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The live broadcast, unsurprisingly, was on Mu Hanfeng's Weibo live stream.

He very rarely sent out a notice on Weibo two days in advance.

At first glance, Mu Hanfeng's fans were stunned when they saw the notification:

"What? Grandma, your favourite movie star is going to broadcast live!"

"The God of Ice" is going to broadcast live? He's not recording a show, but he's actively liveblogging? I must still be dreaming! "

"WTF, is it April Fool's Day? If my husband is really going to live, I'm going to be an A turned to O on the spot! "

But after everyone took a closer look at Mu Hanfeng's Weibo post and saw the words "together with Tong Tong", they all laid back and calmed down, and the picture became unusually harmonious.

"Oh, so it's with Che Che. That's not surprising. If these two slap a marriage certificate in my face, I can't even "wow" them.”

“Together with my mind becomes; Together with my adoring wife! I must be crazy. Who dares to believe that I was a fan of an "Ice God" a month ago? "

"Hahahahaha join the queue! A month ago, I was raising the banner of "Don’t take our Che Che, only Che Che is beautiful," but now, mum is blessing them into a live broadcast!"

"Hahaha the sisters upstairs are so real!".

One has to say, the power of subtle influence is really powerful...

It is also because of this foundation that Mu Hanfeng dared to be so blatantly a rascal today.

If not, he would have thought about Tong Che even if he didn't care about himself.

Of course, there is another objective reason for this rogue act.

Last night, the two of them didn't hold back too much, and now Tong Che is, needless to say, wearing glandular patches on the back of his neck, and the front of his collarbone is covered with light pink strawberry marks down to his chest.

He can't cover up with his own clothes, except for the turtleneck jumper.

But the room was centrally air-conditioned, and it was too hot to wear a turtleneck.

So Mu Hanfeng, half selfish and half based on the actual situation, gave one of his own shirts to Tong Che to wear.

The moment they saw the two of them appear, the pop-ups exploded, and the amazing thing is that people started screaming "couple's clothes" and "boyfriend shirts," but slowly turned into,

"What boyfriend shirt? It's a brother's shirt! "

"Yes, the brother lent his shirt to the brother. And even decided to put on one that is similar. What a good "brother"! I even believed it myself! "

"Hahahahaha. The sisters upstairs are so talented that I burst out laughing. "

"Next, please enjoy a poem recitation: "A "Brotherly" Love that Moves Heaven and Earth !"

“Which bookstore can I buy that sister’s book on brotherhood?!"


This was such a strange development that Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

The two of them greeted the camera briefly, and Mu Hanfeng's tone was relaxed, with a casual chat, "It's my first live broadcast. I don't know what I'm going to do, so what do you guys suggest?"

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The pop-up screen immediately brushed up:

"Ask Che Che! Che-Che has experience! "

“Give him a kiss! One kiss, only one kiss! “

“Yes kisses...but generally speaking, our suggestion is to undress and show off your abs on this live broadcast. "

I've watched a lot of live streams, so I'll say it! It's not enough to show off your abs; you usually have to do an ab dance. "

"What's an abs dance?"

I want to see Che-Che and Ice God sing "Zealot"!! "

"I want to see Prince Che acting coquettish towards Emperor Mu!"

Bite the neck, bite the neck!"......

The pop-ups were flying, and Mu Hanfeng was quick to reply.

“Tong Tong has experience? No, he is very pure.

"Forget about the kiss; good brothers don't kiss.""

“Want to see my abs? I’ll think about it, but my abs are only for Tong Tong to see. "

"A chorus of Zealot can be considered."

"Want to see Tong Tong acting coquettish? This netizen, your thoughts are very dangerous. Do you still want your eyes and ears?"

"Biting the neck... is that because you want my live stream to be permanently blocked?"

After one round, Tong Che was already so embarrassed that the tips of his ears were red.

This... these fans, as well as Mu Hanfeng...

They really dared to say such and answer at the same time!

The pop-ups exploded even more, with most of them sighing that they had never heard Mu Hanfeng say so much in the five years they had been fans of him.

And soon, the sharp-eyed netizens spotted the tips of Tong Che's red and flushed ears.

Tong Che was so embarrassed that he ran his fingers through his hair at the temples of his ears. He tensed the corners of his lips and said unnaturally, "It's just that the room is too hot."

The pop-ups immediately "helped" fill in the blanks for him.

