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"Are you... going to bite me now?"

Mu Hanfeng subconsciously raised his hand and rubbed his ears, wondering if he had started hallucinating due to his anger at Ye Yu.

He looked at the fluffy head buried in his arms and asked again, in a low voice, "Tong Tong, what did you just say?"

Tong Che had given all his courage for that hug just now, and he didn't expect Mu Hanfeng to ask him a second time. So he rubbed his head against the nape of Mu Hanfeng's neck before holding back the strong embarrassment and building up a second wave of courage to repeat in a muffled voice, "I said, Teacher Mu, do you want to bite me now?"

Mu Hanfeng was rendered silent for a long time, as if he had not understood these simple words,

He was so silent that Tong Che began to feel uneasy again.

Sure enough, it was still too impulsive...

Before that, Ye Yu had given himself an inducer, and now what was he doing? In Mu Hanfeng's eyes, was he any different from Ye Yu?

Tong Che reflected on himself.

He thought that because Mr. Mu treated him differently, he would not ask or explain anything, and let Mr. Mu bite him regardless...

He straightened up and tried to get out of Mu Hanfeng's embrace, but only after he moved a little, he was hugged even tighter by Mu Hanfeng.

The next second, Mu Hanfeng's low and deep voice sounded in his ears, as if he was desperately trying to suppress some raging emotion that was about to break out, "Kitten, do you know what you are saying?"

Tong Che was stunned, Teacher Mu seemed... not angry?

His heart was relieved and he hurriedly explained, "You... if you..."

In the end, he was too embarrassed to say words like "in heat", and only skipped over, "If you're very uncomfortable, you don't have to put up with it, you can bite me."

Mu Hanfeng paused for a moment, his head suddenly clearing up.

Therefore, Tong Chr didn't jump into his arms because he was jealous because he saw Ye Yu acting like that.

Rather, the little omega thought he was in heat and was having a hard time and wanted to help him find relief.

Mu Hanfeng closed his eyes, his heart sore and soft.

How could his little cat be so silly and obedient?

Mu Hanfeng's hand around Tong Che's waist slowly moved up and gently patted him on the back twice, saying in a warm voice, "Tong Tong, I am not in heat."

As if afraid that he wouldn't believe him, Mu Hanfeng deliberately emphasized another sentence, "There is really no heat. My pheromones are very stable now."

Although this sounds completely unrelated to the so-called AO nature, the truth is that he was really not in heat.

It's also really impossible for him to go into heat.

Tong Che was obviously stunned. He hesitated for a moment, but he raised his head and glanced at Mu Hanfeng, "Really... you’re really not?"

The corners of Mu Hanfeng's lips loosened, relaxing his tone as he asked rhetorically, "Have I ever lied to you?"

Tong Che shook his head without hesitation.

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Suddenly, he recalled that the last time he had a fake estrus, Mu Hanfeng had said the same thing.

He had said with great certainty that he was not in heat.

Doubts floated in his heart, but obviously, this was not the time to ask this. He just breathed a huge sigh of relief and said sincerely, "That's great, it's good that it's not there!"

After confirming that Mu Hanfeng was fine, he remembered that there was still a Ye Yu on the balcony, there was still a table full of people in the dining room, and they were still recording the show...

Tong Che finally felt embarrassed and moved slightly, trying to get out of Mu Hanfeng's arms.

But Mu Hanfeng tightened his arms once again and suddenly asked, "Can I still bite you even if I am not in heat?"

This time it was Tong Che's turn to be stunned. He tensed up like a little wooden man, unable to move.

Mu Hanfeng's eyes skimmed over the nearest empty room, and he suddenly grabbed Tong Che and dashed in, locking the door behind him.

The "click" sound of the door locking brought Tong Che back to his senses. He turned his head, looking at Mu Hanfeng's adam’s apple, and listened to his own violent heartbeat that was about to burst his eardrums, and was unable to reply for a while.

Seeing that he was slow to respond, Mu Hanfeng took a deep breath, and silently recited in his heart countless times, "Mu Hanfeng be a human being," before he was finally willing to let go of the little omega, "It's okay..."

But before he could finish his sentence, his arm was suddenly grabbed.

