Tong Che: "......"

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Although you're not as tall as me now, saying such things with such a young face is really weird, okay!

Tong Che then woke up in that strange way.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Mu Hanfeng's handsome sleeping face close at hand.

It was really close, so close that his breath was sprayed on his face.

Tong Che subconsciously raised his hand and rubbed his eyes, thinking that he was still dreaming. But the truth was, he was not dreaming, and that Mu Hanfeng, who was now so close to him, was real.

He had not yet recovered from his dream and was still slow in thinking. He looked down and was shocked.

He was now curled up in Mu Hanfeng's arms, his legs hooked together with Mu Hanfeng's long legs, and the latter’s arms were still around his waist.

It was like a conjoined branch.

The moment this metaphor came out, Tong Che was completely awake with a jolt.

What was he thinking about?

He wanted to change his position and get out of Mu Hanfeng's arms, but he was afraid that he would wake him up if he made too much noise. so he raised his head and looked at Mu Hanfeng's expression as he carefully moved his body.

One move, two moves, three moves...

He was just one move away from being able to get out of Mu Hanfeng's embrace.

Suddenly, Mu Hanfeng moved!

He frowned lightly, his big hand fumbled twice on the bed unconsciously, and when he found Tong Che, he stretched out his long arm and scooped him back into his arms. He even lowered his head and lightly rubbed his chin against the top of Tong Che's hair twice.

Tong Che held his breath and watched Mu Hanfeng for a long time, and listened to his steady and even breathing before he let out a long breath.

Fortunately, Mr Mu was not awake.

So Mr Mu, like himself, had the habit of hugging something in his sleep?

Tong Che looked down at the little fat bear that was sandwiched between the two of them and was almost squashed, and his heart started thumping again.

He didn't dare try to move a second time, what if he really woke up Teacher Mu?

It wasn't his fault. He wasn't the one who wanted to take advantage of Teacher Mu, it was... Teacher Mu himself that fetched him back!

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Tong Che gave himself a full psychological build-up and obediently found a comfortable position in Mu Hanfeng's arms and closed his eyes again.

But with his eyes closed, what he could perceive was even more.

Mr Mu's breathing, Mr Mu's body temperature, Mr. Mu's oceanic breath, all became clearer.

So clear that Tong Che couldn't sleep at all, and he couldn't help but think back to the dream he had just had.

Of course, it was the second half that he recalled, the first half he didn't dare to recall, it was too shameful.

Although the second half wasn't much better either bah.

He tried to focus on the most serious part - the conversation between the mother and son.

As he thought about it, Tong Che gradually had doubts.

Was what he dreamt about the childhood of Teacher Mu that he had conceived, or was it the real Teacher Mu's childhood?

This question seemed absurd at first glance.

It was just a dream, they had only experienced that escape room during the day and read Jie's story, so it seemed perfectly logical that the dream naturally took Jie's life and transferred it to Teacher Mu.

But Omegas sometimes have a sixth sense.

Tong Che just felt that what he dreamed of was most likely Mr. Mu's real childhood.

He also remembered that Mr. Mu had said that his mother had died twenty-eight years ago.

So, did Teacher Mu have a stepmother since he was a child?

He also had a brother who was annoying at first glance. He must have had a difficult time as a child.

As he thought about it, Tong Che gradually became sleepy again.

The last second before he fell into a deep sleep again, Tong Che thought, "If only he and Teacher Mu had known each other since childhood.


When he felt the little Omega's body in his arms had relaxed and finally softened completely, and his breathing became even, Mu Hanfeng opened his eyes.

His eyes were clear, and he looked like he had been awake for a long time.

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Looking down, Mu Hanfeng's eyes were dark and unclear, but soon, he added two points of relief.

The dream he had just had was something he had never expected.

Ten years ago, when he had just learned about the old feuds and the real cause of his mother's death, Mu Hanfeng had insomnia night after night, taking a lot of sleeping pills. And when he could finally fall asleep, he would immediately dream about them, unable to sleep comfortably at all.

But as he grew up and finally got back what was rightfully his with his own abilities, and made those who had done wrong pay the price, Mu Hanfeng never dreamed of this again.

To be precise, he had never dreamt of anything related to the Mu family again.

All the old stories were sealed in his heart and locked up, never to see the light of day again.

During these years, apart from going to Uncle Hui's place for dinner and hearing him call him "Young Master", Mu Hanfeng had already completely cut himself out of the Mu family.

It was as if he was born without a place to come from as if he had never been in the business world as if from the beginning, his profession was only acting.

Until that sudden dream just now.

Hee clearly felt that the place in his heart, which had been firmly blocked off, had leaked a crack and let in some light.

He didn't know why he had suddenly dreamt about this, perhaps it was because he had read Xiao Jie's story during the day, or perhaps it was because he had suddenly recognized his own heart.

But exactly what it was about didn't seem to matter so much.

It was because Mu Hanfeng found that he was no longer as resistant to remember this as he once was, and seemed to be less resistant to the fact that these less-than-glamorous past events were known to Tong Che.

Mu Hanfeng knew very well that all this change was only because of the person in his arms.

