Tong Che: "!"

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Teacher Mu is good at teasing. No, his teasing skills were getting better and better!

Tong Che’s ears were red and he didn't dare to move.

But of course, he was still looking forward to it. He really wanted to ride the merry-go-round, especially with Teacher Mu!

Wang Qi: "......"

Wang Qi tried to reason with Mu Hanfeng, "Teacher Mu, do you know the name of this amusement park? It's called Scream Valley! Looking for a carousel in Scream Valley.... aren’t you just making things difficult for people!"

Mu Hanfeng's eyebrows narrowed and he was about to speak when the staff interjected, "There is a carousel. You go out and turn right, then go straight to the end."

Wang Qi choked and tried a little harder, "But our theme for this episode is called excitement, right. What's so exciting about it a carousel?”

"Director Wang," Mi Beibei also interjected, her voice soft and sweet, but what she said was really unexpected, "Don't you think it's exciting that Teacher Mu and Xiao Che will be sitting on the same horse, riding together?"

She also deliberately accented the word "ride together".

Tong Che's ears suddenly turned even redder, and a smile rose in Mu Hanfeng's eyes.

Wang Qi rubbed his chin, "That seems to make sense!"

Isn't that what the audience loves to see anyway?

So he said, "Okay! Then Mr. Mu and Xiao Che will add the carousel ride, but only after all the events are over."

Tong Che nodded vigorously, "No problem!"

With the merry-go-round to look forward to, it seemed like the series of screaming events ahead of them weren't so bad.

When Mu Hanfeng saw Tong Che's eagerness, he put the tip of his tongue against his back teeth and lightly ran it over them twice, with a wicked smile on his face, "Little kitten, are you so excited to be sharing a ride with me?"

Tong Che was too embarrassed, but he didn't want to tell lies, so he blushed and nodded obediently.

Mu Hanfeng's breath hitched. This was terrible, damn it!

Wang Qi turned his head to look at Yin Lan and Xiao Yao again, his voice changed, "But you two have to put your punishment item first; the jumping machine, is there a problem?"

Tong Che was shocked to hear this and murmured in a small voice, "Luckily, Teacher Mu is smart and we came out first."

A jumping machine or something was too scary!

But Xiao Yao and Yin Lan, the two steel A's didn’t care, "Too, childish."

Wang Qi coolly said, "You guys were also this confident before you went into the escape room."

Xiao Yao and Yin Lan were instantly choked speechless.

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But soon after, it turned out that the two were not exaggerating themselves on this issue -

Under the jumper, of the four people gathered around, Tong Che was pale with his two hands clenched together, and Mi Beibei was screaming non-stop after the people above.

On the other hand, Yin Lan and Xiao Yao, who were falling vertically, were so relaxed and calm that they would have wanted to wave hello to the people below.

The jumper quickly landed, and when the staff came forward to unbuckle Xiao Yao and Yin Lan, the two of them came down without the slightest wobble in their steps and even made a funny face for the camera together.

It seems that the psychological quality of these steel AA in certain aspects is really not just farts!

After Yin Lan and Xiao Yao's punishment was over, it was still time for the group event that Tong Che resisted so much no to effect.

According to the order on the item list, the first one was the Big Pendulum.

In Tong Che’s mind, this was not in the least bit gentler than the jumping machine.

The six people were seated and the staff helped them to fasten the safety facilities. There was still about a minute before the machine was officially started.

After sweeping her eyes at the nearby arm camera, Ning Ran lowered her voice and spat, "Just ask if it's hard to be an entertainer? Even if you're forced to play such exciting items, you still have to pay attention to expression management at all times!"

Mi Beibei's expressions were now almost unmanageable, and she looked like she was about to cry, "It's so hard! I'm sure I'll scream super loud!"

Yin Lan dejectedly said, "Learn from me and your brother Xiao, we could go on the jumper without changing ours faces."

"Heh," Mi Beibei replied back without mercy, "Why didn't you two say you didn't change your faces when you were in the escape room?"

Yin Lan: "......"

"I'd say the best at expression management," Mi Beibei added, "is indeed still Mr. Mu."

"That’s not expression management," Ning Ran snorted, "it's called facial paralysis."

A certain face palsy being picked out was did not care and didn't say anything, but turned to Tong Che with a whisper, "Are you afraid?"

