After putting cold towels on his eyes all morning, the effect was not satisfactory, and Tong Che's eyelids were still swollen like two small walnuts.

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It didn't look ugly by any means, but it just added a strange and cute touch, which didn't fit Tong Che's cool and noble persona.

"What should I do?" Tong Che looked in the mirror and frowned, "This looks too funny."

Mu Hanfeng held back his laughter and coaxed him, "It's not funny, it's cute."

"I don’t want to be cute," Tong Che's frown tightened, "My persona is not cute."

Mu Hanfeng couldn't bear to remind this silly cat that after two consecutive live broadcasts, he could no longer had such a persona. And the fans who used to call him "Little Prince Che Che" were now shouting "Milk Che" all day long...

So, after thinking about it, Mu Hanfeng fished out a pair of Tong Che's sunglasses from his wardrobe and put them on the bridge of his nose.

Milk-Che instantly became cool-Che!

Tong Che was stunned for a moment, pushed on the sunglasses with satisfaction, and praised Mu Hanfeng again, "Mr. Mu, you are so witty!"

Mu Hanfeng laughed and rubbed the top of his hair.

Before leaving the room, while Tong Che was still looking at the mirror and fixing his clothes, Mu Hanfeng fished out his mobile phone and quickly typed two words into the search box: pheromone disorder.

After skimming through the brief description of the disease and its clinical manifestations, Mu Hanfeng's fingers flew and pulled down to the cause of the disease.

Recent studies have shown that the most direct cause of pheromone disorder is the blockage of differentiation during the juvenile differentiation period due to internal or external obstacles.

After reading this passage twice, word for word, from beginning to end, the suspicion in his mind was further confirmed.

The image from ten years ago unconsciously came back to his mind, and Mu Hanfeng's fingers curled up, the look in his eyes sank by two points.

"Teacher Mu," Tong Che's voice interrupted his thoughts, "I'm ready."

Mu Hanfeng returned to his senses, casually putting his phone back into his pocket, gathering his composure and nodding, "Let's go downstairs."

Once out of the cubicle, they met up with Mi Beibei, Ning Ran, Yin Lan and Xiao Yao at the door again.

"Wow," exclaimed Yin Lan as soon as he saw Tong Che, "Little Che is so cool today!"

"I..." Tong Che tried to explain, but was really bad at lying and didn't know how to speak.

"He drank too much water before he went to bed last night," Mu Hanfeng took over lightly, "and his eyelids are a bit swollen."

"Oh, oh, oh," Mi Beibei hurriedly picked up, "You can apply a boiled egg on it. They will be better by dinner later."

Tong Che replied, "Okay," but in his heart he made up his mind that he woul never take off his sunglasses today, at least this morning.


However, nine times out of ten, life doesn't turn out the way you want it to...

Leave alone the whole morning. After less than five minutes, when he went down to the third floor, Tong Che was surrounded by the little beans again.

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The little bean, Sugar, had the audacity to tug off Tong Che's sunglasses.

Before he could react, he heard her clapping her hands and laughing, "Brother Che Che, you've turned into a frog prince today!"

Tong Che: "......"

Yin Lan, Xiao Yao, Mi Beibei, Ning Ran, and the others naturally saw Tong Che's eyes.

They were really swollen!

All at once, the four people looked at Mu Hanfeng with condemnation in their eyes.

Especially Ning Ran, who actually bluntly said, "Great Film Emperor Mu, we get up early every day to record the show. Can you be a human at night and not bully Little Che so much?"

Mu Hanfeng was exasperated. He raised his chin at Tong Che and said, "Ask him yourself whether I bullied him in the past two days?"

Tong Che was so embarrassed that the tips of his ears turned red and he shook his head, ""

But apparently all four, especially Ning Ran, didn't believe it at all.

If he hadn't been crying, why would his eyes be swollen like this?

It was impossible for Tong Che to tell the real reason, and he was so embarrassed that he cursed in his heart.

Ahh! Now he couldn't even jump into the yellow river!

But there was still the mischievous little bean next to him who interrupted, "What bullying? Brother Che-Che, did this uncle bully you? I'll bully him back for you! "

As she said that, Sugar held her fleshy little fist and punched Mu Hanfeng on the leg.

Mu Hanfeng's forehead had veins from being called "Uncle," but he couldn't vent to the kids. So he raised his head, hooked his lips, and said indifferently, "The dormitory has poor sound insulation, so everyone can hear clearly whether someone is being bullied or not."

As he said this, he deliberately gave Yin Lan and Xiao Yao a meaningful glance.

The two simpletons were both visibly stunned, and Mi Beibei and Ning Ran were also stunned, followed by the four of them all blushing together in a rare moment.

