The broadcast time was set for 9am to 9pm, but by 8am, there were already a lot of fans squatting on the live stream. So when they got bored as they waited, they simply chatted on the live stream.

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"Squatting for my "cradle" CP, yes AA love is real! "

"Good morning. It's Thursday. Don't you have to go to work or school (yawn)? "

"I am a social animal, squatting live while squeezing on the subway!"

"Student here! I'm in for the morning reading, sneaking, and squatting for the show. Come on, brothers and sisters, woohoo! "

"Watch out for the teacher!"

"Why isn't "Ning's Beibei" coming? I'm so worried."

"Oh no, that little lazy O Beibei? She must be too lazy to get up. "

"Crouching for my Chebao, my dedicated little prince. He must be the first to come on! "

" Little sister , did you forget that Che’s CP is with the Ice God? If you don't understand, ask what happened to the God of Ice. "

"Hahaha my husband has never been live in all 5 years. I'll burn incense when I see his face today! "

"+1, expecting Emperor Mu to be the first one to come out. I am also hoping the Omega won't be in heat (show hand)"

"+ID number, if my husband comes out first, I'll pay a lot of money to buy the new Solace suppressant for everyone!"

"Screenshot of Little Sister’s Words"

"Why the hell is it so bright? It's only eight o'clock! "

"Did someone get up early and come out early? It must be our Chebao. I’m betting on a glandular patch! "

"I bet it's "cradle"! I bet on a box of glandular patches! "

"Ice fans are afraid to speak..."


Suddenly, there was an image in the studio, and the fans were greeted by a long flight of stairs.

Within two seconds, the sound of footsteps descending the stairs was heard.

Immediately afterwards, a man appeared around the corner of the stairs.

The man was tall and long-legged, wearing thin-rimmed glasses and his trademark black shirt. His cold aura could still be perceived clearly through the screen.

The pop-ups in the live streaming room stopped for two seconds, then multiplied again.

"Damn, is there something wrong with the way I woke up today? Why is the sun coming out of the west? "

"Emperor Mu? Is Emperor Mu the first one to come out? I'm blind! "

"Blind +10086"

"The little sister who said she was going to spend a lot of money on Solace's new suppressant was hinting at something crazy!"

"Waiting for the Solace suppressant, already lying down!"


It's no wonder people were so surprised. It’s really because they did not expect Mu Hanfeng to be so actively involved in the live stream.

Of course, it wasn't that he wanted to be active, he simply didn't know that the live broadcast had already started.

The Great Film Emperor Mu looked as normal as ever as he walked down the stairs. He was about to walk past the camera with no expression on his face when he was called by Wang Qi, who had hurriedly arrived, "Teacher Mu, wait."

Mu Hanfeng stood still and looked at him, raising his eyebrows and signalling with his eyes that "Is there a problem? Talk quickly."

"It's already on." Wang Qi pointed at the camera.

Mu Hanfeng paused. He did not ask if it was nine o'clock, nor did he show his surprise, only lifting his eyes to look at the camera and speaking coldly, "Good morning."

After saying that, he sidled off to the kitchen.

The live broadcast room, however, was even more abuzz than before, with the screens full of screaming groundhogs and late arrivals who hadn't seen it, all asking...

"What's going on? What's going on? Did the Ice God confess to me? "

Someone immediately answered him...

"The Ice God had just come out. He was the first one to come out! He even said, "Good morning. I'm dying! "

"Oh, it was just a "good morning"... wait…who? My husband? I can't believe I missed my husband saying "good morning" to me?"

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Wang Qi smacked his lips when he saw the pop-ups, and had to admit that Emperor Mu was really attractive.

Of course, he knew what the viewers wanted to see, and the filming equipment had already followed Mu Hanfeng to the kitchen.

And the central character of the topic, Comrade Mu Hanfeng, was rolling up the sleeves of his shirt at the time. He picked up an egg with his slender fingers and knocked it on the rim of the bowl.

