Yes, I like him.

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The moment Mu Hanfeng said this, his fingertips trembled, and he clearly felt that something had changed at this moment.

It was as if the clouds had cleared and the green hills could be seen.

Tong Che probably didn't know that he was able to comfort him unexpectedly at a certain moment. He gave him the courage to face his heart, to admit his true thoughts.

I like him.

It wasn't as hard as he thought to say this sentence.

The phone vibrated again, bringing Mu Hanfeng back to his senses.

Yun Su came back six points energized and quickly followed up with another question;

“So how far have you gotten?”

Once he had admitted his feelings, it became easier with the follow-up.

Mu Hanfeng typed without any psychological burden and told the truth: “He doesn't know yet that I like him.”

Yun Su came back with a very straightforward sentence;

"Emperor Mu, can you do it?

Mu Hanfeng: "......"

I feel offended!

How can one be an Alpha and say they can’t do a simple confession.

Mu Hanfeng's fingers flew and he sent back a reply: "And why can't I do it?”

Seeing Mu Hanfeng's frustration, Yun Su mocked him without hesitation;

“I thought you two were going to come out of the closet when I saw the photo. After a lot of tossing and he still doesn’t know what is in your heart?”

Mu Hanfeng took a breath, feeling the need to stand up for himself. He hesitated for a moment and then simply replied: " Although he doesn't know it yet, he has saved that photo a hundred times.”

What does this mean?

It means that he and Tong Che are in love, so close to poking a window!

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This is what Mu Hanfeng wanted to say, but the next moment, Yun Su stabbed him straight in the heart...

Yun Su: “Saved it a hundred times? It's not uncommon, if any of your fans had the chance to take a picture with you, they would probably save that picture hundreds of times.”

Mu Hanfeng: "......"

Shut up if you don't know how to talk!

He subconsciously wanted to retort, but his finger lingered on the screen for a long time, but he didn't type a single word.

It was because Yun Su's words had actually sobered him up.

Mu Hanfeng was not boasting but he knew that what Yun Su had said was not an exaggeration. Moreover, he knew very well that Tong Che had idolised him from the very beginning.

Tong Che was very good in front of him, he would be shy, he would be amused by him, he would be willing to share a bed with him.

He would even save their photo a hundred times.

Mu Hanfeng's mind raced through all the times he and Tong Che had spent together since the start of the variety show, and all of the latter’s reactions.

At one point, he felt that he was special to Tong Che, but now that he was labelled as an "idol", he was unsure again.

Was he really special to Tong Che?

Maybe, but the idol himself was also special.

How could he tell whether this “specialness was the specialness” of an idol or the specialness” he wanted?

Probably because he hadn't replied for too long, Yun Su added:

“I'm just saying. But only you know best what he is like to you.”

Mu Hanfeng returned to his senses and creased his eyebrows. He said he didn't know for sure, but even if he didn't, he didn't want to back off.

After a pause, Mu Hanfeng typed: “Send me a copy of the planning book template.”

Yunsu: “ Do you want to plan how to secretly skip work?”

Yun Su's head was full of questions marks. This man was talking about love in one sentence, how come he started talking about a proposal template in the next?

Mu Hanfeng's thin lips pursed up and his expression resumed its usual coldness: “No skipping, I want to make a "Wife Chasing Plan".

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Yun Su was so shocked that he couldn't even type an ellipsis. Looking at this serious tone, he couldn't tell for a moment whether this man was serious or a fucking svengali.

The movie emperor didn't receive the planning template and was blocked by Yun Su for three seconds.

He didn't understand which of his comments had pissed off Yun Su, but he finally put it down to jealousy as Yun Su was two years older than him but still single. He then went to Baidu to download a series of different templates to compare and study later tonight.

It didn’t matter whether he was just an idol now, but in the future, he will slowly show Kitten that he can be much more than an idol.

It was a rare occasion that the show finished early and the team had a free wave of publicity, so Wang Qi was in a good mood and said he would treat everyone to dinner.

Of course, it was at the B&B, and they ordered takeaway food to be delivered.

At Yin Lan's suggestion, the six of them voted unanimously and finally ordered a large table of crayfish.

Wang Qi gave each of them a pair of disposable gloves to peel the lobster shells.

Tong Che took them and was putting them on when he heard Mu Hanfeng whisper, "Tong Tong doesn't need to wear them."

Tong Che was stunned and blinked blankly.

If he didn't need to wear them, how could he peel the crayfish?

Mu Hanfeng smiled and he didn't rush to answer, but put on his gloves and neatly peeled a piece before putting it into Tong Che's bowl, saying, "You just eat, I will peel for you."

The tips of Tong Che's ears suddenly turned red and he hastily excused himself, "No... no, I can peel it myself Mr Mu. You eat."

But Mu Hanfeng didn't let him, his fingers flew and peeled another one, this time feeding it directly to Tong Che's mouth.

Yin Lan and the others had already started to cheer in good faith, but Mu Hanfeng's hand was still firmly on his lips, not the least bit embarrassed.

Hd was even more embarrassed, and he lowered his eyes. He opened his mouth and ate the crayfish with a bite.

In his haste to eat, his lips touched Mu Hanfeng's fingers.

