Mu Hanfeng first seriously praised Tong Che and then, somewhat helplessly turned around, "But, did you forget to use the trumpet?"

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Tong Che was still satisfied that he had lit up his dislike-skill, but when he suddenly heard Mu Hanfeng's words, he was shocked.

But obviously, he and Mu Hanfeng were not focusing on the same thing-

"Teacher Mu you..." Tong Che looked up at him, "You know my trumpet?"

His trumpet had been registered for a long time, since the year he started as a trainee. All the attention focused on it was on Mu Hanfeng.

Mu Hanfeng used to post too little on Weibo, so he followed other big fans who also liked Mu Hanfeng, watching them post all kinds of Mu Hanfeng's stills and editing all kinds of small videos.

However, ever since he came to record this variety show, he has been able to meet his idol in person, and now he has become his boyfriend, so Tong Che had no need to check his small number.

If Mr. Mu found out about this account, 


Ton Che wouldn't dare think about it. Just thinking about it made him feel embarrassed!

When Mu Hanfeng looked at Tong Che, the tips of the little omega’s ears and cheeks were quietly stained with a blush again.

He realized that Tong Che's focus seemed to be a bit off from his own.

Mu Hanfeng explained in a warm voice, "I just saw that you made a retweet for my sake, and you used your official account directly, so I guessed that you forgot to use a trumpet."

Tong Che came back to his senses and was secretly relieved, but his eyebrows quickly furrowed as he asked confusedly, "Since I was helping you to dislike someone, what's the point of using a fake account?"

This time, Mu Hanfeng paused.

He knew that Tong Che was genuinely puzzled. But it was precisely because of this that he felt his heart stirring all the more.

Originally, when Tong Che had not hesitated to say that he would not watch that video, that he would not believe that woman's bullshit, and then had directly expressed his dislike on Weibo, Mu Hanfeng had already felt very grateful and very happy.

He only thought that Tong Che was trying to make him happy by retweeting the video and scolding that woman, but then he forgot to use a trumpet in a moment of stupidity.

However, he did not expect that, from the very beginning, Tong Che had decided to use his official account.

From the very beginning, he chose to stand by him, believe in him, and defend him without hesitation, even before he knew what was going on.

How could he be so good and so silly?

Mu Hanfeng's heart was so soft that it seemed like coconut milk could drip out if it was squeezed.

He reached out and circled Tong Che in his arms, lowering his head and gently rubbing the tip of his nose against the top of his hair, murmuring in a low voice, "What a little fool."

"Not at all," Tong Che obediently buried himself in his embrace and retorted in a small voice, "When you defended me before, Mr. Mu, didn't you also use your official account?"

Mu Hanfeng was startled and realized that Tong Che was talking about the incident where the inducer was exposed. He did use his official account personally at that time and never thought of using a trumpet.

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"It's not the same." Mu Hanfeng gave a helpless laugh.

He was an actor, using his strength to speak, not slapping people, and had freedom of speech in comparison.

But Tong Che was different. Although he was very optimistic about his kitten’s acting skills, after all, Tong Che hadn't transformed yet. He was still a traffic star, with a clean, cool, and noble persona. So when he vented for him, wouldn't there be a whole lot of people howling that his persona had collapsed?

"There is nothing different," Tong Che gradually understood Mu Hanfeng's point.He raised his head, looking seriously into Mu Hanfeng's eyes. His tone was firm and solemn, "I am now Teacher Mu's boyfriend. So if you can protect me, I can also protect you. "

The first time I said this, I didn't wait for Mu Hanfeng's answer, but I was embarrassed again, so I dropped my head and buried it in his arms, not looking at him again.

After saying this, before he could get a reply, he felt embarrassed again and lowered his head, burying it in Mu Hanfeng’s arms, not daring to look at him again.

Mu Hanfeng was dumbfounded for a moment. After awhile, as if the clouds had been cleared, his heart felt as if it had been illuminated by a new beam of light. He lowered his head, seriously kissed the top of Tong Che's hair, and said slowly, "My boyfriend is right. It was my wrong thinking before. My little boyfriend is obviously so powerful that he can also protect me. "

Tong Che looked cold and aloof, but in fact, his nature was softer than anyone else's, more affectionate, and very shy.

From the very beginning, Mu Hanfeng was used to gathering this kitten in his own territory, holding and protecting him. It was not until today that he discovered that his kitten, too, could protect him.

Tong Che was bashful, but he didn't forget to get down to business, raising his head again to look at Mu Hanfeng, "So what do we do now..."

