He looked at Mu Hanfeng and then at Tong Che, who was sitting beside him, looking untouched by the smoke and fire, and his heart was filled with a wave of nameless anger.

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What was it about him that was inferior to Tong Che?

Before coming here today, Ye Yu was very confident.

He had watched the previous live broadcast, in which Mu Hanfeng had spoken out for Tong Che on Weibo twice, and of course, he knew all about it.

It was precisely because he knew about it that Ye Yu was confident and felt that he was very stable today.

Isn’t it that Mu Hanfeng has a unique vision and likes "ice beauties?" He can be one too.

If he could really catch Mu Hanfeng's eye, even if it was just for a while, it would be enough to turn his popularity upside down.

But who knew that when he arrived, he would find that the actual situation was very different from what he had thought.

How could Tong Che sit next to Mu Hanfeng, eat Mu Hanfeng's handmade breakfast, and receive his affection, but when it came to him, it became an undisguised mockery?

Thinking like this, Ye Yu was even more determined. He looked at Mu Hanfeng with an aggrieved and confused look, tilting his head, "Teacher Mu, do you... don't you like me very much?"

What Ye Yu originally thought was that, after all, the camera was still on, and even if Mu Hanfeng was direct, he was still a member of the circle, so he should not be so blunt on the spot.

As long as he makes a casual remark such as "you're thinking too much," he will be able to take it into context.

However, Ye Yu's calculations had never led him to think Emperor Mu could be even more direct than before.

Mu Hanfeng lifted his eyes to look at him. His thin lips curved up into a mocking arc, but he shook his head, "No."

Not even a bit.

Ye Yu was overjoyed at the double negative affirmation. No matter if Mu Hanfeng said this because of the camera, it was always in his favor!

He was about to open his mouth to answer, but in the next second, he heard Mu Hanfeng speak the second half of the sentence, "I dislike you greatly."

Ye Yu: "......"

He looked at Mu Hanfeng for a couple of seconds before dropping his head, looking like he was about to cry.

It's a pity that Emperor Mu doesn't know how to write the word "pity". In his dictionary, he only has the word "love".

It had come to this, but apart from Wang Qi, there was no one to help.

He didn't throw out any more stems to liven up the atmosphere, but directly urged Tong Che and the others to make a decision and start as soon as possible.

It was impossible for Mu Hanfeng to cook, and it was certainly impossible for Tong Che to do so either. Even if he wanted to, Mu Hanfeng would not let him go, and Tong Che himself, in his heart, did not want to.

The reason is simple: he didn’t want to cook for Ye Yu.

Ning Ran was actually very good at Haicheng cuisine because Mi Beibei liked to eat it, but she didn't say it at this time.

The reason was very simple: she just didn’t want to cook it for Ye Yu.

Those who have reached the level of film stars and actresses always have the courage to be self-willed.

The burden of cooking had to fall on the two A's.

Xiao Yao and Yin Lan looked at each other and said, "Then Xiao Yin and I will prepare this meal, but let me warn you in advance. We don't usually eat Haicheng cuisine, so we may not be able to do it well. "

In fact, he was saying this mainly for Ye Yu's benefit, to take precautions so that he wouldn't have to make a fool of himself again when the meal was ready.

Although Ye Yu still wanted Mu Hanfeng to do it, he knew that he could not afford to offend Xiao Yao and Yin Lan, so he lifted his head and acted obediently, "It's okay, I trust the skills of Mr. Xiao and Mr. Yin! Besides, I'm not a picky eater, I'll eat anything they make! "

Xiao Yao nodded and said nothing more, then stood up and walked towards the kitchen with Yin Lan. One of the video cameras immediately followed them.

Mi Beibei hesitated for a moment, thinking that instead of sitting here and being forced to have an awkward conversation with Ye Yu, she should go and help wash the vegetables, as they would have to eat them themselves after they were made anyway. She whispered and discussed it with Ning Ran.

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So soon after, Ning Ran and Mi Beibei got up too.

"We are going to help wash and chop the vegetables." Ning Ran explained.

After saying that, they turned around and entered the kitchen with quick steps.

In a blink of an eye, only Tong Che, Mu Hanfeng, Wang Qi, and Ye Yu were left in the living room.