Tong Che tilted his head up, looked at him, and pursed his lips. He didn't say anything, but suddenly lowered his head again, exposing the entire fragile back of his neck to Mu Hanfeng.

Undoubtedly, he had already given the most honest answer with his actions.

The back of his neck, whether because the kitten was shy or for physiological reasons, was already slightly red. It was showing a little bit of gland shape, reflecting the bright daylight outside the window, like a budding rose.

All the desires that Mu Hanfeng had tried his best to suppress suddenly rose up again at this moment, more turbulent than before.

The last string of reason snapped and broke.

This was something that the little omega had willingly done.

It was not a dream, it was not because of heat, it was not disturbed by any so-called physical nature, it was a clear and awake Tong Che’s own willingness.

Mu Hanfeng had no time to think about what this willingness meant.

He just suddenly reached out and once again fished Tong Che tightly back into his arms, hugging him from behind. He lowered his head and, without the slightest hesitation, invaded that fragile rose.

First, fell his lips, giving an extremely lingering kiss.

Then came the tip of his tongue, a wet and warm touch that made Tong Che feel tingly, as if his whole body had been electrified, and he couldn't help but cling to Mu Hanfeng's arm.

The last thing that fell was Mu Hanfeng's sharp, pointed canine teeth. It only took a brief moment for the canine teeth to easily pierce the fragile skin and penetrate deep into the coconut-scented glands.

Even though he had already been marked many times in his dreams, it was the first time that Tong Che felt a tingling in his scalp in reality. He subconsciously raised his head vigorously, his toes curled up and pushed forward, like a white swan full of longing.

He bit down on his lower lip, but he couldn't help but let out a low groan.

It was a soft and shallow sound, but it was like a boulder plunging into Mu Hanfeng's already stormy sea.

For a while, Mu Hanfeng's eyes became darker and his breathing more rapid. He rubbed the back of Tong Che's neck, but he didn't forget to hand his arm up, and said vaguely, "If it hurts, bite me."

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Tong Che's sanity was still intact, so he braced himself and squeezed the skin of Mu Hanfeng's arm, bug refused to bite down.

But the next second, the stinging pain at the back of his neck became even clearer, and the powerful and intense pressure of a top alpha came over him, and his Omega instincts made him unable to hold back any longer. He opened his mouth and bit Mu Hanfeng with all his strength.

At this moment, the pain in his arm was not unpleasant for Mu Hanfeng, but rather, it was like another catalyst that made him feel more spiritually happy. ......

The pain in the back of his neck gradually faded away, and Mu Hanfeng's pheromones were fully injected. The full oceanic breath wrapped around the coconut fragrance. A different kind of feeling flooded the minds of Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng; a floating and light feeling, as if they were falling into the clouds.

It was so refreshing and comfortable that it was like flying.

Maybe it was because Tong Che's physique was special and he was in heat at all times, or because his pheromones were so compatible with Mu Hanfeng's, so although it was his first temporary mark, it was not more painful than pleasurable, as written in the physiology books.

On the contrary, after the brief pain, Tong Che only felt the ultimate pleasure, more intense than in his dreams!

He was as soft as a puddle of coconut milk, unable to exert any strength, and he obediently lay in Mu Hanfeng's arms.

Mu Hanfeng only stroked his back one by one, slowly calming his rapid panting.

"Brother Che, Teacher Mu, where have you been?"

Mi Beibei's voice suddenly came from outside the door, calling both of them back to their senses.

Tong Che gave a jolt and reflexively bounced backwards, but his legs were now weak, so where could he bounce to?

As he was about to fall to the ground, Mu Hanfeng returned to his senses and, with a stretch of his strong arms, scooped him back into his arms and smiled lowly in his ear, "Tong Che, what are you panicking about?"

Perhaps because he had just been bitten, but Tong Che felt that he couldn't listen to Mu Hanfeng's words at all, and when he heard his voice, he felt his glands burning and jumping!

From the time he found out that Ye Yu had actually injected himself with an inducer to go to Teacher Mu, to the time he was just marked by Teacher Mu, it all happened as if he had been caught off guard, yet it seemed logical.

His reason gradually returned, and Tong Che began to be shy again. His whole body was hot, his eyes fluttered, but he didn't look at Mu Hanfeng, and he changed the subject very bluntly, "No... not panicking. Is Mi Beibei looking for us?"

