Mi Beibei and Ning Ran, and Yin Lan and Xiao Yao, all picked out pets to their liking.

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Mi Beibei and Ning Ran chose a ragdoll cat, while Yin Lan and Xiao Yao received a fat corgi.

Mi Beibei teased them, "Brother Yin, Brother Xiao, aren’t those two dogs of yours large? Will this little corgi be okay? "

"Ding Ding and Dong Dong are very good," Yin Lan said, holding the corgi's chubby bottom and immediately assuring it that "they won't bully Lala."

Ding Dong and Dong Dong were the names of their husky and golden fur.

Lala, on the other hand, was the name they had given to the little corgi.

Tong Che whispered to Mu Han Feng, "Teacher Yin and Teacher Xiao are really clueless steel A's."

Just listen to these names!

All six decided to take their pets on the spot, and the little staff girl asked, "Are the teachers staying in the orphanage dormitory or...?"

Everyone nodded and said, "Just the dormitory."

The girl obviously knew the environment and said, "Then I'll give each of the three pets a cage, otherwise it's not very easy to keep them."

As she said that, she simply took down the original cages of the British short, ragdoll, and corgi. Each was given a new layer of fleece padding, as well as food, water utensils, and even two small litter boxes for the two cats.

When they were all ready, the girl went to the cupboard and took out two bags of cat food and a bag of dog food, and gave them to Tong Che and the others.

As everyone felt uncomfortable receiving so many things at once, Yin Lan asked directly, "Can we pay for them?"

The girl looked at him and smiled, "The things are free of charge. If Teacher Yin wants to give money, he can give it in the name of a donation, and the money will be used on all the little pets here. "

This would be similar to the orphanage next door.

After the six discussed it, they simply donated 60,000 yuan together.

The little girl was surprised and delighted, constantly sighing and praising Tong Che and the others for being such really nice people.

When they were all done, they left the shelter with their new pets and a range of utensils, and returned to the dormitory.

The first thing they did when they arrived at the dormitory was, naturally, to settle Coconut Milk in.

Mu Hanfeng placed the cage in the corner, smoothed out the fleece mat. He then set up the litter box, cat food bowl, and small bowl for drinking water before saying to Tong Che, "Okay, you put Coconut Milk in first and go take a bath."

Tong Che nodded, walked to the cage with Coconut Milk in his arms, and squatted down, trying to put Coconut Milk in.

But Coconut Milk suddenly meowed for some reason, and the two front paws were clinging hard to Tong Che's arm and wouldn't let go.

It looked pitiful.

Tong Che rubbed its chin and said softly, "It's not that I don't want you anymore.I still want you. Brother will just go and take a bath. You can wait in the cage for a while."

The coconut milk’s meowing decreased a bit, but he was still very resistant to the cage.

Mu Hanfeng watched from the side and spoke, "Try to see if it is willing to hug me."

Tong Che nodded and stood up, carefully moving Coconut Milk into Mu Hanfeng's arms.

And Coconut milk, who was not willing to get a rub on the head before, obediently fell into Mu Hanfeng's arm this time, and mewed to him softly, as if begging him not to send it away.

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Mu Hanfeng felt the furry feel in his arms and his heart went soft. He couldn't help but reach out again and rub Coconut Milk's round head.

This time, Coconut Milk did not use its paws to slap him away.

Seeing that the two of them were in harmony, Tong Che felt relieved and went to take a shower.

He didn't know that Emperor Mu was outside making a childish agreement with Coconut Milk, strictly forbidding him from sleeping with Tong Che.

When Tong Che came out of the shower, he took over the kitten and Mu Han Feng went to shower.

After they settled down, the two were surprised to find that the only sounds they could hear next door tonight were the occasional barking of the corgi and no other strange and ambiguous sounds!

They guessed that those two simpletons must be focusing on teasing the dog.

