Mu Hanfeng's frown deepened. His fingers on the screen were just about to reply when Yun Su sent a new message over.

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Yun Su: "I didn’t think anyone would dare run in front of me and pretend to be your mother, so I asked her name and she said she was Qin Wan. I think I heard you mention it. "

Yun Su: "She cried to me about not being able to contact you, saying that your brother was beaten up and is now in the hospital, and asked me to pass it on to you."

Yun Su: "You... don't be impulsive. I will definitely support you in whatever you do. But before you do that, make sure you tell me first, and I can have the team cover for you if there are any problems. "

Mu Hanfeng has been in the industry for five years, and his first manager was Yun Su. The two of them have been working together until now, and they are both managers and artists, and at the same time, of course, friends.

However, even so, Yun Su did not know much about Mu Hanfeng's family affairs compared to others.

He only knew that Mu Hanfeng had not had an easy life for so many years, and that he was not just a mere actor, though he only wanted to be one.

If Mu Hanfeng didn't talk about it, he would not ask more questions.

Whether it is the relationship between an agent and an artist or a friend, one should leave room for the other party, not to ask questions about everything and not to expose people's scars.

When he saw Yun Su's last words, the corner of his lips loosened slightly and he knocked back the words: "You think too much. I have nothing to be impulsive about and I don't intend to do anything. By the way, you can also blacklist her mobile number. "

Yun Su sent an emoji of a villain laughing and quickly replied with a simple word: "OK."

Mu Hanfeng tucked the phone back into his pocket and suppressed the cold look in his eyes before turning around and walking towards Tong Che.

Tong Che's eyes had been on him, and when he saw him put away his phone and walk over, he hurriedly asked, in a small voice, "Is something wrong?"

Mu Hanfeng reached out, pressed the top of his hair gently, and shook his head, "Nothing is wrong. Let's talk about it tonight."

Hearing him say that, and being concerned that the camera was still on, Tong Che didn't ask any more questions, but looked up at Mu Hanfeng's face and said hesitantly, "Teacher Mu, are you... angry?"

Mu Hanfeng was stunned for a moment, and his tone was said more slowly, "No, they are not worth my anger."

If it had been him five years ago, or earlier, say ten years ago, Mu Hanfeng would have been impulsive and angry.

But not anymore.

Neither Qin Wan, who called herself his mother, nor his unworthy, so-called brother, would stir up any waves in him anymore.

They weren’t worth it.

"Actually..." Tong Che's voice called back Mu Hanfeng's thoughts that had drifted away for a moment, "It's okay for you to be angry for a moment."

Mu Hanfeng froze and quickly reacted to what Tong Che meant.

One of their three requests was for one of them to pretend to be angry and the other to coax.

Now it seemed that Tong Che had probably found a way to make him happy.

Although he didn't know what it was, Mu Hanfeng was already happy.

A smile dipped back into his eyes and he cooperated, "Well, Teacher Mu is angry now and needs to be coaxed by his kitten."

The tips of Tong Che's ears reddened again as he conjured up a small piece of origami paper and stumbled, "Brother... let's... let's play a game."

 Mu Hanfeng's adam’s apple rolled, his voice instantly hoarse, "Little cat, what did you call me?"

Tong Che was so embarrassed that he didn't dare look at him at all, lowering his head and calling out again, "Brother."

Although he knew that Tong Che would suddenly call him this way in order to cheer him up, it didn't stop Comrade Mu Hanfeng from wanting to be a rougue again.

He once again took advantage of his broad shoulders and back to block the camera. He held the back of Tong Che's head and pressed him against the wall, while lowering his voice to the red ear, "Kitten, do you know that calling me that is going to get you fucked?"

Tong Che's eyes widened, and the origami paper in his hand fell to the ground.

He looked like a frozen little ice sculpture.

The alpha's bad factor was fully satisfied, and Mu Hanfeng's lips hooked at the corners, stepping back and bending down to pick up the origami paper.

He was about to open it and take a look when the little ice sculpture melted and reached over to snatch the origami paper back, "We still haven't played with it yet, so no looking."

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"Okay, no looking," Mu Hanfeng laughed, "let’s play now."

Tong Che blushed and asked him, "It's in the southeast and northwest. Does Teacher Mu know about it?"

"I've heard of it," Mu Hanfeng cooperated by nodding his head. "I want seven in the east and eight in the north. Is that right?"

Hearing the numbers he said, Tong Che froze for a moment.

