As if he had not expected Mu Hanfeng to suddenly mention this, Tong Che was stunned for a moment and then quickly responded, "I remember!"

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Of course, Tong Che remembered the boy in the secret room, Xiao Jie, who could scare him to the point of explosion but could also make him empathize with him.

Mu Hanfeng asked in a low voice, "Do you still remember his family background?"

Tong Che nodded his head without hesitation.

Jie's father had cheated when he was five years old because he had a better pheromone match with a so-called third party, and his own mother had hanged herself because of it.

Afterwards, his father got a new house and brought home his lover and their daughter.

Jie was the only person left out of the family of three.

Tong Che ran through the background of this story in his own mind, and his eyebrows twitched.

He suddenly turned to Mu Hanfeng and opened his mouth, "Teacher Mu, you..."

Mu Hanfeng said in a relaxed tone, interrupting Tong Che's words and tugging at the corners of his lips. "I was able to guess that story so accurately at that time, not all because of my strong reasoning ability."

Tong Che understood this sentence.

It wasn't all because of his strong reasoning ability, but also because he had had a similar experience to Jie, so that he could guess so accurately.

Tong Che subconsciously clenched his fist.

So, the dream he had at that time was really true?

In the dream, Mu Hanfeng had a hypocritical stepmother and a disgusting brother.

Tong Che lowered his eyelashes and pursed his lower lip.

His heart suddenly felt very stuffy, like a huge boulder was pressing down on him, making him unable to catch his breath.

Mu Hanfeng couldn't help but laugh at Tong Che's appearance and raised his hand to rub the corner of the soft lips with his thumb. "Kitten, I've just started and you're already crying. How can I go on? "

Tong Che abruptly raised his eyes and looked Mu Hanfeng in the eyes, his tone a rare stubbornness, "It doesn't matter whether I want to cry or not.I want to talk, I want to hear everything! "

Mu Hanfeng was stunned, and then he threw the towel he was using to wipe his hair aside. He wrapped his arms around Tong Che's waist, saying in a gentle voice, "Okay, let’s lie down and talk."

Tong Che's earlier momentum was instantly destroyed by the sudden change of movement and Mu Hanfeng's word.

He arched into Mu Hanfeng's arms again and gave a muffled "mmm."

Mu Hanfeng gently rubbed the back of Tong Che's head and changed the subject, "My family situation was indeed very similar to Xiao Jie's, but not exactly the same. I don't know if I'm more lucky or unlucky to be like this. "

Mu Hanfeng spoke slowly.

The biggest difference between him and Jie was that Jie had enjoyed the love of his biological mother for five years, while he had only had it for less than a month.

Mu Hanfeng himself could not tell which was more unfortunate, having had and losing, or never having had.

"Mu Yang," Mu Hanfeng said, not wanting to recognize such a man as his father and calling him by his first name, "is even worse than Jie's father. He cheated while my mother was pregnant with me."

Mu Yang, and Mu Hanfeng's biological mother, Shen Yun, were university students.

The Shen family was a scholarly family, and Shen Yun was a purely family woman; a well-behaved omega who never had a relationship until she went to university.

She had never even been in love until she went to university and met Mu Yang.

At that time, Mu Yang, the youngest son of the Mu family, was an outstanding and good-looking alpha.

When the two of them met and fell in love, it was a perfect match made in heaven.

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At that time, they were so young and in love that physical issues such as pheromone compatibility were never on their minds.

It wasn't until they graduated from university, when they both met each other's parents and decided to get married, that they found the pre-marital medical examination, pheromone fit, was a default item.

It was only then that Mu Yang and Shen Yun realised that their pheromone compatibility was only 60.

60 was a passing mark, which was good enough for two people not to get bored with each other's pheromones, but not enough for them to fall in love.

But at that time, Mu Yang and Shen Yun were happy about it.

What does it say about their love for each other despite the low 60 degree of compatibility?

That their true love wasn't about pheromones!

The doctor who examined them at the time politely warned them that only two people with a pheromone compatibility level of 80 or above would choose to get married. He explained that in their case, it was rare and perhaps more likely that they would face the risk of their love fading and thus a crisis in their marriage.

But, unsurprisingly, the two of them did not listen to this and chose to get married without a second thought.

But it was not long after the marriage that problems began to surface.

The problems were mainly in two areas.

On the one hand, Shen Yun's character dictated that she could not fit into this so-called wealthy family.