For the time being, Ye Yu was finally afraid, and he really didn't dare talk to Mu Hanfeng for the time being. He hung his head in silence for a while, but remembered that he had been told by Lou Gui to act more friendly and familiar with Tong Che, so he tried to suppress his reluctance and unwillingness, and looked up to talk to Tong Che with a smile, "Brother Che, I found out that you are now the spokesperson of Solace. I haven't been able to congratulate you yet. You are truly amazing."

Tong Che picked up the glass of water on the tea table and took a sip, saying indifferently, "Thank you."

Ye Yu sighed half-heartedly and looked at Tong Che with a look of admiration and envy, "When I become as popular as Brother Che, I'll be able to wake up from my dreams!"

In fact, it was not easy to answer this question. If you are modest, you may be accused of pretending to be a good person, but if you are not modest, you will be accused of feeling too good about yourself.

In front of the camera, except for those like Mu Hanfeng, who have the courage to behave themselves, most of the artists have to be careful with their words.

When Tong Che was thinking about how to answer, he heard Mu Hanfeng speak before him, his tone was even colder than before, "If you don't have the right mind, you will only watch people from the sidelines, and even if you get lucky for a while, you will fall badly in the end. "

Mu Hanfeng said these words bluntly, Wang Qi had already covered his face and couldn't bear to look at it, he simply gestured to the cameraman and temporarily turned off the camera.

However, the camera was not turned off, so none of the three people noticed.

When Ye Yu heard Mu Hanfeng's words, he could no longer maintain the calmness on the surface, and the anger in his heart was about to burn to the top of his head.

What the hell is this?

Tong Che was obviously not much better looking than he was, and he had been a trainee for three years before he became popular. He had only played one role, and it was rumoured that he had also given himself an induction agent to get into the bed of a golden master.

He was also an artist under Lou Gui, so he didn't believe the previous story that Tong Che was dedicated to his work and that he was using the agents to get a feel for the film.

So what makes Tong Che's treatment now so different from his own?

Why is he at the top of everyone's list while he still had to imitate him and climb up the ladder?

Why did he get Mu Hanfeng's attention while he had to be humiliated by Mu Hanfeng?

The more Ye Yu thought about it, the more he couldn't hold back his anger. Finally, he couldn't hold back and looked at Tong Che and said, "But Brother Che, I think it's bad that you're so busy now that you can’t finish commercial notices. You’re too busy with them to produce any work, don’t you think? "

This was a mockery of the fact that Tong Che had become famous in one go and had no more work but traffic.

In fact, Tong Che himself knew of this problem. After he became popular, there were naturally many people on the internet who used this to blacken him. However, in order to earn money to buy suppressants and to give himself enough money to live in peace, he signed a betting agreement with the company and was destined to give up some things.

It was a choice he had made, and Tong Che had nothing to defend himself or explain.

However, it was not Ye Yu's right to say anything about it.

Tong Che took another sip of water and looked at Ye Yu, his eyes as cold as his voice, saying, "Thank you for reminding me, but this is my own business, so I don't need you to worry about it."

At the same time as Tong Che said the last half of this sentence, he heard another voice saying the same words as him.

Of course, it was Mu Hanfeng.

It's just that Tong Che finished speaking, but Mu Hanfeng had more to say. He tapped his index finger on the armrest of the sofa twice and smiled, "After all, I will check on whatever drama Tong Tong wants to play in the future."

Ye Yu instantly turned pale, and Tong Che also suddenly looked back at Mu Hanfeng.

Mu Hanfeng smiled, raised his hand and rubbed the top of Tong Che's hair naturally. His tone was very different from the cold tone he had just used. " Why are you so surprised? Didn't I say that I would recommend you if I saw a suitable film in the future? "

Only then did Tong Che remember that Mu Hanfeng had indeed said that, on the first night they stayed in the large bed room, when they were unable to sleep and chatting.

However, at that time, Tong Che only listened to it and did not take it to heart.

Seeing his expression, Mu Hanfeng knew that Tong Che had not taken it seriously again, he sighed lightly and pinched Tong Che's nose helplessly, " Kitten, how many times do you want me to tell you before you take what I say seriously?"

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Tong Che rubbed his blushing ears, and said, "I will remember..."

Ye Yu watched the interaction between the two of them, biting his lower lip so hard that it was almost bleeding.

Wang Qi was also speechless, so speechless that he wanted to scold Tong Che's agent very severely.

He could see that Lou Gui had recommended this Ye Yu to him with no good intentions!

The cameras were already turned off, and the final variety show was going to be edited, so Wang Qi just let it go.

