Chapter 35

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They came out so suddenly that Tong Che had still not regained his senses. He subconsciously rubbed his eyes, "Director Wang?"

"What's wrong, little prince Che?" Wang Qi smiled playfully and asked, "Is he still dazed from the shock?"

Tong Che recalled what he had done from the moment he entered the escape room until he came out...He wanted to die. He wanted to die so badly. It wasn’t too late to turn around and go back to feed the ghosts!

Mu Hanfeng swept his eyebrows at Wang Qi and snorted, "Fortunately, Director Wang didn't go in."

Wang Qi was aghast. Intuition told him that the second half of Mu Hanfeng's sentence would not be good.

Sure enough, Mu Hanfeng added, "Otherwise, I'm afraid Director Wang would have come out with wet trousers."

Why would he wet his trousers?

Wang Qi was furious. I was just joking with your little O. Don't be so protective!

Tong Che took two seconds to understand what Mu Hanfeng was talking about, and he couldn't help but bury his head and secretly laugh.

Mu Hanfeng caught a glimpse of it and lifted the corner of his mouth.

Wang Qi couldn't bear to see the two of them "making" out with each other, so he walked ahead of them and thought of something, "Little Prince Che, when this episode is edited and released, the ratings will definitely explode! I didn't know you had such a good sense of variety before!"

Tong Che looked up and froze, "What?"

It was Mu Hanfeng who reacted first, "You can see it from outside."

It's not a question, but a statement.

Wang Qi admitted it with a straight face, "Of course I can see it. There is surveillance in every room inside. And it's 1080p, so not only me, but the staff can see it clearly too. "

Tong Che: "......"

He really, really wanted to die!

Unfortunately, Wang Qi didn't notice Tong Che's change in mood at all and was still talking to himself, "Do you guys want to see it? The interaction between Little Prince Che and Teacher Mu was really great, and the part where he tied the tongue of that "ghost" was also great. Just right, real and natural without being pretentious! "

Tong Che had finally come around. Wang Qi had taken all his humiliating performances in the secret room as a deliberate act, and only then praised him for his good sense of variety.

He looked a lot calmer. Thankfully, it is not so humiliating anymore.

As they spoke, the three of them walked to the storage locker from before, where the staff member who had led them in earlier was waiting.

Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng took off their raincoats and rolled them up, returning them to the staff.

Mu Hanfeng took the key to open the locker door and heard the staff member say to him, "Mr. Mu's reasoning skills are very good."

Tong Che's locker was opened first. He took out the phone and jacket and handed them to the little Omega before he responded indifferently, "Thanks for the compliment."

The staff member handed a piece of paper to him, "This is the complete story of the secret room, 'Fright on a Rainy Night', the two of you can take a look at it, but I think that Mr. Mu has guessed eight- nine out of ten of it well."

Mu Hanfeng reached out to take it and said thank you.

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The other two groups hadn't come out yet, and no one failed to imagine that Xiao Yao and Yin Lan, with their brains, would really spend time in there until the end of time.

Tong Che worried for the two, "Director Wang, if they don't come out after a long time, what should we do?"

"The time limit is two and a half hours," Wang Qi said, "If they really can't come out when the time is up, we'll have to let the staff go and collect them."

Tong Che looked at his watch. Almost two hours had passed now. He turned and whispered to Mu Hanfeng , "Then Teacher Yin and Teacher Xiao, probably, ninety percent will be led out by the staff ba."

Mu Hanfeng gave a laugh and said, "Ninety percent? You're giving them too much credit. "

It's lucky that the two fools inside didn't hear this, otherwise... they couldn't have done anything...

After all, this was also true...

Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng sat on the soft sofa in the lounge area and waited, and the two then went through the complete story of the secret room together.

Just as the staff had said, Mu Hanfeng had indeed guessed the story, eight- nine times out of ten.

As he had previously judged, Xiao Jie's family was, indeed, a reconstituted family.

Xiao Jie was the child of his father and his ex-wife, who, in other words, was Xiao Jie's real mother, and she died when he was five years old.

It is, after all, a story. So it became rather extreme in certain plot aspects.