Yeah, yeah, we know. You're right, it's just too hot. It's not that you're shy. "

Tong Che: "... "

Argh! This class of netizens is so annoying!

Mu Hanfeng held back his laughter and suddenly got up, "You broadcast first, I'll go get a drink."

Tong Che nodded and resumed his normal business state, casually scratching his hair and pulling the topic away, "I feel like my hair has grown. It hasn't been fixed for almost a month. I'm wondering if I should dye it a different colour next time."

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The pop-ups all responded back to him in kind.

"Dye dye! Che-Che’s skin is white; any colour looks good! "

"It's winter, you can dye it a warm colour!"

"Od mothers are so worried. I feel like it hurts the body to dye the hair a lot."

You can use the Ice God to color it! Couple with dyed hair!"

“What are you talking about? It's called "brothers dyeing their hair."

Tong Che couldn't help but smile, showing the little dimples at the corners of his lips as he casually responded, "It's not good to dye your hair often, but I don't really do it often. I've been having this light blonde for about half a year. Getting a nice warm colour. I'll think about it. As for pulling in Mr. Mu... "

When he said this, Tong Che's cheeks burned again, and there was a slight pause before he continued, I can't imagine what it would be like for Mr. Mu to dye his hair any other color, but I feel that his own black hair is very suitable.

Just as he finished saying this, Mu Hanfeng returned with two bottles of drinks.

He listened to the general idea and casually asked, "What's appropriate?"

Tong Che was about to tell him when he saw the pop-ups flashing-

"Repeat after mum, say "We're a perfect fit!""

"Read it out, and answer like that, Che Che!"

Tong Che hesitated for a moment, looked up at Mu Hanfeng, pursed his lips with a red face, and actually said, "It's just that... we're perfect for each other."

Mu Hanfeng froze for a moment, guessing that Tong Che was reading from the pop-up screen, but he didn't expose him. He just half-heartedly smiled and responded, "Of course, that's right, the FengChe CP is the best match."

The screen was filled with groundhogs racing high.

Mu Hanfeng sat down and moved naturally to open a can of room temperature Wang Chai milk in his hand and handed it to Tong Che. He was drinking a chilled oolong peach tea himself.

Tong Che reluctantly squeezed the little red can. Who wants to drink milk? His cool little prince persona has collapsed!

As a matter of fact, the fans in the live stream were complimenting him on his cuteness and teasing him with what he had just said to Mu Hanfeng: "The little prince of milk and Wan Chai milk are also very perfect for each other!

Tong Che turned his head to Mu Hanfeng in exasperation and made a plea, "I want to switch with you."

Mu Hanfeng shook his head and shook the drink in his hand, showing Tong Che the layer of moisture on top. "This one is too cold. I just found that one can of Wan Chai left at room temperature."

Tong Che was uncompromising and held up two fingers, "Just two sips!"

The corners of Mu Hanfeng's mouth were filled with a smile as he reached out and pressed down on one of his fingers, "Only one sip is allowed."

Mu Hanfeng stepped back a little, and Tong Che was about to take the drink from his hand, but Mu Hanfeng stepped back a little.

Tong Che looked at him in confusion and blinked his eyes.

Mu Hanfeng smiled and suddenly snapped the phone screen down, "It's too cold. Teacher Mu will warm it up and then give it to you."

Warm it? How will he warm it up?

Tong Che was still puzzled when he saw Mu Hanfeng unscrew the cap of the bottle with one hand and take a sip himself, but instead of swallowing it, he suddenly approached him and pressed it against his lips!

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Tong Che subconsciously opened his mouth in response and let Mu Hanfeng bring the "warm" cold drink to his mouth-to-mouth.

Mu Hanfeng's eyes were full of laughter, and he gently sipped on Tong Che's lips again before he straightened up.

The air seemed to turn into the smell of oolong peach.

It was clear that what he drank was cold, but Tong Che felt that his whole body was even hotter!

Until Mu Hanfeng put the phone upright again, Tong Che still didn't regain his senses.

The pop-ups were even more explosive than before...

"Ma! The screen suddenly went black just now. I thought it was because my internet was down. "

"+1, I was about to check the internet connection when I heard a sucking sound..."

“So it was what I thought it was! Che-Che’s lips are so red...[hiss] "

“Was it a kiss? A kiss? Why don't you let us watch and cheer? "

"The Ice God is actually like this! I was so naive that I thought he was holding it in his hand and warming it up! "

“What are the sisters upstairs thinking? Of course, he was warming it in his hand! Our Ice God loves his "brother" so much! "

"Oh my god, such a touching "brotherly" love!"

