Tong Che also got his own mobile phone, and as soon as it was turned on, the special prompt tone from Weibo rang out.

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He was shocked and subconsciously took a step backwards, holding his phone.

However, the sound did not escape the ears of the gossip-loving Mi Beibei, who loves CP, no, gossip.

"Wow," said Mi Beibei, wiggling her eyebrows at Tong Che, "Teacher Mu is a special concern of Brother Che."

Tong Che was so flustered and embarrassed that he couldn't answer the question, and dared to sneak a glance at Mu Hanfeng.

He found out that Mu Hanfeng had been looking at his mobile phone and didn't seem to hear what was going on here, so Tong Che was quietly relieved.

He also lowered his head and clicked on the Weibo alert.

[@MuHanFeng: It's a pleasure to ride with Tong Tong. [Photo].

Tong Che took a glance at it and froze.

A warm current run through his heart, warm and hot.

Tong Che knew why Mu Hanfeng would post this tweet before him and worded it in such away. On the one hand, it was indeed because Emperor Mu was spontaneous, teasing him whenever he wanted to and posting whatever he wanted.

But on the other hand, he knew very well that Mu Hanfeng had done so to minimize the malicious influence of public opinion on him.

If Tong Che had posted the same photo first, reversing the wording, the comments would have accused him of shamelessly rubbing up against Mu Hanfeng’s popularity and tying Mu Hanfeng up in the hype.

After all, there's a natural wall between a traffic star and a movie star.

However, now...

Tong Che slid his finger and swiped up the comments...

“Mom! Emperor Mu finally posted on Weibo. Not a retweet, but a picture!”

“Wuuu husband! How can you ride the carousel with other little Os!”

“Aaaaahhhh I'm the reincarnation of a vinegar spirit today! Did this little fairy, Tong Che save the galaxy in his last life?”

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“Upstairs, did you graduate from primary school? Do you want me to teach you the meaning of the words "with pleasure"? It means: Mu Hanfeng saved the galaxy in his life!”

“Hahaha upstairs said it well! Hold my Che. My Che is the only beautiful one!”

“ The two of them really match in this picture...”

“Actually, I also feel like [holding my head] in this photo, Emperor Mu's expression is really soft and relaxed! I've never seen such an expression on his face before.”

“+ID card number, Prince Che is also smiling sweetly!”

“Ahh! It’s so perfect. Today am a screaming chicken, a groundhog, a mouse ah ah ah ah!!”

“Let me shout out three times: Fengche CP. It’s real! It's real! It's real!”

“What kind of peerless Alpha the Ice God is. Looking at his wife with pampering!”


When he saw the last comment, Tong Che's fingers trembled and he turned off the screen with a snap.

What spoiled wife?

How dare this group of netizens say anything on the internet!

After a two-second pause, Tong Che took a deep breath and pressed his phone again to light it up and clicked forward.

He tapped his finger on the screen, typed in a line, deleted it, typed it again, deleted it again, typed it again...

It seemed that he couldn't find the right wording.

In the end, Tong Che only came up with an emoji with curved eyebrows and red cheeks.

As he was thinking about what to type, a message popped up on WeChat from Lou Gui...

Lou Gui: “Xiao Che, Brother Lou is just asking; are you and Emperor Mu really not in love?”

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Tong Che was shocked for a moment and his hand shook. Like this, the Weibo was just sent out with only an emoji.

Before Tong Che could react, the next second, he heard another special notification beep.

He froze and then realized that the sound was not coming from his own phone. He subconsciously raised his head and met Mu Hanfeng's eyes squarely.

Mu Hanfeng raised the corner of his lips.

Tong Che looked at him blankly, stunned by the sudden surprise.

So, was he also Mr Mu's special concern?

The phone suddenly kept vibrating, so Tong Che had to look down to see.

It was no surprise that his and Mu Hanfeng's names were at the top of the search, but before Tong Che could read it again, it automatically went blank...

As expected, Emperor Mu directly froze Weibo by himself.

Tong Che pursed his lips and clicked into WeChat again.

At this time, his WeChat was not much better than Weibo. Other than Lou Gui and Ruan Tang, many other people in the circle sent him messages.

Tong Che first sent a message back to Ruan Tang, and then politely replied to the messages from people in his circle, and finally, he clicked into Lou Gui's dialogue box.

When he saw the words "are you in love", Tong Che's fingers still felt hot. He lowered his eyes and replied coldly with one word: “No.”

Lou Gui replied in a second: “Xiao Che, don't think too much. Brother Lou was just asking. So that if you are really in a relationship, then it would be convenient for the PR team to be on standby at any time, right?”

