Before Tong Che could understand what Mu Hanfeng was referring to when he said "Little Moon," he heard him add, "The little moon is very beautiful."

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Tong Che froze for two seconds, finally realising that he was talking about his birthmark...

For some reason, when the word "little moon" came out of Mu Hanfeng's mouth, and in his low voice, it was inexplicably tinged with a touch of ambiguity.

The tips of his ears, which were hidden under his blonde hair, flushed again. He lowered his head, tightened the lapels of Mu Hanfeng’s broad jacket, and said "okay" obediently.

Mu Hanfeng felt a lot more relaxed after seeing his good demeanour. He turned around and threw Wang Qi a "sorry" very insincerely.

Wang Qi glared at him, but he dared not say anything.

As an Alpha, he knew how unreasonably possessive an Alpha could be, especially as the stronger the Alpha, the more possessive it could be.

In the live stream, although they didn't hear Mu Hanfeng's words, the pop-ups still exploded...

"Ahhh Mu Hanfeng, you dog man, get out of my way. Get your coat off me, mum wants to see Che Che’s little moon. Ahhh! "

"Little sister, you can calm down first. Little Che used to show his pink little moon mark when he danced. There's even a high resolution version! "

"Prince Che is such a human treasure! He's so clean and untouched! "

"Has Emperor Mu’s character collapsed? Sure enough, alphas are animals that can't control their desires. "

"Upstairs, what are you talking about? How many Alphas have you met or slept with? You're even being sexist. "

"Stop, stop, stop! Go way! There are still people who don’t know that our ice god is just the reincarnation of the vinegar spirit! "

"I'm the only one who thinks it's a good CP... Emperor Mu is good. Tong tong is good ah ah ah ah! I'm just feeling good! "

< stands for kēsǐwǒle which is used to talk about a couple who are being so cute and sweet it's killing you.>

"My husband's reaction is so real that I can't even tell there's a script..."

"It's definitely instinctive! The script doesn't work! Our FengChe CP is real! "

"I don't know. Who doesn't know that the Ice God is a three-gold movie star? "

"I don't believe it's an act. If I say it's real, it's real!"


The pop-ups were still saying their own things, but neither Tong Che nor Mu Hanfeng cared, and of course, Wang Qi didn't care.

He even thinks that the busier the pop-ups are, the better, as busier means more traffic, and more traffic means more money!

That's right, that's the reality. But as Wang Qi said before, after a person is dressed, he or she has to be in front of the camera for two minutes, and it is best to have a pose so that the audience in the studio can see clearly enough to vote in a relatively fair manner.

However, within 10 seconds of Tong Che's appearance, a big coat was placed over his body by Mu Hanfeng.

It was impossible to take it off, as Wang Qi didn't want to be frozen to death by Mu Hanfeng. But he has to speak up for the fans.

So he had no choice but to propose a compromise, "Now it's time for Xiao Che to dress Mr. Mu. Mr. Mu has to make up for the one minute and fifty seconds that Xiao Che owes, which means a total of three minutes and fifty seconds in front of the camera. Is that okay? "

The question was asked, but the look in Wang Qi's eyes was like "If you dare to ask any more questions, I'll kill myself on the spot," so Mu Hanfeng reluctantly became a human being and nodded coldly, "Okay."

Tong Che put on Mu Hanfeng's big coat and went to pick out clothes for him.

He finally felt some distress. Mr. Mu’s looks and figure were no worse than a professional model. Everything he wore looked great!

The sexual style is definitely not acceptable, nor is the ascetic and cold style that is often worn. The cute style was too contrasting for others to see, and the cool style is too A-list for others to see...

What the hell else is there to choose!

In the end, Tong Che tried his best to choose a fresh and simple outfit; a blue and white check shirt with a beige vest, a pair of smoky grey straight trousers, and a pair of ordinary white shoes.

It was a very clean, even a little student style.

When Mu Hanfeng received it in his hand, he also found it refreshing. He raised his eyebrows, leaned closer to Tong Che, and lowered his voice to say, "Tong Tong, I thought you would choose that one."

