Yin Lan blew a loud whistle, led the way, and shouted, "Little Che, go on! Ride! "

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Everyone laughed along with him, kindly cajoling, "Go for it! Ride! Ride! "

But Mu Hanfeng was still crouching in front of him, as if he was oblivious to all the noise, and had no intention of standing up, only smiling at him.

Tong Che took a deep breath and finally took a step forward, spreading his legs apart and sitting on Mu Hanfeng's shoulders.

His whole body was already as stiff as a small wooden man, and he didn't even know where to put his hands.

"Tong Tong," Mu Hanfeng whispered to him, "put your hands around my neck, or put them directly on my head."

He obediently did as he was told, and wrapped his arms tightly around Mu Hanfeng's neck.

Mu Hanfeng held Tong Che's slender legs with both hands, smiling and saying "Sit firmly" before standing up in a breath.

Mu Hanfeng was very tall and Tong Che was not short either, so when they stood up like this, they were very conspicuous and attracted 200% of the attention.

Tong Che, who had long been used to facing countless people's attention, felt hot from being looked at that moment. Relying on his flexible body, he couldn't help bending down and leaning against Mu Hanfeng's ear, whispering to him, " Teacher Mu, will others think I'm so naive?"

Mu Hanfeng steadily carried him around, not answering directly, but only asking, "Are you happy?"

Tong Che nodded vigorously, "Yes, I am very happy."

After a pause, he added, "Whenever I saw my father carrying my brother on his back like this when I was little, I was very envious."

Mu Hanfeng began to feel distressed again, and he said seriously, "If there is anything else you want to do or play with, you can tell me, your boyfriend."

Tong Che's furry head rubbed against his ear as he nodded again.

"The most important thing is that you are happy," Mu Hanfeng added, "Why do you care about other people? Maybe they envy you too. "

Tong Che laughed at this and relaxed a lot. He happened to pass by a big tree, so he straightened up and happily broke a branch...

There was no way out. In the winter in the north, there were no leaves to pluck, and even less fruit to pick. But for Tong Che now, it was fun to break a bare branch.

After making a full circle and returning to the entrance of the dining room, Mu Hanfeng put Tong Che down.

Having missed the "morning rush," there were only six of them sitting at the dining room table.

The breakfast was cooked by the chefs of the orphanage's canteen, probably because they had a separate small stove for them, and the variety was quite rich.

However, the taste of the food was not as good as that of a star hotel, let alone that of Mu Hanfeng's personal cooking.

Now that Tong Che was being fed by Mu Hanfeng every day, he no longer ate the dry whole wheat bread. He took a bean paste bun and a mushroom and vegetable bun, and drank a cup of hot soy milk.

After almost ten years, Tong Che didn't feel nostalgic when he felt the taste he remembered. He just sighed that his taste had really been spoiled.

The bean paste bun was fine, but the mushroom and vegetable bun was really not very tasty, as the vegetables were watery.

Tong Che took one bite and didn't want to take another. He was about to continue eating with the habit he had developed over the years, but then he suddenly remembered what Mu Hanfeng had said earlier...

You can be bad, you can be naughty, you can lose your temper.

Even if you don't behave, you will still get candy.

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Just like a child who develops a new function for a toy, he always tries to try out the new function. Tong Che hesitated for a second, and couldn't help but eagerly try. He put the bun he had bitten into onto Mu Hanfeng's tray.

Mu Hanfeng froze and looked over at him, "Can't eat anymore?"

Tong Che shook his head, imitating the memory of the wayward children in his memory. His eyebrows twisted and his mouth pouted, "It's not good, I don't want to eat it!"

Mu Hanfeng laughed silently and rubbed the top of Tong Che's hair again, saying, "If you don't want to eat it, don't eat it. See if there's anything else you like. "

Tong Che's eyes darted around the food table, and he pouted, "No."

All of them are the ones that he could recall the taste of with just a glance. None of them are delicious.