Tong Che felt disgusted when he saw Lou Gui’s hypocritical appearance. He smiled to himself and typed: "I didn't think much about it. I don't dare to bother Brother Lou.”

Lou Gui still replied very quickly: “ Hey Che, what are you talking about? I am your manager, so it's only natural for me to do public relations for you. How can you call it a bother?

Tong Che really didn't want to listen to such hypocritical words anymore, so he didn't reply to anything and resolutely withdrew from Lou Gui's chatbox.

After a second of hesitation, seeing that Mu Hanfeng was still looking down at his phone and no one was paying attention to him, Tong Che quietly clicked into Mi Beibei’s dialogue box again and opened the photo.

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On the other side, Mu Hanfeng was also being tortured by his manager.

Or maybe it's not accurate to say that he was being tortured, it was Yun Su's side that was in a tizzy.

Yun Su: “Mu! Han! Feng! If you don't give me something to do for three days, you won't feel comfortable?”

Mu Hanfeng pretended not to understand and replied calmly: “What's wrong? Didn't you say before that you wanted me to tweet more often and not just retweet?”

Yun Su was so angry that he jumped: “I told you to post more tweets that are related to yourself and are more life-like. Did I tell you to post this?”

Mu Hanfeng continued to play dumb: “I'm in the picture, so it's about me. I'm sitting on the carousel, it's very lifelike. Is there any other problem?”

Whenever Yun Su became angry, his words would become extremely sharp: “Mu Hanfeng, don't play dumb with me. You and I have been partners for five years, is it so difficult to tell me the truth? If you like him, you like him. How can I stop you from liking it?

When he saw the words, Mu Hanfeng closed his eyes and his expression was once again cold.

Like him...?

I want to be nice to Tong Che, to see him smile, to be close to him, to touch his head, to hug his waist, to kiss his lips, to possess him. this actually liking?

A voice in the depths of his heart was screaming, "Of course it is! If that's not fondness, then what is?

But the next moment, another voice would jump out and refute: “ So what if it is? Mu Hanfeng, do you deserve to talk about liking? Aren't you afraid that your so-called fondness will end up being nothing but a basket of water and nothing at all?”

Mu Hanfeng took a deep breath and raised his hand to pinch his brow twice.

For some reason, his ears suddenly echoed Tong Che's answer when they discussed the question, "Do you think Xiao Jie is scary".

The little Omega's voice was so strong and determined that it could easily calm any uneasiness that had risen.

He felt that the boulder that had been weighing on his heart for so many years seemed to have quietly loosened twice at this moment.

Is it true that his expectations will not be disappointed?

"What are you doing, Brother Che?" Mi Beibei’s voice suddenly rang out, and her tone was unusually surprised.

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Mu Hanfeng suddenly came back to his senses and put his mobile phone into his pocket, and raised his eyes to look over.

He saw Tong Che, who happened to be in sync with him, also put his mobile phone back into his pocket quickly.

But it was obviously useless. She had already seen what he was doing. She smiled softly and sweetly, "Brother Che, you are really cute! Why did you click on save so many times? Are you going to save every single picture with Mr Mu a hundred times!"

Tong Che didn't expect to be caught in the act, but when he looked up and found Mu Hanfeng looking at him, he was so embarrassed that his ears were so red they could bleed.

His head hung very low and he denied it with no confidence, "No, I didn't..."

But before he could say anything else, a tall figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

Mu Hanfeng had walked over to him and leaned in close to him.

"Kitten," Mu Hanfeng said, his adam’s apple sliding up and down as he opened his mouth, only to find that his voice was hoarse, "Do you like it that much?"

Do you like the pictures you took with me that much? Do you like them so much that you want to save them a hundred times?

The latter part of the question was not asked, but Tong Che understood.

His fingertips curled up, and after a long time, Tong Che felt hot as he broke the jar and nodded lightly.

I like them, I like them a lot.

The photos taken with Mr Mu, not to mention saving them a hundred times, even a thousand times ten thousand times, seems to be not enough.

It was clear that he hadn't asked for anything, and that Tong Che hadn't made any promises to him.

However, at this moment, Mu Hanfeng felt that his heart that had been hanging seemed to fall to the ground.

He lowered his eyes and stared at the soft, red, little kitten for a long time. He then said softly, "Little kitten, you are really a treasure."

After saying this, he suddenly took a step back, fished out his mobile phone and tapped into Yun Su's conversation box again.

This time, Mu Hanfeng did not hesitate to reply: "Yes, I like him.”

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