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Tong Che was even more dumbfounded. He muttered and repeated, "Pheromone indifference?"

This name was not unfamiliar; it must have appeared in the junior high school physiology textbook, but what the exact symptoms were, Tong Che no longer remembered.

"That's right," Mu Hanfeng responded, reciting the description of the disease in a relaxed tone, "Pheromone Indifference or Apathy, a condition that occurs occasionally in Alpha groups, where there is a loss of sensitivity to Omega pheromones. An Alpha with this condition will not be induced into estrus due to the fluctuation of his own pheromones caused by any Omega pheromone. The alpha also does not experience physical signs such as the first bonding fever. The cause of the disease is...

At this point, Mu Hanfeng paused slightly for some reason before continuing, "The cause is still unclear."

Tong Che was still trying to comprehend the descriptive paragraph before him, so he did not notice this slight pause.

Mu Hanfeng found the confused look on Tong Che's face amusing. He gathered the little omega arms, and kissed him on the earlobe before concluding, "In layman's terms, an Alpha with this disease is like a Beta who can smell Omega pheromones."

When he said this, Tong Che instantly understood.

Betas could not smell pheromones, so naturally they would not be affected by pheromones and would not react to them physiologically, which was common knowledge to everyone.

So the Alpha who suffers from this so-called "pheromone indifference" cannot smell Omega's pheromone, but they are not affected by it and do not react to it physiologically.

After understanding this point clearly, Tong Che suddenly turned around and lowered his head, his eyes falling between Mu Hanfeng's legs, and he circled around. Then he raised his head again to look at Mu Hanfeng with a complicated expression...

How could Mu Hanfeng not know what this little pervert was thinking?

He gritted his teeth and flicked his finger on Tong Che's forehead before saying helplessly, "Little cat, this disease only means that I don't have a physiological reaction to pheromones, it doesn't mean that I can't..."

With his mind poked, Tong Che boiled over. He nodded his head wholeheartedly and stuttered, "I know! Teacher Mu, you are not. You're especially powerful!"

He was so excited that the honorifics came out.

Can Teacher Mu not be powerful? Between his legs were was still sore!

Mu Hanfeng's naughty thoughts were rising again, and the corners of his lips hooked up as he deliberately leaned forward and bumped into Tong Che, smiling wickedly, "Especially powerful? How powerful am I? "

Tong Che turned into a small ball of shame, pretending not to understand Mu Hanfeng's words, stumbling to change the subject, "Then... then this condition, does this condition have other effects?"

It didn't sound like it would make people physically uncomfortable. It was just as if the physiological desire caused by pheromones was missing.

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"It has no effects," Mu Hanfeng answered simply and half-jokingly, "It will just make my restraint extremely strong."

Tong Che froze, finally getting part of the point.

That's right! Mu Hanfeng had always been known as the "Alpha with the strongest restraint", so there was a reason for that!

It was as if Mu Hanfeng had guessed what Tong Che was thinking, and he simply explained, "I have always said that I have strong restraint, but on the one hand, it is indeed because of my cold personality, and it’s also because of Mu Yang's factors. I have always forced myself to be rational."

Having already known about Mu Hanfeng's family, Tong Che was able to understand his thoughts.

It was because Mu Yang had set a bad example for him, and Mu Hanfeng had always taken it as a warning.

"Of course, there's another reason," Mu Hanfeng continued, "and that is that I really don't have any impulses because of Omega's pheromones."

This had actually been said quite bluntly, and Tong Che felt that he understood He recalled that when Ye Yu had injected himself with the inducer and went to seduce Mu Hanfeng, his reaction at the time had been very indifferent indeed.

There was also the time when he went into fake estrus, and Mu Hanfeng also said with great certainty that he was not in heat.

But the real point is that this little silly cat has surprisingly not yet reached the conclusion.

Or rather, he had a vague idea, but was still not sure.

Looking at Tong Che’s expression, Mu Hanfeng sighed silently. This kitten had to be coaxed, or else he wouldn’t have realised it on his own.

"Kitten," Mu Hanfeng simply stretched out a hand and gently cupped Tong Che's chin, making him tilt his head up to look at him. His tone was two parts doting and solemn enough, "If you're still not sure, then Teacher Mu will put it a little more bluntly."

"I like you. From the beginning to the end, there's nothing that has to do with pheromones. "

"I wanted to hug you, kiss you, bite you, fuck you, watch you cry in my bed, all just because I liked you. I like you as a person, and I like all of you, kitten. "

"It's not that I like you because of an urge. I like you because I like you."

Tong Che froze and listened, his eyes unblinking and his mouth slightly open, not knowing for a moment what kind of reaction to make.

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After all, he couldn't help but reach out again, wanting to pinch himself.

But this time, Mu Hanfeng's reaction was quick. He immediately took hold of Tong Che's hand and pulled it onto his arm, whispering, "Kitten, it's all true, you're not dreaming. If you still don't believe me, just pinch me and see if it hurts. "

Tong Che was amused. What was the point of pinching Teacher Mu?

It was clear that he had to feel the pain himself before he dared to believe he was not dreaming.

But as he smiled ridiculously, tears somehow came into his eyes and swirled around his eyes endlessly.

Tong Che felt that he had never cried so much before, or rather, he didn't like to cry at all.

When he first differentiated, and even when he was set up by Lou Gui and given an induction drug, his body was really uncomfortable, so uncomfortable that he thought he was going to die, but even then, he never shed a single tear.