Seven and eight. It was his own birthday, the eighth of July.

But Tong Che couldn't decide whether he was teasing him or whether Mu Hanfeng had just said it casually. He didn't have the heart to ask, but just nodded and moved as he counted.

For each side of the small origami paper had a different word written on it, and Tong Che whispered, "Seven in the east, eight in the north, for Teacher Mu a... for Teacher Mu a..."

After repeating it twice, Tong Che was so embarrassed that he couldn't complete the words that followed.

Mu Hanfeng stifled a laugh and probed over to take a look, and saw that the folded paper read: a rabbit dance for Teacher Mu.

Raising an eyebrow, Mu Hanfeng asked in a low voice, "What else is written on it?"

Tong Che broke down and handed over the small piece of origami paper in his hand, and Mu Hanfeng opened it to see that all that was written on it were ways to make him happy, such as: -Singing

 two tigers to Teacher Mu. I'm learning

how to meow like a cat.

Hugging Mr. Mu...

Of course, there is also this one now, a rabbit dance for Mr. Mu.

As far as Mu Hanfeng was concerned, he would be very happy if Tong Che did any of these things. But apparently, seeing Tong Che doing the rabbit dance was a lot of fun on top of being happy.

Mu Hanfeng didn't want Tong Che to dance in front of the camera.

But before he could say anything, Tong Che was already holding back his embarrassment and fished out his own mobile phone to play the music of the rabbit dance.

The cameraman actually found a furry rabbit ear hairband from somewhere and handed it to Tong Che, Put this on before you dance! The effect will be better! "

Tong Che hesitated for a split second before putting the hairband on his head.

Shame is shame, but making Teacher Mu happy is the most important thing!

"Left, left, right, right, go turn around, go go go!"

The music started, and Tong Che was already jumping and dancing to the rhythm, the rabbit ears on the top of his head wiggling and shaking with his movements.

Mu Hanfeng's eyes were glued to Tong Che's body, unblinking, his eyes darkening, and swallowing inaudibly.

After watching for half a minute, Mu Hanfeng could not hold back any longer, so he took a step forward, took off his jacket and put it over the camera, blocking it completely.

After that, he pulled Tong Che, who was pretending to be a white rabbit, tightly into his arms and kissed the little vixen fiercely.

Tong Che also didn't expect that his bunny dance, which lasted only half a minute, would be so powerful, and even though the camera was now covered, there was still someone watching, which was extremely embarrassing.

But even though he was feeling shy, he didn't think about pushing Mu Hanfeng away. Instead, he raised his hands and wrapped them around Mu Hanfeng's neck, tilting his head slightly to respond to his kiss. Cameraman:"...


I should be in the fucking basement!When the

kiss ended, Mu Hanfeng's mood had become very pleasant. He used his thumb to rub off the corner of Tong Che's lips that were glistening with a little fluid as he listened to the little omega’s soft gasps as he caught his breath.

Without further ado, he quickly fished out his phone, clicked on Taobao (the biggest online shopping mall in China) and ordered a set of furry, one-piece rabbit pyjamas-the kind that has a tail behind.

Tong Che kept taking deep breaths and tried to adjust his facial expression, but the ends of his eyes were still tinged with red, which made him look even more seductive.

Mu Hanfeng gave himself a psychological build-up ninety-nine times in his heart before he could barely suppress the urge to abandon the recording, pick up Tong Che, and go back to their room right now, finally taking his jacket off the camera.

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The cameraman weakly reminded, "Teacher Mu, Little Prince Che, don't you still have to make gifts for each other?"

Only when they said that did the two of them remember the main event.

Both Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng already had some basic ideas, so they started searching for raw materials.

In the end, Tong Che found a small piece of polished wood, an imitation feather, a small box of paint, and some milky white beads.

Mu Hanfeng also took a piece of polished wood, a carving knife, and a roll of leather straps.

Looking at these alone, it didn't seem quite possible to tell what the other party wanted to do.

Mu Hanfeng was inclined to ask, "What does Tong Tong want to make for me?"

It’s a secret! Tong Che replied, and with his pile of materials in his arms, sat down at a table in the corner, and admonished Mu Hanfeng, "You... no peeking first."

"I won’t look," replied Mu Hanfeng with a smile, and deliberately asked, "So don’t you want to know what I am going to make for you?"

Tong Che shook his head like a rattle, and even reached out to cover his ears, "Don't say it yet. If you do, there will be no surprise!"

