The outdated phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated. Tong Che hurriedly fished it out and found it was Wang Qi calling.

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After taking a deep breath, Tong Che adjusted his mood before pressing the answer button, "Hello, Director Wang."

"Where did you and Mu Hanfeng go again?" Wang Qi's voice came out with a slight static, "Aren't you recording the show? If you don't come down, I'll mark you as unjustified absentees and fine you with gold coins!"

Tong Che slapped his forehead, only then did he remember that he and Mu Han Feng were still recording the show.

It was interesting to note that before this show, he would never do anything else in the middle of every job, and would not miss a single minute of recording.

On the other hand, because of his personality, Tong Che would not slack off when it was his turn to do something.

On the other hand, he did not have the courage to be lazy. This is something deeply rooted in him, and even after he became popular, Tong Che was still like this.

However, since he has been on this show, although he does not "miss work" for no reason, he has missed several times due to various things.

Tong Che couldn't help but look at Mu Han Feng again, thinking, "Some people can be arrogant and proud.”

After he had collected his confused thoughts, Tong Che answered the phone and subconsciously wanted to apologize, "Director Wang, I..."

But before he could continue, the phone was snatched by Mu Han Feng.

Mu Hanfeng's tone was cold as he threw out two words, "We are coming."

After saying that, he didn't wait for Wang Qi to say anything else, and simply hung up the phone.

Mu Hanfeng looked back at Tong Che, frowned, and decided to fix this bad habit.

From the first time they met, Mu Hanfeng had noticed that this little Omega was exceptionally skilled at apologizing, as if he had done it many times before.

Later on, when they spent time together, his thoughts were confirmed. Tong Che's apology was always on his lips, whether it was his own fault or not.

Now that he had heard about Tong Che's family, Mu Hanfeng could generally understand where this problem came from.

It was because he had been suppressed time and again by those two who didn't deserve to be called parents, and Tong Che had learned to apologize and take the blame for other people's mistakes on himself since he was a child.

But now that he was there, there was no need for that.

"Listen carefully," Mu Hanfeng pressed Tong Che's shoulder and looked straight into his eyes, his tone serious, "From now on, you are not allowed to say things like "sorry", "I apologize" or "excuse me". Such words are no longer allowed on your lips, do you understand?"

Tong Che listened nervously and could not help but ask in a small voice, "Then... then what if I really did something wrong by accident?"

"If you do something wrong," Mu Han Feng smiled and said calmly, "Externally, I will take care of it for you; internally, whatever Tong Che does with his boyfriend, is not a mistake."

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Tong Che froze for two seconds and his eyes lit up slowly, "Really...nothing is a wrong?"

Mu Han Feng did not hesitate, "Of course."

Besides, with Tong Che's good nature, Mu Han Feng didn't think that he would really do anything wrong.

Tong Che stared at Mu Hanfeng for two more seconds, as if to make sure that this "of course" was really not perfunctory before he happily fished out a pink watercolor pen from his pocket.

Mu Hanfeng was stunned and suddenly had a bad premonition.

Before he could figure out, he watched as the little omega happily pulled off the cap of the watercolor pen, happily came over to him, and happily drew three cat whiskers on each side of his face.

Mu Hanfeng: "......"

Tong Che probably wanted to turn him into a kindred spirit.

Tong Che had wanted to do this for a long time, but he had never dared to do it before, and now he was bold enough to finish the drawing. Seeing that Mu Hanfeng was silent, he inevitably felt a little panicky again. “Mr. Mu…”

Mu Hanfeng returned to his senses. The corners of his lips hooked up as he grabbed the pen in Tong Che's hand, and quickly drew two cat whiskers on each cheek, and also put a pink dot on his nose.

Tong Che's mouth curbed up and he smiled sweetly.

The two childish men came back to the activity room, happily holding hands with their cat whiskers.

Everyone was stunned at the sight of their appearance. After all, no one could have imagined that these two would be hiding out on the balcony to do such childish things.

"Who drew this on you?" Wang Qi said suspiciously, "Did you bump into some kids who didn't come?"

Tong Che and Mu Han Feng responded vaguely as they held their images.

Wang Qi didn't delve into it any further and asked them to go and help with the musical.

There were many children with a large age difference, so it was not easy to rehearse.

The six of them were busy all morning and then joined the children in the canteen for lunch, after which they went back to rehearsing.

No one saw it as a show, and they didn't care how many minutes would be left in the final edit if they did this one thing all day. Everyone just wanted to do something serious for the kids.

By eight o'clock in the afternoon, the whole musical had finally taken shape. After watching the children act it out in a raw manner, they were about to organise them to continue practising when Wang Qi came calling, "Let's stop here for today. Let the children have a rest too, and we'll go some placd else."

After hearing this, Tong Che and the others said farewell to the children and prepared to leave.

Before they left, Tong Che gave Xiao Qi another special glance, and she waved at him with a relaxed smile.

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Tong Che was relieved and followed Wang Qi with Mu Hanfeng.

Wang Qi led them all the way out and went to the building at the back.

Tong Che quickly realized that the stray pet shelter, and the studio of Radio Love, were all in this building.

Sure enough, Wang Qi spoke, "Let's go to the pet shelter."

Mi Beibei immediately asked, " Can one adopt small pets from the pet shelter?”

"You can if you want." Wang Qi replied.

Mi Beibei was happy to hear this, and turned her head to discuss with Ning Ran, saying that she wanted to find a playmate for the cat at home.

Yin Lan and Xiao Yao were also excited. They had a husky and a big golden retriever, and had always wanted to have adopt another dog breed.

Of course Tong Che also wanted to have one. He had always wanted to have a cat, but in the twenty-three years he had lived until now, the first sixteen years were not up to him, and after he turned sixteen, he was too tired to keep a pet.

