Wang Qi looked at the six people, smiled, and asked, "Do you know this place?"

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"The Public Welfare Centre?" Yin Lan quickly answered.

"Something like that, "Wang Qi responded, "There's a children's home, a stray pet shelter, and a love radio station of sorts."

Mu Hanfeng's eyes twitched the moment he heard the word "Love Radio," and he subconsciously repeated, "Love Radio?"

"Yes," Wang Qi explained simply, "it's a public service. The main purpose is to transmit warmth through sound."

Mu Hanfeng said, "oh," his eyes dropping as he unconsciously remembered the radio station he had once listened to.

It was six years ago, on his twenty-second birthday.

At that time, his life had actually settled down, Mu Yang was in prison, Qin Wan's mother and son had been unilaterally cut off from him, his own business was going well, and he had found a subordinate worthy of trusting to manage the company for him.

But he was still not happy. He still had insomnia at night, and when he did fall asleep, he would have nightmares.

He still had to face the unpleasant birthday alone.

Mu Hanfeng remembered that he had lain in bed for a long time that day, tossing and turning, but he could not sleep. Later, he was bored and turned on his phone. For some reason, he swiped this love radio station and clicked on it.

At that time, he had a lot of anger and resentment pent up in his heart, and he originally did not care about such things because he felt that nothing could heal him anymore.

However, the moment the singing sounded in his headphones, Mu Hanfeng was still stunned, his finger hovering over the screen for a long time.

Coincidentally, an English song called 'Ocean' was playing on the radio, with a soothing and gentle melody.

The singer had a cold and ethereal teenage voice, without any soundtrack, just singing, but it easily caught his ears and soothed his depressed heart.

As Wang Qi said, the main purpose of this radio station was to send warmth through the voice, so after the song, the boy even said a word of encouragement.

After that, the radio station changed and played something else.

Mu Hanfeng, however, froze for a long time because of those words.

It was not because he was encouraged, but because he suddenly remembered that a few years earlier he had used the same words to encourage another person.

Later, Mu Hanfeng played back the radio station and recorded the song the boy had sung, playing it on a loop and gradually falling asleep to the cool voice.

That was the first time since he became an adult that he had fallen asleep without taking sleeping pills.

It was also the only time he did before he met Tong Che.

For a long time after that, he listened to that radio station every night, but he never heard the same sound again.

The thought that had risen and been suppressed rose again at this moment, and Mu Hanfeng could not help but turn his head and look at Tong Che.

Noticing his gaze, Tong Che turned his head and smiled at him.

Mu Hanfeng opened his mouth, "Tong Che, you..."

"Okay," Wang Qi, who clapped his hands, interrupted him and said, "There should be staff waiting for us inside. Let's go in now bah! "

After saying that, he turned around and walked forward, and everyone followed suit.

Tong Che and Mu Han Feng fell at the end, and Tong Che asked him, "Teacher Mu, what did you want to say?"

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"Nothing," Mu Hanfeng said casually, "just asking if you were hungry."

Tong Che shook his head and said, "Fortunately, I ate a lot this afternoon. Are you hungry? "

Mu Hanfeng then said, "I'm fine too."

It was rare for him to think that being interrupted by Wang Qi was a good thing; he had been impulsive earlier, and now that he thought about it, he shouldn't have been so rash.

If the boy hadn't been Tong Che, it wouldn't have mattered, it would have been just an experience, and it would have been fine to talk about it.

But if it was...

Mu Hanfeng wasn't sure if Tong Che was ready to tell him all about his past.

Mu Hanfeng both hoped that Tong Che was and hoped that he was not.

He hoped that he was, because he thought it would be a good thing if there was still such a bond between them; but he hoped that he was not, because he sincerely hoped that Tong Che would be happier than that boy when he was a teenager.

When the group entered the building, there was a middle-aged man, a kindly-looking Beta, standing at the door.

He greeted everyone cheerfully, "Hello, I am Zhao Li, the head of the Yangcheng Love Activity Centre, and I am very pleased to welcome you all on this occasion."

"Hello," Wang Qi responded politely, "It's also an honour for our program team to have the opportunity to participate in Yangcheng City's charity work."

They exchanged pleasantries before Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng entered.

When Zhao Li saw Tong Che, he visibly froze for a moment and sounded surprised, "Xiao Che?"

At his voice, everyone froze, especially Mu Hanfeng, who abruptly inclined his head to look at Tong Che.

"Hello, Uncle Li," Tong Che said softly. "It's been a while."

"You child," Zhao Li snapped, "Why didn't you tell Uncle Li before you came?"

Tong Che explained, "I didn't know I was coming here beforehand. I only found out when I got out of the car. "

Wang Qi came back to his senses and also added, "Yes, every time the recording location is kept secret from them beforehand, it's more fresh."

Having said that, he asked again, "You used to know Xiao Che?"

"Of course we knew each other," replied Zhao Li with a smile, "I was watching..."