He had only received a gift from Ruan Tang for his birthday last year, aside from gifts from his fans when he first became popular.

Tong Che cherished this event.

He wanted to give and receive a gift from Mr. Mu.

He wanted a surprise.

Mu Hanfeng could mostly guess what was on Tong Che's mind, and with a sour and soft heart, he didn't tease him anymore, but said seriously, "Okay, I will do a good job and give Kitten a surprise."

The two of them didn't say any more and went about their business.

The cameraman was finally relieved and kept adjusting his equipment, carefully recording the whole process of handcrafting.

The room was quiet except for the occasional sound of the tools as the two worked.

The late autumn midday sun shone through the window, casting a golden glow on the Alpha and Omega, who were each in a corner.

The picture was harmonious and beautiful.

Tong Che's work is relatively small, so he completed it first. As soon as he stood up, the camera gave him a close-up of his work.

It was a small, life-like coconut tree!

Mu Hanfeng noticed the movement and turned his head to look over, "Is Tong Tong done?"

Tong Che nodded, his fingers curling up a little embarrassedly.

Mu Hanfeng was carving something with his carving knife and said, in a warm voice, "Show it to me."

Tong Che then clutched the small coconut tree in his hand and walked to Mu Hanfeng's side before slowly spreading his palm again.

Mu Hanfeng put down the carving knife and carefully picked up the little coconut tree, cupping it in his hand, his eyes becoming extremely gentle.

Tong Che’s pheromones were coconut-flavored. flavor.

Now the coconut-flavoured kitten has made a coconut tree for him.

Rounded up, Tong Che was giving himself to him.

Seeing that he hadn't made a sound, Tong Che subconsciously clutched the hem of his shirt again and asked hesitantly, "Teacher Mu, do you... like it?"

Mu Hanfeng came back to his senses and immediately fed Tong Che a reassurance pill, "I really like it a lot."

After thinking about it, he simply gestured at the top of that small coconut tree. Later on, I will find someone to make a small hole here and wear it as a necklace around my neck.

Tong Che didn't expect this to be possible and couldn't help but be happy.

Mu Hanfeng liked to see him smile like this, so he found a small box and carefully put the small coconut tree into his pocket for the time being, and then rubbed Tong Che's head, Wait a little longer; mine will be ready soon.

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Tong Che nodded obediently before he looked down and discovered that what Mu Hanfeng was carving was actually a cat's head.

"Teacher Mu," Tong Che exclaimed, "you can even carve wood!"

Mu Hanfeng explained as he carved, "This is also something I learned for filming."

Of his six film productions, four of them were used to win awards. The award-winning pieces prefer to focus on the small people of society in all their forms.

So he has learned to make candyfloss, kites, wood carvings, and...

"I'll knead them for you when I have the chance later," Mu Hanfeng said, raising his eyes to Tong Che.

Tong Che hurriedly nodded, "Okay."

Afraid of disturbing Mu Hanfeng, Tong Che didn't say anything else and just stood by, watching carefully.

He found that the process of witnessing the birth of a "surprise" like this was also very enjoyable.

Step by step, he watched the cat's head take shape, and then he watched Mu Hanfeng hang it on the leather ring that had already been cut out, turning it into a cute and cool anklet!

Mu Hanfeng bent down, lifted up one side of Tong Che's trousers and fastened it directly onto his ankle. "Do you like it?"

Tong Che moved his foot, and the cat's head gently swayed in response to his movements.

"I love it!" The little dimples at the corners of Tong Che's lips were deep, and his eyes were even brighter. "Teacher Mu, you're really great!"

Mu Hanfeng raised his hand and gently pinched the tip of Tong Che's nose, leaning against his ear and laughing lowly. "Kitten, wearing my anklet now means you'll always be mine."

Tong Che turned red again, and after a long time, he replied in a small voice, "Even if... even if I don't wear it, I'm still yours."

The straight ball from the kitten was never faked, and the shot was always heavy.

The camera was covered up the second time, and the cameraman fled through the door!


After completing two requests in a row, there was only one left, where one of them pretended to be sick and the other took care of him.

The two of them are very comfortable with this one.

Mu Hanfeng's acting skills were on the rise, and he gave full play to his strengths as an actor, making the "illness" look very real.

Of course, he also took the opportunity to continue to entice Tong Che...

Mu Hanfeng gave him a candy pretending to be medicine, and Mu Hanfeng even pursed his lips and said "bitter" after eating it.