She was a quiet person who had only enjoyed reading since childhood and had a head full of romantic ideas.

She never fell in love with Mu Yang because of his family background.

But marriage and love are different after all. When you are in love, you don't need to face the complications, but when you are married, you have to face them.

As time went on, Shen Yun felt bored, and Mu Yang, who at first used to coax her, gradually felt that she was too immature and could not help him at all, and he always needed to work hard to coax her. Over time, he felt tired.

On the other hand, when the relationship began to fade, the pheromone level was not high enough, which gradually led to less harmonious sex life.

The process of marking is more painful when the pheromone level is not high enough.

In the past, when they were in love, they liked each other and felt content with the pain.

But after a long time of marriage, one person was not willing to put up with it, and the other became ruder and ruder.

But even with such an unpleasant experience, Shen Yun still became pregnant.

During that time, Mu Yang was already in charge of the Mu family.

Mu Yang was busy at work every day, socializing all the time and not coming home every day. When he did come home, he smelled of alcohol and perfume.

Shen Yun was heartbroken, but there was nothing else to do but stay at home and nurse her baby, reminiscing about the love they once shared.

She pinned all her hopes on the baby in her belly, delusional that this "crystal of love" would be able to revive their love.

After ten months, it was finally time for labor, and the child was born smoothly.

The baby, naturally, was Mu Hanfeng.

Shen Yun was overjoyed and looked forward to Mu Yang's return, hoping that their family of three would become happy and loving again.

However, Mu Yang disappeared again after showing his face on the day Mu Hanfeng was born.

Shen Yun suffered from post-natal depression as a result of her emotional ups and downs.

She had no desire to take care of Mu Hanfeng, who had just been born, and spent her days in tears, waiting like a madwoman for Mu Yang to come home.

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Finally, one night, she waited for Mu Yang to return as usual.

But it was not Mu Yang alone; he came with another woman named Qin Wan.

Mu Yang brought her home in a grand manner. The two of them were inseparable and seemed to be in love with each other.

Later, Shen Yun heard that Qin Wan and Mu Yang have a pheromone compatibility of 90.

She could not take it any longer and had a complete emotional breakdown before finally choosing to commit suicide.

At that time, Mu Hanfeng was only 17 days old, not even a month old.

When Mu Hanfeng was telling this story, his tone was very light, and one could not hear any emotion, as if he was telling someone else's story.

However, Tong Che felt like his heart was being clutched by a big hand and pulled into a ball.

He dug into Mu Hanfeng's arms again, as if he wanted to merge his whole body with Mu Hanfeng's, leaving no gaps.

After a long period of silence, Tong Che thought of something and asked in a hoarse voice, "Then when did you... when did you know about this?"

When Mu Hanfeng's mother died, he was not even a month old, so naturally he would not have any memory.

When Tong Che asked this question, he had not thought that the knife stuck in his heart would be stabbed even deeper.

Mu Hanfeng paused, and his tone, which had been indifferent, finally had a slight rise and fall. He smiled bitterly and said, "I was 18 the day after my coming-of-age ceremony."

Tong Che's breath suddenly tightened, and he swallowed subconsciously as he listened to Mu Hanfeng's further words.

Mu Hanfeng hugged Tong Che a little tighter and then began, "Before that, I had always accepted that my mother died because she had a difficult time giving birth to me. So I didn't have much animosity towards Qin Wan. "

Because he thought of Qin Wan as the wife Mu Yang had fallen in love with again after his mother's death.

And Qin Wan's son, his so-called younger brother, who is now said to be in hospital, was five years younger than him.

As to why he was born five years after him, Mu Hanfeng did not know until he was 18.

That's because Mu Yang married Qin Wan less than half a year after Shen Yun's death.

At this point, Mu Hanfeng's lips curved in a mocking manner, "Do you think he's ridiculous?"

He was the one who kept saying that she was his true love, but he was also the one who cheated on his "true love" during her pregnancy and married a new woman less than six months after her death.

"It's not... it's not ridiculous," Tong Che said, his heart aching so much that his voice trembled, and he gritted his teeth. "It's abominable!"

Mu Hanfeng lowered his head and kissed Tong Che's ear, then said, "Because of this, my grandfather made a rule for him at that time: he could marry if he wanted to, but he was not allowed to leave his children behind."

This was probably the only benefit that a grandfather could get for his "proper" grandson, Mu Hanfeng.