Everyone in the live broadcast room who saw this scene went crazy.

But Mu Hanfeng didn't even turn his head, didn't even look around, and still looked focused on cracking the egg, as if he was doing something very important.

Knowing his nature, Wang Qi could not bear to turn a good live broadcast into a pantomime, so he had to act as a temporary host in a bitter manner and ask, "Teacher Mu, what are you doing?"

Mu Hanfeng poured the beaten egg into a bowl with flour and took a chopstick to stir it up. It was obviously a very ordinary and smoky action, but he made it extraordinarily ornamental.

When he heard Wang Qi's question, he raised his eyes and gave Wang Qi a look of "Are you blind?" before he realized that he was on air and reluctantly opened his mouth and replied, "Making egg pancakes."

For the past three days in a row, Wang Qi had already known that he was giving Tong Che a separate cooking session, but for the sake of the show, he still had to pretend to be ignorant of it and asked, "Wow, is Mr. Mu going to make breakfast for us? I especially like egg pancakes! "

"You think too much," Mu Hanfeng replied without lifting his eyelids, "Tong Che likes them."

The pop-up screen exploded...

Ah, I am dead! Why can't I understand what my husband is saying!"

"Does he mean that he is doing it because Che liked it and no one else will get a share? "

"Probably 80% true... fuck it's true, I'm out of it!"

Ahhhh, the Ice God is really good at spoiling his wife. Ahhhh, FengChe CP is real!"

"Wuuu Emperor Mu’s eyes became gentle when he mentioned my Cheche, woohoo!"

"Harmful. It's all just hype from the show. Your family is used to pretending. "

"Hype? Have you ever seen Emperor Mu hype up anyone before? Even if it's hype, if it's stamped by Mu, then it's real! "

"Do you know how to be a CP fan? I just want to see my husband. So shut up about your hype nonsense. "

"Little sisters, don't be so hostile early in the morning. Let's just have fun watching the god of ice spread the egg pancakes. "

"Hahaha I'm not going to lie, I'm afraid the egg pancakes will be frozen by the God of Ice hahaha."


The comments were all from the CP fans, passers-by, and fans, each saying their own thing.

Mu Hanfeng couldn't see them nor guess what they were saying. But he didn’t care. He was still carefully spreading the egg cake.

He was very slow and careful, trying to stall for time.

Originally, his and Tong Che's plan was to get everything done before nine o'clock, including washing up and eating, and then go downstairs and start filming straight away, saving the cameras the annoying process of having to check on them in the bedroom.

Who knew that the program crew was not human and would start the live broadcast an hour earlier.

Mu Hanfeng tried his best to delay, but still, it really didn't take much time to make the egg pancakes.

After the egg pancakes were spread and plated, he ground two more cups of soy milk, one with sugar, and it was only 8:30.

He couldn't stall any longer as the food would get cold. He could only carry the tray upstairs, his mind still racing.

After the previous incident with Tong Che's induction agent, Mu Hanfeng did not want others to know that he and Tong Che were now sleeping in the same bed.

The reason was simple. It wasn't any weakness of heart, it was purely to protect Tong Che.

At this time, he was incomparably glad that his usual habits were quite good and that he did not have the bad habit of throwing things around. Before he came down in the morning, the quilt and robe he had used were folded and pressed under the pillow.

As long as they didn't shoot into the wardrobe and bathroom, no one would find out that there were actually two of them living in that room.

After running through all this and barely settling down, Mu Hanfeng was already walking to the door of the room.

The camera was, of course, right behind him, and the screen was full of pop-ups holding their hearts in anticipation-

"Is it time to wake up Che-Che? I'm so excited! "

"Mommy will see the soft little Che who just woke up with his hair sticking out! I'm so excited! "

"Little sister, you're probably dreaming. Che-Che is a cool little prince, I'm afraid he's not going that way."


The pop-ups discussed fervently, and Mu Hanfeng did not directly use his room card to open the door, instead raising his hand and gently knocking on the door.