Mu Han Feng sat behind Tong Che and wiped his hair. He suddenly lowered his head, and used the tip of his tongue to gently lick the tip of Tong Che's ear.

Tong Che burned up instantly. He turned his head to look at Mu Hanfeng and called out in a small voice, "...Teacher Mu."

Mu Hanfeng looked down at him and smiled, his eyebrows raised, "Do you want to do something?"

Tong Che subconsciously looked at Coconut Milk first, only to find that the kitten had fallen asleep in his arms.

Without further hesitation, Tong Che got up and gently put Coconut Milk into the cage.

The time and place were just right, and he was a little excited. He walked back to the bed and sat down, holding back his shyness and licking Mu Han Feng's adam’s throat.

The small single bed was not convenient, so Mu Hanfeng kissed Tong Che's lips as he proposed in a hoarse voice, "Change places?"

Tong Che naturally agreed.

Mu Han Feng directly carried Tong Che to the window sill and sat him there.

The moonlight outside the window was gentle, and with a flick of his finger, Mu Hanfeng undid Tong Che's belt.

"Buzz-buzz -"

Someone’s mobile phone suddenly vibrated very untimely.

Tong Che and Mu Han Feng:"....."

Mu Han Feng gritted his teeth and exploded with a low "fuck". He had to let go of Tong Che for the time being, and said in a whisper, "I'm going to take a look."

Mu Hanfeng turned around and found the source of the vibration. He found that it was his mobile phone vibrating with a call from Yun Su.

Picking it up, Mu Hanfeng suppressed his irritation and said lightly, "What's wrong?"

"I sent you a WeChat but you didn't reply," Yun Su said succinctly, as if he didn't hear that Mu Hanfeng was not in the right mood, "I've contacted a neurologist, the director of Yangcheng Hospital, who specializes in this area."

Once he heard that it was this matter, Mu Hanfeng's anger from being interrupted from a good time cleared up quite a bit, and he said in a low voice, "Thank you for your hard work. So is there anything you need from Tong Tong's side now? "

Suddenly, hearing his name, Tong Che was stunned and asked Mu Hanfeng with his eyes what he was talking about.

Mu Hanfeng glanced at him and simply turned on the speakerphone, and the two listened together.

"I told him that there were still four to five days left for recording on Xiao Che's side," Yun Su continued, "and he asked if there were any of Xiao Che's previous medical records and checklists that he could send him to look at first."

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Tong Che was lost and blinked blankly.

Mu Hanfeng gently pointed at his wrist, which had the bracelet.

Only then did Tong Che realise that Mu Hanfeng had actually contacted the doctor for him. His heart suddenly softened, but the medical records...

"Manager Yun Su," Tong Che first said thank you, "I'm sorry for your trouble, but I didn't bring my medical records and examination sheets. So you have to wait until I return after recording the show."

Yun Su paused and let out a laugh, "That's right, I'm the one who lost my head."

Who in their right mind would bring their medical records with them to record a show?

"That's fine," Yun Su responded, "I'll talk to the other side and wait until you're done recording."

After Tong Che thanked him again, Yun Su hung up the phone.

Mu Han Feng put the phone aside. Looking at the dazed Tong Che, he smiled and snapped his fingers in front of his eyes, "Kitten, did you turn silly?"

Tong Che returned to his senses and couldn't help but wrap his arms around Mu Hanfeng's neck and give him a kiss on the cheek, whispering, "Teacher Mu, you're so kind."

Mu Hanfeng rubbed the top of his hair, "Okay, but this is what a good boyfriend should do."

After saying that, Mu Han Feng's fingertips gently rubbed the white skin on Tong Che's lower abdomen, and watched Tong Che tremble a little before he smiled lightly and said, "Shall we continue?"

Tong Che did not answer, but sent his body closer to Mu Han Feng, giving the most honest response.

Mu Hanfeng lowered his head and kissed Tong Che's collarbone.

