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After Mu Hanfeng finished singing, the pop-ups in the live broadcast room were still as clean as if the internet had been disconnected. After another two seconds, it seemed as if the signal had suddenly been connected to the group, and the screen exploded with comments. ——

"Ahhhhhhh Mu Hanfeng, this Alpha, is so damn charming!"

"I don't deserve to be an Ice fan, I didn't know my husband could sing so well!"

The singing world needs you! "Kneeling for the Ice God to transform into a double act."

"Where's the suppressant? I was so excited by my husband that I'm in estrus! "

"With such an ascetic face and such an explicit song, who the hell can stand it?"

"Am I the only one who noticed that Emperor Mu has been looking at only Che-Che since the climax!"

"I noticed it too! What kind of beautiful love is this? "

I'm just a fanatic of this CP. Ah ah ah, FengChe is real!

"FengChe as a CP name is no longer enough to represent this immortal love."


The atmosphere on stage was similar to that of the live broadcast.

Mu Hanfeng's last sentence ended, and he put down the microphone, but the whole room was still silent.

It wasn't until Mi Beibei was the first to come back to her senses, applauding and shouting, "Teacher Mu is awesome!"

And then everyone came back to their senses, clapping and screaming at the same time.

Yin Lan even put his hand to his mouth and whistled loudly, while Xiao Yao half-joked, "Fortunately, Mr. Mu only acts and doesn't sing, otherwise we wouldn't be able to eat!"

But Mu Hanfeng was oblivious to all the hilarity. His eyes remained on the little omega from the moment he sang, and he never looked away.

Tong Che was also confused, and just stood there, not moving or speaking, staring straight at Mu Hanfeng.

It was only when the man stepped in front of him that Tong Che woke up, subconsciously touching his heart. He lowered his eyelashes and called out in a small voice, "Teacher Mu."

Mu Hanfeng took a deep breath, tried his best to suppress his tumultuous thoughts, and asked in a slow voice, "Do you think that Mr. Mu sings well?"

"Yes, very good," Tong Che blinked, and after a pause, not knowing whether he was saying it to Mu Hanfeng or to himself, he added, "Mr. Mu's acting skills are so expressive, he can even act so well in the song."

The way Mu Hanfeng looked at him just now was so passionate and deep, as if he was really his beloved and Mu Hanfeng was really willing to submit to him.

But how was that possible?

"Kitten," Mu Hanfeng suddenly called him, his voice low and deep, word for word, "Do you think that I was looking at you just now because I was in the play?"

Tong Che suddenly looked up and couldn't understand what Mu Hanfeng was saying. He murmured, "If it wasn't because you were into the scene, then what else could it be..."

It couldn't be because he really liked him?

That was something that could only happen in a dream.

Looking at such a clueless little omega, Mu Hanfeng closed his eyes. His hand hanging at his side clenched tightly, and then he slowly let go.

There was no rush.

The more precious the item, the rarer it is. Besides, when Tong Che said he was "in the play," he wasn't wrong.

It's just that he was in the play of Tong Che.

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What's more, he had already said that he was willing to "pledge his loyalty" to him, and this was just the beginning.

Mu Hanfeng barely managed to console himself, not taking Tong Che's words to heart. He changed the subject in a lighter tone, "Guess which role Mi Beibei will choose for Ning Ran?"

Tong Che was stunned, and his rambling thoughts were indeed abducted as he also looked up towards the centre of the stage.


When this parody session was over, it was already time for lunch.

The team had not ordered takeaway, but booked a private room at a nearby restaurant with a good reputation for Yangcheng local cuisine.

Originally, there was nothing to see during the meal, but there were two real couples sitting at the table who had no qualms about eating each other's food.

There was also a couple that hadn't become real yet, but Mu Hanfeng wasn't being a gentleman again, coaxing Tong Che into feeding him.

The live broadcast room was full of pop-ups howling. -

"I can't eat my lunch anymore! I don't even want to eat dinner anymore! "

"Don't ask, if you do, you're stuffed!"

In the afternoon session, many games were prepared, and of course, the classic game of "Guess this".

Tong Che didn't have much hope at first. In his opinion, the longer they have known each other, the more familiar they are with each other and the better they know each other.

Obviously, he and Mu Hanfeng did not have an advantage in this respect.

But Mu Hanfeng seemed confident, and he made a decision straight away, "You compare, I'll guess."

Tong Che nodded and assured again, "I... I'll try my best to compare a bit more imaginatively!"

An indulgent smile surfaced under Mu Hanfeng's eyes, "It doesn't matter if you're not that graphic."