Mu Hanfeng hesitated for a moment, but still said, "Let's take a look at the video first."

Now that he was no longer afraid that Tong Che would misunderstand him, the problem now had to be solved. So Mu Hanfeng reopened his phone.

When he clicked into Weibo, the one at the top was naturally from a special concern setting, Tong Che’s retweet.

In the end, he was not at ease, so Mu Hanfeng clicked into the comment section and glanced at them.

But surprisingly, although there was some black powder below howling that Tong Che's persona was crumbling by helping Mu Hanfeng vent, more of them were praising Tong Che for being righteous.

Many of Mu Hanfeng's fans came to thank Tong Che, and, of course, there were also CP fans waving flags.

One of the most liked comments from the CP fans was

"Che Che is so tough! FengChe szd! "

<szd (shi zhen de), meaning "it's real" >

The corner of Mu Hanfeng's lips hooked, and with a movement of his finger, he gave this comment a like.

Tong Che was so embarrassed that he knocked his head on Mu Hanfeng's shoulder and hurriedly urged him, "Teacher Mu, let's not... let's not read the comments, let's just watch the video."

Mu Hanfeng smiled. In a good mood, he clicked on the video.

On the screen, the tear-stained face of a middle-aged woman appeared once again.

Judging from her figure, the woman should be an Omega, and it wasn't hard to see the foundation of her youth. She should also be a beauty.

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Only now, whimpering and sobbing, one look at her and the smell of tea was so strong.

After the sobs reverberated through the kitchen, the woman finally began to sob and speak.

"I'm Hanfeng's mother, Qin Wan."

“I will accept this interview today because I am truly desperate. "

“Hanfeng's brother is now lying unconscious in the hospital, but I can't contact Hanfeng at all. He doesn't see me and won't answer my calls, just as if he doesn't have me as his mother. "

“In the past, when I was young, it was also because I did not take care of and teach him well that he became what he is now, shiny on the surface, but in fact, he is not humane at all, cold-blooded, ruthless, and thin-skinned."

The moment he heard these words, Tong Che keenly felt that the aura around Mu Hanfeng had become extremely cold.

He was so distressed that he wanted to jump into the phone and tear this woman's mouth apart, but he couldn't. So he reached out his hand and held Mu Hanfeng's cold one tightly.

Mu Hanfeng regained his senses, and his aura instantly calmed down. He tilted his head to look at Tong Che and gave him a reassuring smile.

Tong Che became even more heartbroken. He leaned in to Mu Hanfeng's ear and said, earnestly, "Don't listen to her nonsense; you're obviously exceptionally good!"

Mu Hanfeng's heart and soul relaxed, and his tone was soft. "Well, I'll only listen to you."

On the phone, Qin Wan continued to talk.

"After so many years as a mother, my heart is already cold. I am accepting this exclusive interview today, but I don't want to reprimand him in public. I just hope that he can see it and be willing to contact me. I will not ask for more. "

At this point, the video ended.

Mu Hanfeng's eyes were filled with ridicule. What a bitter trick!

Her own son was untalented and unprofessional. He was beaten up and put in the hospital. She had no money, so she wanted to ask him for it.

When she couldn't get in touch with him, she contacted Yun Su.

When she couldn't get in touch with Yun Su, she simply contacted a reporter for an interview!

She said that she didn't want to reprimand him, but she had already established his image of being unfeeling and ungrateful.

Mu Hanfeng knew all too well why Qin Wan was doing this.

It was because he was now a movie star and a public figure, so he had to care about his image in front of the public.

If he wanted to settle the matter, he would have to contact her and give her the money.

But why should he give in to her wishes?

Mu Hanfeng gave a sneer and simply clicked on the retweet as well, with a simple and brutal quote-

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"My mother died twenty-eight years ago. Who are you?"

Tong Che, who was watching, was shocked by Mu Hanfeng's more than rigid move, "Teacher Mu, is this... really okay?"

Mu Hanfeng's family history has been a mystery since his debut, but now he is undoubtedly revealing himself!

"It's okay," Mu Hanfeng explained as he quit Weibo. "I've never actually deliberately tried to hide my family."

He just didn't want to actively mention it and didn't want to get involved with the Mu family.

But as he stood higher and higher, and as he was already aloof, Over time, it became the default outside the circle that he had a deep background, so no one dared to ask at all.

Tong Che remembered that when they first started recording the show, he was asked about his family.