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Soon, Tong Che's voice came out from inside, as if he was brushing his teeth, sounding a bit vague and inexplicably soft, "Teacher Mu?"

"It's me," Mu Hanfeng answered, and after a slight pause, he picked up, "We are..."

He originally wanted to alert him that they were on air.

But before he could say the last two words, Wang Qi boldly bumped his elbow.

Mu Hanfeng gave a start, glanced at him, and before he could pick up another word, the door opened from the inside.

Dressed in bunny pajamas, Tong Che's slender neck and delicate collarbones were undeniably on display. He had bed hair and eyes drowsy with sleep as he stood by the door with a toothbrush in his mouth.

There was a small circle of white toothpaste foam around his mouth.

The pop-up screen stalled for the second time this morning, before exploding again.

"There's definitely something wrong with the way I woke up today. Why is the sun coming out of the west again?!"

"Is this our Che-Che? How can this fucking soft O be our cool prince Che? "

"Prince Che actually wears bunny pyjamas in private! But this neck and this collarbone are so fucking lustful! The contrast! I've lost it, I've died of a nosebleed! "

"Che is so milky and lusty, his legs are long and slender. I want to bite them! "

"Little sister’s speech is dangerous. Hahaha, check out Emperor Mu's death stare. "


The thought that the cute and seductive kitten, which only he could see, was now exposed in front of the camera to millions of people, Mu Hanfeng, could not suppress the crazy desire for exclusivity that suddenly rose in his heart.

The hand holding the tray clenched and released, barely restraining himself from losing his cool.He then leaned forward and rubbed the toothpaste foam off the corner of Tong Che's mouth with his thumb, saying in a low, hoarse voice, "Go and change your clothes."

The camera, of course, did not miss his intimate action just now, and the live broadcast room once again turned into a groundhog farm.

Tong Che had also come back to his senses at this time. He was stunned because he was not awake himself and was too surprised to be caught off guard by the camera. He now adjusted his expression, tensed his lips, and gave a hasty greeting to the camera before turning around quickly and heading for the bathroom.

When he passed by the bed, he did not forget to quickly take away something from the bed...

Tong Che's back was turned to the camera, and the attention of the fans in the live broadcast room was still on his bunny pajamas, so they didn't see what he had taken away.

But Mu Hanfeng, who was standing beside him, could see it clearly. All the desires were gently soothed in this instant, and the beast in his heart was locked back into its cage.

What Tong Che took away was, of course, his teddy bear.

But it wasn't just the teddy bear, there was another thing.

It was Mu Hanfeng's nightgown.

How did the robe that was clearly folded and pressed under the pillow come back to the bed?

Even if Tong Che didn't say the answer to this question, Mu Hanfeng could guess it.

It was because he had gotten up first, and a certain sleepy kitten could not help but tug at his robe and cuddle up to it.

When Tong Che entered the bathroom, he quickly locked the door.

After hanging up Mu Hanfeng's robe and temporarily placing his own teddy bear on the towel rack, Tong Che stood in place for a couple of seconds before walking to the sink, turning on the water and washing his face hard with cold water as he mulled it over.

It was over! The persona is ruined!

It's a shame!

I'm so ashamed!

He even took Mr. Mu's nightgown!

"You're getting more and more shameful, Tong Che. Why are you sleeping with Mr. Mu's robe?"

As he washed, Tong Che wanted to storm out, but when he thought about the cameras outside, he had to breathe deeply and try to suppress his emotions.

After washing up and fixing his hair, Tong Che realised that he had come to the bathroom in such a hurry that he had forgotten to bring his clothes...

There was no way he could go out in these bunny pajamas, so Tong Che was about to ask Mu Hanfeng to get them for him when he heard a knock on the bathroom door and the man’s low voice came in, "Has Tong Tong washed up yet?" Do you want me to get your clothes for you? "

Tong Che hurriedly replied, "Yes, thank you, Mr. Mu!"