When Tong Che wanted to get another candy, Mu Hanfeng pressed down and kissed the corner of his mouth, "The candy is right here, what else are you looking for?"

This definitely exceeded Wang Qi's goal of achieving what he had said before.

Every minute of every day, no matter what you're doing, you're spreading dog food! Eh! Too much! Too much! We are stuffed.

All three tasks were completed, and it was time for lunch.

The two of them went to the kitchen to cook together again. The meal was ready, and just as Mu Hanfeng was serving the soup, his mobile phone vibrated again.

He put down his spoon and fished out his mobile phone to check it.

The cameraman took it upon himself to pause the camera and exit, and he even thoughtfully closed the kitchen door.

It was still a message from Yun Su, but this time there was only a link.

Before Mu Hanfeng clicked on it, he saw the title on the top and clenched his phone. He had underestimated the shamelessness of a certain two people!

When Tong Che saw that Mu Hanfeng's face was not right, he was about to ask a question when he felt his mobile phone vibrate a little.

He subconsciously took it out and found that it was a Weibo link that Ruan Tang had shared with him...

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[Exclusive video! Actor Mu Hanfeng's family history is revealed, and his mother is in tears in an interview!] #

Tong Che was stunned.

Mu Hanfeng had said that his mother had passed away many years ago.

Then who was this person who suddenly appeared?

In a flash, Tong Che remembered the dream he had once had...

In the dream, little Mu Hanfeng had a very annoying stepmother.

Tong Che's heart suddenly rose with a nameless anger, and he clicked on the Weibo link with a grimace.

A middle-aged woman with teary eyes appeared on the screen immediately, her cries echoing throughout the kitchen.

Tong Che didn't expect this to be a real "sound of tears". He was stunned for a moment, and his anger became even more intense. He only felt that the face on the screen that he had never met was extremely hypocritical.

It's not that he is biased against the so-called "stepmother," it's just that family matters don't get publicized, except in special cases, so if this gets "publicized," it's definitely not for the best!

Tong Che didn't even take a second look. He paused it and looked up at Mu Hanfeng.

Mu Hanfeng was also looking at him.

The two looked at each other, and Tong Che couldn't help but be startled.

The look in Mu Hanfeng's eyes was something he had never seen before.

It was deep and heavy, but when he looked closely, he could see the unease hidden under his eyes.

"Tongtong," Mu Hanfeng said, his voice very hoarse. Perhaps it was Tong Che's illusion, but he could hear a hint of pleading, "I can tell you whatever you want to know, just... don't look at that first, okay?"

That woman had never had good intentions, and now that she had released such a video, he could imagine what she would say.

It is nothing more than pretending to be pitiful, selling misery, and slandering him for being cold-blooded, ruthless, unfilial, and unjust.

In the past, Mu Hanfeng was never afraid of being talked about in this way, and even now, he is not concerned about this video being circulated all over the internet.

However, he was afraid that Tong Che would see it.

On the premise that he hadn't told Tong Che anything, he was afraid that Tong Che would see it, and he was even more afraid that Tong Che would believe that nonsense.

He was afraid that Tong Che would also think that he was such a cold-blooded, heartless, unfilial, and unjust person.

When Tong Che saw Mu Hanfeng's eyes like this, he was both heartbroken and angry. He spoke seriously and assured him first, "I had no intention of watching."

Mu Hanfeng's heart was slightly relieved, "Then you can ask..."

He was about to say, "Then you can ask me anything you want," but before he could say the last words, he watched as Tong Che lowered his head, pressed the screen of his mobile phone, and without hesitation and in a fierce manner, retweeted the video.

The video was even accompanied by the following line: "You are fake crying so badly that I feel bad for the eye drops!"

Tong Che is gentle by nature and has basically never quarrelled with anyone, nor would he say anything too much. Even this sentence now was something he remembered from a paragraph he read before.

Tong Che, who had scolded someone for the first time, was very excited. His eyes were bright. He even turned his head and patted Mu Hanfeng's shoulder, "I don't want to see it." And I won't believe anything she says. Look, I'm scolding her for you! "

Mu Hanfeng lowered his eyes and fixedly looked at Tong Che, his gaze softening inch by inch.

All the anxiety that had risen earlier had vanished in this instant.

All that was left was gratitude.

How could he have met such a wonderful little omega?

However, the love did not end there, as Tong Che's mobile phone suddenly started to vibrate non-stop.

Mu Hanfeng glanced at it and could not help but stare at it.

This silly kitten actually used his official account to show his support for him!

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