Tong Che looked at the camera that was fixed for a face shot. He pursed his lips and said in a light voice, "I’m okay."

No sooner had he said this than a siren sounded, signaling that the machine was about to start.

Tong Che's body subconsciously tensed up two more degrees.

Then there was a hand with long knuckles and distinctive bones in front of him.

Mu Hanfeng leaned against his ear and laughed lowly, "If you hold my hand, you won't be afraid."

The tips of Tong Che's ears suddenly turned red again, and he hesitated for 0.01 seconds before reaching out his hand and gently resting it on Mu Hanfeng's palm.

Mu Hanfeng did not hesitate to close his five fingers and tightly clasp the small hand.

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The pendulum had already started to slowly rotate upwards, but holding Mu Hanfeng's hand made Tong Che feel really calmer.

As the height rose, the speed became faster and faster, sweeping past the shadows of dead branches and trees in the near distance. The cold wind of late autumn was as harsh as a knife, scraping against his face in bursts without mercy.

Finally, the pendulum rose to its highest point.

Tong Che felt like his whole body was being thrown into the sky, and he knew that the next moment would be a descent without pause, so he couldn't help but close his eyes tightly.

Sure enough, after reaching the highest point, the big pendulum spun down towards the low point without the slightest cushion, spinning down at an extremely fast speed.

He was clearly sitting on the seat, with his seatbelt firmly fastened, but at this moment, he felt that there was nothing underneath him and he was falling from a height.

Mi Beibei’s screams dragged on in his ears, and Tong Che dared not open his eyes, biting his lower lip to death.

Suddenly, there was a different kind of cool touch on his lips.

Tong Che froze and before he could react, he heard Mu Hanfeng's low voice ringing in his ears, "Kitten, don't bite your lips. Bite me if you're afraid."

Tong Che reacted as an afterthought that what was now pressed against his lips was Mu Hanfeng's finger. All fear was gone in this instant, and he only felt an overly electric touch that crawled straight up from his lips, to his heart.

He couldn't bite it, but he didn’t want to push it away.

So Tong Che did not move, relying on the fact that his eyes were closed, and gently pursed on Mu Hanfeng's fingers.


The game was finally over. When Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng came down, they both walked quite steadily, but one was full of spring, and the other was a bit shaken up.

Wang Qi was stunned, "Tsk! If one didn’t know, they’d think you've just been doing something!"

Tong Che lowered his head. Mu Hanfeng gave Wang Qi a cold look, and he immediately changed the subject, "Come on, Come on. Let's go to the next project - tricycle!"


The next seven events were not too different from the Big pendulum for Tong Che.

He was holding hands with Mr. Mu, didn't dare to open his eyes, and still pursed on Mr. Mu's fingers anyway.

It was almost seven o'clock in the evening when all eight group events were finally over.

The sky gets dark early in late autumn, and at this time the canopy was shrouded, adding a different kind of mysterious flavor to the amusement park.

At last, it was time for the event Tong Che had been waiting for all day, the carousel

The carousel's roof was filled with colorful lights, which looked like colorful stars from afar, extraordinarily dreamy with a fairy tale mood.

As they approached, Mu Hanfeng turned his head to look at Tong Che and lifted his chin towards the wooden horse, "Tong Tong, pick one."

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Tong Che asked in a small voice, "Are you... are you really going to sit on one with me?"

Mu Hanfeng raised his eyebrows and asked rhetorically, "Is Tong Che trying to back out?"

Tong Che hurriedly shook his head, "No, I just, just..."

I just wanted to make sure that you would not want to backtrack.

But the latter half of the sentence was too shameful, so Tong Che didn't say it out loud.

But Mu Hanfeng could always guess his thoughts. The corners of his lips hooked up as he reached out to rub Tong Che's head lightly and said in a low voice, "How could I possibly want to back out?"

Tong Che was relieved and blushed as he went to look at the wooden horses, finally pointing to a sky blue one, "Let's sit on this one, okay?"

He took Tong Che's wrist and walked across, smiling slightly, "What's wrong with that? I’ll listen to Tong Che."

The two of them stood together on the round platform, and with a stride of his long legs, Mu Hanfeng sat on the blue wooden horse. He held out his hand towards Tong Che, “Kitten, come up."

Tong Che handed him his hand and, with a stir of his legs, sat in front of Mu Hanfeng.

