As Ye Yu approached, he greeted Wang Qi first, "Hello, Director Wang, I'm honoured to be invited as the guest of honour for this episode."

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His attitude was modest, and his tone of voice was fine, but his voice was the only thing...

It was probably a deliberate attempt to imitate Tong Che, but he couldn't quite get it right, and it sounded like his neck was being pinched, making people uncomfortable.

However, Wang Qi was a well-known variety show director after all, so he didn't show anything, smiling and responding, "Hello, welcome."

Ye Yu smiled again with a dimple on the right corner of her lips and turned to greet the others, one by one.

They didn't say anything; their attitudes weren't cold but definitely not warm either, and they responded politely.

When it was Yin Lan's turn, this clueless man's expression split and he said, "Hello, are you... having a bad throat? I have some throat tablets. Do you want them? "

Xiao Yao coughed heavily, Mi Beibei clutched Ning Ran's arm to hold back her laughter, Tong Che desperately tensed the corners of his lips, and even Mu Hanfeng couldn't hold back the laughter that rose up under his eyes.

Ye Yu's expression went blank for a couple of seconds. If it wasn't for the sincerity of Yin Lan's question, he would have thought this was a deliberate attempt to mock him!

Ye Yu coughed lightly, and had to comply, "Yes... I don't feel well. Please forgive me, Mr. Yin!

"I'll get it for you later," Yin Lan waved his hand nicely, followed by the second question that shocked Ye Yu, "But looking at your outfit, are you a hardcore fan of Xiao Che?"

Ye Yu: "......"

With the camera right in front of him, he had to squeeze out an awkward but decent smile and say, through clenched teeth, "Yes, brother Che has always been my idol."

Yin Lan said, "Oh," and was confused, "Then why don't you say hello to him? Are you so shy now that you see your idol? "

Everyone watching, except Yin Lan and Ye Yu, was going crazy holding back their laughter. Even Tong Che had already forgotten the momentary rage that had risen when he saw Ye Yu.

He just wanted to laugh now. He really wanted to laugh...

Ye Yu's face was flused red and white, and the hand in his pocket was clenched hard. But when he came to Tong Che, he still showed a big smile and said, "Brother Che, it's been a long time, I missed you so much!"

Tong Che recessed his eyebrows and replied, in a cold and polite manner, "Welcome to our house."

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Ye Yu gave a somewhat aggrieved expression and complained in a very realistic manner, "Brother Che is a very busy man now. I can't even see you in the office, so it's thanks to the program team that I can see you today!"

He seemed to be saying this to Tong Che, but his eyes kept drifting towards Mu Hanfeng.

He was about to say something when he heard Mu Hanfeng, who hadn't said anything until now, snicker and suddenly asked Wang Qi, "Director Wang, isn't there no script for this variety show?"

The question was so direct that everyone froze for a moment, and Wang Qi said, "Of course there's no script. Why ?"

Mu Hanfeng said, "Oh," and said slowly, "It was just a casual question, but I saw that some people were so full of drama that I thought they had the script."

Everyone in the circle was not naive, so when Mu Hanfeng said this, who couldn't tell that he was mocking someone?

Tong Che was instantly put out of his misery, and his mood instantly changed to one of jubilation. How could Mr. Mu be so nice!

Ye Yu clenched his fist so tightly that his nails sank into his palm. He was silent for two seconds, barely holding his face together, pretending not to hear the meaning of Mu Hanfeng's words and smiling as he greeted him, "Hello, Mr. Mu, I've heard a lot about you."

His attitude was neither flattering nor distant, and he was generous.

The only thing is...

Was it intentional or not? How come these words overlap with what Tong Che said when he first met Mu Hanfeng?

The disgust in Mu Hanfeng's eyes flashed, his eyebrows raised slightly, and his tone was light and arrogant. "Is that so? Then I'm sorry, I don't know who you are."

At this point, Wang Qi was about to collapse. On the one hand, he cursed himself for not being careful when choosing the guest of honour, and for listening to Tong Che's agent, who said that the two were close and had a good relationship. That was why he chose him; on the other hand, he was relieved that it wasn't a live broadcast!All the conversations in the back would have had to be cut out when the time came!

He didn't let the situation in front of him continue to ferment. Wang Qi touched the top of his smooth head and changed the subject, "Come on, come on, don't stand at the door, let’s sit inside.

As he said that, he went ahead to the living room.

Ye Yu hurriedly took this step and followed him inside, with a normal smile finally returning to his face, "Then I won't be too polite!"

Logically speaking, at this point, it would have been Tong Che's turn to talk to him, to ask him what he wanted to eat, to interact a little more, to throw a couple of sticks at each other, and so on.

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But now, none of the six said anything, and even Yin Lan, the simpleton, realised that there was something strange about this man named Ye Yu.

Wang Qi's heart was sore, but he still had to put a smile on his face and take on the burden of interaction, turning to ask, "What kind of food do you like, Ye? When I read the information earlier, I remembered that you seemed to be from Haicheng. "

"Yes," Ye Yu nodded, "I grew up in Haicheng and my tastes have not changed, so I like sweet food in particular."

After he said that, he didn't wait for Wang Qi to reply, but he added, sighing half-heartedly and muttering in a small voice, "But now I rarely eat sweets in order to manage my figure."

In his heart, Tong Che vomited. Although he didn't know Ye Yu well before, they were both artists under Lou Gui's team, so, they had eaten together occasionally.

He remembered clearly that although Ye Yu was a native of Haicheng, he had a very heavy taste for salty and spicy foods, and had even complained at the dinner table that Haicheng food was too sweet and snug.