Mu Hanfeng was in a relaxed mood and led Tong Che downstairs, surrounded by a group of little beans.

After breakfast, the group's task today was the same as yesterday, to gather in the activity room and act as temporary teachers.

Mi Beibei had a new proposal, "Today the six of us can work together and teach the children to rehearse a musical!"

"Good idea!" Tong Che's eyes lit up and he picked up, "That musical, "Cats," would be perfect for them."

The musical was a very old classic with an easy to understand storyline, rich in characters and conveying a theme worthy of the children's experience.

The six agreed that the first task was to first confirm the number of participants and assign roles.

"Come on," commanded Mibebe, holding the speaker, "children over 10 years old stand on the left, children under 10 years old stand on the right, boys and girls in two teams, arranged by size."

The children were obedient and quickly lined up as requested.

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"107." Mi Beibei and Ning Ran together counted the number once.

When this number was reported, everyone was stunned.

Dean Zhao Li told them yesterday that there are currently 148 children in the orphanage. Of those, 18 are under the age of three and need to be taken care of alone, and 22 are in poor health and need more rest. The rest had come to the activity room to participate in activities, and should have been 108 in total.

Now there is one missing.

Everyone hurriedly recounted the number, and Tong Che furrowed his brow.

Although he was most familiar with the children here, there were hundreds of them, so at first glance, he couldn't find out who was missing.

On the contrary, Mu Hanfeng's eyes skimmed over them one by one, and soon asked Tong Che in a low voice, "The little Omega girl who was sitting in the corner reading a physiology book yesterday, is she not here?"

He could only remember the faces of three children so far.

One was Sugar, who called him "Uncle", the little boy who was not afraid to sit on his shoulder, and the other was the little girl in the corner yesterday, who asked about the relationship between love and pheromones.

So when he looked at them like this, he immediately noticed who was missing.

When Tong Che heard him ask this, he also hurriedly took another quick scan and found that Xiao Qi was indeed not there.

"I'll go and ask..."

Tong Che was about to say that he would go and ask the dean, but before he could say the words that followed, the dean, Zhao Li, approached him, looking anxious.

However, he only stood by the door and did not come in, waving at Tong Che.

Tong Che hurriedly walked over, with Mu Hanfeng following behind him.

When the two of them came out, Zhao Li reached out and closed the door to the activity room tightly, and took two more steps away before lowering his voice and saying quickly, "Xiao Che, you guys go and take a look at Xiao Qi. She wants to commit suicide!"

Tong Che's eyebrows jumped sharply, "All of a sudden?"

Luckily, we found her just in time," Zhao Li said sharply, "Your Aunt Wu is watching her now. She should be fine for now. But Xiao Qi is in a very bad state of mind, and she's still holding the knife in her hand, I think she listens to you, and you're more...experienced in this area. You should be able to persuade her. "

When he heard the word "experienced," Tong Che gave a pause, and coughed heavily, subconsciously hiding the hand with the silver bracelet behind him.

Mu Hanfeng seemed to feel something and suddenly looked over at him. Tong Che did not dare look at him, but only said to Zhao Li, "Okay, I'll go see her now."

After saying this, he took the first step towards the staircase, and both Mu Hanfeng and Zhao Li hurriedly followed.

When they reached the first floor, before Zhao Li could remind them where Xiao Qi was, Tong Che turned left without hesitation and walked quickly towards the end of the corridor.

Looking at his sense of direction, Zhao Li sighed silently, "You kids."

Tong Che's body stalled slightly before he said vaguely, "I just guessed. After all, only the first floor happens to have that small balcony."

The design of this building was a bit strange Usually there would be a balcony on the top floor, but in this building it was on the first floor.

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Tong Che once lived on the second floor, in the dormitory closest to the balcony.

This balcony also carried a lot of emotions from his youth.

Mu Hanfeng did not say anything, but followed Tong Che in silence and held his hand.

When he was almost at the balcony entrance, Tong Che remembered something and turned his head to look at Zhao Li again, "Did Xiao Qi... encounter anything last night?"

He had talked to Xiao Qi only yesterday during the day, and at that time, he only noticed that she was a little more introverted and quiet than before, but did not sense that she was about to commit suicide.

"'I'm not sure yet either," Zhao Li sighed again, "She wouldn't tell me, just kept talking to herself that she was completely abandoned and that there was no point in living."

Tong Che took a breath, nodded and said that he knew. They had just arrived at the balcony door, so he didn't say any more

After two symbolic knocks on the door, Aunt Wu's "Who is it?" came from inside.

"It's me," replied Tong Che, his hand already pushing the door open, "I've come to see Xiao Qi."