This kitten was really like a treasure given to him by the heavens.

He cherished it and was determined to get it.

Mu Hanfeng's eyelashes trembled slightly. He took a deep breath, and tightened the arms that were wrapped around Tong Che's waist. He bowed his head, and kissed the top of the little omega’s hair without any nuisance.


The second half of the night was a peaceful one.

When Tong Che woke up, he was alone in the big bed.

He sat up, got out of bed and went to the bathroom.

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The bathroom door was open, so obviously, there was no one inside either. So where did Teacher Mu go this early in the morning?

Tong Che was standing in a daze when he heard a "clack" and the door of the room opened.

Mu Hanfeng walked in, carrying a tray with two steaming bowls of seafood noodles on it.

Tong Che was even more stunned and called out, "Teacher Mu?"

"Awake?" Mu Hanfeng looked at him, put the tray on the coffee table and walked over to him, naturally reaching out to stroke his bed hair for him, "Go wash up and come over for a meal afterwards."

Tong Che said "okay" and walked towards the bathroom. After two steps, he paused on his feet, "Teacher Mu, why did you bring breakfast into the room today?"

In the past, breakfast was always served on the ground floor, so they would wash up and go downstairs, and eat together with the rest.

Last week, when they stayed at the hotel, they ate the hotel breakfast buffet, and the choices were quite varied.

This week, they were staying in a B&B, and there was no one to cook for them, so the breakfast was bought by Wang Qi's assistant, and there was only buns and soya milk. So where could he get such fragrant seafood noodles?

Mu Hanfeng's lips hooked. He raised his hand and put his index finger to his lips and lightly "shushed", "Today, we won't eat with them, I made you a small meal."

When Tong Che understood the meaning of these words, he was even more shocked, "Mu... Teacher Mu, did you make this yourself?"

Mu Hanfeng smiled and gave a "hm", saying in a slow voice, "So go wash up and come over to try my cooking after you've washed up."

Tong Che nodded and floated into the bathroom, still stunned.

Teacher Mu actually knew how to cook!

No, Teacher Mu could actually cook for him!

He washed his face with cold water to get rid of the waste material in his head and took a deep breath to stabilize his mind before leaving the bathroom.

Outside, Mu Hanfeng was sitting on a soft chair drinking tea.

Tong Che walked over and sat next to him, taking the chopsticks he handed him.

"Try it," Mu Hanfeng lifted his chin, "I haven't made it in quite a long time."

Tong Che rolled up a chopstick of noodles into his mouth and even scooped a spoonful of soup to drink, and his eyes lit up, "It's delicious!"

It was even more delicious than he had imagined!

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The corners of Mu Hanfeng's lips lifted up after him, picking up a chopstick of noodles himself and whispering, "It's good that Tong Che likes it. I will make it for you often in the future."

Tong Che nodded with a red face, he couldn't help but exclaim, "Teacher Mu, you're so good at cooking!"

Mu Hanfeng casually explained, "I've been living on my own since I was eighteen, so I've been able to cook for a long time."

Tong Che's hand holding the chopsticks gave a pause, suddenly remembering the dream he had last night again.

Thinking that perhaps Teacher Mu hadn't received much love in his childhood and had been alone as an adult, Tong Che's heart began to ache again.

He had forgotten that his own past was no better than Mu Hanfeng's.

His heart was filled with the thought that in the future he too would have to treat Teacher Mu a little better.

With this in mind, Tong Che said, "Teacher Mu, I can cook too, so I'll make you anything you want to eat in the morning."

"I can't afford to let Tong Che get up early," Mu Hanfeng reached out and pinched the bridge of Tong Che's nose, his tone relaxed, "When we finish recording the variety show later, we'll go to your house and you'll cook for me, okay?"

Tong Che hurriedly nodded his head, "No problem!"

Only after agreeing did he realize afterwards. Did Teacher Mu just say that he would come to his house in the future?!

Mu Hanfeng found it cute when he looked at him like a little fool. He looked down and took another big bite of noodles to hide the smile at the corner of his lips.

The next two days of recording were still based on the theme of "excitement", and the main recording location was still in Scream Valley.

After recording for three days in a row, Tong Che felt that his mental strength had improved by more than an octave!

He seemed to have gradually gotten used to the fact that he and Mr. Mu would lie on either side of the bed at night, and would cuddle up together in the middle of the night.

The next day, he would wake up and eat the breakfast that Mr. Mu made, and it was the same every day!

Day after day, Tong Che wished that time would pass a little slower and slower.

Of course, time doesn’t slow down, it just keeps moving forward.

On the night of the cohabitation session, Wang Qi threw out a new trick for everyone, "We've gone a third of the way through the process since we started recording. It's a little benefit for the viewers who have been following our show, but of course, it's also to give you and the show a little more exposure, so we've made a new decision."

After hearing such a long list of clichés, Yin Lan felt a headache, and he said impatiently, "Tell us what you want. What do you want us to do again?"

"Fine!" Wang Qi glared at him, "We have decided that the relationship session starting tomorrow, will take the form of a live broadcast from morning to night!"

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