Now, he has become a sweet eater!

In order to imitate him in every way, Ye Yu had really put in a lot of hard work, not afraid of being killed!

As he was angry, he heard Mu Hanfeng speak again, surprisingly to Ye Yu, "In my opinion, you don't have to be so hard on yourself. You can eat as many sweets as you like."

Tong Che was stunned for a while, and Ye Yu was even more shocked. Mu Hanfeng had a very bad attitude towards him before, isn't this a turning point now?

The next sentence must be to praise him for being thin and for his good shape!

Ye Yu couldn't help but curl the corners of his mouth. It seemed that Emperor Mu wasn't as ascetic as he was rumoured to be. After all, weren't all Alpha's visual creatures focused on appearances?

He turned back and made a shy face, "You..."

The next second, Mu Hanfeng's cold voice came from behind, "After all, even if you don't manage it, there's no room for you to get worse."

This was a direct translation that his figure had already deteriorated to the extreme!

Ye Yu was so choked up that he couldn't answer the question. His heart vomited and his eyes turned red.

Wang Qi couldn't stand it anymore, so he turned his head around, put his hands together, and bowed towards Mu Hanfeng, making a gesture and saying, "Ancestor, please be kind. Don't say anything more, please!"

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How the hell would we record the whole day?

Mu Hanfeng looked at him and didn't answer, but he reluctantly didn't say anything else.

In fact, although he often mocked people, he still had a bottom line. At least he didn't target people's appearances or looks.

And to be fair, Ye Yu's figure, although not as good as Tong Che's, was still fair, and definitely not as bad as Mu Hanfeng's mockery.

But there is no other way, the Alpha is so subjective and unreasonable.

And why is that?

Because he has the audacity to imitate his kitten!

It's fine to learn from him, but since you're learning from him, you have to be prepared to be sprayed.

At this moment, Tong Che was also feeling confused.

On the one hand, of course, he felt very happy and comfortable hearing Mr. Mu treat Ye Yu like this, but on the other hand, he couldn't help but be surprised that Mr. Mu's attitude towards him and Ye Yu was really very different...

In the past, Tong Che did not know that Mu Hanfeng could be so ruthless in his words without a comparison.

But now, with the contrast, Tong Che's mind was uncontrollably filled with the absurd thought that he had firmly suppressed -

Teacher Mu was really different towards him, so different that he could not help but have a hundredth or a thousandth of a delusion.

Was it possible that Mr. Mu liked him?

"Little Ye," Wang Qi's voice interrupted Tong Che's thoughts, "you can order your food now."

Tong Che abruptly returned to his senses and unconsciously tilted his head slightly to look at Mu Hanfeng.

Mu Hanfeng still had the same iceberg look, and his dark eyes, which were hidden behind the lens, were always so deep that people couldn't figure out what he was thinking.

But probably because he caught Tong Che's eyes, he turned his head back. The moment their eyes met, the iceberg melted instantly, his black eyes bent slightly and the corners of his lips picked upwards.

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Tong Che subconsciously pressed his heart, as if he was afraid that Mu Hanfeng would find out that there were a hundred bunnies jumping around in their.

In front of him, Ye Yu had already ordered his food, so Tong Che took a deep breath and reluctantly averted all his confused thoughts.

Obviously, this was not the time to think about such things.

When they arrived at the living room, Ye Yu did not sit down until he saw Mu Hanfeng sitting on one of the soft sofas. Then he pretended to walk over naturally and wanted to sit next to Mu Hanfeng.

How could Mu Hanfeng let him get away with it?

Seeing that Ye Yu's knees were bent as he sat down, Mu Hanfeng abruptly got up and went around to the other end, far away from him, and without hesitation took Tong Che's wrist and brought him to sit next to him.

Ye Yu's eyes were fixed on Mu Hanfeng's hand on Tong Che's wrist, but he soon realised that he had almost lost his temper, he lowered his head, readjusting his expression again.

Wang Qi continued to be forced to act as a warm-up specialist, "Xiao Ye has just ordered the dishes, so I'll tell you again - sweet and sour pork, duck in sauce, prawns in oil, tofu with crabmeat, eight treasure rice..."

These were indeed some of the more authentic and classic Hai Cheng dishes.

After Wang Qi finished naming the dishes, he looked at the six people leaning lazily on the sofa and said, "You guys divide the work; you can start preparing now."

In order to cook, they must first have the ingredients, so Yin Lan suggested, "Let's first write down all the ingredients we need, and then we can just order them on our mobile phones."

Wang Qi agreed with his suggestion, as going out to buy food could cause unnecessary trouble.

However, the six of them did not even have any basic funds and were really penniless, so Wang Qi agreed to order the food for them first and then keep the accounts and deduct the money from them when they had made money today.

Naturally, no one objected, and the food arrived quickly, so it was time for the most important part-cooking.

Wang Qi urged, "Why don't you divide up the work? Who's going to prep the ingredients, who's going to do the cooking, and who's going to do the dishes? "

As soon as he said that, before anyone could reply, Ye Yu opened his mouth with a smile. One must agree that he was really good mentally. He had already been beaten by Mu Hanfeng three times in a row since he entered the house, and he still dared to talk to Mu Hanfeng again, "I watched the live broadcast two days ago. I didn't expect that Mr. Mu could cook. I hope to taste it soon. "

Mu Hanfeng was about to reply, "You are unworthy of the food I cook." But when he heard Wang Qi coughing heavily, and remembered his earlier request, Mu Hanfeng held back and swallowed the words that were on his lips. He replaced them with something he thought was mild, "I’ll think about it."

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