For example, in this part, Jie's real mother commits suicide and, in addition, hangs herself in her and Jie's bedroom.

It is easy to imagine how psychologically devastating this was for Jie, who was only five years old at the time. The reason for the suicide was that Jie's father was having an affair and had a new child.

The story goes that Jie's own parents had really loved each other, but the pheromone fit between them was not good enough. When they fell in love, they thought that true love could overcome the so-called pheromones and the so-called biological nature, but in the end, love lost out to the pheromones.

The woman Jie's father cheated on him with, Jie's stepmother, had a very high pheromone fit with Jie's father, the kind of natural attraction you'd expect to find in books.

And so the two, unsurprisingly, come together. Shortly after Jie's real mother died, Jie's father welcomed a new wife into his home.

Of course, they moved in together, not in the old "bad luck" house.

A new child was born, a girl, Jie's sister from the secret room.

From the moment she was born, she was filled with the love of her father and mother. They were a very happy and loving family. While Jie, a child who was not yet old enough to be independent, was seen as a drag and a nuisance.

The biological father was blatantly biased, the stepmother was outwardly one thing and behind the scenes another, and the so-called younger sister had picked up her mother's hypocrisy by ear since childhood.

Tong Che's fear in Jie's room earlier was largely because of the things that were used by Jie's sister to mess with him.

The still young Jie hated all this in his heart, but he was too afraid to resist, nor was he able to do so at all.

He grew up in such a loveless environment and gradually became psychologically distorted, eventually embarking on a path of no return.

"The coupon incident was only the trigger for Jie's murder. As Mu Hanfeng said, it was at that moment that Jie finally made up his mind. However, it was easy to see that this idea had existed for many years.

After reading the story, Tong Che couldn't help but sigh, his tone a little downcast, "This Little Jie is so pitiful."

Probably because of his own family, he felt a lot of empathy for the character of Little Jie.

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But the biggest difference between them was that Jie was facing a stepmother and a stepsister, so when he was pressed to the extreme, he would want to fight back and take revenge.

But Tong Che could not, and did not think so, because no matter how badly his family treated him, it was indeed, his own parents, his own brother.

So he only wanted to escape, to leave that home to them.

When he returned to his senses from his old memories, Tong Che realised that he had just said those words but had never heard Mu Hanfeng's response.

Turning his head, he was stunned for a moment that Mu Hanfeng was also in a daze.

Pursing his lips, Tong Che called out in a soft voice, "Teacher Mu?"

Mu Hanfeng still didn't answer, his gaze falling on the paper in his hand, as if he could poke a hole in it.

For a moment, Tong Che felt that the current Mu Hanfeng seemed a little strange. But he didn't think much of it, he just raised his voice slightly, and also touched Mu Hanfeng's arm gently with his elbow, calling out again, "Teacher Mu, are you alright?"

This time, Mu Hanfeng finally came back to his senses. He inclined his head to look at Tong Che and said somewhat apologetically, "Sorry, I just got lost in thought."

Tong Che's lips twitched as if he wanted to ask something, but in the end, he just said, "It's okay, Mr. Mu. Let's quickly turn the page and look at the analysis."

Tong Che knew the story, but still didn't know until now, how exactly Xiao Jie committed the murders, and how Teacher Mu judged it!

Mu Hanfeng looked back to normal and smiled, "How about this? You listen, and I'll tell you. Tong Che will be the judge of my guess, right?"

Tong Che nodded his head, "Okay!"

With that, he took the page and turned it over, putting it up with the front facing Mu Hanfeng.

Mu Hanfeng spoke up unhurriedly, "He first drugged them. It should be something like a psychedelic pill, that is, the kind that can make people unconscious quickly."

Tong Che said in amazement, "It's really like that! How did Teacher Mu come up with this!"

The corner of Mu Hanfeng's lips hooked as he continued to explain, "The hint is that, at that time in the scene, Xiao Jie had poured water for the other three people twice. The first time was pure water, and the second was watermelon juice, but he himself didn't even drink it. Also, after the first time the water was poured, the scene switched quickly and a night passed instantly, which should have been a hint that the water would put people to sleep quickly. But the first time Jie poured the medicine, it was obviously under-dosed. He was most likely testing the effects or because he hadn't quite made up his mind yet."

