That night, Tong Che received a phone call from Lou Gui, and even after hearing what the man said, he was still a bit dazed.

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Lou Gui's tone could not hide his happiness, but he still put on a gesture of reluctance, "Xiao Che, this... it happened suddenly. The company management approached me at short notice and made a decision. I was also very surprised. But as the old saying goes, there is no such thing as a banquet that never ends, so I wish you all the best in the future. After all, we are still in the same company, and we can still see each other often. Don't you think so? "

Tong Che was dumbfounded. He gave a few perfunctory responses and hung up the phone.

Throwing his mobile phone aside, he sat cross-legged on the bed, listening to the sound of the water in the bathroom and staring at the bed sheets in a daze.

After a long time, he turned his head abruptly and looked straight at the bathroom door.

It was so fast, so sudden.

It happened so fast and so suddenly that it was unbelievable.

Lou Gui, the agent who had treated him like a commodity for four years, the agent who had asked him to plead for Ye Yu this morning, the agent who had tied him down so firmly that he had tried so hard to get rid of him, but had to be subjected to all sorts of manipulation.

Just one day later, he was suddenly no longer his agent!

And, most importantly, the separation seems to be harmonious, as if it were a genuine "goodbye," with no complaints from Lou Gui, and no intention of framing or ruining him.

How on earth did this happen?

Tong Che carefully recalled the entire process that had happened since he got the phone this morning and Lou Gui had contacted him.

At that time, Mu Hanfeng asked him to reply to Lou Gui, saying that Mu Hanfeng would let Ye Yu go this time for his sake.

He did so, and Lou Gui thanked him in a very hypocritical way, and their conversation was over.

When Mi Beibei brought him the glandular patch and they returned to the living room together, Ye Yu had already disappeared.

Wang Qi said that he had sent someone to send Ye Yu back to the company, and that no one knew about the incident except them, and that it had no major impact on the recording of the show.

And there was really not a little bit of rumor leaked on the Internet. No one knows that Ye Yu brought an inducer to participate in variety shows, and no one knows that he induced himself to be in estrus to seduce Mu Hanfeng.

As Mu Hanfeng said, it was as if he had really let him go.

Of course, Tong Che knew that it was impossible for Mu Hanfeng to really let Ye Yu go, so if he didn't act now, he must have had his own plans.

Later on, for most of the day, the program team took a sudden leave of absence.

Wang Qi did not find a temporary new guest to save the show, nor did he assign them any other tasks.

The cameras were turned on for a token hour, the footage was recorded, and the rest of the time was completely free.

And during this period of time, Mu Hanfeng didn't say a word to him again.

Tong Che originally thought that Mu Hanfeng had a solution, but due to the crowd, it was not convenient to talk about it until they returned to the room at night, so he did not ask more questions.

But who knew that when he got back to his room, Mu Hanfeng was still in the shower, and they hadn't even communicated with each other? But who knew that the problem would already be solved in this way?

The more he thought about it, the more astonished he was, and then he carefully recalled what Lou Gui had said when he had just called.

According to Lou Gui, he had received a temporary decision from the company's management that he would be assigned as Yun Ying's manager, and that's why he and Tong Che had to terminate their four-year-long "partnership."

YunYing, a popular Omega girl, was no less popular than him, with even more popularity and work than him.

However, Tong Che did not have a good impression of her.

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It was because she had played a supporting role in a movie in which the male lead was Mu Hanfeng.

During that time, Yun Ying and her team always tried to tie up Mu Hanfeng for hype, but, of course, Mu Hanfeng fought back without mercy.

 Apart from this, Tong Che has never paid any extra attention to her.

But at least he knew that Yun Ying and he were not in the same entertainment company!

How could Lou Gui say that she could work for someone as an agent when she wasn't even in the same company?

While Tong Che's thoughts were getting more and more confused, Mu Hanfeng was in the bathroom, just a door away from him, rushing with cold water, but his mood was not much calmer either.

Of course, it doesn't matter what he thinks about Lou Gui or Yun Ying. The only person who could make Mu Hanfeng's heart flutter was Tong Che.

To Mu Hanfeng, the temporary marker in the morning was a complete surprise.

But after the joy, there was still anxiety.

On the one hand, it was ridiculous that after all the markings, he still couldn't tell whether Tong Che's fondness for him was for his idol or the kind of fondness he wanted.

 On the other hand, it was because this mark was not part of his previous plan.

In the end, the moment he saw Tong Che bow his head and expose the back of his neck to him, he became impulsive, or was he dominated by desire.