The corner of Mu Hanfeng's lips hooked up, and he said quietly in Tong Che's ear, "Then don’t eat for now. We'll find an excuse to go back to the dorm later. There's a surprise. "

Tong Che's eyes lit up again.

Mu Hanfeng, in line with the principle of not wasting food, calmly picked up most of the buns that Tong Che had left for him and ate them one by one.

As they ate and chatted, Yin Lan couldn't help but ask, "I feel like... the children here are healthy. Why are they still sent to the orphanage? "

To many people in the city, orphanages are still a far off thing that they don’t put their minds to.

Many people may know that there is such a place on the outskirts of Yangcheng, but they will never visit it even once in their lives.

As a result, many people still think that most abandoned children are not healthy enough or have physical defects.

"There are those who are not so healthy," Tong Che explained with a smile as he took a sip of soy milk, "those who are physically handicapped and didn't come out in the morning, so we didn't see them, and those who look healthy now but in fact have a special illness with a short life expectancy. But those should only account for one-fifth of the children here. "

Then everyone hurriedly asked, "And the rest?"

"The rest," said Tong Che, "are those who have lost both parents in accidents, or who have lost only one parent, and the other parent is unwilling to raise them or cannot afford them, so they are simply sent here. As for the remaining ones, well...

At this point, Tong Che paused. Two points of mockery crossed his eyes, and his tone became somewhat indifferent, "When you want to abandon, there are always such and such reasons. Maybe it's just because that child is an Omega."

Mu Hanfeng abruptly turned his head to look at Tong Che, as if he had vaguely understood something, but he did not open his mouth, tightly closing his hand around Tong Che's.

"Just because it's an Omega?" Mi Beibei jumped up first, "What kind of strange family is that? Why should Omega be born and abandoned? How many years have there been AO equal rights? Who still has such a ridiculous idea? "

"That's right," Yin Lan also said, "each gender has its own strengths and weaknesses, and to abandon a child for such a reason is unworthy of being a parent."

But Tong Che only laughed and didn't say anything else, lowering his head and continuing to drink soy milk.

Most of the people in the circle were very good at reading people's words, so they quickly realised what was going on and hurriedly changed the subject.

When the breakfast was over, Wang Qi was about to announce the official session when Mu Hanfeng walked over to him and whispered something to him.

Wang Qi glanced over at Tong Che and then waved his hand.

Mu Hanfeng then embraced Tong Che and led him to the dormitory.

When they went upstairs, Tong Che asked curiously, "Mr. Mu, what did you say to Director Wang?"

Mu Hanfeng smiled, "I just said that a kitten seems to be in estrus and needs my help."

Tong Che: "!"

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"You..." the tips of his ears instantly turned red, and he muttered in a small voice, "How can you say that? It's embarrassing... "

When he had had enough of the red cat, Mu Hanfeng reached out and poked him in the cheek before he changed his tone with satisfaction, "I was just kidding, I said it was too cold today, so you had to go back and put on some clothes."

Tong Che said, "Oh," but in his heart he was indignant. How could he be so easily teased?

When they reached the third floor, Tong Che subconsciously glanced at the corridor again.

But after a moment's hesitation, he still didn't say anything. He had to find a chance to tell Mr. Mu about himself first.

Of course, Mu Hanfeng noticed Tong Che's glance, but he didn't ask any questions, just squeezed his hand and played with it. When they returned to the dormitory, Tong Che asked impatiently, "What's the surprise?"

Mu Hanfeng opened the wardrobe and pulled out a box of chocolate chip biscuits, a can of Wangzhi milk from one of his coat pockets, and a small box of pineapple pastry and two strawberry puddings from another pocket.

Tong Che was dumbfounded and sighed quietly, "Where did all this come from? It's like a magic pocket! "

The program team had a rule that snacks are forbidden!" I bought them yesterday,"

Mu Hanfeng opened the package of chocolate chip biscuits and fed one to Tong Che's mouth, lowering his voice in response.

Yesterday was their day off, and the two of them were together all day, so Tong Che didn't even know when Mu Hanfeng bought them!

