left, which corresponded exactly to the last one Tong Che and the two had passed through.

Both Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng were a little surprised and were about to say something when they heard a sudden sound from the stereo hidden in some corner of the room. A delicate female voice -

"I don't want to live in this pink room. No, no no! "

It was answered by a low male voice, his tone extraordinarily doting, "Good girl, this is the decor Daddy chose for you, don't you like it?"

"No, I don't like it! It's all pink, it's so cheesy! "

"Then what colour do you like? Daddy will have someone redecorate it for you! "

"I like blue! I don't need to redecorate, I want the one opposite! "

But this one, this is your brother's room!It's not as big as yours, and it doesn't have as much light as yours. "

"I don't care, I just want this room, I want it!"

"Okay, okay."

There was a pause in the conversation and then the same male voice rang out again, but the tone was worlds apart from the one before. No warmth could be heard, it was like a business announcement, "Jie, your sister is switching rooms with you. It's a bargain, that room is big and has good light. "

He was answered by an inaudible teenager's voice, which only answered, in a low voice, "Yes."

The conversation ended here, and after a short burst of noise, the room reverted to calm.

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What else could Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng not understand?

Why would Xiao Jie live in a pink room like that. Because it was, from the beginning, not the room prepared for him, and when it was changed to him, not a single word of his wishes had been asked for.

There was no doubt that Jie was not treated with any respect at all, let alone pampered, in this household.

Obviously, it was just a backdrop for a secret room story, but Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng didn't know which point they were being poked at, and both were silent for a moment, not saying a word.

The cameraman looked at this and then that, a little bewildered, and couldn't help but sigh again, "This little Jie is also a silly kid. Why doesn't he know how to resist and communicate with his parents? "

"Because he feels that he is inferior."

"Because he feels that he is inferior."

In unison, Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng said the exact same words, word for word.

As the words fell, the cameraman froze, and so did Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng.

The two of them looked at each other, but then unintentionally averted their gazes.

There was a lot that they wanted to ask, yet they were not prepared to trade their own secrets for the other's.

Besides, this was clearly not a good time to talk about that in this situation.

"It's moving," It was good that the camera man spoke up in time to break the momentary stagnant atmosphere, "Jie's moving, look!"

And with that, the two men lowered their heads together again.

In the scene, Jie sat down in front of the desk, fished out the coupon, and tore it up without hesitation, with movements that carried a very clear implication of venting.

But after tearing it, he sat quietly for a while, took the scissors and transparent tape again, and seriously, little by little, he taped it up.

Tong Che was a little confused when he saw this, and he murmured in a small voice, "So is this another regret?"

For a moment, he gambled and tore up the coupon, but then perhaps he still wanted to go, still had expectations of this home that he shouldn't have, or maybe it was something else, so he taped it back up again.

Without the first two rooms, Mu Hanfeng would probably have thought the same thing, but now, he just curled his lips and whispered, "It's that he's finally determined his mind."

"What determination?" Tong Che blinked.

Mu Hanfeng, however, had no intention of explaining, and only raised his chin at the bottom, saying, "Look first, I'll tell you later."

Tong Che then obediently stopped asking questions and continued to look carefully.

Xiao Jie finally taped the coupons, took out the password book from the drawer again, opened it, and wrote in his diary.

The contents of the diary could not be seen now, but both Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng already knew about it.

He remembered that in the diary he read at the time, Jie used the word "he" to refer to his sister throughout the diary. Was this simply to interfere with the judgement of those who saw the diary, or was there another purpose?

But no one could answer him now.

After finishing his diary, Jie put it back, pocketed the taped coupon, got up and walked out of the room.

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The scene continued to follow his back, this time, surprisingly, to the kitchen.

With his back resting in front of the counter, Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng could not see what he was doing. After three seconds, Xiao Jie came out of the kitchen with an extra tray in his hand, on which was a bunch of watermelon juice and three cups, while a fruit knife was left on the counter, which had probably just been used to cut watermelon and was still stained with watermelon juice.

At first glance, it looked like it was stained with blood.

But before Tong Che could look any closer, the scene shifted again and ended up back in the living room.

Jie poured a glass of watermelon juice for his mother, father, and sister. He watched all three drink it, and went back to the kitchen once more.

The scene switched violently, and outside the window, lightning flashed and the storm raged, while the same sound came out again from the room's stereo.

