Tong Che froze, a blush crept up to the tips of his ears, down his cheeks and extended into his neck.

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He lifted his head sharply and looked straight at Mu Hanfeng, his lips moving but no words coming out, his ears buzzing.

Teacher Mu... what did he mean?

Before this, Tong Che had heard Mu Hanfeng tease him a lot. But the words he had just said were clearly different from anything he had heard before.

Before, he only thought that Mu Hanfeng was teasing him for fun, and he would not think much about it. However, the words were just so blunt and bare that Tong Che could not help but think about them.

What's more...

Tong Che's eyes dropped down and landed between Mu Hanfeng's legs for a moment before hastily moving away again.

At that moment, he felt that his head would not turn.

Could he really be that attractive to Teacher Mu? Or is this the natural attraction that an alpha has to an omega with whom he has a high pheromone compatibility?

It must be the latter. Tong Che pursed his lips, the heat dissipated, and the momentary leap of joy and happiness faded away.

Yes, it must be the latter.

What else could he be capable of that would attract Mr. Mu?

After Mu Hanfeng said that, his eyes fell on Tong Che's face, not blinking, not missing a single expression on his face.

In fact, the moment he said it, he was a bit regretful. He knew very well that Tong Che was thin-skinned and could not stand to be teased, let alone scared.

According to his "wife chasing plan", he originally wanted to take things slowly and step by step.

But at that time, if he didn't tell the truth, Tong Che would definitely think more about it and might not sing to him anymore.

He knew how much the little omega valued this matter and how much he cared about his sleeping condition.

It was the more reason why he did not want him to misunderstand.

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Therefore, he had to break the rules and have a showdown.

But at the moment of the showdown, he had to admit that he was somewhat expecting Tong Che's reaction.

It was like a gambling table, where he had revealed his cards first and the winner or loser was not yet known.

However, now, watching Tong Che's many expressions before finally changing to a downcast one, Mu Hanfeng was rarely unable to guess what the little omega was thinking.

"I...I understand," Before Mu Hanfeng could even process anything, Tong Che had already opened his mouth. He spoke very fast, and there were two points of grievance hidden in his tone, "Then...then I'll go to sleep first, Good night, Teacher Mu."

He had thought that Tong Che would be shy and embarrassed, and he had even thought that Tong Che would be angry with him for being too rogue and kicking him out of bed, but he had never thought that it would be like this.

He vaguely felt that Tong Che had misunderstood something, but he had already been so blunt with his words just now, how else could he misunderstand?

But before he could ask him again, the little omega had already laid down, rolled himself tightly into a dumpling with the blanket, and turned over, with his back facing Mu Hanfeng.

This look was so aggressive that it poked him in the heart.

But, why was he aggrieved?

He couldn't understand Tong Che's mind, but now was obviously not the time to ask more questions or say anything.

He could only sigh in silence and said, "Good night, Tong Tong," before getting up and going into the bathroom again.

Hearing the bathroom door close with a click and the sound of water coming out, Tong Che buried his head into the pillow in irritation.

Teacher Mu must have been baffled, after all, he himself felt confused.

He and Teacher Mu were so far apart that the only closeness was probably just a pheromone fit between the two of them.

Wasn't it perfectly expected that Mr. Mu would not really like him in the first place?

Why did he suddenly feel bad about it now?

Tong Che thought to himself that it must be because Teacher Mu had been too nice to him and had always teased him, which had caused him to have some sort of delusion.

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As he thought about this, he buried his face into his pillow again, trying to bury his head full of thoughts in this way.

It was probably because the whole day, with the escape room and various exciting rides, his mind and soul had been consumed a lot and he quickly fell asleep before Mu Hanfeng had finished his shower.

After Mu Hanfeng had stood under the cold water for twenty minutes, he returned to the bed and saw Tong Che, who had already fallen into a ball of sleep.

It was obvious that he had just said that, but the little cat still seemed incautious, with his fragile neck exposed, sleeping soundly on his own.

He stood at the edge of the bed, gazing down at the sleeping face of the little omega, his expression softening, and after a long time, he leaned down and gently planted a kiss on his forehead.

The fingers hanging at his side closed and loosened, he did not torture himself any further and went around to the other side of the bed. He swallowed three sleeping pills in one gulp, then pressed himself against the side of the bed, with his back to Tong Che and also lay down.


It was no surprise that Tong Che's dreams this night were confusing.

At first, he was walking alone on the beach, when a small bird suddenly flew past in front of him. The bird was extremely close, and when it flew past him, its wings gently swept his forehead.