"I bought them when I was waiting in line for the milk tea," Mu Hanfeng looked at him and knew what the little Omega was thinking, so he smiled and explained, "I didn't let you see them on purpose, just to give you a surprise."

Tong Che ate another biscuit and curled his lips into a smile, "It is a surprise indeed!"

When he was studying, there were always students in the class who hid and ate snacks secretly.

At that time, Tong Che never dared to do so for fear of getting into trouble, and his pocket money was not enough to buy any snacks either way.

He never thought that I would still be able to experience the joy of eating in secret.

As Tong Che ate his biscuits, Mu Hanfeng opened a bottle of Wangzhi milk and gave it to him to drink, staining his lips with milk froth and a bit of chocolate-colored cookie crumbs.

"Mr. Mu," Tong Che didn't even realize it, but he even picked up a biscuit and tried to feed it to Mu Hanfeng, "You eat it too, it's not too sweet."

However, Mu Hanfeng let go of his hand, and directly lowered his head, using the tip of his tongue to lick around the little omega’s lips. The corners of his lips lifted, "Mmm, it's really delicious."

After secretly eating a snack, Mu Hanfeng hid the unfinished food in his coat pocket, and the two went downstairs together.

Wang Qi waited at the bottom of the stairs, his eyes glancing over at the two of them, and said suspiciously, "Have you added on a layer of clothes?"

Mu Hanfeng did not change his face and said, "Of course."

Wang Qi muttered, "I don't see it at all."

Mu Hanfeng raised his eyebrows and threw out a very unpleasant sentence, "I'm sorry, my figure is too good."

Wang Qi: "......"

Wang Qi didn't want to pay attention to him anymore and waved his hand to drive them away, "Go straight to the activity room in front; they have already gone there."

Mu Hanfeng didn't say anything more and went into the activity room with Tong Che.

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It was a big room, but it was already filled with children.

Wang Qi's task was not complicated, that is, he asked the six of them to act as temporary teachers and teach the children what they were good at.

Yin Lan could not find a guitar, so he played with a small yuk while Xiao Yao sang beside him, soon attracting a group of children interested in music.

Mi Beibei and Ning Ran taught the girls how to dance, dress up, and do simple make-up, and many of the teenage girls gathered around them.

Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng looked at each other and had an idea. One of them drew pictures, and the other made all kinds of small crafts, which were very popular among the little beans.

The atmosphere in the activity room was lively and harmonious, except for one girl sitting in the corner, who did not participate in anything and was reading a book alone, looking a bit lonely.

At first, Tong Che was surrounded by the little beans and didn't notice her, but only when he glanced up did he inadvertently notice her.

He talked to Mu Hanfeng in a low voice, then stood up and walked over to her.

Sitting down in an empty seat across the aisle, Tong Che called out softly, "Xiaoqi?"

The girl lifted her head from her book and turned around, revealing a light smile, "Brother Xiao Che."

Tong Che took a closer look at her state and suddenly asked, "Have you... differentiated?"

He had been very busy this year, and the last time he came was in the summer, before Xiao Qi had differentiated, and her body still had a childish aura. But now, Xiao Qi had become a young girl, and her Omega features were more obvious.

"Yes," she nodded, "it just happened last week."

"Did it go well?" Tong Che asked softly.

"No problem," Xiao Qi replied, and raised the book in her hand, "The director told me to read this book."

Tong Che noticed that the title of the book was AO Physiology in a Nutshell, and he praised it, "Now that you are differentiated, you should learn more about this aspect of physiology so that you can protect yourself better."

Pointing to a line on the book page, Xiao Qi asked Tong Che, "Brother Xiao Che, it is written here that AOs with a high pheromone fit are naturally attracted to each other. So, does that mean that if two people fall in love, they are not really in love, but are determined by pheromones? "

Tong Che paused. It was true that physiology books would write such things, and a young girl of Xiao Qi's age did love to ponder over such things.

However, he did not know how to answer.