However, almost five years later, when Grandfather Mu passed away due to illness, this rule was no longer valid.

So, Qin Wan finally gave birth to a son, as she had wished.

Before the age of five, Mu Hanfeng was too young to remember much about that time, but as he grew older, his memories became more and more profound.

Before the age of 18, every day that he remembered was not happy, but it was not painful either. This was not because Mu Yang and Qin Wan had been kind to him, but because he had never had any expectations from the beginning.

Just like when he saw Jie in the secret room not arguing or communicating, Mu Hanfeng never complained about the obvious inequality of treatment between him and his so-called brother.

When he was a child, he did not have the toys and games that his brother had; when he was a teenager, he did not have all the designer clothes and shoes that his brother had; his brother's pocket money was more than ten times that of his.

In all the social occasions of the family, only the younger brother appeared, not him.

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Before he turned 18, apart from living in a large villa, Mu Hanfeng did not look like a young master of a wealthy family.

Even his coming of age celebration at the age of 18 was a casual dinner out with his classmates, whom he had a good relationship with at the time, and that was the end of it.

In all of this, Mu Hanfeng never felt sorry for himself.

Because he felt that he was born inferior, he was born without a mother, was born into that family of three, and was an insignificant person.

Although the situation was not exactly the same, Tong Che could relate to such thoughts all too well.

He understood everything and could even picture little Mu Hanfeng in his mind, so he just hugged him even harder.

It was as if he was hugging the ten or twenty years younger Mu Hanfeng.

Mu Hanfeng's chin rested on the top of Tong Che's hair, lightly rubbing it twice before suddenly turning to say, "But it wasn't until the day after I became an adult that Uncle Hui suddenly gave me a small box with a lock, saying that my grandfather had entrusted it to him before he died and asked him to pass it on to me when I became an adult."

Tong Che froze for a moment, vaguely thinking that he understood something, and he subconsciously held his breath.

As expected, Mu Hanfeng's next sentence was, "That's when I learned the truth, that box, so to speak, turned my life around."

The box was opened, and on the top was a letter that his grandfather had written before he died, telling him the whole truth and also telling him that he had left behind two people who were worthy of his trust and that he could go to them if he needed to.

Mu Hanfeng could understand why his grandfather had to wait until he was an adult before letting him know the truth.

After all, there was very little that a minor could do, and even if he knew, it would only add to the hatred and pain.

But even though he understood, he was still so distraught that he was sick for half a month.

What being born inferior? What not being entitled to equality? What being insignificant? It was all fucking bullshit!

He was the rightful young master of the Mu family, and his mother had been killed by Mu Yang and Qin Wan!

Bringing this up again after many years, Mu Hanfeng has long since lost the shock and excitement he had when he saw the letter. He just closed his eyes and let out the sullen anger that was inevitably aroused.

But when Tong Che heard this, he felt that he could not breathe anymore. He buried his head in Mu Hanfeng's chest and bit his lower lip, but he could not hold back his sobs.

Other people's coming of age ceremonies were filled with flowers and a lot of light.

But Mu Hanfeng's was a paper of absurd truths, a heartbreak that can't be healed, and an unknown tomorrow that is lonely and helpless.

Even now, just listening to it and thinking about it, Tong Che found it hard to breathe.

So how did Mu Hanfeng, who was in the middle of it all, get through it step by step?

"Don't cry, kitten," Mu Hanfeng said, "don't bite your lip, it hurts to see you cry."

When Tong Che couldn't hold it down any longer, he suddenly raised his head and said loudly, "I'm hurt too! It hurts like hell!"Mu

Hanfeng was stunned for a moment, the expression in his eyes softened. He lowered his head and touched his lips to Tong Che's cheek, bit by bit, kissing away the tears on his face as gently as he could. "Be good. I am not telling you this to make you cry. Besides, isn’t it all in the past now?

Tong Che took two deep breaths, clinging firmly to Mu Hanfeng as he asked, "What happened afterwards?"

"Afterwards," Mu Hanfeng smiled, "I went to find the two people I could trust, as mentioned in my grandfather's letter."

Before that time, Mu Hanfeng had tacitly acknowledged that everything in the Mu family should be inherited by his so-called brother.

But when the truth was known, Mu Hanfeng recovered from his illness and made up his mind to take back what was rightfully his.

