Tong Che's actions were so unexpected, and the scar on his wrist was even more unexpected.

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Xiao Qi was obviously stunned too, she even subconsciously threw the knife aside for the time being. She reached over and gently touched Tong Che's wrist, as if she was confirming the authenticity of the scars.

Omega's skin is naturally delicate and smooth, especially for someone like Tong Che, who has a better foundation in the entertainment industry and is skilled at taking care of himself.

However, the small section of skin under Xiao Qi's fingers was uneven and very rough.

After letting Xiao Qi touch his wrist for a while, his wrist began to tremble again.

Xiao Qi was startled and hurriedly withdrew her hand, forgetting her emotions, and looked at Tong Che with a worried expression, "Brother Xiao Che, what's wrong with your hand...?"

Tong Che smiled soothingly at her and withdrew his left hand, which was still trembling. He put his right hand over it, gently rubbing and pressing it twice, explaining simply, "The nerves are damaged, so I can't bear the effort."

Xiao Qi hung her head and watched his movements, and after a long time, she asked in a soft voice, "Is it because... the wrist was slit?"

"That was one of the reasons," Tong Che's tone remained light, as if what he was saying had nothing to do with him, "Another was that I had been... beaten by my father with a stick on this wrist."

At that time, Tong Che was still young, and although he was later sent to the hospital for treatment, he fell ill in the end.

Coupled with his self-inflicted injuries later as a teenager with no regard for self, even if nothing really happened again, his nerves were inevitably injured.

Over time, it could no longer be completely repaired, and it became what it is now.

"Why did he..." asked Xiao Qi subconsciously.

But before the latter half of the sentence could be uttered, Tong Che interrupted her, obviously not prepared to chat about this in detail, but changed the subject and said, "You should be able to see that I have had many times when I didn't want to live, or at least hurt myself."

Xiao Qi nodded.

The scars on Tong Che's wrist were of varying shades, so many that she couldn't count how many there were at a glance.

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Obviously, it wouldn't have been a single injury.

"Then what do you think," Tong Che's tone slowed down a little, and he could even be called gentle, "How do you think I'm doing now?"

Xiao Qi did not immediately answer, but quieted down and thought carefully about it.

Two years ago, not long after she arrived at the orphanage, she met Tong Che.

At that time, although Tong Che had not yet become popular, he was already working as a trainee, which was already a life that was quite out of reach for the children in the orphanage.

But Tong Che did not put on airs at all, and Xiao Qi slowly became acquainted with him.

However, last year, Tong Che suddenly became a big hit because of that ancient web drama. After he became popular, he came back to the orphanage for the first time, and many children were afraid to even go up and talk to him.

Which, of course, included Xiao Qi.

The big brother who would usually play with them, eat with them in the bad canteen, sneak in snacks for them, teach them to sing and dance, draw and do little crafts for them, and listen to their whispered little secrets, overnight became a big star, surrounded by thousands of fans, and all kinds of media equipment whenever he appeared.

The children were uncomfortable for a while with this big change.

But it didn't take long for everyone to realise that there was no change in the way Tong Che treated them.

He would still sit cross-legged on the floor and play games with them, tell them about what he had seen during filming, and accompany them to enjoy another life that was still far away from them.

He would lecture the children when there were leftovers, but secretly cover for them so that they would not be scolded by the director.

He would buy them more snacks, toys, and books and would try to make things better for them.

In Xiao Qi's memory, although their brother Che Che was tall and cold-looking, he always had a light smile on his face, never put up a fight with them, and his tone was always gentle and affectionate.

Xiao Qi did not know what kind of connection Tong Che had had with this orphanage in the past, she only thought that Tong Che was a very good and kind person, and likewise, must be a very happy person.

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Because the book says that when one has received love, would they want to pass it on and share it with more people.

So until today, two minutes ago to be precise, when Tong Che took off his bracelet and showed it to her, Xiao Qi had been thinking this.

But now, Xiao Qi doesn't think that way anymore.

Happy, loved people are very afraid of pain. They would never hurt themselves again and again like this, and they would not want to die.

After a long while, she pursed her lips and said softly, "I originally thought that Brother Xiao Che was doing well."

Not surprised by her answer, Tong Che smiled and affirmed, "I am indeed having a good time now."

"However," he turned his words around, "I have had a bad time before, but you see, I didn't give up in the end and still persevered through. So Xiao Qi, how will you know that you will always have a bad time in the future if you don't persevere a little? "

Xiao Qi had calmed down a lot, and she nodded gently. She couldn't help but ask, "Then, Brother Xiao Che, in the past, when you didn't want to live, did someone also comfort you like this?"

If not, how did Little Brother Che endure the thoughts of wanting to give up time and time again and finally persevere?

Tong Che was stunned for a moment. His eyes fell on the short wall at the edge of the balcony that had faded. His gaze became a little distant for a moment, and after a long time, he nodded and said softly, "Yes, there was someone. He saved me."