Tong Che's eyes widened, "Ohh!"

Mu Hanfeng reached out and rubbed Tong Che's head, then spoke, "Another hint of the drugging was that when Xiao Jie was making the watermelon juice in the kitchen, his back was to us, not letting us see what he was doing, and the hint of the knife killing was also at this time. Didn't Tong think that the watermelon juice that was on that watermelon knife looked a lot like blood? "

"I thought so," said Tong Che said honestly, "but I thought it was just a deliberate scare and didn't even think of it that way."

"I wasn't sure before," Mu Hanfeng smiled, "I was only sure because of that episode at the end where they went out, the one where you asked, Tong, why Xiao Jie had to make a trip back to pick someone up."

This time, even if Mu Hanfeng didn't say it, Tong Che finally understood it.

It was actually a very obvious hint. If the family was all well, in other words, all alive, why couldn't they walk down on their own, but had to be picked up by Jie?

That could only mean that the other three, apart from Jie, were already dead before they set off.

Mu Hanfeng added, "Another point is that I linked it to what Xiao Jie wrote in his diary earlier. He said he liked rainy days because they could wash away all traces. Killing people with knives would definitely get a lot of blood on them, but what we saw in the first room was that only Xiao Jie had the most blood on him, while his parents didn't even have any blood on them. Basically, that's what Xiao Jie wanted. The blood was washed away by the rain, and it did work out as he had hoped. So it wasn't until the end that I connected the method of killing. "

Tong Che had been completely dumbfounded by what he had heard, and he hurriedly asked again, "Then... then why do you think, Teacher Mu, that Xiao Jie also died?"

Mu Hanfeng's eyebrows drew together, and there was a rare moment of uncertainty in his tone, "I can't say for sure. It could be that he suddenly wanted to die on the way to dispose of the corpses, or he could have really met with a car accident. But at least we can be sure that he didn't want to die from the beginning, because he used the male pronoun "he" in his diary to deliberately interfere with the judgement of those who read it, and to cover up for himself. "

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"Teacher Mu, you are really amazing!" Tong Che turned over the paper in his hand and showed it to Mu Hanfeng, "Look for yourself, you really hit all of them!"

Of course, Mu Hanfeng loved to hear Tong Che boast about him like this. If it was normal, he would have been in a good mood instantly, but now, Mu Hanfeng just smiled lightly, and suddenly the conversation changed and he added two serious points to his tone, "Tong Tong, Teacher Mu wants to ask you a question."

Probably because he heard this seriousness, Tong Che also unconsciously sat more upright and said, "Teacher Mu, you ask."

"Don't be nervous," Mu Hanfeng's lips loosened at the corners. He slowed his voice and asked, "I just want to ask you. Do you think Xiao Jie is scary? "

Tong Che blinked, bewildered, and asked in return, "Why is he scary?"

Mu Hanfeng's voice was low and he spoke slowly, "Because he killed the people closest to him, one of them, his own father."

Tong Che did not approve. His tone was rarely tough, but "A person like that is not worthy of being called a father at all."

After saying that, without waiting for Mu Hanfeng to speak, Tong Che paused and then pivoted, "But murder, this method of revenge, is indeed a bit extreme. But it doesn’t make him scary. I just think that...if Xiao Jie could get a little bit of real love, even just a little bit, it probably wouldn't have turned out like this in the end."

He spoke seriously, not noticing the increasingly relaxed corners of Mu Hanfeng's lips, and the increasingly bright light under his eyes.

When Tong Che finished speaking, Mu Hanfeng was about to open his mouth to say something when he heard Mi Beibei's voice ring out next to him, "Wow! I can't believe Sister Ning Ning and I didn't come first! "

Mu Hanfeng and Tong Che then both looked back and saw that Ning Ran and Mi Beibei were both walking towards them, both looking in good shape.

Tong Che smiled and asked, "Wasn’t yours scary?"

Mi Beibei had long forgotten her own shrieks inside and replied with a frank face, "It was just like that. I didn't realise I was quite courageous until I got inside!"

Ning Ran just smiled and reached out to give her waist a gentle squeeze, not poking at her lies.