It was not until the game began that Tong Che truly understood what Mu Hanfeng meant by this statement -

The rules of the game were simple. Each group was given 10 random words. One person would gesture, and one person would guess. The group with the most correct answers would win.

The first word for Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng's group was "chocolate." After thinking about it, Tong Che tentatively drew a rectangle in the air, and then licked the corner of his mouth.

After this action, Tong Che himself was embarrassed and frustrated. It was so abstract, Mu Hanfeng would be a ghost if he could guess it!

Then, the next moment, there was a real ghost...

Tong Che heard Mu Hanfeng announce it without hesitation: "Chocolate."

Tong Che: "!"

He didn't have time to be shocked at how Mu Hanfeng had guessed it, because a new word had popped up on the screen.

This time it was more abstract, with just one word: black.

There was a small line of commentary below it: it's not a colour, it expresses the opposite of bright.

The pop-ups were talking, all saying that the word was too abstract, and that even if they failed, it was completely justifiable.

Tong Che was also worried. His brow furrowed and he stood for awhile before he tried to put his hands around his shoulders, showing a scared expression.

Mu Hanfeng replied with a laugh, "Ghosts."

Tong Che shook his head like a rattle.

The last five seconds counted down from the audio, and Mu Hanfeng was silent for a moment before giving the correct answer, "Black."

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It could not be helped, who made Tong Che afraid of ghosts and the dark.

Tong Che's eyes lit up.

Of course, the pop-ups exploded, all of them marvelling at the fact that they could pass this.

The screen cut to a new word, and this time it was really "ghost".

This was easy, and Tong Che didn't even think about it. He just reached out and made a pulling motion in the air, and then tied a knot afterwards, instantly alluding back to the incident in the escape room.

The corner of Mu Hanfeng's lips curled up, and he easily answered correctly.


Mu Hanfeng guessed all six consecutive words completely correctly by virtue of Tong Che's not-so-figurative comparisons.

Tong Che's eyes grew brighter and brighter, and he also grew more and more confident, that maybe they had the hope of getting them all right!

That is, until the last question appeared.

The moment Tong Che saw the words on the screen, his cheeks abruptly rose to a blush.

It was a teddy bear!

How could it be, "teddy bear"?

Tong Che was so embarrassed that he wanted to abstain from this game!

But seeing the victory in sight, Teacher Mu is still patiently waiting for him to make a gesture. How can he abstain?

Unable to do so, Tong Che closed his eyes and gritted his teeth. First, he put his hands close to his ears and turned his head to the side, making a sleep motion. And then he opened his arms and folded them, compared to a hugging posture.

Sleep, hug.

Is this obvious enough?

Of course, it was obvious enough, and Mu Hanfeng was not surprised to be right again.

But he wasn't very happy about it.

This rubbish program team, now everyone knows that his kitten goes to sleep with a teddy bear!

And Tong Che had turned into a little red mass of shame.

The camera knew very well to give him a big close-up.

The pop-ups exploded -

"Ahhhhhhh, I'm going crazy! Who is this red-and-soft Omega? Where did our cool Prince Che-Che go!"

"Che-Che, just blink if you've been switched! He's so cute! "

"What? Our Che-Che sleeps with a teddy bear! I'm in Che-che’s bed every day. Why didn't I know that? "

"Little sister upstairs, wake up! It's not even dark yet! "

"I declare! From today onwards, I'll change my name to Teddy Bear!"

" Shouldn't Che-Che sleep with Mr. Mu in his arms?"

"Hahahaha sister can talk, just say more!"

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No deal, no deal! Our Che-che is still small! "

"It's okay, our ice god is very big."

"Housekeeper! There's someone here who's being colourful. "


The pop-ups continued to explode until Ning Ran and Mi Beibei started their game, and the conversation changed direction.

And the final result was unexpected, yet seemed to be expected.

Tong Che, Mu Hanfeng, Mi Beibei, and Ning Ran tied for the top spot, each winning a large gold coin.

While Yin Lan and Xiao Yao, who had known each other the longest and spent the most time together, only got eight correct.

Yin Lan was still on top of the drama, "Brother Xiao, you don't know me at all!"

Xiao Yao looked at him with a speechless face and said without good grace, "The title of the person is a crane standing on its own. You gave me wrong gestures. Can you blame me for that?"

Yin Lan: "......"

Heh, this stinking Alpha who can't coax people!

The live broadcast was, of course, a success, and Wang Qi couldn't stop smiling as he watched six of the top ten hot searches being contracted by related topics.