Mu Hanfeng laughed to himself, but suddenly he didn't know how to go out and face Tong Che.

He turned off the water and casually wiped his hands. He touched his phone and looked at it. It was a message from Yun Su.

Yun Su: "It's all taken care of on the Luo Gui side. Your little O should have received the news by now."

Mu Hanfeng raised his eyebrows and typed: "Thank you."

After a pause, his eyes fell on one of the words and he added: "He's not mine yet."

In normal times, he would not mind Yun Su's wording and would even be happy to read it, but just as he was reflecting on himself, Mu Hanfeng could not help but correct him.

Yun Su replied with a series of question marks in seconds: "You haven't caught him yet?  Emperor Mu, you really can't do it?!

Mu Hanfeng's face instantly darkened. Not bothering to reflect on himself anymore, he couldn't help but brag: "He was even willing to let me temporarily mark him today!"

Yun Su's question marks back were even longer: "Have you already marked him? Isn't the order of things just not quite right? "

This can be said to have hit Mu Hanfeng's pain point. Most of his arrogance was instantly extinguished. If Yun Su could see Mu Hanfeng's face at this time, he would definitely be surprised.

Emperor Mu, who was always aloof, rarely had such a lack of confidence.

After a long time, Mu Hanfeng said frankly, "I was impulsive, and when I saw that he was willing, I couldn't control it."

Yun Su was even more confused: "He was willing and you bit the bullet, so why are you still not together?"

In normal times, Mu Hanfeng would never have discussed his feelings with Yun Su or anyone else, but this was a special situation and he really wanted to talk to someone about it.

Although Yun Su was still a single dog, he was also an Alpha, after all, and he had been with him for so long.

After a moment's hesitation, Mu Hanfeng, for the first time, didn't act perfunctorily and told the truth: "Because I wasn't sure what kind of liking he had for me."

He could feel Yun Su's speechlessness through the screen: " I say, Mu Hanfeng, can't you feel whether someone really likes you or not?"

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Mu Hanfeng pursed his lips and asked in return: "I have never been liked by anyone. How can I know?"

He was just stating the truth, but he didn't know that Yun Su on the other end of the phone was frozen for a long time when he saw these words.

He is a three-golden movie star, with fans all over the country and the world, and a top-notch Alpha. Mu Hanfeng, with his good looks and strength, seems to have enjoyed so much glory that people often forget that sometimes he is just an ordinary person.

Even Yun Su, who knows him best, often forgets that Mu Hanfeng is actually very socially clean, so clean that he is almost lonely.

He forgot that when Mu Hanfeng first joined the industry, he would have insomnia all night long and get up to mark his scripts over and over again, rubbing the edges of his scripts raw.

He forgot that this person had no other hobby but acting, and that he could isolate himself from the world except for acting.

The man is alone on all holidays and breaks, with no family to greet him, no friends to keep him company, and no one to find a lover.

Yun Su's heart was softened by the pode that he stopped his joking and said seriously, "Hanfeng, if you are not sure, why don't you just ask for clarification?"

When he saw Yun Su's suggestion, Mu Hanfeng was stunned, but after a moment, he shook his head in self-deprecation: "I am afraid of making a fool of myself, and that once the words are out of my mouth, I can't take them back."

Tong Che was so shy and so soft-hearted. If he knows what he is thinking, but doesn't like him, won’t he find it uncomfortable?

Mu Hanfeng did not want to make things difficult for him, so he wanted to take one step at a time, gradually, weaving a net of love to make Tong Che get closer to him, and finally, fall in completely.

Mu Hanfeng didn't say the last words, but Yun Su seemed to be able to guess them. He replied: I can understand your thoughts, but love is not acting, let alone talking about it like work. If you really can follow the so-called step-by-step script, the so-called planning book, what kind of love is that? "

This was something Mu Hanfeng had never thought of before, and before he could think about it, he saw another message from Yun Su: "Besides, there is nothing wrong with impulsiveness. The only thing wrong with it would be if you didn’t take responsibility for your impulsiveness afterwards. If you are impulsive and really like him, then why don't you let him know as soon as possible and take responsibility for it as soon as possible?"

The more Yun Su gets serious, the more his words are always to the point.

Mu Hanfeng had lived for 28 years and had been deeply influenced by his father. He had always used this negative example to warn himself not to be like his father, an animal that only knew how to act on impulse and was only ruled by desire.

But today, someone suddenly told him...

Impulsiveness itself is not wrong, and desire itself is not sinful.

When Mu Hanfeng did not respond, Yun Su guessed that he had already been shaken and hurriedly added the last sentence.