Mu Hanfeng gave a "tsk", not believing Mi Beibei's words at all, and only Tong Che sighed foolishly, "Then Beibei, you're better than me!"

Ning Ran coughed lightly and changed the subject, "I didn't expect you guys to come out so quickly."

As soon as he said this, Tong Che couldn't stop talking, "It's all because Teacher Mu is so good! He could really guess everything! There are so many things that I didn't even notice that I didn't expect, but Teacher Mu knows them all..."

He praised Mu Hanfeng for a full five minutes without repeating a single word.

In the end, Mi Beibei couldn't help but sigh, "Little Che, I really didn't realise that you were so eloquent before."

Tong Che felt embarrassed afterwards, and did not dare look at Mu Hanfeng, who was sitting next to him.

Mu Hanfeng was in a good mood as he listened to him, so he went over and coaxed him in his ear, "Those are good points, I’d love to hear more."

The tips of Tong Che's ears fluttered twice, and they turned red again.

As the four of them chatted, time passed unnoticed, and it was time for the final time limit.

It was no surprise that Yin Lan and Xiao Yao had not yet come out.

The staff went to collect them, and all four of them were overjoyed.

It didn't take long for the two simpletons to be led out.

Yin Lan opened his mouth for a play, "Oh my God! I thought I'd never see the lovely director, Wang, and the lovely teachers again!"

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"What?" Wang Qi scoffed, "Stumped by the female students of the Mystery Girls' School?"

"Please don't mention it!" Yin Lan had a sad face and said, "Just one school, why so many tricks?"

"At the risk of asking," Ning Ran smiled as she crossed her fingers, "which room had you two passed through?"

Xiao Yao spoke up and replied, "The second room."

"Wow," Mi Beibei applauded, "I can't believe you got past one room, Mr. Yin and Mr. Xiao are still great!"

Xiao Yao's face was righteous, but Yin Lan broke the jar and confessed, "That was because we were so scared, and when we were hiding from the ghosts, we ran into a dead rat that turned the mechanism on!"

The atmosphere was silent for two seconds before everyone burst out laughing in disgrace.

I have to say, this duo really brought the laughter to the whole show!

When everyone was finally together, Wang Qi came over and announced, "You all know the winning group and the losing group this time, so I'm going to tell you the rewards and punishments! Apart from getting a gold coin, Teacher Mu and Xiao Che's group will also get an extra chance to freely choose an event. In turn, Teacher Yin and Xiao's group will also participate in an extra designated event. "

"Wait a minute," Yin Lan pulled at his little tug twice, "What event? Did I miss something again? "

"You didn't miss it," Wang Qi rolled his eyes, "I'm the one who's ready to move on now. Our schedule for this afternoon is to play the Scream Valley project together. There are eight of them already booked, I'll show them to you first. "

Saying that, Wang Qi gave each group a project sheet.

Tong Che took one look at it and wanted to run away. Does this Scream Valley have a grudge against him!

He had already embarrassed himself in the secret room, and now look at all these events!

A big pendulum, a tricycle, a speeding car, a roller coaster, a night sky propeller...

He's just a soft-packed little omega who doesn't want the thrill or screams!

Oh no, just looking at the names now already made him want to scream...

Wang Qi smiled and looked at Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng, "Teacher Mu and Little Prince Che can choose one more, happy bah? This is the kind of stuff you youngsters like. "

Tong Che: "... "

You're thinking too much, I'm really not happy at all. I don't like it at all!

When Tong Che was about to cry, he heard Mu Hanfeng suddenly speak up and ask in a serious manner, "Is there a merry-go-round?"

Tong Che froze and stared at him in a daze.

Wang Qi also thought he had misheard, "What is there? What do you want to play? "

"The carousel," Mu Hanfeng repeated with a calm face and explained with rare patience, "It's the one with the music playing and the little horse thumping around."

Wang Qi's face turned wooden. "I mean, Teacher Mu, do you... do you know that this is usually played by children?"

"Of course I know," Mu Hanfeng raised his eyebrows as he circled his arms on Tong Che's shoulders, asking, as a matter of course, "Isn't our Tong kitten a little kid?"


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