A live broadcast was just a warm-up, and he could already imagine how hot it would be when the show was officially broadcast later on!

Only Tong Che was happy and embarrassed when he looked at the hot topics.

Because out of the six topics, three of them were related to him, which were -

#FengChe CP turnout#

# Little soft milk che#

#Tong Che’s ears redden in a second#

The cold little prince said the first one was enough for him; he didn't want the last two, okay?

Of course, not only did he dislike the last two, but also a certain possessive Alpha, also disliked them.

So that night, many netizens found that the first topic under the CP’s statement were all liked by a blogger nicknamed "milk Che is mine."

As for the next two topics, all the bloggers who had made comments under them, such as "Che-Che is so cute, I want to bite him!" "Steal Che-Che in a group!" were all reported by the blogger.


The second two days of the relationship segment were not broadcast live, and after the usual recording, the week's recording was over.

On the day off, the foodie, Yin Lan, proposed going out for sukiyaki again.

This time, Tong Che didn't say no, and naturally, Mu Hanfeng agreed.

The six of them slept in until they woke up in the morning, and had a fun afternoon eating sukiyaki together, before meeting at the program building at 8 pm as usual.

This time, the show was recorded in a villa.

Just like the previous week, there was only a king-size room, which was much more acceptable to both Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng.

It was a good night's sleep.

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The next day, after breakfast, at exactly nine o'clock, Wang Qi turned to the camera on time and finished his set lines. After that, he announced the theme for the week: plain living and loving each other.

"Wow," Yin Lan exclaimed upon hearing the name, "Are you playing a rollercoaster, Director Wang? Last week it was exciting, and this week it's all about ordinary life, without even a transition?"

Wang Qi glared at him, "Why don't you become the director?"

"No, no," Yin Lan frantically waved his hand, "I don't want to go bald at an early age like you."

Wang Qi touched the top of his smooth head and gave Yin Lan a fierce glare.

Everyone laughed so hard.

"Let’s get down to business!" Wang Qi clapped his hands twice and raised his eyebrows, "I'm going to talk about what it means to live a mediocre life, and all you need to do for this topic is..."

Simply put, it was that for the three days of the cohabitation session, the six of them would operate mainly from this villa, with accommodation to be paid for and meals to be taken care of by themselves.

But this time there were no groupings, the six of them had to earn money together and buy food and cook together.

In the final analysis, the four words of ordinary life are still inseparable from the words "rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, and tea".

But as for how to make money...

The programme team have come up with a new trick. They invited three flying guests, one a day, to come and visit as customers for the whole day.

For one day, he could order food to eat, and as long as Tong Che and the six of them could make it, the flying guests would have to pay them.

Apart from this, they could also expand various other services, such as teaching singing, dancing, guitar playing, and acting, and then helping with photos, make-up, and nail art. In short, any item available on the market that Tong Che and the others could do, they could charge for it.

After Wang Qi's brief introduction, all six of them looked like they were eager to try.

This sounded much easier than the first week of slaving away outside, setting up a stall and having to be constantly on guard against being recognised.

"So who's the flying guest today?" Yin Lan hurriedly asked.

Wang Qi didn't answer him directly, but asked first, "Are you all ready?"

Seeing that all six people nodded, Wang Qi then gestured towards his assistant.

The assistant opened the villa door, a camera was pointed over, and a man walked in the door.

Wang Qi was the first to speak, "Welcome..."

But before his name could be called out, Wang Qi couldn't help but pause, and the other six people's expressions followed suit, especially Tong Che's.

After all, Wang Qi was a director, and after only a brief pause, he straightened his face and resumed the conversation, "Welcome Ye Yu, our little fish."

Tong Che's eyes looked straight at the visitor, unblinking.

He knew Ye Yu, and he could even be counted as somewhat familiar.

Because Ye Yu, was also an Omega artist under Lou Gui, and had only made his official debut earlier this year.

But that's not a big deal. The main thing is that when Ye Yu first started out, he was known as "Little Child Che".

This was mainly because he was one of the few Omegas with sharp and cool bones. However, he didn't make his debut for quite some time, so the name faded away.

It wasn't until he took up a good role not long ago that he became a bit of a sensation, or else he wouldn't have been qualified to be a flying guest on "The Power of Love for the Nth Time."

However, before Ye Yu appeared here today, Tong Che hadn't even noticed him at all.

But now, looking at the person in front of him, who had dyed his hair the same light blonde as him, wearing the same style of clothes as him, and smiling as he greeted everyone, with the same little dimple as his own appearing at the right corner of his lips.

The fuck?

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