When he was sent to the orphanage by his parents and when he suddenly lost contact with Han Qing, he was also really sad, but he still didn't shed a single tear.

For a long time, Tong Che thought that he would never cry again.

Who knew that after he met Mu Hanfeng, he would become so useless that he would shed tears at every turn?

Mu Hanfeng couldn't bear to see Tong Che cry. The tip of his heart was trembling, so he lowered his head and kissed away the teardrops on Tong Che's cheeks, and had to make an effort to tease him. "Be good. Your boyfriend is here, little crybaby. "

Tong Che also felt embarrassed of himself and buried his whole head into the crook of Mu Hanfeng's neck, speaking in a muffled voice, "I'm not... not a little crybaby. I didn't used to cry, really! You wait for me. I'll be fine soon. I'm very strong. "

"I won’t wait." Mu Hanfeng suddenly said.

Tong Che was momentarily stunned, and even his sobs broke off.

He won’t wait? What did that mean?

Was Teacher Mu bothered?

He subconsciously lifted his head to look at Mu Hanfeng, but the eyes he met were still calm and still contained a unique gentleness when facing him.

He opened his mouth, but before he could speak, he heard Mu Hanfeng suddenly call him by his full name again, "Tong Che."

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Tong Che's fingers trembled, and he replied in a soft voice.

The next second, he heard Mu Hanfeng say, word for word, "I know you're strong. You've always been strong." But in the future, with me around, you can occasionally be less strong. You can show weakness, and you can be cheeky. I won't wait for you to get better on your own because I'll coax you. Got it? "

Breaking apart each sentence, word for word, Tong Che felt that he was really about to float. He could no longer restrain his sobs, clutching Mu Hanfeng's robe firmly, and muttered over and over in a hoarse voice, "Teacher Mu, how can you be so kind? How can you be so kind to me? "

Mu Hanfeng hugged him tightly, patting his back lightly to reassure him. He kissed him gently without any lust and answered him softly, "Because you are worth it."

Tong Che burst into tears, feeling that his whole heart had become lighter, as if all his anxieties had been washed away with tears.

Probably because he was so happy, Tong Che didn't even realise why after he had that kind of dream just last night, Mu Hanfeng talked to him about this as soon as he got up this morning.

It was still early, and there was no fear of being late for the recording of the show. The only problem was that his eyes were swollen...

The conditions were limited, so Mu Hanfeng could only pick up a basin of cold water and put it by the bedside, alternatively switching between two towels as he wet them and put on Tong Che's eyes.

While applying the compress, he remembered something, and Tong Che suddenly moved forward. He lowered his voice and mysteriously said, "Teacher Mu, I too…I too will tell you a secret."

Mu Hanfeng was stunned for a moment, then quickly lowered his voice and asked, "What's the secret?"

"Actually I," Tong Che rubbed the tip of his nose, "Actually I also have a condition called pheromone disorder. Which means that if I don't take measures, I'll be in heat every day."

Mu Hanfeng's hand that was wetting the towel almost slipped as he turned his head to look over and repeated, "Estrus every day?"

"Yes." Tong Che nodded.

"Then," Mu Hanfeng narrowed his eyes, "What does it mean by taking measures?"

"There are two kinds," Tong Che answered seriously, "a shot of suppressant can suppress it for a week, and being... temporarily marked once can probably suppress it for a week as well."

Mu Hanfeng didn't move for awhile and then asked, "Then were you always getting suppressant shots before you were bitten by me?"

Tong Che didn't hesitate to be righteous, "Of course, how could I let another Alpha bite me?"

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At most, he would let Mr. Mu bite him in his dreams...

But whether it's in his dreams or in reality, wasn’t it all Mr. Mu?

Mu Hanfeng was relieved, but when he thought of how often Tong Che had used the suppressants over the years, he couldn't help but feel distressed. and couldn't help but ask, "Is it very painful?

Tong Che froze for a moment before he realised that Mu Hanfeng was asking him if the suppressant was very painful.

Curving his lips, Tong Che shook his head, "It doesn't hurt much, I'm used to it."

At first, of course it would hurt. The suppressant was an injection shot and the needle was particularly sharp.

But after poking himself repeatedly, the skin became numb, and he didn't feel the pain anymore.

Mu Hanfeng, however, just stared at him and did not say anything.

Seeing his eyes like this, Tong Che hesitated for a moment, then changed his words tentatively, "Actually, it still hurts a little."

Mu Hanfeng continued to stare at him, still not saying anything.

Thinking about what Mu Hanfeng had said earlier, Tong Che probably understood -

For the first time, Tong Che, who had always been very strong, learned to show weakness. He lifted his hand without the bracelet and passed his wrist to Mu Hanfeng's lips, asking with a blushing face, "Teacher Mu, can you... blow on me?"

Mu Hanfeng's eyes finally got a smile, and he blew lightly on Tong Che's wrist twice, even coming up with a sentence, "Good boy, just blow on it, and the pain will fly away."

Tong Che was so embarrassed that he leaned back and fell directly onto the pillow.

Mu Hanfeng looked down and thought to himself, then suddenly asked him, "Tong Tong, what do you call us? One never in heat and the other in heat every day? "

If he hadn't mentioned it, Tong Che hadn't even realised that he and Mu Hanfeng were really two extremes when it came to the matter of being in heat.

Cocking his head in serious thought, Tong Che replied, "Complementary?"

"Wrong," Mu Hanfeng leaned over and nudged the tip of Tong Che's nose, hooking his lips, "This is called a natural pair."

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