Ten years had passed since the original differentiation, and at that time, Tong Che was in a trance due to physical discomfort and could no longer see the visitor properly.

Even now, Tong Che could still not remember exactly what happened at that time, but he only remembered that there was a person in his ear, asking him in a warm voice if he had seen the sea.

Naturally, Tong Che had not seen the sea at that time, he had never even left Yangcheng. After all, his parents would only take his younger brother with them when they went on a trip, not him.

Even now, Tong Che doesn't remember if he gave an answer at that time, he only remembers that person saying to him again, "You haven't seen the sea yet, why do you want to give up?"

At that time, Tong Che had only just turned thirteen, and he was considered to be a relatively early differentiator, and he could not yet understand what his desire to live had to do with whether he had seen the sea or not.

Until just like that, by accident, he survived, and then one day, by chance, he read a poem -

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You have come to earth to see the sun, and to walk the streets with your beloved.

The moment he read that line of poetry, it dawned on Tong Che that the meaning of that line in the first place was probably similar to this poem.

He had come to earth for one trip and had not yet seen the sea, nor had he seen the sun properly, let alone met his beloved. So to hurt himself again and again for the sake of someone who hurt him, or even to want to give up his life over this, was really very unworthy.

Tong Che's thoughts were called back to Xiao Qi's voice, only to hear her say, "In the future, I will not do that again. I want to hold on too. I want to try and see if I can live as well as brother Xiao Che in the future. "

Not just to live as well as brother Xiao Che, but to become as kind and soft as brother Xiao Che.

Tong Che raised his hand to gently pat Xiao Qi's head. The nerves that had been tense from the moment he saw her holding the knife, finally eased off.

Tong Che softened his tone and half-jokingly stated, "Xiao Qi will undoubtedly be good in the future. But for now, can the murder weapon be handed over to me first? "

Without further hesitation, Xiao Qi picked up the small knife and folded it up, handing it to Tong Che.

Tong Che took it and casually put it in his pocket, asking, "Where did you get it? It still looks oddly sharp. "

Xiao Qi embarrassedly said, "It's just... for cutting fruits."

Tong Che lost his smile and said in a warm voice, "Well, go and say hello to Uncle Zhao and Aunt Wu. They are all very worried about you."

Xiao Qi looked at the people who had been guarding the balcony door, nodded obediently, and stood up to walk towards the door.

After taking two steps, she found that Tong Che had no intention of following her. So she stopped again and turned back to ask, "Brother Xiao Che, aren't you... going down?"

"You go first," Tong Che responded, "there's a musical being rehearsed in the activity room downstairs. I'll sit here for a while longer. "

Xiao Qi looked at him and then at Mu Hanfeng standing at the door, didn't say anything more, and headed for the door herself.

Mu Hanfeng went into the balcony and closed the door with his hand after she, Zhao Li, and Aunt Wu had left.

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Tong Che was still sitting on the ground, looking up at Mu Hanfeng as he approached him step by step. One second he was a big brother who was enlightening others, but the next second he turned back into a blushing little cat.

From the moment he took off his bracelet, he deliberately did not look at the door again.

He knew that Mu Hanfeng was standing there, watching him the whole time.

He had also made up his mind to simply take this opportunity to tell Mu Hanfeng everything he had been putting off.

But as he watched Mu Hanfeng get closer and closer, Tong Che could not help but feel like retreating.

He looked down at his wrist, which was not covered by the bracelet, and saw that the scars on it were so intertwined that he felt ugly, so he might as well not show them to Teacher Mu.

With this in mind, Tong Che simply touched the bracelet again and prepared to put it on his hand.

However, a slender hand suddenly reached out in front of him and held his hand.

Tong Che was startled and raised his head to look at Mu Hanfeng, calling out softly, "Teacher Mu."

Mu Hanfeng looked down at him and closed his eyes, only to feel that his internal organs were still stirring with pain, and his throat was filled with pungent blood. He answered in a hoarse voice, "Yes, Teacher Mu is here."

Tong Che subconsciously tried to pull his hand back again and said, in a very small voice, "It's... ugly. Don't look."

Mu Hanfeng didn't let go of his hand, but instead clutched it a little tighter, and said, with furrowed brows, "Nonsense, it's not ugly at all."

After saying this, he simply leaned down and gently lifted up Tong Che's scarred wrist and placed it on his lips, dropping a reverent and tender kiss.

A very soft and gentle touch, like being caressed by a feather and brushed by a fresh breeze. At that moment, all the wounds that had been scarred and could never fully recover, felt as if they had been given a chance to heal again.

Tong Che couldn't help but shiver, and in the next second, his whole body was firmly encircled by Mu Hanfeng.

He buried his head in Mu Hanfeng's neck and rubbed against him, barely able to collect the moisture that had come to his eyes. Finally, without a trace of hesitation, he spoke, "Teacher Mu, do you want to…. know about my family?"

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