"Yes," Tong Che suddenly interrupted, saying lightly, "I used to come and help out."

Zhao Li was stunned and quickly reacted, only thinking that Tong Che was recording a program and was not comfortable letting people know, so he went along with his words, "Xiao Che does come often; the children in the orphanage love him."

Wang Qi understood and didn't think much of it, "so Xiao Che has been doing charity work."

"Not really doing charity work," Tong Che smiled with a bit of a blush, "just helping out in whatever way I can."

After chatting for a few more minutes, Zhao Li led everyone upstairs, saying, "The conditions here are not good, so we can only work hard for you to stay in the multi-person dormitory."

Everyone hurriedly waved their hands, "It's not hard, it's not hard."

Together they went up to the top floor, where Zhao Li opened two rooms, "You guys take a look first, and if you need anything, just ask me."

Wang Qi led the way into one of the rooms.

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This large room was partitioned into three small rooms, each with a set of bunk beds and a small bathroom, just enough to accommodate six people.

Wang Qi then turned to Tong Che and the others and said, " Is it a problem for the six of you to stay in this room?"

Everyone saw the structure inside and shook their heads, "No problem."

Wang Qi was satisfied that he had chosen this place for the final week of the variety show, partly because he was involved in a public welfare cause, and partly because the guests were not picky people who played big names.

Otherwise, if there were some of the other artists nowadays, they would definitely be picky about the environment.

"Then contact me if there's anything. We'll meet on the ground floor at nine o’clock in the morning. "

Wang Qi gave two more explanations, greeted Zhao Li and led the staff into another room next to him.

Before Zhao Li left, he said to Tong Che again, "Xiao Che, you are familiar with this side. Take care of your colleagues more."

"I know," Tong Che nodded his head in response, "Don't worry."

Only then did Zhao Li leave, and as soon as he left, Yin Lan immediately boasted, "Wow, Xiao Che, you're really beautiful, no, handsome and kind-hearted!"

Mi Beibei also picked up on this, "Yes wow, brother Che, I can't believe you've come here so often before! If you're not recording variety shows in the future, you can call me and Sister Ningning if you want to come again! We can help too! "

Xiao Yao and Yin Lan also said, "And us! We can all come together in the future! "

Tong Che smiled, "No problem."

After they had said goodnight to each other, the six of them went into their respective cubicles in pairs.

When the door to the cubicle was closed, Tong Che looked at Mu Hanfeng and wanted to say something.

But before he could, Mu Hanfeng raised his hand and rubbed the top of his hair, saying in a warm voice, "It's late. Go and take a shower."

Tong Che paused, didn't say anything else, and opened his suitcase to take out the things he needed and went into the bathroom.

Although this was a dormitory, it was not as bad as Zhao Li said. The environment, naturally, cannot be compared to a hotel villa, but it was clean and tidy enough, and the toiletries were all complete.

Tong Che turned on the shower and was still a bit dazed as he adjusted the water temperature.

He had never thought that even a variety show could be recorded here.

Tong Che helplessly twitched the corners of his mouth and lowered his head to wet his hair. When he got out of the shower, he might just have had a showdown with Mu Hanfeng.

Teacher Mu had already told him about his family and his past, so there was nothing to be hypocritical about.

Thinking like this, Tong Che lowered his head subconsciously again, and turned around the silver bracelet on his left wrist that he had been wearing all year round.


Tong Che walked out of the bathroom after taking a shower, and heard a voice from the next compartment, "Brother Xiao, you slow down...". He was already familiar with this voice, and he abruptly paused in his steps.

How come he didn't realize when he was a kid that this place was so poorly soundproofed!

Mu Hanfeng had his headphones plugged in, and when he saw Tong Che's red cheeks, he quickly walked over and put a pair of soundproof earplugs into his ears.

Finally, he could not hear any strange noises, so Tong Che was relieved, but then he quickly realized that he could not talk to Mu Hanfeng in this situation!

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Mu Han Feng was also helpless, so he lowered his head and kissed the tip of Tong Che's ear, making a gesture and saying, "I'll take a shower first."

Tong Che nodded and staggered to let him enter the bathroom.

As Tong Che was casually swiping his phone, Mu Hanfeng had washed up and came out.

Usually, the two of them would have to have a little chat at this time, but now, just thinking about the next door, all thoughts were rested...

It was awkward, really awkward!

Mu Hanfeng sat on the bed, plugged in his earplugs and silently rubbed Tong Che's hair.

There was no option but to be silent. They couldn't hear each other even if they spoke.

After he finished drying his hair, Mu Hanfeng mouthed and asked Tong Che, "Want to sleep together?"

Tong Che lowered his head, looked at the 80 cm wide bed, and hesitantly said, "Is it possible..."

Mu Hanfeng was not sure, so he could only say, "Let's try."

So the two of them lay down on their sides, hugging each other. The Great Emperor Mu then accidentally moved back a little and almost fell off the bed...