Just as he finished this question, he heard another closer cry from outside the door, "Brother Che, Teacher Mu, are you in this room? Director Wang is looking for you! "

Tong Che was about to open his mouth to answer, but before he could make a sound, he heard Mu Hanfeng whisper a low "shhh" in his ear.

The shush made Tong Che's ears tingle, and he didn't dare to make a sound.

Mu Hanfeng hugged Tong Che and took two steps to the door. But instead of opening the door, he pressed Tong Che against it.

After that, he suddenly lowered his head and once again stuck out the tip of his tongue, licking Tong Che's glands that hadn't completely subsided.

Tong Che's eyes abruptly widened.

"Just now..." Mu Hanfeng lowered his voice and asked him, while licking, "Did it hurt?"

Tong Che understood.

The physiology book said that after marking, the Alpha's saliva helps the Omega glands recover and ease the pain.

He obediently strained his neck and allowed Mu Hanfeng to lick it one at a time, while honestly saying back, "It just... it hurt for a bit at first, then it stopped hurting, and it was very comfortable."

The corners of Mu Hanfeng's lips curled up, "How comfortable was it?"

Tong Che: "!"

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He was so embarrassed that he subconsciously clutched Mu Hanfeng's arm again, and when he saw that the red mark he had just clutched there hadn't gone down, he was distressed again, "Do you... do you feel pain here?"

Mu Hanfeng laughed in a muddled manner and spoke like him, "No, it's very comfortable."

The tips of Tong Che's ears immediately turned red again.

But Mu Hanfeng still wanted to tease him, "Tong Tong, you haven't told me how comfortable it is?"

Tong Che blushed and was too embarrassed to look at Mu Hanfeng, but still whispered, "It was very... very comfortable. I've never felt so comfortable before. "

Mu Hanfeng's breath hitched, and he couldn't help but grind his teeth.


How could this kitten be so attractive?

He had obviously just bitten him, but now he wanted to fucking bite him again!

There was another sudden knock on the door panel, Mi Beibei's voice was a little muffled through the door, yet extremely close, "Brother Che, Teacher Mu, I know you're in there. If you don't come out soon, Director Wang will be here with the key!"

Followed closely by Wang Qi's voice, "I'll count to three. If you don't come out, I'm going to break down the door!"

Tong Che blushed and was too embarrassed to look at Mu Hanfeng, but still whispered, "It's very... very comfortable. I've never felt so comfortable before."

Outside the door, there was a commotion. Inside the room, Tong Che's heart was beating like a drum, but Mu Hanfeng was still holding him steady, leisurely giving him one last lick on his glands.

It was only when he saw that the skin had basically returned to its normal state, with only a very faint circle of bite marks, and when he heard Wang Qi count to the final "one" outside the door, that Mu Hanfeng reluctantly straightened up with a light "tsk" and released Tong Che…. for the time being.

He stretched out his hand again and pulled Tong Che's collar up. Then he opened the door unhurriedly.

Wang Qi bent down and was about to insert the spare key into the lock hole when the door opened. He didn't stand still and actually jumped straight through the door. When he smelled the oceanic and coconut scents that filled the room, he was stunned.

Mu Hanfeng's expression instantly turned frosty. He lifted Wang Qi by the collar and pushed him out. He then gently took Tong Che by the wrist and walked out of the room, closing the door sharply before looking at Wang Qi, his tone a little impatient, "What are you doing?"

Wang Qi came back to his senses and subconsciously opened his mouth, "Sorry, sorry."

What had just happened inside was self-explanatory, and as an Alpha, Wang Qi could understand the Alpha's unreasonable territorial awareness. So it was normal for them not to want to let them in.

But after apologizing, Wang Qi reacted.

Although he could understand, these two people had been absent from work during the recording and were hiding to do such things, how could they ask him, the director, to apologize?

But when he looked up and saw Mu Hanfeng's cold expression, Wang Qi conceded again. He was about to change the subject and get down to business when he heard Mu Hanfeng open his mouth first, but not to him, but turned to Mi Beibei and asked, "Do you have any extra glandular patches?"