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As he said that, he raised his chin towards a model not far away.

The moment he saw what the model was wearing, a blush spread down his cheeks and into his neck.

It was a cool, biker-style leather jacket.

But the main thing was that it didn't have a zipper at all, so the middle of it was exposed. That's what it looked like on the model, with a large part of his chest and abs exposed in the middle.

If it had been on Mr. Mu...

Tong Che didn't dare think about it!

He was afraid of getting into estrus on the spot!

Mu Hanfeng dropped those words, went into the dressing room, and soon came out.

Tong Che took one look at him and couldn't take his eyes off of him.

Although he already knew that Mu Hanfeng would look good in anything, seeing the completely different style where he looked like a clean and cool senior in the school, Tong Che couldn't help but subconsciously raise his hand to cover the back of his neck.

It felt like his glands were getting hot!

However, Mu Hanfeng even came closer to tease him, "Tong Tong, do I look good?"

Tong Che covered his neck and took a step back, nodding like a little kow-towing machine.

The entire live stream exploded.

On one hand, they thought Tong Che was funny and cute, but on the other hand, they screamed at Mu Hanfeng for looking like this.

Mu Hanfeng stood in front of the camera with his usual aloof face, not posing for anything, but he had already attracted a lot of attention.

Even Mi Beibei, Ning Ran, Yin Lan, and Xiao Yao couldn’t help but sigh.

After nearly three minutes of this, Tong Che couldn't take it anymore. He could now understand Mr. Mu’s feelings when giving him the coat, he wanted to hide Mr. Mu too!

But it was not yet time, and Tong Che did not dare to move. He could only stand still and bite his lower lip, his eyes fixed on Mu Hanfeng's face, not blinking.

Mu Hanfeng sensed this, and a smile appeared under his eyes, He looked at Wang Qi and said, "Can I stop? If I continue, the kitten will start scratching. "

Wang Qi originally thought that Mu Hanfeng was being authoritative again, but then he turned around and saw how Tong Che looked...

You are really worthy of being Mr. Mu's Omega; the possessiveness is as strong as his!


Later on, Mi Beibei and Ning Ran, Yin Lan, and Xiao Yao all put on their matching outfits in turn.

The final voting results were no surprise, with Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng having the most and Yin Lan and Xiao Yao having the least.

It's not that anyone's looks were worse than the other's. All six of them are considered top level looks in the entertainment industry.

But on the other hand, Mi Beibei and Ning Ran are two girls who have worn a lot of different styles of clothes in the industry, so now they are a little less amazing.

And as for Yin Lan and Xiao Yao, they are both so naive that the poor aesthetics of the two steel AAs affected their scores.

Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng got a big gold coin first, and another reward, along with Xiao Yao and Yin Lan's punishment, which was extended to the second session.

The name of the second session was "Becoming You."

The theme for this week's love session was a step closer and deeper than last week's "Getting to know each other."

In this session, they were asked to imitate each other. Not the kind of mimicry that happens in life, but a professional one.

For example, for the actors, apart from Yin Lan and Xiao Yao, the others could just imitate a character that the CP partner had played.

As for Xiao Yao and Yin Lan, originally Xiao Yao sang and Yin Lan played the guitar, but now they had to switch over.

Not just a simple switch, of course, but Yin Lan had to imitate Xiao Yao's voice and expressions when singing, and Xiao Yao has to imitate Yin Lan's habitual movements when playing the guitar.

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The punishment for losing in the previous session was that the programme team would choose for them a song to sing.

The song they were assigned was very good, one made by the two idiots themselves. But the difficulty was that both of them wanted to show off their acting skills, so it was difficult to sing and act at the same time...

As a result, the mimicry of each other's expressions and gestures was very good, but as for the song itself...

One just had to look at the pop-ups full of boo calls!

The reward for Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng was that they could choose the character they wanted to imitate first.

Since Tong Che had only played one role, Wang Qi included all the songs, dances, and even commercials that Tong Che had sung and danced in, and let Mu Hanfeng choose.

Mu Hanfeng tilted his head to look at Tong Che and said, "Tong Tong, do you want to go first?"