The next moment, he heard Mu Hanfeng ask, "Which wardrobe is it in?"

Tong Che was stunned. Of course, Teacher Mu knew which side his clothes were on. So if he was asking this now, it was probably intentional on Teacher Mu's part...

He smiled to himself and replied, "The left side."

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After a few seconds, there was another knock on the bathroom door, and Tong Che opened a crack and handed in his clothes.

Having been in the circle for a long time, he was able to change quickly, but after he had done so, Tong Che was stunned again.

He originally thought that Mu Hanfeng would bring him the clothes closest to the outside, the ones he wore most often.

However, what Mu Hanfeng brought him was the set hanging on the inside; a turtleneck jumper and a pair of somewhat baggy trousers.

It wasn't that this set wasn't good; it was just that he had bought this set himself and it was very comfortable to wear, but since the recording of the show, Tong Che hadn't worn it once.

For one thing, the collar of this jumper was too high and the collarbone and throat would all be completely covered up, making it not suitable for work.

Secondly, it's that the trousers were too loose and could not outline the shape of the legs, which is also not suitable for work.

However, in this situation, it was obviously impossible to ask Mu Hanfeng to give him another set, so he could only collect his thoughts, open the bathroom door and walk out.

When Mu Hanfeng's eyes fell on him, he let out a soft "tsk"...the collar was barely high enough. A little higher to hide the earlobes would have been better.

The trousers were big enough, but why do the legs still look long and slender?

Naturally, the pop-ups were also discussing Tong Che's outfit, especially among fans who were familiar with him, saying that he rarely dresses like this.

As the discussion went on, someone finally found out the truth:

"Guys, looking at Emperor Mu's expression, why do I think that the more I look at it, the more I feel that he deliberately took out these clothes for Che Che?"

"Hahaha, is the Ice God really that petty?"

"Little sister, please hit the public screen on Emperor Mu's petty face!"


The petty Mu Hanfeng was already sitting on a soft chair, as if unaware of the camera that was filming in front of his face, and calmly called out, "Tong Tong, eat quickly, it will get cold if you don't eat now."

Tong Che was just a bit surprised when he opened the door, but after all, he is now very popular and has long been used to cameras everywhere, so he did not feel much embarrassment.

He nodded and picked up an egg pancake to eat.

"Is it good?" Mu Hanfeng asked.

Tong Che nodded with bright eyes, "It's delicious! Soft and crunchy, just right! "

Soft at the edges and crispy at the heart, these egg pancakes were perfect!

The corners of Mu Hanfeng's lips rose up, half helpless and half pampering, "Everything you're given is delicious."

Tong Che cooed, "I didn't lie to you, I think everything you make is delicious!"

The smile in Mu Hanfeng's eyes deepened.

The two of them ate and chatted, making the egg pancake feel like a delicious delicacy.

When Mu Hanfeng was about to finish eating, he suddenly lowered his head, and deliberately smeared a little egg crumb to the corner of his mouth.

When Tong Che raised his eyes, he saw it and froze, so he reminded him in a small voice, "Teacher Mu, you have some on the corner of your lips."

Mu Hanfeng lifted his hand and seemed to touch it, but it only swirled around the edge, and he couldn't get it off.

Tong Che looked anxious and hesitated for a second before extending his index finger and gently wiping off the little bit of egg cake from the corner of Mu Hanfeng's lips.

Mu Hanfeng smiled and said "thank you," then suddenly poked out the tip of his tongue and gently licked the spot where Tong Che's finger had just touched.

The tips of Tong Che's ears suddenly turned red.

The live broadcast room went crazy...

"Emperor Mu simply refreshed my understanding of him today! What happened to the cold man who said he didn't want to get close to O? "

"How dare he lick the corner of his mouth! He licked-the- corners of his mouth! It’s so rogue! How can you do that? And smiling... that smile, ahhh! "

"Ahhh, Che-che’s ears are red. Aahh, Che-che is so shy!"