Tong Che hurriedly scanned the pop-ups twice, and then he couldn't go on any more, so he hung his head in embarrassment.

The netizens once again found a shocking spot!

The back of Tong Che's neck, which had been completely covered by his collar, was now exposed because of his movements.

“ I'm blind! What is that sky blue cat's head? "

“An omega who doesn't know a glandular patch is not a good CP fan [kneeling]”

"So you two have already had the biting of the neck. Please get married where you are! "

“Civil Affairs Bureau: I'm not invited!" "

Once upon a time, there was an Omega brother who suddenly went into heat and forgot his suppressant, at which point his Alpha brother, out of protection for his brother, temporarily bit him." And then he put on a glandular patch! Is there anything wrong with that? Not at all! "

"Hit the public screen on I believe!"

"Am I the only one who's concerned that Prince Che-Che is putting up such a cute gland sticker?"


Although there were a lot of pop-ups, it only took a second to brush through them, and Tong Che hadn't raised his head yet, so naturally he didn't see it.

He only felt a slightly cool hand on the back of his neck, which covered the location of his glands and gently touched them twice before tugging the collar of his shirt upwards with force.

Then he heard Mu Hanfeng's voice ringing in his ears, still slow and deliberate: "What glandular sticker? It's just a cat head sticker. Our Tong Tong likes it and is just sticking it on for fun. "

Tong Che finally reacted, and he became even more uncomfortable. He reached out to pull his collar, but before he could move, the back of his hand was soothed by two pats from Mu Hanfeng.

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Mu Hanfeng pretended not to see the dense follow up, his tone naturally changed the topic. "There are still ten minutes left. Let's talk about something else."

Everyone hurriedly began something else because the time spent watching idols' live streams was valuable.

The topic was finally normalized, so Tong Che was relieved and cooperated with Mu Hanfeng, picking out the pop-ups to answer.

Tong Che: "What will you do after recording the variety show? After the recording, I should take a week to shoot the Solace commercial first. After that, I haven't really thought about it yet.”

Mu Hanfeng asked, "Are you going to take on a new drama early next year? If there's a script I like, I'll take it. "

Tong Che: "Is the future direction singing or acting? I'd rather focus on acting. "

Mu Hanfeng: "Would you consider working with Prince Che? Of course, being able to act with Tong Che is one of my wishes for the end of this year. "

Tong Che: "It's almost New Year's Day. How does Prince Che-Che plan to cross the New Year?"

Reading this entry, Tong Che couldn't help but pause.

In previous years, he had always done his New Year's Eve when he had work, and stayed home alone when he didn't have work.

As for this year...

Tong Che subconsciously tilted his head and glanced at Mu Hanfeng, then turned back quickly. He was about to reply, "I haven't thought about it yet," when he heard Mu Hanfeng say, "Of course, I'll be with you."

And then he was happy again. He nodded and repeated it generously, "Well, I will be celebrating New Year's Eve with Teacher Mu."

As they watched the pop-ups drift away from the groundhog's scream and towards "good brothers should spend New Year's Eve together," both of them couldn't hold back their laughter.

After a brief Q&A session, Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng sang "Zealot" together in the last five minutes at the suggestion of their fans.

This song, which Mu Hanfeng had previously sung to Tong Che alone, and the two of them singing it together now, each had their own flavour, which was very charming.

The live broadcast room was quiet during the song, and only after the last line of the song was over did it boil up again, exclaiming, "This is the FengChe CP’s love song!"

Immediately, someone else said

"Yes! As we all know, "Zealot" is a song that celebrates true "brotherhood" by willingly protecting each other and fighting for each other! Everyone is welcome to enjoy it! "

Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng: ".."

It didn't have to be such an exaggeration.

So the live broadcast ended and the two were, unsurprisingly, at the top of the hot search again, with a strange tag –

#” Did you try to block the door for the FenChe CP today?" #

That night, the six guests, together with Wang Qi and the relevant staff of the show, changed to a new location together again.

Arriving off the bus, all six were stunned, as this time it no longer had amusement properties like the previous resort, Scream Valley, and there were no big villas.

In front of them was just a small, four-storey building with white walls and a red roof. The walls were already peeling a little, showing a sense of age.

Above the door, a row of large stamped gold letters, equally outdated-

"Yangcheng Love Activity Centre."

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