But now...

Now, Tong Che subconsciously looked at Mu Hanfeng.

Before he could say anything, Mu Hanfeng understood and asked him, "What does Tong Che want to get?"

Tong Che replied in a low voice, "A kitten."

Mu Hanfeng froze and the corners of his lips raised, "My kitten wants to raise a kitten, no problem. Let’s go in and see if there's one you like."

As he said that, he had already walked up to the entrance of the pet shelter.

The staff, a sweet looking Omega girl, was excited to see them and called out each pair one by one-

"Aaahhhh “Cradle is real!"

"Ahhhh NingBei is real!"

"Aaaahhhh FengChe is real! It's real!"

Everyone burst out laughing.

The shelter wasn't big, but the decor was warm and comfortable. The pets inside were mainly dogs and cats, with a few rabbits, hamsters and the like.

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The little girl gave them a brief introduction, "This place is actually very similar to the orphanage next door. Basically the pets sent here are either accidentally lost by their owners or abandoned for various reasons."

Everyone felt bad.

This world was like that, there were always those people who abandoned their children and pets because they were forced to or for subjective reasons.

Tong Che did not answer, but looked carefully at each cage, trying to select a kitten.

His footsteps suddenly stopped when he walked to one of the cages.

In this cage was a fluffy short cat, the most common type, with a grey-blue body.

But Tong Che's attention fell on its hind legs; this kitten had only one hind leg.

Noticing that Tong Che had stopped there, the staff girl came over, her tone a bit regretful, "This British Short cat was brought in only last month. Its left hind leg was amputated shortly before it was brought here due to bone necrosis. This poor cat was very depressed, it didn't eat much for many days in a row, only recently did it get better."

As if it could understand her words, the little cat in the cage gave a very soft "meow" to Tong Che.

The meow made Tong Che's heart melt and he made a decision right away, "I want to adopt it."

The girl was stunned and turned her head to look at Tong Che with some surprise, "Are you... sure?"

This British Short cat was sent here because he was missing a leg, few people would want to adopt a pet with such an obvious defect, let alone, a big star like Tong Che.

In the staff's opinion, even if Tong Che wanted to adopt a cat, he would have asked someone to buy a very expensive and purebred one from abroad.

However, Tong Che looked very determined, "I want this one."

The girl wanted to say something else, but Mu Hanfeng, who had been quiet at Tong Che's side spoke up, "This is the one. It’s okay to be missing a leg, that's no reason for it to be discarded."

Tong Che tilted his head to look at him, and when he met the tenderness in Mu Han Feng's eyes, his heart became warm and soft again.

It was so nice that Teacher Mu understood him.

A person being an omega shouldn't be a reason for them to be abandoned.

A cat with a missing leg shouldn't be given up either.

The girl shouted "FengChe CP szd" three more times in her heart before she steadied her composure and replied, "Okay, no problem. Let's sign the adoption agreement then! All the pets here have been checked and vaccinated since they were brought in, so you can be rest assured that they are all certified."

With that, she went to her desk and found the corresponding certificates according to their numbers, and took out two copies of the agreement, keeping one for herself and handing one to Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng.

After the two of them had roughly read through it, Tong Che signed his name in full.

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As a rule, it was enough to have one person's signature on this kind of agreement, but Mu Hanfeng beside him also signed his name in a serious manner.

After signing the agreement, Mu Hanfeng put the certificate away, and the girl then asked again, "Do you want to take it now, or...?"

She knew that Tong Che and the others were here to record the program, and was unsure whether they wanted to take it now, or wait until after the recording.

Tong Che looked at Mu Hanfeng and then turned his head to look at Wang Qi, "Director Wang, can we..."

Wang Qi interrupted him with a wave of his hand, "If you want to take it now, just take care of it."

Tong Che cheered up, "Great!"

The girl went over and opened the cage. Tong Che hurriedly reached out his hand to pick it up, and was a little worried that the kitten would not follow him because it was new to him.

Who knew that just as he reached out his hand, the cat, which had been lying on it’s back in the cage due to lack of energy, unsteadily threw itself into Tong Che's arms, and meowed softly, sounding like It was very happy.

The staff girl was also surprised, "It seems that you are really destined. He has been here for a month, and he has never been that close to me!"

Tong Che raised his eyebrows and hugged the chubby kitten in a different position.

The kitten lay on his arm obediently, and stuck out its little tongue, licking the skin on Tong Che's arm.

Tong Che rested his other hand on the kitten's back, stroking it happily, and then looked up to ask Mu Hanfeng, "Teacher Mu, what is a good name for it?"

Mu Hanfeng only thought for a second before giving his answer, "How about Coconut Milk?"

Tong Che's ears turned red and he nodded. He then he stroked the kitten’s head and spoke to it in a warm voice, "Little cat, from now on you will be called Coconut Milk. With me, and..."

With his back to the camera, he quickly pointed to Mu Hanfeng next to him and whispered, "And this big brother, we will all be one family, Coconut Milk. Would you like it?"

As if in response to him, Coconut Milk raised its fat head and meowed twice more.

Tong Che praised it, "You're so cute."

When Mu Hanfeng saw how harmonious the two kittens were, he couldn't help but rub Tong Che's head and then putting it on top of Coconut Milk's.

Who knew that Coconut Milk, who had been obediently allowing Tong Che to stroke it, would not hesitate to wave it’s paw and slap the back of Mu Hanfeng's hand.

Tong Che couldn't help but smile, and told Mu Hanfeng, "Teacher Mu, you... your hand is too big, it might not be used to it so you have to take it slow."

Mu Hanfeng was lost for words.

Yes, I am already foreseeing my future family status!

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