Even though there was a layer of disposable gloves, it did not stop Mu Hanfeng from feeling the softness of Tong's lips.

He lowered his eyes and unconsciously twisted his fingertips before picking up another crayfish and peeling it.

Every time he peeled another one, Mu Hanfeng would feed it directly to Tong Che's mouth, so that the little omega could not refuse it at all.

After being fed like this for a while, Tong Che could not take it anymore.

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Embarrassment was one side of the story, but more importantly, Mr Mu kept feeding him without even eating himself!

"Teacher Mu," while Mu Hanfeng was peeling another one, Tong Che hastily swallowed the one in his mouth and said in a small voice, "You eat too, you can't... you can't just feed me."

Mu Hanfeng's eyes were filled with laughter as he kept his hands moving and said slowly, "It's enough for me to watch you eat."

Now Tong Che was reluctant, so he simply put on his gloves and squeezed a crayfish himself.

Mu Hanfeng's movements paused, "Kitten, is this because you don't want me to feed you?"

Tong Che shook his head and put the peeled one into Mu Hanfeng's bowl, explaining with red ears, "No, it's because I want to peel it for you too."

Mu Hanfeng was very itchy, and he didn't want to be a gentleman anymore. He looked at the tips of Tong Che's red ears and said without moving, "You eat first. My gloves are covered in oil, so I can't hold chopsticks."

Tong Che paused for a second, and then picked up the crayfish and fed it to Mu Hanfeng's mouth.

The sultry alpha, who had succeeded in his plot, held the crayfish in his mouth with a smile in his eyes. Incidentally, he pretended not to notice, and gently licked Tong Che's fingertips.

Tong Che was instantly ripe for the picking.

But for some reason, after two seconds, he peeled off another crayfish and fed it to Mu Hanfeng's mouth again


The two of them finished the meal in this way, you feeding me one and I feeding you the other.

Wang Qi was so angry that he wanted to throw the plate. Why did he have to pay the money and eat dog food, why?!

Mu Hanfeng was in a good mood and didn't mind being a bit of a human being, so he offered to buy everyone drinks.

Of course, the main purpose was to buy drinks for Tong Che.

Tong Che chose a strawberry Yakult, and Mu Hanfeng chose the same one as him.

When the drinks arrived, he inserted the straw and gave one to Tong Che first, while he drank the other one.

After two sips, Mu Hanfeng suddenly asked, "Tong Tong, is yours sweet?"

Tong Che took a big sip and nodded his head, "Yes, it is."

Mu Hanfeng looked puzzled, "Mine doesn't seem too sweet, aren't they the same?"

Tong Che didn't realize at all that Mu Hanfeng was teasing him again, and wondered, "Could it be that the shop forgot to put sugar in the cup when they made it?"

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Mu Hanfeng shook his head with a smile, "I can't say."

Tong Che hesitated for a second and asked, "Mr Mu, would you like to try mine?"

Tong Che regretted it immediately He had already drunk it, so how could he let Teacher Mu taste it! He was about to open his mouth to find a remedy when he heard Mu Hanfeng say "yes", and in the next second, drew closer and took a sip from his straw.

Mu Hanfeng's low, laughing voice rang out in his ears, "Mmm, Tong Tong's is really sweet."

Tong Che's went so high up, and he got hot again.

He realized that what was said about not being too sweet was all a lie, and that Teacher Mu was deliberately teasing him!

The more he thought about it, the hotter it got, and he subconsciously took another big sip of the strawberry Yakult. But only after he inhaled it did Tong Che suddenly wake up. Isn’t this an indirect kiss with Teacher Mu!

The strawberry Yakult with ice cubes was obviously hot in Tong Che's hand, but at the moment, he felt that it was so hot.

Mi Beibei, who had secretly watched the whole process, whispered in Ning Ran's ears, "Is it my delusion? Why do I think Teacher Mu is so dominant today!

Ning Ran snickered, "An old hooligan. I really believed that he was cool and aloof and didn't like sex!"

Naturally, Tong Che did not hear the conversation between Mi Bei Bei and Ning Ran, but he also felt that tonight's Mr. Mu seemed to be a bit different from the past, but he could not say exactly what the difference was.

If he had to say, it was that he was more flirtatious...

He was even more overwhelmed!

The group gathered on the ground floor and chatted for a while before Wang Qi drove them back to their respective rooms to rest.

Facing the big bed in front of him, Mu Hanfeng couldn't help but whisper a foul word.

It was hard enough when he was not aware of his feelings, but now, he felt his willpower was being tested every minute of the day!

The two of them showered first, and then Tong Che sat on the edge of the bed and sang to Mu Hanfeng as usual.

Mu Hanfeng ran his hand through his hair, and ruthlessly refused, "I can't today, I'm taking sleeping pills."

Tong Che obviously froze for a moment, and after a long time, he carefully asked, "Is the singing... useless?"

Mu Hanfeng couldn't bear to see him look like this, and wanted to make up an excuse, but he was afraid that Tong Che would think something crazy.

Seeing that Tong Che's expression was getting lower and lower, Mu Hanfeng sighed and suddenly reached out and lifted up his robe, revealing the majestic little Hanfeng, saying in a hoarse voice, "Tong Tong, do you know that when you are beside me now, even your breath looks like seduction?"

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