"Moreover, if you think about it from the standpoint of your little O, He is so brave and willing to be marked by you, but you are not even willing to say anything from your heart to him. What will he think? Will he even believe your sincerity anymore? "

If it is said that people have a soft spot, then Mu Hanfeng's soft spot must be Tong Che.

He had already wavered for the most part, and this last bit of hesitation had been sealed by Yun Su's last words.

Every word Yun Su said was something he had never thought of before.

It wasn't that he didn't like Tong Che enough, rather, he liked him too much, so much that he was confused.

But Yun Su's words were like a wake-up call to the man in the dream.

The most important thing now was to let the little omega see his heart first, rather than what kind of answer he would eventually give.

Mu Hanfeng was so enlightened that all his previous gloomy emotions were dispersed, and he typed this time with all sincerity: "Thank you, I will treat you to dinner when I see you."

After replying to this, Mu Hanfeng locked his mobile phone, tied a towel around his waist, and opened the door to walk out of the bathroom.

Outside the bathroom, Tong Che was still sitting on the bed, dazed.

When he heard the bathroom door open, he subconsciously turned his head to look.

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He saw Mu Hanfeng with his hair dripping wet, his upper body naked and only a bath towel tied loosely around his waist, revealing his two straight and strong calves.

His hair was still dripping, and the drops of water fell into the swirls of his sharp collarbone, then snaked down the lines of his chest and abdomen, finally disappearing into the bath towel.

Tong Che stared blankly for a couple of seconds before hearing Mu Hanfeng's low chuckle. Then he instantly woke up and dropped his eyes in a panic, his whole body getting hot again.

"Why are you looking silly?" Mu Hanfeng asked him with a soft chuckle as he approached.

Tong Che hung his head, not daring to look at Mu Hanfeng, nodded his head, then shook it, changing the subject stiffly, "No... I was just, just lost in thought."

"What are you thinking about?" Mu Hanfeng naturally sat on the edge of the bed, close to Tong Che, grabbing a towel and casually wiping his hair.

I'm thinking... I'm thinking..." Tong Che peeked up and looked at Mu Hanfeng's smooth and sharp shoulders and neckline as he moved, and said something in his mind, "I'm thinking about Mr. Mu's body, how he's so hot. ..."

Mu Hanfeng's hand wiping his hair paused and suddenly glanced at him, his dark eyes looking straight at Tong Che as he asked in a hoarse voice, "Kitten, does your neck not hurt anymore?"

Tong Che sensitively smelled two hints of danger in these words, and when he realized what he had just asked, he was even more embarrassed. He hastily covered his neck and shrank back towards the bed, but he still answered honestly, in a small voice, "No... it doesn't hurt anymore."

Mu Hanfeng ground his teeth and moved forward again, whispering, "Loosen your hand, let me see."

Tong Che only hesitated for less than 0.01 seconds before he obediently dropped his hand and put his neck in front of Mu Hanfeng's face again.

Mu Hanfeng lowered his head and glanced at it, and couldn't help but let out a light "tsk." This kitten is probably really talented; it's been less than a day, and the back of the neck has been completely restored to a smooth, clean look. Only a few teeth marks were left as evidence of the marking.

The possessive and destructive appetite in the alpha's bones began to stir again, and Mu Hanfeng pressed the tip of his tongue against his back teeth, remembering Yun Su's words, and barely suppressed the urge to take another bite. He was organizing his thoughts and about to say something when he heard Tong Che change the subject, "Mr. Mu, about... Lou Gui, what's going on?"

Mu Hanfeng took a breath and raised his hand to press the corner of his forehead.

He had forgotten about that.

His mind was so full of how he was going to confess his feelings to Tong Che that he didn't want to talk about this Lou Gui. He mentally cut him into a thousand pieces again before asking in a slow tone, "Did he contact you?"

Tong Che nodded and repeated what Lou Gui had said to him. Mu Hanfeng first solved Tong Che's first big confusion, "Yun Ying's contract with her original company has expired. Starting today, she is temporarily signed under Star Blink."

Star Blink is the entertainment company that Tong Che works for.

Tong Che caught the point, "Temporary?"

"Yes," Mu Hanfeng smiled, "It's just a one-month contract, similar to a probationary period, a kind of testing period for both sides. When the time expires, either party has the right to choose not to renew the contract. "

Tong Che vaguely felt that he understood a little bit, yet he still didn't seem to understand. Without waiting for him to ask, he heard Mu Hanfeng continue, "Does it make you confused as to why Lou Gui is still doing so well?"