The worst thing that could happen is that Ye Yu will have very few scenes, but fortunately there will be two more flying guests tomorrow and the day after.

Wang Qi thought, he must save time tonight and do a thorough check on the two people coming!


The strange atmosphere continued until Yin Lan came out of the kitchen.

He was carrying a beautiful plate with a fragrant aroma and called Tong Che and the others, "Come on, get ready to eat!"

Mu Hanfeng got up, holding Tong Che's wrist, and walked to the dining table to sit down.

Ye Yu was a step behind. He didn't dare sit next to Mu Hanfeng, and was about to sit next to Tong Che when he heard Wang Qi call out to him, "Little Ye, come and sit here. This is a seat reserved for the guest stars. "

Ye Yu gave a pause, but with a smile on his face, he walked over.

Mu Hanfeng glanced up at Wang Qi and gave him a look that said, "You're smart."

Soon after, Xiao Yao, Ning Ran, and Mi Beibei came out with the dishes one after another.

The food was served, everyone was seated, Wang Qi said a few words, and then everyone started to eat.

When Tong Che ate one of the prawns Mu Hanfeng had peeled for him, his eyes suddenly fell on one of the dishes, Mao Xuewang. (This dish combines blood curd from a duck, tripe, and chicken gizzards, along with other organs, into a simmered broth containing chilies and peppercorns.)

It was obviously not the Haicheng dish that Ye Yu had ordered.

Noticing his gaze, Xiao Yao explained, "Your brother Yin and I were hungry for spicy food, and since there were some ingredients left, we made this dish."

Ye Yu's gaze fell over to the dish, and he couldn't help but swallow at the layer of red oil floating on top. He hesitated for a moment, but then extended his chopsticks towards the blood-red dish.

But before he caught anything, he again encountered the clueless Yin Lan, who gave him a blow to the head, "Hey hey little Ye, this is so spicy. Remember, your throat is not comfortable; you cannot eat this. "

Ye Yu: "......"

He had to silently take back his chopsticks and watch the others eat the delicious dish one by one.

This meal was unusually weird, yet harmonious.

It was weird because it was obviously a recording, but no one was interacting with Ye Yu, even Wang Qi was burying his head in his food.

But it was harmonious because...

Except for Ye Yu, the other six people were all having a good meal and chatting happily as if they were having a normal meal together.

It was as if Ye Yu was air.

If it were an ordinary person, they would have cried out on the spot.

But Ye Yu was not an ordinary person after all.

As he watched Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng interacting with each other, he quietly put his hand under the table and slipped it into his pocket, where he found something and made a decision.

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He had originally intended to save it for tonight, but now it seems that it will not be possible to do so.


The meal finally came to an end, and Mu Hanfeng got up to smoke a cigarette after the meal, as usual.

Since there were cameras here, he went straight to the balcony. He intended to ask Tong Che to come with him, but seeing that he was chatting with Mi Beibei, Mu Hanfeng said something to him and went off by himself.

After a couple of minutes, Ye Yu suddenly stood up too.

Everyone looked up at him.

Ye Yu started to ask, "I want to go to the washroom. Where is it?"

"Over there," Wang Qi raised his hand and pointed in the right direction, adding, "When you come back, you can score the dishes cooked for you."

Ye Yu nodded, turned around and walked away in the direction of the washroom.

Looking at his back, Tong Che suddenly, for some unknown reason, felt his heart sink heavily.

He couldn't tell what this inexplicable premonition was, but he suddenly wanted to go and see Mu Hanfeng.

However, it would be a bit strange for him to follow Ye Yu just after he stood up, so he could only forcefully suppress the thought and silently chant in his mind that Mu Hanfeng was just going to have a cigarette and would be back soon.

However, after nearly ten minutes of chanting, Mu Hanfeng had not yet returned.

And Ye Yu did not come back either.

Tong Che was getting restless. He kept looking at his mobile phone, and finally he couldn't hold back. He stood up and casually gave an excuse, "I'll go... I'll go to the balcony to get some fresh air. "

After saying that, Tong Che turned around and walked quickly towards the balcony.

On the way to the balcony, he would pass by the washroom.

As he passed by, he paused in his steps and took a deliberate look inside.

As if he expected it, Tong Che found that the bathroom door was wide open and there was no one inside!

Ye Yu was not in the washroom, nor had he returned to the dining room, so it was self-evident where he would go.