Tong Che was a little shy, but didn't push back, and nodded his head and said "yes."

The entire big screen was covered with Mu Hanfeng's movie stills.

In fact, Mu Hanfeng was not a very prolific actor. He had only six films in his five-year debut, but one could not resist the fact that all of them were excellent, which had brought him to his current position.

Tong Che swept his eyes around and chose without hesitation. He pointed to the one on the right of the second row, "I'll take this one, Ling Yang."

Ling Yang is the character played by Mu Hanfeng in "Jianghu", a chivalrous man who is extremely skilled in martial arts but is hidden in city life.

He'd seen all of Mu Hanfeng's works more than once, but this was his favorite.

It is probably because every boy has a dream of being a martial artist.

At the end of this movie, he still remembered that Mu Hanfeng's character Ling Yang, dressed in black and wearing a long sword at his waist, was standing at the edge of a deserted cliff with his hands behind his back. But he was casually playing with a trinket he had found at the market.

He sighed and said, "When I was young, I always liked to talk about rivers and lakes. It seems that only the sword, the shadow, happiness, and hatred are called rivers and lakes. But when I grew older, I realised that the jianghu is an illusory thing. It is in your heart, so what is the point of entering or retreating? "

This is the part that Tong Che has always loved, and it is the same part that he is imitating today.

Without costumes and makeup, standing on a bright stage, Tong Che's eyes closed, and he was able to demonstrate the shadow of "Ling Yang."

In a short shot, his eyes, his line work, and even the vicissitudes of the world he sees in the scene were imitated to at least 90%.

The pop-ups were flying...

"Eh, eh, eh! Che Che's acting is really amazing! "

"As a pure passerby, I have to say that this part of Tong Che’s impersonation was really impressive!"

"Am I the only one who thinks this is good too! How many times has Che watched Emperor Mu's movies to be able to do such a good impersonation? "

"Thank you, little sister!"

"So does anyone remember when Che said in a previous interview that his idol was Emperor Mu?"

"I remember! Wuuu getting close to his idol. What kind of fairy tale is this? I'm knocked out! "

"I don't know who to envy... I want such an idol and such a fan!"

"Little sister, go to sleep. Everything will happen in your dreams."


It's a good thing that Tong Che can't see the pop-ups at the moment, otherwise he would have jumped up and down at this comment.

Hey, really, everything happens in dreams!

On stage, after Tong Che finished his impersonation, he felt embarrassed afterwards.

It was embarrassing to imitate his role as played by Mr. Mu in front of the man himself.

But obviously, Mu Hanfeng didn't think so.

His eyes, which had always been deep like a waveless lake, were now very bright as he looked at Tong Che and seriously praised, "Tong Tong’s acting is very good."

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As if he was afraid that Tong Che wouldn't believe him, he added, "It was really good."

In fact, there was another sentence that Mu Hanfeng did not say because he was on air.

He had already thought that when the variety show was over, if he had a new movie, he would consider working with Tong Che.

This thought has now become even stronger. He wants to act with Tong Che and appear on the big screen with him.

This kitten always made him feel contradictory.

Sometimes he wants to hide his kitten, but sometimes he wants the whole world to see how brilliant and good he is.

Tong Che could not guess what was going through Mu Hanfeng's mind right now, but all he could think about was...

Teacher Mu has praised him! He praised him for his performance. And he was praised twice ah!

so happy!

The more he thought about it, the deeper the dimple on the corner of his lips became, causing the fans on the live broadcast to stare in awe.

After Tong Che's part was successfully completed, it was Mu Hanfeng's turn.

Now there were even more pictures on the big screen, including pictures of Tong Che's drama, stage pictures, and all kinds of advertisements.

Mu Hanfeng looked at them one by one, and finally fixed his eyes on one of the stage photos.

In the photo, he was wearing heavy smoky make-up, a very sexy sequined stage outfit, and his wrists were even tied up with a tie!

Noticing Mu Hanfeng's gaze, Tong Che scalded his cheeks and explained to him in a low voice, "The song I was singing at the time was 'Zealot'."