Tong Che nodded his head honestly. Mu Hanfeng said it in a subtle way, but in fact, Lou Gui's current situation, in Tong Che's opinion, was not just "still doing so well," but "doing better."

This was not because he was presumptuous and felt that he was no match for Yun Ying. Rather, it was because he knew in his heart, and Lou Gui knew in his heart, that their relationship was not the same as before.

In the past, they had barely maintained a layer of superficial friendship, but ever since that incident with the inducer had been revealed, Tong Che had stopped maintaining even a superficial friendship.

In addition, in the eyes of Lou Gui, he now has Mu Hanfeng backing him up, which makes it even harder to control.

A person like Lou Gui would not want an artist that he couldn't master.

Now, with a new artist, Lou Gui can start all over again.

And although Tong Che was soft-hearted, he was also divided. For Lou Gui, Tong Che truly does not want him to live so well again.

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Mu Hanfeng did not answer, but directly opened his phone, tapped it twice, and handed it to Tong Che.

Tong Che looked down to read it, and after reading it, his whole body froze.

How could he have ever imagined that this Yun Ying would be privately selling inducing agents, supplying them to vice establishments, and giving them to underage Omegas to use!

And Mu Hanfeng had obviously gotten hold of iron-clad evidence.

Tong Che froze for a long time and couldn't help but mutter, "How could she go so far?"

Having experienced the pain of induction agents, Tong Che couldn't imagine how someone who was also an Omega could be so cruel as to sell induction agents and even give them to an underage Omega for use.

Mu Hanfeng raised his hand and rubbed the top of Tong Che's hair, saying seriously, "Kitten, not all people are as kind as you are."

Mu Hanfeng didn't know the reason Yun Ying was doing this, nor was he interested in knowing.

This material was something that Yun Su had found out when Yun Ying had pulled him into a bundle of hype back then. It's just that at that time, he only found out the surface details, there was no actual evidence yet.

At that time, Mu Hanfeng considered himself a busy person, so he did not let Yun Su continue to investigate.

It was not until he met Tong Che and learned that Tong Che had also been injected with an induction agent that Mu Hanfeng began to have a deep hatred for these two words, and only then did he ask Yun Su to investigate further. Since then, he had already planned a way out for Lou Gui.

This could be called "waste utilization," killing two birds with one stone.

Tong Che understood his intentions. He was about to ask a question when he heard Mu Hanfeng explain it clearly, "If you want to replace Lou Gui, doing it too directly may hurt you, so you can only be a little more roundabout. Pretend to give him a little sweetness first, and after a while, directly report Yun Ying’s information to the police. At that time, he will fall with Yun Ying and end up with a notorious ending. Even if he tries to clamor to you again or tries to spread black material, no one will believe him. "

In the eyes of the public, Yun Ying would be so unpleasant, so how much cleaner could Lou Gui, her manager, be?

Now that he had completely figured it out, Tong Che was even more unable to say anything. He marveled at Mu Hanfeng's thinking, but what amazed him even more was the fact that Mu Hanfeng had set up such a game. From going to great lengths to find the truth about Yun Ying, to getting Star Blink to sign her on a temporary basis, to now placing Lou Gui as her manager, and the subsequent need to guide public opinion, just how much thought has been put into it? "

And all this effort was for his sake.

Just to get him a new agent, to get him a clean and honest agent.

There was no need for him to step in, and it is guaranteed that he wouldn’t get dirty water thrown at him.

But, Mr. Mu, why on earth should he be so nice to him?

The delusional thoughts that Tong Che had suppressed for the thousandth time tumbled up again.

But this time, he couldn't hold back any longer and wanted to ask.

His eyelashes trembled lightly, and his hand subconsciously clutched the fat butt of the teddy bear. Tong Che raised his eyes to Mu Hanfeng and asked, with a tremor in his voice, "Teacher Mu, why are you... treating me so well?"

Do you like me?

Mu Hanfeng was stunned for a moment, but after a long time, a relieved smile appeared in his eyes, probably in response to Yun Su's words;

"If you really follow the so-called script, the so-called planning book step by step, what kind of love is that?"

So, confessing one's heart doesn't really need to be planned.

The moment Tong Che asked this question, he suddenly became settled, and all distracting thoughts were gone. He lowered his head, looked seriously into Tong Che's eyes, and asked rhetorically, with a light smile, "Kitten, what do you think?"

Without waiting for Tong Che's answer, Mu Hanfeng suddenly moved closer and gently kissed him on the forehead. His tone was warm and solemn;

"Of course it's because I like you!"

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