Tong Che's eyebrows furrowed and he hurriedly quickened his pace towards the balcony, but suddenly he smelled a very light and sweet fruit fragrance, which wafting from the washroom.

He stopped dead in his tracks and inhaled hard. He found that the closer he got to the balcony, the stronger the fragrance became.

The corners of Tong Che's lips pursed into a straight line, and he clenched his fists so tightly that his bones turned white.

As an Omega, he knew all too well what this smell was.

This was clearly an omega's pheromones!

Which omega pheromones could be here other than Ye Yu?

But Ye Yu had been fine before, showing no signs of being in heat, so how could he be in heat all of a sudden?


That was the only possibility left.

As for the purpose, it was already clear and obvious.

Tong Che only felt a buzzing in his ears, and his body swayed slightly, on the verge of losing his stability.

Ye Yu was in heat.

Ye Yu, who was in heat, had gone to look for Mu Hanfeng.

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Tong Che really didn't dare imagine what kind of scene would be on the balcony now.

He believed in Mu Hanfeng, in his character, and in his restraint. But he really didn't know if it was possible that Mu Hanfeng had already been entangled by Ye Yu and had already been induced to go into heat by Ye Yu's pheromones, too.

What would happen if Mu Hanfeng really went into heat.

It wasn't something he could just believe in, because AO's biological nature was such that Tong Che didn't know, nor had he ever seen what an alpha in heat was like.

But it was not the right time to think about it anymore, so he closed his eyes, forced himself to calm down, and stumbled on his way to the balcony.

His head gradually became clearer from the chaos, so clear that only one thought remained -

He can't let Teacher Mu bite Ye Yu.

Certainly not!

Not even in death.

As he stumbled to the balcony, Tong Che stopped in his tracks his face pale, and he glanced through the glass.

He saw Ye Yu, his cheeks flushed red, flinging himself into Mu Hanfeng's arms, all soft and boneless.

Tong Che's breath rose in his throat, and he subconsciously took a step forward.

But before he could touch the door handle, he saw that Mu Hanfeng was unmoved, and raised his hand with indifference and contempt, throwing off Ye Yu.

He probably didn't use any force in this move, but Ye Yu didn't have much strength in his body, so he was thrown off to the ground.

Mu Hanfeng didn't even look at him, turning around and walking towards the door.

All this happened in an instant, and Tong Che was relieved. The breath he had been holding was suddenly pressed back into his chest, causing him to cough violently.

The balcony door was suddenly pulled open from the inside, and Mu Hanfeng, who was covered in cold air, appeared in the doorway.

At this moment, Mu Hanfeng looked a bit frightening. His eyebrows were tightly locked, and his eyes, which were already as deep as a dark pool, were now pitch-black. His face was particularly sharp, and the aura emanating from his entire body seemed to be able to freeze everything.

Tong Che tried to suppress his cough, but he was still stunned. His lips moved, but no sound came out.

He wasn't scared of such a Mu Hanfeng, but he couldn't tell if Mu Hanfeng was already in heat because of the way he was looking.

Actually, Mu Hanfeng was using all his strength and restraining his anger, which was why he looked so fierce.

Mu Hanfeng obviously didn't expect to see Tong Che there and was stunned. The terrifying aura was instantly dispersed, and he whispered, "Tong Tong?"

At the sound of this voice, Tong Che was brought back to life, finally finding some sense of reality.


Mr. Mu did not mark Ye Yu, and he did not hesitate to push him away.

It was really too good.

But if Teacher Mu was already in heat and holding back like this, it must have been very hard, right?

Tong Che was angry and distressed. Obviously, he was angry at Ye Yu and distressed for Mu Hanfeng.

" Kitten," seeing that Tong Che hadn't said anything, just staring dumbly at him, Mu Hanfeng called out again, "You..."

But Mu Hanfeng paused after one word, as suddenly, this kitten had somehow found the courage to run straight into his arms like a small cannonball.

Two small hands were clutching the hem of his shirt, trembling slightly, and the smooth and fragile back of his neck was completely exposed in front of him.

Mu Hanfeng's eyes turned dark for a moment. Before, when he was facing Ye Yu, he was only full of disgust, but now, turning to the soft kitten, Mu Hanfeng couldn't help but firmly encircle him, wrapping him a little tighter into his arms.

Mu Hanfeng suddenly heard the little omega in his arms speak. His voice had a little tremor,, but his tone had an almost bracing determination as he asked, "Teacher Mu, are you...going to bite me now?"

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