This thought came out of nowhere, but soon, Tong Che didn't have the heart to think about it anymore.

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His body was picked up, and his legs were subconsciously wrapped around Mu Hanfeng's waist.

When he moved, the edge of the tie rubbed against the skin of his wrist bones, causing a slight pain, but at this moment, it undoubtedly evoked a different kind of excitement.

Mu Hanfeng took the other end of the tie and wrapped it around his shoulder.

The only thing he had on his upper body at the moment was this casual tie, but it looked more sexy than anything else, and it was sharply striking every nerve in Tong Che's body.

He licked the corner of his lips subconsciously, and Mu Hanfeng's kiss fell on his face. The kiss swept over his forehead, slid across the bridge of his nose and fell on his lips, grinding them together.

Perhaps it was the rising temperature of the water, or the fact that both of them were getting hotter, but steam was rising in the small space of the bathroom, as if the air was hot.

With the water spraying from the shower beside them, Mu Hanfeng's kiss slowly moved downwards and backwards, leaving a series of small peach marks on Tong Che's slender neck, and finally, his lips landed on the glands at the back of the neck, which were already visibly raised and red.


Tong Che raised his neck high, the legs wrapped around Mu Hanfeng’s waist unconsciously exerted force, and his toes also curled together.

The sounds of water, moans, and gasps mingled, the scent of the ocean and coconuts scattered in the humid air.

Another temporary mark ended, but this time, both of them felt that it wasn't enough and wanted more.

Mu Hanfeng reached out and wrapped his hand around the standing little Che.

Tong Che looked at Mu Hanfeng with wide eyes and said, "Teacher Mu, you..."

The softness of his voice tickled Mu Hanfeng's heart even more.

Mu Hanfeng moved his fingers and said, in a hoarse voice, "Say something else..."

It was as if a big cloud had been stuffed into Tong Che's head, floating lightly, and he cried out on instinct, "Brother."

The end of his voice sounded like coconut milk, sweet and tasty......

The result of this "brother" was that, once again, Tong Che’s arms and legs were sore and his body was weak...

He was pressed into bed by Mu Hanfeng to cut his nails.

Mu Hanfeng smacked his lips as he cut them, "What a cat, your nails are so sharp."

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Tong Che was embarrassed, and his eyes secretly glanced between Mu Hanfeng's legs, asking vaguely, "Does it hurt to scratch..."

Mu Hanfeng's hand, holding the nail clipper, paused. He lifted a hand to cover Tong Che's eyes and said, "It doesn't hurt, it's just ticklish. If you don't want to ask for leave, stop staring. "

Tong Che immediately withdrew his eyes and sat upright.

The meeting was at nine o'clock, and Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng left their cubicle ten minutes early.

At the entrance, they met up with Yin Lan, Xiao Yao, Mi Beibei, and Ning Ran.

As soon as he saw Yin Lan and Xiao Yao, Tong Che immediately recalled the voices he heard last night and was so embarrassed that his face turned red.

However, these two clueless Alpha's were oblivious and greeted them with a smile, "Good morning, duck friends!"

The six of them went downstairs together, and only when they reached the stairwell did they hear the sound of laughter and noise coming from downstairs.

"Wow," sighed Yin Lan, "this sounds like going back to my childhood."

Tong Che smiled and explained briefly, "The second and third floors are the rooms where the children from the orphanage live."

Xiao Yao also said, "No wonder it's so busy."

They had arrived late yesterday, and the children should have been asleep, so it was quiet, but now it was morning and it was quite noisy.

"Brother Che-Che!"

Suddenly, there was a clear and childish voice, and when Tong Che looked down, he found a little girl with crocs and a pink jumper running up to him.

"Sugar, it's been a long time, "Tong Che squatted down and looked at the little girl levelly. His eyes lit up and he gave a very gentle smile, "Did you miss your brother?"

The little girl named Sugar was obviously very familiar with Tong Che. She intimately wrapped two fleshy little arms around Tong Che's neck and spoke to him in a milky voice, "I missed you so much, big brother Che Che!"

Tong Che stretched out his index finger and gently nudged the little girl's forehead, complaining that she was "spoiled," but his hand was already wrapped around the little girl's back, ready to pick her up.