He instinctively disagreed with such an assertion, because Tong Che knew very well that his liking for Mu Hanfeng had nothing to do with pheromones.

The hundred reasons he could give for liking Mu Hanfeng were all detailed and specific, and the word "pheromone" was never included here.

On the other hand, he did not know whether Mu Hanfeng's fondness for him must have nothing to do with pheromones either.

It wasn't that he didn't trust Mu Hanfeng, but Tong Che still didn't feel that he could make Mu Hanfeng like him.

During the silence, a familiar low voice suddenly sounded overhead, Mu Hanfeng had walked over at some point, as if answering Xiao Qi's words, but his gaze fell on Tong Che, "There may be pheromone-influenced love, but true love must not be about pheromones, let alone physical instincts, but about the desire from the heart."

Tong Che suddenly raised his head and stared at Mu Hanfeng. His lips parted, but no sound came out for a while.

But before they could say anything else, the little beans who were waiting for their drawings and crafts came running over in a flash, chattering and calling "Brother".

Tong Che returned to his senses, chatted with Xiao Qi for a few more minutes, and then got up to go with Mu Hanfeng to continue looking after the little beans.

For the rest of the day, the words that Mu Hanfeng said were still echoing in Tong Che's ears.

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He was tempted to ask, "So, Mr. Mu, is what you like about me the kind of love you are talking about?"

But he was too hesitant to ask, nor did he have the opportunity to do so.

It was not long after he returned to the dormitory, the next cubicle started to ring with voices all night again...

Both Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng had to put in their earplugs again.

During the day, he had been thinking about what to say, but in my dream, he had no scruples.

In the dream, standing by the sea, the waves lapping against his calves, Tong Che was wrapped around Mu Hanfeng, asking over and over again, "Does your fondness for me really have nothing to do with pheromones?"

Mu Hanfeng also answered over and over again, "Yes, even if Tong Che is a Beta, I will like him."

When he got the answer, Tong Che was happy for a while, but then he started asking again.

The night had passed, and even though it was clear that the words were spoken in a dream, Mu Hanfeng still felt dry-mouthed when he woke up.

Of course, apart from the dryness, there was also a hint of anxiety.

In retrospect, he realised that Tong Che’s lack of security was even deeper than he had previously thought.

Otherwise, he would not have repeated the same question all night long.

Mu Hanfeng did not want to let Tong Cge mull over his own thoughts. So he pinched his eyebrows and poured half a bottle of mineral water into his mouth, deciding to talk to this kitten right away.

Coincidentally, Tong Che climbed down from the upper bunk, and there were faint shadows under his eyes. As soon as he met Mu Hanfeng's eyes, he inexplicably wanted to hide.

So he hurriedly said, "Good morning," turned around, and ran to the bathroom again.

He was still thinking about what Mu Hanfeng had said in his dream, and felt a sweet and sour feeling in his heart.

If it were true, how good would it be?

Thinking like this, Tong Che felt a little frustrated and useless, not even daring to ask Mu Hanfeng the question in reality.

He was afraid of getting an unacceptable answer, but he really liked Mr. Mu.

As he was getting frustrated, the bathroom door was suddenly pulled open and Mu Hanfeng squeezed in.

Tong Che paused washing his face and turned back to look at Mu Hanfeng, "Mr. Mu, you..."

He subconsciously thought that Mu Hanfeng wanted to bite him again, so he hurriedly wiped his face with a towel, and then obediently stretched his neck as he leaned over.

Mu Hanfeng's heart was sore and soft. How could his kitten be so obedient?

Even though he was still thinking about it, and wasn't sure whether his feelings for him had nothing to do with pheromones, he still wouldn't hesitate to let him bite.

Mu Hanfeng was a bit helpless, sighing softly, and then took Tong Che into his arms from behind, leaning in his ear and whispering, "No biting for today. I want to tell you a secret. "

Tong Che froze for a moment and blinked his eyes.

Mu Hanfeng opened the door to meet the mountain, "Tong Tong, in fact, I suffer from pheromone indifference."

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