For a moment, Tong Che felt like he was back in the first room again, that fear being dominated by a violent storm.

In the next second, Mu Hanfeng reached over and held his hand. Tong Che steadied his mind and continued to watch the last part.

The scene returns to the room, following Jie's point of view as he leaves the room first, walks downstairs, gets into his car, and starts it.

After that, Jie returned home and went out with his sister.

Then Jie went home again and came out with his mother.

Finally, Jie came home again and went out with his dad.

This operation froze Tong Che in his tracks, "This... can't they come out on their own or together? Why did Jie still make a trip back to pick up someone? "

Mu Hanfeng just reached out and patted the top of his hair, without saying anything.

The scene finally came to its last shot when the car drove out and drove on to the main road. Suddenly, with a loud "bang" sound from the stereo, the underground light suddenly went out, and the whole room was plunged into darkness.

The darkness came so suddenly that Tong Che's heart jumped heavily, but before fear could strike him, his whole body was enveloped in a familiar, oceanic embrace, and Mu Hanfeng's warm breath sprayed in his ear, "Be good, don't be afraid."

Probably because he couldn't see, Mu Hanfeng couldn't control the distance well, and when he spoke, his lips brushed against Tong Che’s temes.

Tong Che was instantly unafraid. His whole heart was filled with this kiss that was not even considered a kiss.

After another two seconds, the light came back on under their feet, but all the scene was gone. Below, everything was empty, and the light that existed seemed to be there only for illumination.

At the same time, an old voice came out of the stereo again. -

"See through the surface and look at the details to get a glimpse of the truth."

Mu Hanfeng let go of Tong Che and stood up, "Let's go, Mr. Mu will take you to the door."

Tong Che was still a little dazed, "Is it... is it over?"

"Hmm?" Mu Hanfeng turned back to look over, raised his eyebrows, and became unorthodox again, "Did you want it not to end? Hasn't Ton Tong been scared enough, or, hasn't he been hugged enough by me? "

Tong Che: "!"

Of course, I've been scared enough! I'm already terrified!

As for the hug...

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Tong Che dropped his head in shame and broke the jar, of course, no amount of hugging was enough!

As if Mu Hanfeng could see what he was thinking, he laughed lightly and rubbed the top of his hair again, "It's okay if I haven't hugged you enough. When we go out, I will give you as many hugs as you want."

Tong Che suddenly lifted his head, his mouth moving before his brain, and instantly let out a sentence, "That... then Teacher Mu, let's go out!"

Only after saying that did Tong Che realise that he had failed to hold back his eagerness. He immediately covered his mouth and dropped his head without looking at Mu Hanfeng.

Mu Hanfeng swallowed inaudibly, and he tried to suppress his laughter. He refrained from teasing Tong Che, who was now a red ball, and walked towards the door.

Tong Che hurriedly followed him.

As Mu Hanfeng expected, this door was not a combination lock, but a display like the last room.

He reached out and touched it, and a paragraph appeared on it -

Answer the following questions correctly to pass through this door.

1.Was the car accident really an accident or a man-made one?

[Please answer with your voice.]

Tong Che glanced at Mu Hanfeng, who nodded at him, and Tong Che then reported the answer, "Man-made!"

The display changed to another paragraph -

Please continue to respond.

2. Who is the murderer?

Tong Che looked at Mu Hanfeng again, and when he got a nod from Mu Hanfeng, he then reported, "Xiao Jie!"

The words on the display changed again -

Correct answer: Please answer the last question.

3. This time, what was the modus operandi of the crime?

This time, Tong Che couldn't answer. He still couldn't figure out how Jie's family had died. Did he just drive into the barrier on purpose?

Tong Che felt that it should not be that simple, but he could not think of anything more complicated, so he could only wait for Mu Hanfeng to answer.

And Mu Hanfeng obviously had a good idea. His thin lips slightly opened and he faintly said the words, "Killed with a knife."

This answer was obviously beyond Tong Che's expectations, and he couldn't help but stare in awe.

But before he could ask, he heard a "click" and the door slowly opened. The light from outside leaked in, and he subconsciously closed his eyes before slowly opening them again.

Wang Qi's figure appeared in front of the door, and he laughed, "Wow, congratulations, Mr. Mu, Little Prince Che, for being the first to come out!"



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