"Buzz... buzz..."

The phone that was set aside vibrated again.

Tong Che and Mu Han Feng: "......"

Mu Hanfeng straightened up and gritted his teeth as he took the phone. It was still Yun Su.

Mu Han Feng clutched the phone with a death grip, as if he wanted to drag Yun Su straight out of the phone line, "What's wrong again?"

Yun Su now heard Mu Han Feng's low pressure and was stunned for a moment. He shrugged it off and said, "What you asked me to check, Xiao...Xiao Che's parents' side, there's a situation."

Hearing something related to Tong Che again, Mu Han Feng's anger was mostly dispersed again, and he asked, "What's the situation?"

Not knowing the relationship between Tong Che and his family, Yun Su stammered a bit, "It's not very good, and there's something very strange. You said that Xiao Che has an Alpha brother, but what I found out on my side is an Omega."

Mu Han Feng was now also shocked. His tone rarely rose and fell, "What did you say? It's an Omega?"

Not knowing why he reacted so strongly, Yun Su simply said, "I've sent the information to your WeChat, you can read it yourself."

After hanging up the phone, Mu Hanfeng immediately clicked into WeChat.

Tong Che felt something vaguely, but was unsure, and asked him, "What... what Omega?"

Mu Hanfeng's finger sliding across the screen paused. He raised his head and first explained to Tong Che, "It's just that earlier...I asked Yun Su to look up the situation of your former family members."

Although Mu Hanfeng knew that Tong Che did not have any feelings for them, but after all, Tong Che's life was given by those two people. So even though it was unfair for Tong Che, even though he wanted to take revenge very much, he was a bit afraid to do it.

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However, Tong Che quickly understood what Mu Hanfeng was worried about. He laughed, buried his head in the nape of Mu Hanfeng's neck, and whispered in a serious voice, "Teacher Mu, you are the only one I have now, and you are my future family."

These words gave Mu Hanfeng peace of mind and instantly dispelled any worries he had. He kissed Tong Che’s ear and replied warmly, "Well, Tong Che is my only family too."

The two shared their thoughts, so Mu Hanfeng stopped hiding and directly clicked on the information sent by Yun Su, looking at it together with Tong Che.

The information sent by Yun Su was not very long.

The gist of it was that those three people were really not doing well now.

The company that Tong Ning and Sun Yi used to work for went bankrupt at the beginning of this year.

At their age, both were having a hard time finding jobs. Tong Ning had changed companies, but he could only start as a junior clerk, and his monthly salary was a far cry from what it used to be.

Sun Yi had not yet found a job and was staying at home.

But the most interesting thing is that in the information, in black letters on a white background, was a record of another person -

Name: Tong Hui

Age: 21 years old

Gender: Male Omega

Tong Che was also stunned, his eyes wide, "What... what's going on here?"

Mu Hanfeng turned his head to confirm with him, "Is that your brother's name?"

Tong Che nodded immediately.

When Tong Ning and Sun Yi had given his brother this name, they had hoped that he would be as bright as a star.

Mu Hanfeng added, "Yun Su has always been reliable. The information he found out is highly accurate. Not to mention, if everything else is correct, it would be weird for only the gender to be wrong."

This was something that Tong Che knew, and he hurriedly said, "I didn't mean to doubt the information, I was just too surprised."

After thinking about it, Mu Hanfeng gave the only possible reason, "Theoretically speaking, the gender test done at the baby's full term is 99% accurate, but maybe, Tong Hui, happens to be the 1%."

After hearing Mu Hanfeng's words, Tong Che suddenly wanted to laugh.

It wasn't that he was gloating, he just felt that it was all like a dark humorous comedy.

Tong Ning and Sun Yi had given all their expectations and favor to Tong Hui. In the final analysis, it was only because they knew that he would later differentiate into an Alpha.

But who would have thought that they would fall under a probability as small as 1 per cent?