At that time, Mu Hanfeng said he had no memory of his mother, and Wang Qi even asked if he wanted to cut that segment, and Mu Hanfeng did answer, "It doesn't matter."

"It's just some old crap," Mu Hanfeng raised his hand and gently rubbed the top of Tong Che's hair; "it’s not mysterious, and it’s quite boring. If you want to know, I'll tell you all about it. "

"I want to know," Tong Che nodded seriously, "everything about Teacher Mu, I want to know."

Each of Tong Che's words poked precisely at Mu Hanfeng's heart.

“Should I tell you now or wait until later? "


Tong Che was just about to say "wait for the evening," but before he could finish his sentence, someone knocked on the kitchen door.

Wang Qi's voice came in, "Teacher Mu, Xiao Che, what is your situation?"

Both of them gave a start. Only then did they remember that they were still recording the show!

Looking at each other, Mu Hanfeng reached out and pulled open the door, and in a rare move, apologized first: "Sorry, something suddenly came up."

Wang Qi had also read the microblog, and while he was shocked, he still felt bad for Mu Hanfeng, and he waved his hand, "Is it taken care of now?"

"Soon," Mu Hanfeng answered, "give me two more minutes."

Wang Qi nodded, "That's fine, anyway. Just talk if you need help."

Mu Hanfeng raised his lips and said, "Thanks, I can handle it for the time being."

The soup that had been boiled earlier was now a little cold, so Tong Che poured back the small half-bowl that Mu Hanfeng had previously filled, and turned the heat back on to warm it up.

Turning back, he saw Mu Hanfeng sending a message to Yun Su with a regained tone of indifference:

"I’m sorry, I sprayed back so quickly, I was impulsive." "

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But the follow-up should also be fine. Everyone can guess that the "Mu" in my name is that of the Mu family. They'll think it's just a feud between the rich and have nothing to worry about. "

“There is also that Weibo post by Tong Tong...we also have to guide the public opinion towards the good relationship between us two."

Tong Che was stunned. How could Mu Hanfeng be so natural about Yunsu helping him with public relations?

Yun Su replied in a second: "Okay, I'm better at PR than you are. Just record your show."

Mu Hanfeng smiled and put the phone back into his pocket. When he turned around, he found that Tong Che was dazed again.

"What's wrong?" Mu Hanfeng reached out and snapped his fingers in his ear.

Tong Che returned to his senses and said, "You let... let Yun Su help me with my PR?"

Mu Hanfeng froze for a moment, then let out a stifled laugh, "I forgot to tell you this. Your new manager from now on will be Yun Su. Just go back to the company and sign a contract with him to go through the process when the variety show is finished. "

Tong Che was even more dumbfounded now. His eyes widened, "Yun Su... are you willing to be my manager?"

After he had previously replaced Lou Gui, Tong Che had not received any notification from the company that he would be assigned a new agent and was still a bit anxious about what kind of agent he would be assigned to.

However, he never expected that it would be Yun Su!

As everyone knew, Yun Su had and only had one artist, Mu Hanfeng, who was semi-independent from the company and had a personal studio.

"Why don't you want to?" Mu Hanfeng flexed his fingers and flicked Tong Che on his forehead. "My kitten is so good, so many agents are rushing to get him."

"What's more," Mu Hanfeng smiled again, "little boyfriend, isn’t what’s mine also yours?"

Tong Che's heart was warm and melting, and he wanted to say something, but he felt that it was unnecessary to say anything at this time, so he just buried himself deep in Mu Hanfeng's arms.

Mu Hanfeng was amused and couldn't help but tease him, "So smart? You've already started to please your new boss? "

The studio was his; Yun Su was under the studio.

Now that Tong Che has become Yun Su's artist, doesn't he, Mu Hanfeng, become Tong Che's new boss?

No problem, full marks for logic.

Tong Che didn't say anything, just rubbed against Mu Hanfeng's neck like a kitten,

"It's no use just rubbing against me," Mu Hanfeng said as he leaned in close to his ear and "abused his personal rights," "Let the new boss bite you tonight, okay?"

Tong Che felt hot all over, but he obediently agreed, "Okay."

But at night, Mu Hanfeng did not exercise his personal rights straight away. He promised Tong Che that he would tell him all his family matters, so he wouldn't hide them anymore.

The two of them took showers one after another. Tong Che sat cross-legged on the bed. Mu Hanfeng sat behind him, his long legs spread out on either side. While taking a towel to wipe his hair, he started talking, "Tong Tong, do you still remember the Xiao Jie from the escape room before?"

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