Mi Beibei was stunned and quickly understood, revealing a sly smile, and winking quickly at Tong Che, "Yes yes yes, Brother Che, I'll go get it for you now!"

Tong Che tried to rescue him, "No, I have it myself..."

But Mi Beibei was very uptight, "A glandular patch is just a glandular patch, why are you being polite with me, Brother Che! You need to get some rest now! "

Tong Che: "......"

It's not necessary.

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Seeing that Mi Beibei had already run away, he was so embarrassed that he bargained with Mu Hanfeng in a low voice, "Teacher Mu, can I... can I not stick it on? My shirt collar is quite high. "

If he didn't put it on, they wouldn't find out, but if he did, the whole universe would know that he had just been bitten!

Mu Hanfeng narrowed his eyes at Wang Qi, and the latter was forced to say, "If Mr. Mu wants you to do it, you can do it. Anyway...the cameras are all turned off and the recording is paused. Only our own people will know."

After hearing Wang Qi's words, Tong Che's thoughts finally turned back to business, and he grasped the point, "The recording is suspended?"

"Yes," finally able to get down to business, Wang Qi spoke fast and furiously, "Ye Yu... Mi Beibei gave him a suppressant, and he's fine now. I contacted your agent and told him about the situation, and he said he didn't know about it and had been trying to contact you."

Tong Che's eyebrows furrowed, his heart resenting Lou Gui to the core, but now in this situation, he had to open his mouth first and apologize, "I'm sorry Director Wang, I apologize to you on his behalf for affecting this shoot."

"No harm," Wang Qi waved his hand, "what are you apologizing for? What does this have to do with you? On one hand, it's the two of them being disgusting, and on the other side, it's also my own inability to judge people. It has nothing to do with you at all. Don't find a pot for yourself to carry. "

Tong Che smiled and said, "Thank you, Director Wang."

"Alright, that's what I was rushing to say," Wang Qi said as he handed the two phones back, "Xiao Che, you contact your agent first, don't worry about anything else."

Tong Che nodded his head and answered, "Okay."

Wang Qi walked towards the living room, and after taking two steps, he turned back and said, "Let me say one more thing, Xiao Che. That agent of yours…if there is a way, change him as soon as possible. "

Tong Che clutched his phone and seriously thanked him, "I'll think of something as soon as possible."

After Wang Qi left, Tong Che turned his phone on, and as soon as he switched it on, a series of messages from Lou Gui popped up-

Lou Gui: "Little Che, listen to my explanation to you. I did not know about Ye Yu carrying an inducer with him. I really didn’t know!

Luo Gui: "I recommended him to be a guest star because I thought since you were both artists under me, and you are popular, I hoped you would help take care of him for a while."

Lou Gui: " I didn't propose that he deliberately imitate you, but I did know about it. It was a tacit agreement. I just wanted him to touch your light, and it wouldn't have any effect on you."

Lui Gui: "I didn't expect him to have such an idea from the beginning. If I had known, I would not have let him go!"

Lou Gui: "Fortunately, this incident didn't cause a big disaster. Can you... can you help me beg for mercy at Emperor Mu Hanfeng…so he can let Ye Yu go this time? "

Tong Che had always known that Lou Gui was shameless, but he never thought he could be shameless to this extent.

But before he could send these words, his hand was suddenly held by Mu Hanfeng, and he heard him say, "Tong Tong, return an "okay" and tell him that I am willing to forget about it this time for your sake."

Tong Che was stunned. He raised his eyes and looked at Mu Hanfeng, and when he saw the smile in his eyes, Tong Che instantly understood, "Teacher Mu, you... you have a solution?"

Mu Hanfeng didn't nod or shake his head, he just smiled, "Do you believe in me?"

Tong Che nodded his head without hesitation, "Of course I do!"

"So good," Mu Hanfeng reached out and rubbed the top of his hair, "then first return the message as I said."

Tong Che nodded heavily. His fingers flew and deleted the line he had just written, then replied back as Mu Hanfeng had taught him.

On the other hand, Mu Hanfeng hid the hostility under his eyes and sent a message back to Yun Su -

Hold on to Ye Yu's information. First tell me what happened to the information you found out about that traffic star who wanted to be tied up with me all the time?

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