However, in the next moment, a big hand came from the side and picked up the little girl with ease.

Mu Hanfeng's cold voice rang in his ears, "I'll carry her."

Tong Che tilted his head and looked at him for two seconds, then the dimples on his lips deepened. He suddenly leaned close to Mu Hanfeng's ear and asked quietly, "Teacher Mu, are you jealous?"

Mu Hanfeng's face stiffened and he denied, "Why would I be jealous of a little beanbag?"

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But as soon as he finished saying that, another little beanbag rushed in, also asking for a hug from Tong Che.

This time, Mu Hanfeng didn't even let the small hand touch Tong Che as he used his other hand to pick him up with a stinky face.

Tong Che blinked his eyes. His eyes were full of concern, but he was screaming quietly in his heart: "He said he was not jealous! But a jealous boyfriend is really cute! "

Sugar, who was sitting on Mu Hanfeng's left arm, turned her head and asked Tong Che, "Brother Che Che, who is this... who is this uncle?"

Hearing that she called Tong Che "brother" but called him "uncle," Mu Hanfeng's face darkened and he resisted the urge to throw this little girl, who couldn't speak well, to the ground on the spot.

Tong Che's eyes curled up in laughter, and after thinking about it, he replied, "This is brother Che Che's brother, your brother's brother. What should you call him?"

Sugar was obviously caught in the middle of the conversation, muttering to her fingers for a few days, but she didn't understand.

The little boy sitting on Mu Hanfeng's right arm answered, "Brother's brother, is also called brother!"

Mu Hanfeng grunted lightly, and his face finally looked a little better.

The little boy was not at all afraid of the stranger and turned his head to look at Mu Hanfeng, asking, "Brother, you are so handsome. Can I grow up to be as handsome as you?"

The corner of Mu Hanfeng's lips lifted as he replied, "I think so, but I guess it's a little bit worse than your brother Che Che."

The little boy's eyes widened, "Really? But I don't think he's as handsome as you! "

"No, he's not!" Sugar didn't even bother with the name-calling issue anymore and immediately retorted, "Brother Che Che is the most handsome in the universe. When I grow up, I want to marry Brother Che Che."

Tong Che: "......"

Mu Hanfeng narrowed his eyes, looked at Sugar's fat face, and asked again, "Who are you going to marry when you grow up?"

Sugar didn't notice the danger at all, but repeated again, "Che... ummmm..."

As soon as she said one word, Tong Che was quick to cover her mouth and carry her to the ground.

If he didn't put it down, she would be thrown to the ground by Mu Hanfeng!

Tong Che looked at Mu Hanfeng's face carefully, and snorted, "There is no harm in children's words."

Mu Hanfeng nodded his head, but he still reached out and pinched Sugar's fleshy cheeks, saying fiercely, "Don't think about such nonsense. Even if you do, you shouldn't think about your brother Che Che!"

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Sugar stared with big watery eyes and asked innocently, "Why can't I think of my brother, Che-Che?"

Mu Hanfeng laughed and said in a low voice, "Because your brother Che Che is mine."

As soon as Tong Che heard this, the tips of his ears burned up again.

Alpha's possessiveness was horrifying; he had to assert his sovereignty over a five year-old!

However, Tong Che's heart still felt sweet!

Sugar, who was not sure if she understood or not, wanted to ask more questions before Ning Ran, who had seen enough of the show, took her over.

The little boy sitting on Mu Hanfeng's arm made a new request, "Handsome brother, I want to ride a big horse!"

Tong Che was afraid that he would also be thrown off by Mu Hanfeng and was about to open his mouth when he heard Mu Hanfeng say, "Okay."

As soon as the words left his mouth, Mu Hanfeng was already holding the little boy in a new position, putting him on his shoulders.

The little boy clapped his hands happily and laughed.

Tong Che was stunned for a moment, staring at Mu Hanfeng.

The other four people were silent too.

Who would have dared to think that Mu, who had always been an aloof character, would now naturally carry a child from the orphanage on his shoulders?

Of course, Tong Che knew very well who the reason for such a change was, so he felt his heart soften.