"These two really do look good together! Is this really not a real relationship? "

"They are in love! Am at the scene, I am the egg pancake in Tong's hand! "

"I am there too, I'm the soy milk!"

"I won’t get tired of saying, Fengche CP! It is real. Ahhhhhh!

"My mom asked me why I was kneeling down to watch the live broadcast!"

"No need to eat lunch today, I'm so stuffed!"

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Breakfast was finally over, five minutes shy of nine o'clock.

Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng went downstairs together, but the lobby on the ground floor was still empty.

It was exactly nine o'clock before Mi Beibei, Ning Ran, Xiao Yao, and Yin Lan wandered down together.

Wang Qi was not good-natured, "You guys are really good at keeping time."

The four of them wanted to say, "You said nine o'clock, we are here on time."

But because they were already on air, they didn't say that, and they put on their signature smiles and started business.

Wang Qi also announced the first task of the day: to match each other with an outfit.

This, of course, wasn't a match from an existing self-service, but rather they were brought to an international brand clothing shop and matched live. After that, the fans watching the live stream would vote on the spot. The one with the most votes at the end would be rewarded, and the other way round, they would be punished.

It was much more fun than matching game characters last week, and everyone was excited to see it live.

Of course, the reasons for the excitement were not the same.

If Yin Lan and Xiao Yao, Ning Ran and Mi Beibei were doing it for the rewards and to show off their love, then Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng were looking forward to seeing each other in their own hand-picked clothes.

In order not to divert the viewers of the live broadcast room, Wang Qi decided to do it in groups.

"Which group will come first?" He opened his mouth and asked.

Mu Hanfeng was surprisingly cooperative in this part, as he took the lead and said, "We'll come first."

Naturally, Tong Che would not have a problem with this.

Mu Hanfeng looked sideways and asked Tong Che in a low voice, "Tong Tong, I will pick yours first, okay?"

Tong Che obediently nodded his head.

Mu Hanfeng then got up and walked to the rows of clothes hanging in front of him, choosing among them.

This brand excelled in its variety of styles, so one could find anything.

Mu Hanfeng swept his fingers over the sexy or cute pieces, frantically imagining how Tong Che would look in them, but in the end, he didn't choose any.

He wouldn't let so many people see Tong Che like that.

But if he chose something too simple, like the one Tong Che was wearing now, or if he chose something too close to his usual style, it would be boring and not achieve the effect of a variety show.

In the end, he chose a cool and handsome ensemble.

A black sweatshirt with a silver metal pendant, a pair of overalls in the same colour with metal buckles, and a pair of studded Martin boots.

It was a pretty cool look.

Basically, it met all of Mu's demanding requirements.

It was a new style that didn’t show off too much of his figure and didn’t show off his collarbones and ankles.

It's good.

Mu Hanfeng had thought well indeed, and when Tong Che went into the fitting room to change, he was still gloating over his wise choice.

That is, until Tong Che finished changing and came out of the fitting room.

He took one look, and his face darkened completely.

It was indeed the same outfit he had picked out, a loose overall and a shirt that didn't show his collarbone or ankles.

However, he hadn't judged the height properly, as Tong Che was tall for Omega.

So the sweatshirt was wide enough on him, but not long enough. The white waist and belly were exposed, and when illuminated by the incandescent light, they were even whiter.

That wasn’t even the worst part.

The worst part was that Mu Hanfeng never knew that there was a birthmark on the side of Tong Che’s waist; it was pale pink and moon-shaped.

On the white skin, the mark was clear and conspicuous, with a clean and pure lust-qi.

The camera went immediately to get a close-up. His Adam’s apple rolled up and down. He suddenly took a deep breath and stepped forward, blocking the camera with his whole body.

It was so sudden that Tong Che didn't react and just looked up, blinking blankly.

The next second, there was a heavy jacket on his body, and Mu Hanfeng's deep and hoarse voice rang in his ears, "Put your clothes on and hide your little moon."

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