It was a very light and soft touch, but it inexplicably made Tong Che's heart tremble.

But soon, the little bird was gone.

He continued to walk along the beach again, and shortly afterwards, he met Mu Hanfeng. But before he could say a word, the scene changed in a flash to the escape room they had visited during the day.

The lightning and thunder, the wind and rain, was an exact replica.

Of course, Tong Che was also scared in the dream, but here, he was much more carefree.

He was afraid, so he simply clung to Mu Hanfeng and wouldn't let go. Mu Hanfeng also let him cling to him, and would pick him up from time to time to soothe him.

When they got behind the desk where they hid from the red robot during the day, they were even more unrestrained.

After the escape room, came the scene at the Valley of Screams.

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The two were still glued together, kissing wantonly on the carousel.

When they returned to the B&B, Mu Hanfeng fed him mouth-to-mouth as they ate crayfish. As they drank strawberry Yakult, Mu Hanfeng kissed him and licked his lips, turning his words into "Tong Tong is so sweet".

When they finally returned to the room, it was no surprise that Tong Che was again marked by Mu Hanfeng.

The smell of the sea and the scent of green coconut green intertwined in the room.

This dream was like experiencing all that had happened during the day, all over again, yet completely making up for all the intimate things that he wanted to do during the day, but couldn't for various reasons.

It was so beautiful that Tong Che didn't want to wake up.

And he really didn't wake up either.

It was only after the marking that the picture in the dream changed abruptly.

An opulent villa suddenly appeared in front of him, and even in his dream, Tong Che knew very well that he had never been to this place before.

However, driven by curiosity, he walked into the villa without a pause in his footsteps. Inside, the décor was just as rich and elegant, and there were quite a few servants dressed in uniform in the hall.

Tong Che had only ever seen this kind of scene before when he had watched other people filming.

It was as if the servants could not see him, or pretended not to see him, but in any case, no one stopped him.

He went all the way up the revolving staircase to the first floor. As soon as he got up there, he heard a gentle female voice, "Good boy, why are you throwing a tantrum again?"

The voice he heard in response was a little boy's voice, which sounded fierce and unreasonable, "Brother played with my water gun!"

It felt like he was half-asleep, and although he felt vaguely conscious, he was not really awake.

It was only for a moment that he thought he was dreaming of his childhood again.

It was only when he heard the woman's next words that Tong Che's thoughts changed again.

He heard the woman say to the little boy, "Isn't that bared water gun something you stopped playing with a long time ago? Why don't you let your brother play with it? Look how poor he is, he doesn't even have a bared water gun."

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It was clear to Tong Che that this was not something his mother would say, and this was not his childhood at all.

So whose was it then?

With questions in his mind, Tong Che followed the source of the voices.

Not far away, there was a room with a hidden door, and the words were coming from that room. But his attention focused on a young boy standing outside the door of the room.

The boy was quite tall, with a figure and appearance somewhere between that of a child and a teenager.

However, his eyes and eyelashes were drooping and his thin lips were pursed, yet he had a cold look that was far beyond his years.

Tong Che was struck by the fact that the boy in front of him looked familiar and unfamiliar at the same time. Before he could think about it, the boy suddenly raised his head and looked towards him.

They looked at each other, and with just that one glance, Tong Che instantly recognised him.

The boy in front of him was actually Mu Hanfeng in his childhood!

He was indeed much more boyish-looking than the current Mu Hanfeng, and although there wasn't much flesh on his cheeks either, the contours of his face were not yet described as sharp.

Looking at him, he probably hadn't yet differentiated because he hadn't been inherently affected by the pheromones, the aura on his entire body was not at all as harsh as it was now.

Even the shocking power of those cold eyes was diminished quite a bit.

He looked like a wet puppy who had to pretend to be fierce, inexplicably tinged with a touch of pity.

Remembering the conversation between the mother and son that he had just heard, Tong Che instantly felt pain in his heart. He walked over with big steps, held little Mu Hanfeng's wrist and said, "Come on, I'll take you to buy a water gun, any kind you want."

But in the next second, Tong Che felt a warm and cool touch on his hand, and when he looked down, he found that it was little Mu Hanfeng holding his hand.

Little Mu Hanfeng shook his head, still tense with that little ice face, and popped out, "I don't want a water gun."

Tong Che faintly paused and hurriedly asked in a warm voice, "Then what do you want?"

Little Mu Hanfeng tilted his head, his dark eyes looking straight at Tong Che, and popped out another sentence, "I want you."

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