The moment the door opened, before he could see what was inside, Xiao Qi's scream came out abruptly, "Get out, all of you, I don't want to see anyone!"

The little girl, who was usually so gentle and quiet, was now screaming hysterically.

At the same time, Tong Che and the rest, who were standing by the balcony door, could see Xiao Qi sitting on the ground in the corner of the balcony, a sharp folding knife in her hand, her hair scattered and in a trance.

Aunt Wu was sitting next to her with a helpless face, and could only look at her for the time being, but could not take the knife away from her directly.

Mu Hanfeng subconsciously tightened his grip on Tong Che's hand.

Tong Che inclined his head and made a gesture towards him to soothe him, "It's alright, you wait here first, I'll go take a look."

Mu Hanfeng hesitated for a moment, but still nodded and let go of his hand.

Tong Che took a step inside, and Zhao Li wanted to follow him in, but was stopped by Tong Che. "Uncle Zhao, you too, wait here for a moment."

Zhao Li paused, looked at Xiao Qi again, and stood at the door without moving.

Tong Che approached Xiao Qi step by step, taking each step very slowly.

Xiao Qi did not scream again, but just tilted her head, her eyes staring at him unblinkingly, while the hand holding the knife gradually moved, the blade slowly approaching the wrist of the other hand.

Aunt Wu was so scared that she went to stop it again, but Tong Che was calm and even opened his mouth to call out to her, "Aunt Wu, it's hard for you, you wait outside first, I'll talk to Xiao Qi alone."

Aunt Wu stood up, still not daring to say, "This..this... Xiao Che, you must stop her!"

"You don't worry." Tong Che assured her, but his eyes never left the tip of the knife in Xiao Qi's hand from the beginning.

Only then did Aunt Wu head for the balcony door.

The moment Aunt Wu left, and Tong Che walked in front of Xiao Qi. The speed of Xiao Qi's hand suddenly accelerated, the tip of the knife already cutting through the skin of her wrist!

Tong Che suddenly spoke out. His tone was not as gentle as he usually was, as he said, "Your angle is not right, you can't cut the vein."

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Xiao Qi froze and stopped for a moment. Although the tip of the knife was still against his wrist, it did not go any deeper for the time being.

Tong Che sighed with relief and sat down next to Xiao Qi.

Xiao Qi did not show any more resistance, but only looked back at him and asked in a hoarse voice, "Then tell me, how can I cut it and how can I die immediately?"

"It's fine to tell you," Tong Che said in a light voice, "but you have to answer me first. Why do you want to do this?"

Xiao Qi hesitated for a moment, but still said, "My sister differentiated last night and is an Alpha."

Tong Che froze for a moment and sighed inwardly.

In fact, in some ways, Xiao Qi's family was somewhat similar to his.

He knew that Xiao Qi had a twin sister, but both of them had also been told from birth that there was a high probability that Xiao Qi would later differentiate into Omega, while there was a high probability that her sister would differentiate into Alpha.

This was actually not common among twins, but they still stumbled upon it.

Tong Che also knew that Xiao Qi's family was not well-off, and raising two children was a real struggle.

From a young age, Xiao Qi's sister had received more love, attention, and expectations than Xiao Qi, and she was, of course, more financially well-off as she was doted on.

Even though she had always had less money to spend than her sister, she was sent to an orphanage two years ago, when she graduated from primary school at the age of 12.

The reason was that the family only had the means to provide for one child to go to school.

But up until that point, Xiao Qi hadn't completely given up.

Before the differentiation, even with only 1% hope, she hadn't given up completely.

But last week, she became an Omega.

Last night, her mother messaged her to tell her that her sister had also differentiated and was an Alpha, and added that her sister would need more money in the future, so she shouldn’t even call her for living expenses anymore.

Originally, Xiao Qi's family gave her a pitiful amount of money to live on each month, but now they are saying that they won't give her a single cent anymore. It was a complete abandonment of the child.

When she didn't hear Tong Che's response, Xiao Qi became hysterical again, "Why? Why do I have to be Omega and she is Alpha? We are obviously twins. Why is this so? Why do I deserve to be given up? Just tell me how I can die immediately! "

Tong Che came back to his senses and pursed his lips, his tone teasing, "Okay, I'll tell you."


Not far away, outside the balcony door, Mu Hanfeng kept watching the situation inside, not missing a second.

He watched Xiao Qi go crazy again, watched Tong Che calmly say, "okay," and watched Tong Che raise his hand and take off the silver bracelet that he wore all the time on his left wrist.

At that moment, Mu Hanfeng's heart clenched.

He could see that Tong Che's wrist, which had once been covered with a bracelet, was covered with old scars of varying shades.

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