Luckily, he reacted quickly and his leg went down first to support him.

As it turns out, being tall and having long legs isn't always good...

Unable to do anything but sit up again, Tong Che was about to say that he would go to the top bunk, when he realized something and paused. After a while, he couldn't help but raise his hand and point to the next cubicle, asking, "So they... how does it work?"

One Alpha and one Omega couldn't even do it, so how could the two Alphas next to them lie on the same bed and still do exercises in the process?

Mu Hanfeng paused for a beat, then reached out and gave Tong Che's cheek a gentle squeeze, and casually said, "They might not be in bed."

The words were so thought-provoking that Tong Che's entire body turned red.

He hurriedly stopped his messy thoughts and raised his hand to point to the top bunk again, "I'll sleep on top."

Mu Hanfeng didn't argue with him. After all, he was too tall and it would be really inconvenient to sleep on top. He nodded and found a tie from his suitcase and tied one end to his wrist.

When Tong Che climbed up to the top bunk and laid down, Mu Han Feng tied the other end of the tie around Tong Che's wrist.

Tong Che froze and blinked his eyes.

"If you can't sleep and want to find me," Mu Hanfeng said as he moved his hand to show him how to do it, "just pull the tie like this."

Tong Che curved his eyes and smiled, nodding vigorously.

The corners of Mu Han Feng's lips curled up, and he kissed Tong Che on the lips again before lying back down on the bunk.

The overhead light was turned off, and Tong Che turned on a small lamp that was embedded in the bed frame above his bed.

The lamp was small, and the light was weak, but it seemed warm.

He couldn't help but think that when he used to live here, if he had this bedside lamp, he probably wouldn't be afraid of not being able to sleep at night, and he wouldn't have had nightmares when he finally slept.

After almost ten years, he never thought that he would spend a night here again.

Although it was not the same room, Tong Che was inevitably reminded of his old memories.

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Not wanting to let himself get caught up in those memories of the past again, he looked at the tie on his wrist and couldn't help but give it a gentle tug.

The next second, he got a response, as Mu Han Feng also tugged a little.

The corners of Tong Che's lips lifted, and he tugged twice more, and soon, Mu Han Feng also tugged twice.

When Tong Che tugged three more times, Mu Hanfeng tugged three more times...

The two of them played this childish "tie play" as if they had found fun.

All the messy thoughts were left behind, and his whole heart was filled with Mu Hanfeng, who was sleeping on the bottom bunk at the moment.

In the lower bunk, feeling the force on his wrist become relaxed, Mu Hanfeng gently got up to take a look, confirming that Tong Che was already asleep, before he also laid down and closed his eyes.


Tong Che originally thought that since he suddenly returned to this environment, he would dream about the bad things from his past. But probably because of the tie, his dreams were filled with tie play!

All night long, Tong Che was blindfolded, his hands and feet tied up, and then he was bullied by Mu Han Feng like this, then that, and that!

When Tong Che woke up, it was no surprise that his underwear was wet again...

He was so embarrassed that his scalp tingled. He thought that Mu Hanfeng was still awake and tried to sneak out of bed to wash them, but as soon as he got out of bed, he saw Mu Hanfeng leaning on the head of the bed, staring at him with deep eyes.

Tong Che: "......"

He said, "Good morning," turned around, and slipped into the bathroom.

Mu Hanfeng also got out of bed. Like a big bad wolf, he followed behind his little white rabbit unhurriedly. Seeing that the little white rabbit had rushed into the bathroom and was about to close the door, he stretched out his hand against the door and squeezed sideways to go in.

The bathroom was already a small space, and now there were two people standing in it. Tong Che and Mu Han Feng were almost close together, their breaths entwined with each other, and they could clearly feel the changes in each other's bodies.

Tong Che's head was hanging down and his toes were curled in embarrassment, but Mu Hanfeng still teased him, asking him in a hoarse voice, "What did you dream about, kitten, getting so wet?"

How could Tong Che say it?

He shook his head and changed the subject very stiffly, "What time... what time is it?"

When Mu Hanfeng woke up, he just checked the time, so he answered directly, "It's just past seven, it's still very early."

After saying this, he bumped Tong Che forward, meaning to say, "Little cat, do you want to do something?"

Of course, Tong Che wanted to, but he was worried about the poor sound insulation.

When Mu Hanfeng saw his reaction, he understood, and after thinking about it, he simply reached out and turned on the shower.

The sound of the water was so loud that it seemed as if it drowned out all the charming noises.

Tong Che could no longer say no, his face was red and he buried his head in Mu Han Feng's neck, nodding lightly.

The corner of Mu Han Feng's lips hooked up. He took out his tie, clasped Tong Che's wrists together, tied them up and clipped them behind him.


The moment he was pinned against the wall, a shocking thought suddenly popped into Tong Che's head- Mr. was as if he knew what he was dreaming about!

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