The person in question, Mu Hanfeng, was very calm and looked at Tong Che with a smile in his eyes, "Why is Tong Tong looking at me like that? Do you want to ride a horse too? It's not impossible. When he comes down, Mr. Mu will give you a ride..."

Tong Che snapped back to consciousness and bashfully said, "No, no need, I'm already this big!"

As Mu Hanfeng had set the precedent, a group of kids who had been standing at a distance watching came running over, shouting that they wanted to hug and ride the big horse.

Naturally, Yin Lan and Xiao Yao took on this responsibility.

Ning Ran was also holding one in each hand, while Tong Che and Mi Beibei were surrounded by the rest of the little beans.

When the time came to nine o'clock, Wang Qi and Zhao Li, the director of the hospital, led the camera team upstairs and saw such a chaotic, yet warm and welcoming scene.

Zhao Li looked down and wiped the corners of his eyes, then said seriously to Wang Qi, "Thank you so much for coming. The children haven't had so much fun for a long time."

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After some more fun and games, the six of them led the little beans downstairs, and it was obvious that the first floor was much quieter than the second floor.

After a quick glance, they realized that the children living on the first floor were generally a little older, basically over ten years old, and not as noisy as the group of little beans upstairs.

Tong Che subconsciously glanced down the corridor and his eyes fell on a certain door at the end. His gaze became a bit distant for a moment, as if he was looking back at a long time ago.

Mu Hanfeng noticed it and also followed his line of sight, and without making a sound, he took Tong Che's hand and held it a little tighter.

Many of the children at this age, especially the young girls, recognized Mu Hanfeng and the others and were excited and shy, wanting to talk and ask for autographs, but hesitating to step forward.

It was only after Tong Che greeted them that they gradually came over to them, asking questions and asking for autographs, and the atmosphere slowly became more active.

It was almost ten o'clock but the children were still excited, so Zhao Li came over and said, "The brothers and sisters haven't had breakfast yet, so let them go and eat first while you line up to get your sweets, okay?"

The children in the orphanage were all obedient and understanding, and when they heard what Zhao Li said, even though they hadn't played enough, no one made a sound of dissent, and they all immediately calmed down and stopped making noise.

At that moment, Mu Hanfeng felt like he saw the figure of little Tong Che, and he realized with hindsight that perhaps Tong Che's "good behavior" all along was not due to his nature.

At least, it wasn't all because of his nature.

The good mood of the morning was shattered in this way, and Mu Hanfeng felt that a blunt knife had been inserted into his heart, causing pain in his heart and lungs.

He suddenly reached out and gently squeezed the back of Tong Che's neck twice, whispering, "Little cat, in the future, with me around, you can misbehave a little."

Tong Che didn't understand for a moment how the topic had come up, and he blinked his eyes in confusion.

In the next second, Mu Hanfeng fished out a piece of milk candy from nowhere and fed it to his mouth. He then leaned in close to his ear and said solemnly, "You don't get candy just because you're good. With your boyfriend; you can misbehave, you can fool around, and you can throw tantrums. But even if you misbehave, I will still be here and I will still give you candy. "

Tong Che held the candy and flicked it to one side with his tongue. His cheeks puffed up on one side, and his eyes were glazed over, looking like a squirrel full of pine nuts.

After a long time, he asked in a small voice, "Does that mean... whatever…whatever I want to do?"

He lifted his hand and touched the top of Tong Che's hair, and his voice became even gentler, "Yes, whatever you want. So kitten, what do you want to do now? "

Probably because Mu Hanfeng's eyes were too gentle and his tone was too seductive, Tong Che stared at him for a long time, his eyes lit up little by little, and then he dropped his head in embarrassment, and for the first time in his life, he made a "capricious" request, "Actually, I…I.. want to ride a big horse. Is that okay? "

Mu Hanfeng was stunned. Seeing that Tong Che did not look like he was joking, he sighed helplessly, "What's wrong with that?"

As soon as the words left his mouth, Mu Hanfeng squatted down in the dining hall, in full view of everyone.

After that, he raised his head, looked at Tong Che, and lightly smiled as he patted his shoulder.

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