He had followed his mother's lead in this area and did not like to deal with the business world. Nor did he have any interest in the Mu family's assets or the status of the Mu family.

But these things were his. Even if it wasn’t his Alpha nature, he would still not give them away.

Especially not to the people who hurt his mother and hurt him.

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Fortunately, although he did not like the business world, it did not mean that he did not have talent in this area. On the contrary, he was a very talented, decisive, and natural businessman.

With the help of the people his grandfather left to him and his own hard work, Mu Hanfeng managed to build a promising personal business in four years. But obviously, he was not strong enough to take on Mu Yang at that time.

In the end, it was Mu Yang who took himself down.

There are many people in business who, for their own benefit, will inevitably try to exploit legal loopholes.

In particular, the bigger the business, the bigger the loophole.

Of course, Mu Yang was one of them.

In fact, when it came to Mu Yang's position, as long as it was not too excessive, most of the people involved would just turn a blind eye to it. After all, it was mutually beneficial.

However, Mu Hanfeng was able to pull out evidence that was enough to hit Mu Yang in one blow, making it impossible for the relevant officers to turn a blind eye to the situation and for Mu Yang to be brought to justice.

"Then he is now..." Tong Che calmed down a bit. He closed his eyes and asked softly, "Is he still in prison?"

Mu Hanfeng said, "hmmm," the bottom of his eyes were cold, "He was sentenced to fourteen years at that time, but he managed to get it reduced to ten years by himself. He still has six years left."

Tong Che was relieved that the current Mu Hanfeng could not be influenced by him anymore, let alone six years later.

He didn't get an answer from Tong Che, and he couldn't help but feel a little uneasiness in his heart. He laughed at himself, "So, in fact, what Qin Wan said today is not entirely wrong. I am indeed unfeeling, cold-blooded, and ruthless. Tong Tong, are you afraid of me? "

In the last sentence, Mu Hanfeng's question was very deep and profound, and even the hand that was clasped around Tong Che's waist subconsciously increased in strength.

Tong Che finally understood why Mu Hanfeng had asked him in the secret room whether he would find Xiao Jie scary.

But what was so scary about it?

The terrifying ones are clearly Mu Yang and Qin Wan!

Tong Che came back to his senses and looked up at Mu Hanfeng, only to see the dark uneasiness and paranoia in his eyes. He couldn't help but raise his brows. His tone was sonorous and powerful, "I didn't answer at that time, not because I was afraid, but because people like Mu Yang are not worthy of being a father at all! Besides, I also said during the day that I would not allow you to listen to that Qin Wan's nonsense. You are obviously so good. Didn't you promise that you would listen only to me? "

Mu Hanfeng looked at Tong Che, whose face was still covered in tears but who had suddenly become angry and fierce, and the last trace of anxiety that had lain in his heart finally dissipated.

His eyebrows relaxed and he rubbed Tong Che's forehead, coaxing him softly, "Well, it's because I asked the wrong question, but I believe only you and will only listen to you."

He went on to talk about the rest of the story.

The year Mu Yang went to prison, he had only just turned twenty-two, and his so-called brother was still a minor.

Even if Qin Wan had wanted to help her own son become the head of the family, she was not in a position to do so.

Mu Hanfeng had no intention of becoming the head of the Mu family; he simply took back the part that was originally his and consolidated his business to make it more secure.

At the same time, of course, he took away all the glory and wealth from Qin Wan and her son, and gave them an ordinary house in the suburbs of Yangcheng. Mu Hanfeng believed that he had done his best.

As for how they would live and what they would become in the future, it had nothing to do with him.

Of course, during these five years, Qin Wan tried every possible way to get in touch with him. She had exhausted all means, but still could not get in touch with him and could not get a single penny from him.

That's why Qin Wan made the scene today.

“It's right not to pay and not to get in touch with them!" Tong Che was so angry at hearing this that he even scolded in a rare way, "Qin Wan is really, really shameless!"

Hearing the little omega swear at someone, Mu Hanfeng felt fresh. He smiled and lowered his head, giving Tong Che a kiss on the cheek. "Little cat, how can you be so cute even when you scold people?"

The puffed-up Tong Che was blushing in anger and scolded him, "No... weren't we talking about serious business?"

"Do they deserve to be called "serious business?" Mu Hanfeng snorted and kissed Tong Che on the other side of his cheek. His tone turned gentle and serious, "Kitten, remember, my business is you and only with you."

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