It was an English song, and Tong Che sang it with permission, allowing him to add a few of his own adaptations.

It was the song that won him the variety show championship in one fell swoop.

As soon as the audience saw that Mu Hanfeng was going to choose this song, the pop-ups got excited again...

"Wow! Zealot! This song is really fiery, crazy and emotional! "

"I still can't forget when I saw Chelsea singing this song. I literally fell to my knees!"

"Is Emperor Mu really going to sing this song?"

"+1, I'm an Ice fan, but I've never heard the Ice God sing..."

"...especially when it's such an exciting song."


Mu Hanfeng made a decision, "This is the one."

Tong Che asked him in a small voice, "Teacher Mu, have you... have you heard this song before?"

Mu Hanfeng shook his head honestly and then turned it around, "but I can listen to it now."

Before joining the show, he had never paid attention to Tong Che, so of course he wouldn't have listened to his songs.

And after joining the variety show, and spending time with Tong Che every day, he hadn't had time to listen to his previous songs.

Having chosen, Wang Qi agreed to Mu Hanfeng's request and played it to him live first.

Mu Hanfeng's eyes didn't blink. He was watching with extreme concentration, like he was making up for not being there at the time.

The more he watched, the deeper the colour of his eyes became behind his lenses, and his adam’s apple couldn't help but roll up and down, and that conflicting thought came back to him-

He wanted to hide the little omega, hide him completely, so that only he could see him alone!

After the complete play through, Wang Qi spoke out, "Teacher Mu, can you start your performance now?"

After asking, he even thoughtfully reserved the lyrics on the big screen for him.

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Mu Hanfeng lowered his eyes, hiding the look in them, and gave a faint "hmm".

The microphone was handed over to him, and he briefly tried out the tune, recalling what he had just seen and heard, and then sang it in his mind.

Zealot, the Chinese name for the fanatic.

Just like the fans said, the lyrics and style of this song are just like its title, crazy and fiery.

Mu Hanfeng didn't start at a high note, but the first line he sang immediately caught the ears of everyone present, and, of course, everyone in the live stream.

"Ma! I am kneeling. "

" Emperor Mu’s voice is amazing! I can't. Is there an ambulance for me!"

"Ahhh! My ears are pregnant! "

"This English pronunciation is too good! I'm blown away! "

"Ice God is really a god! He can act and sing. What else can he not do? "

"I can't believe he can sing after listening to it once. What kind of talent is this?"

"Mom asked me why I was kneeling down to watch the live broadcast!"

"+ID number!"

"I was there, I am the microphone in Emperor Mu's hand!"


Tong Che was also screaming like crazy in his mind, "Mr. Mu is really great! He's great at acting, great at reasoning, and now he's singing so well too! "

The whole room was silent when the climax was reached, and even the pop-ups became less frequent.

Mu Hanfeng, who had been looking at the lyrics on the screen, suddenly tilted his head and his eyes fell straight at Tong Che.

Tong Che was caught off guard and met Mu Hanfeng's eyes, and his heart jumped as if he had been electrocuted.

It was clear that Mu Hanfeng's expression at this moment was not different from his usual one, and his voice was still cold and calm, but Tong Che clearly read something called "frenzy" in Mu Hanfeng's eyes.

All the calmness was just an appearance, just like the surface of the sea that was about to raise the tide.

Such an extreme contrast was even more shocking than mere outward enthusiasm.

The word "dark surge" suddenly popped into Tong Che's mind. There was no other word that could better describe Mu Hanfeng than "dark surge".

As Tong Che stood there, it was as if he felt the sea breeze whistling past and the waves about to come crashing down on him. He forgot to blink and even forgot to breathe.

Just a second before his heart was about to skip a beat and his whole body was about to drown, Tong Che heard Mu Hanfeng sing the climactic line...

"I used to be a beast.

Now I'm a zealot.

a zealot just for you.

I am most willing to be your zealot.

Be perfectly willing to be your knight unto death... "

I was a beast in the mountains.

Now I am a zealot.

A zealot just for you.

Be perfectly willing to be your knight unto death...

I'll be your servant..."

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