The horse he had picked was not small, but when two people sat together, they would inevitably lean on each other.

Feeling the warm chest against his back, Tong Che's whole body couldn't help but get hotter.

It's a good thing that the venue was cleared in advance, otherwise, if the fans saw such an image, they would all be turned into groundhogs immediately.

After the flute sounded, the wooden horse slowly spun up, accompanied by very light music.

Tong Che gradually forgot his shyness and clasped his hands around the long pole in front of him, his eyes shining brightly.

"Is Tong Tong happy?" Mu Hanfeng asked him from behind him.

Tong Che tilted his head and nodded heavily, smiling with very deep dimples, "I’m very happy!"

Perhaps because the current atmosphere was too relaxed, Tong Che paused and spoke two more sentences, "When I was a child, every time I went to an amusement park and watched my brother ride the carousel, I was especially envious."

Mu Hanfeng's body stalled.

This was the first time that Tong Cheng mentioned his family and childhood to him, but Mu Hanfeng was not happy at all. On the contrary, he felt distressed.

He didn't ask Tong Che, "Why did your brother sit and you didn't?" He just took a deep breath and gently wrapped his arm around Tong Che's waist from behind, leaning against his ear, and promised, "When the variety show is over, I will take you to the amusement park, and you can have as much fun as you want. How about that?"

Tong Che's eyes brightened and his dimples deepened as he nodded his head, "Okay!"

Be just had an unexplainable trust in Mu Hanfeng, as if the promises Mu Hanfeng made to him would really be fulfilled.

It was as if having expectations for Mu Hanfeng would not really fall short.

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The moment this thought rose, Tong Che's heart jumped heavily. But before he could sort out that momentary feeling, he suddenly heard Mi Beibei's voice, "Brother Che, Teacher Mu, look at me!"

Both of them coincidentally looked over at the voice and saw that Mi Beibei was holding up her mobile phone, pointing it at them.

She was obviously taking pictures.

Tong Che froze slightly, but due to the inertia of his long career when facing the camera, he had already revealed a smile.

Only, this smile was much more genuine than when he was in the public eye.

Once the round was over and the two walked off the round stage and Mi Beibei hurriedly came over, "Brother Che, Teacher Mu, look, it's time to show off my amazing photo-taking skills!"

With that, she held her phone up in front of the two of them.

When Tong Che looked down, he couldn't help but take a second look.

He had to admit that this photo was really well taken.

An Alpha and Omega, each with different looks, yet leaning together in harmony. Sitting on a sky blue wooden horse with colorful lights in the background, looking gorgeous, yet romantic.

The cool-looking Omega had a warm expression, with deep dimples at the corners of his lips and eyes that seem to shine brighter than the light behind them.

And the one sitting behind him, the face-paralyzed, cold Alpha, who was said to be unchanged no matter if he was facing an escape room or any exciting project, had the corners of his lips slightly raised upwards at this time, and his whole body was permeated with real relaxation and comfort, like a gentle breeze passing by the sea.

Mu Hanfeng was silent for two seconds, and took the lead in speaking, saying concisely, "Send me the photos."

Tong Che came back to his senses and also interfaced, "I want it too!"

Mi Beibei took the opportunity to instigate, " Brother Che, Teacher Mu, do you want to post this photo on Weibo?"

Tong Che subconsciously wanted to refuse. Even though he was now much closer to Mu Hanfeng, he was still not willing to rub up against Mu Hanfeng's popularity, except for the necessary publicity.

But before he could open his mouth, he saw Mu Hanfeng nodding, "That's a good proposal."

Tong Che was stunned and called out, "Teacher Mu?"

Mu Hanfeng was about to say something when Wang Qi, who was at the side, came over and interjected, "It's good to post a microblog! It can do a bit of publicity in advance and also allow you to be active in front of the public."

In fact, Tong Che naturally understood this reasoning. For someone like Mu Hanfeng, who is a movie star, it doesn't matter. But for Tong Che, it is necessary to post something from time to time to fix the powder.

But he still didn’t want to rub Mu Hanfeng's popularity.

How could Mu Hanfeng not understand Tong Che's thoughts?

He took his mobile phone from Wang Qi, turned it on, and saved the photo sent by Mi Beibei. He then directly clicked on Weibo, added this photo, and added a sentence -

It is a pleasure to ride with Tongtong.

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