After more than a decade of being expected as an Alpha, Tong Hui differentiated into an Omega.

It was really ironic to the extreme.

Mu Hanfeng had been carefully watching Tong Che's expression. Seeing that he had been silent, the corners of his lips raising and falling, he couldn't help but gently touch his cheeks, slowing his voice to coax, "Tong Tong, you can laugh or cry if you want to."

Tong Che came back to his senses and shook his head with a light smile, "I don't want to cry, I just think it's a bit ironic. Actually, whether he is an Omega or not, whether they are doing well or not, I don't even care anymore."

During the time when he was first abandoned, Tong Che would always think about their lives and would always be sad about it.

But after so many years, all the emotions had been slowly worn down by time.

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Moreover, the most important thing was that he now had Mu Hanfeng.

With this in mind, Tong Che added a serious sentence, "Now, I only care if Teacher Mu is well and happy."

He was still not used to saying such things straightforwardly, and the more he spoke, the smaller his voice became, and the tips of his ears were even redder.

Mu Hanfeng's heart was poked to the point of being sour and soft, so he simply threw the phone aside and kissed Tong Che’s soft lips, replying seriously, "I am happy when I am with you."

Since Tong Che didn't even care anymore, and Tong Ning and Sun Yi had already received the greatest punishment by the heavens, there was no need for him to take any more action.

If he had that time and energy, he might as well use it to coax his kitten and make him happy.

Having made up his mind, Mu Hanfeng put the three disgusting people out of his mind, and lowered his head to kiss Tong Che's chest.

Tong Che's hands clenched firmly on Mu Han Feng's back, his entire head buried in the nook of Mu Hanfeng's neck.

"Buzz... buzz..."

Who knew that the mobile phone, which was placed aside, would ring a third fucking time!

Tong Che and Mu Han Feng:"....."

Mu Han Feng felt like he couldn’t even breath. He let out a long sigh and, with a black face, answered Yun Su's call, "Mr. Yun, what's wrong again?"

Yun Su finally heard that something was wrong and hesitantly asked him, "Am I disturbing you guys?"

Mu Han Feng ran his fingers through his hair, exhausted and he didn't want to answer anymore, he simply said, "Just say what's up."

Yun Su then stopped asking questions and quickly said, "Director Li has handed over a script with double male leads, and I think you and Xiao Che are quite suitable."

Mu Hanfeng's mind was now filled with only the kitten in his arms, and he did not want to think about scripts at all, so he said in one breath, "If it's suitable, then you should fight for it first. Send me the script, I'll read it with Tong Tong tomorrow when I'm free. Can you not call me again?"

Even though this kind of interruption was across the phone, Yun Su still felt embarrassed and hurriedly hung up the phone.

Mu Han Feng let out a long breath, turned off his phone, and gave a bite on Tong Che's collarbone as if venting, "There, now no one will disturb us again."

Tong Che was frustrated. His long legs were coiled around Mu Han Feng, and he moved his waist in response.

Mu Han Feng's kisses went down Tong Che's slender neck, past the delicate collarbone, sliding across his lean chest and flat stomach, and finally landing on the sexy, pale pink moon on Tong Che's side waist.

The tip of his tongue poked out, swirled, licked and bit...

Tong Che raised his neck high, the back of his head resting on the window glass, which was obviously cold, but Tong Che felt his whole body burning. The back of his neck was even hotter, almost burning out.

The air was heating up, and the two of them were pressed together, clearly feeling the changes in each other's bodies.

Mu Han Feng's hand was already holding little Che when suddenly, a "meow" came from behind him.

Before he could react, a fleshy, fluffy blob stumbled over and jumped between them.

The worst part was that the back leg of the blob landed right on little Mu, and the long tail of the blob swept right over little Che...

Tong Che and Mu Han Feng looked at each other speechless, and six big words came to their minds in unison -

This is a human tragedy. Life is so hard.

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