Coconut Milk was only four months old, so Mu Hanfeng did not feel any pain when the kitten stepped on him.

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However, when he was in the throes of passion, Coconut Milk was as powerful as a basin of cold water poured over the two of them.

Besides, they had already been interrupted three times by the phone, so if they continued, not only Tong Che, who was so embarrassed that he froze, but also Mu Hanfeng, would not be able to continue now.

He put the tip of his tongue against the back of his teeth and rubbed it hard. His face was black as he cupped Coconut Milk's fat body with one hand and lifted it up in the air.

Coconut Milk's two front paws were fluttering in the air, and he kept mewing.

Mu Hanfeng looked at him fiercely and said, "I have to teach you a lesson!"

As soon as he said that, Tong Che came back to his senses and hurriedly put out his two hands to hold Coconut Milk, and whispered to Mu Hanfeng, "Teacher Mu, don't scare him, or he won’t get close to you again."

Tong Che was afraid that Mu Hanfeng would scare him, and the father-son... no, brother... relationship that this man and cat had finally built up would be destroyed.

Mu Han Feng was only feeling uncomfortable. He wouldn't really bother with a cat. But when he watched Tong Che take Coconut Milk into his arms, the cat kept on arching its fat head and licking Tong Che's arm with his little tongue. His purring voice was much milkier, and he looked like he was pouting and complaining.

As for Tong Che, there was no more Mu Hanfeng in his eyes, and he lowered his head and soothed Coconut milk.

Mu Hanfeng was now even more uncomfortable.

"Tong Tong," he said quietly, "Do you know what you look like now?"

Tong Che froze, then looked up at Mu Han Feng and blinked.

Mu Hanfeng continued to whisper, "Like an old father who mindlessly spoils his son."

Tong Che choked and coughed twice, causing the redness on his face that had only recently faded to rise again.

Mu Han Feng's heart softened again, and he gently patted Tong Che's back, coaxing, "Okay, I was just joking."

Tong Che argued in a small voice, "Originally…children were originally meant to be spoiled."

He had never been spoiled by his parents, and now that he had a cat- son, he just wanted to spoil him.

Mu Han Feng was stunned. His heart went soft and the depression he was holding on to instantly dispersed. He nodded and said in a warm voice, "You're right, both my kitten and the child-kitten, are meant to be spoiled."

The two of them returned to the bed. Mu Hanfeng looked at the time and asked Tong Che, "It's not too early. Are you sleepy?"

"I’m fine," Tong Che said, shaking his head. In the end, he still wanted to compensate Mu Hanfeng and coaxed, "Teacher Mu, you first lie down. I'll sing you a new song today. "

For the first two nights of living in this dormitory, because he had to wear earplugs, Mu Hanfeng had not been able to listen to Tong Che's singing, so now that he heard him say that, he hurriedly laid down.

However, the bed was too small, so he could only try his best to stick to the wall to make room for Tong Che to sit.

While stroking off coconut milk, Tong Che was a little embarrassed and said, "It's not really a song yet, it's just a tune that suddenly came to mind, and I haven't filled in the words yet."

Mu Hanfeng smiled, "It's okay, as long as it's sung by you."

Tong Che showed his little dimples and hummed softly.

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Soon, Mu Hanfeng felt that the tune Tong Che was humming was particularly light and cheerful, as if every note was pouring out the singer's joy and happiness.

After Tong Che finished humming, Mu Hanfeng asked him, "Are you happy now?"

Tong Che's eyes lit up and he nodded vigorously, "I’m very happy."

How could you not be happy when you are raising a cat with the person you like?

Mu Hanfeng looked at the bright light under Tong Che's eyes and the deep dimples at the corners of his lips. His whole body also soothed. He whispered, "I’m also very happy."

Before he met Tong Che, he never knew he could be so happy.

Tong Che looked down at the kitten in his arms and found that it was once again asleep. He got up and gently put it back into its cage.

Tong Che returned to sitting on Mu Hanfeng's bed again, and Tong Che urged, "Teacher Mu, close your eyes quickly. I'll continue singing. "

Mu Hanfeng said, "Good night, Tong Tong," and closed his eyes as he was told.

Tong Che then continued to sing again.

But before Mu Hanfeng could fall asleep, he heard Tong Che's voice getting quieter and quieter, and finally it just stopped.

He opened his eyes and looked. The corners of his lips could not help but pick up again.

His silly kitten had fallen asleep while singing by himself.

He sat up and hesitated for a second, but didn't carry Tong Che to the top bunk. Instead, he gently held his body and laid him flat on the bed.

He then lay down on his side next to the little omega. It was certainly a squeeze, but his heart was satisfied.

Since he was no longer sleepy, Mu Hanfeng kissed Tong Che gently on his forehead, then he carefully turned over and switched his phone back on.

As soon as he opened it, the first thing that popped up was a message from Yun Su.

Yun Su: "Sorry, sorry, [hands together jpg.]"

Yun Su: "I really didn't think that Emperor Mu wouldn't even spare a place like the orphanage dormitory."

Mu Hanfeng naturally told Yun Su when they came to live here.

But look at what Yun Su is now saying!

Mu Hanfeng ground his teeth and quickly typed: "Was Mr Yun deliberately doing this? You don't usually do this. Why couldn’t you finish three things at once tonight, but you had to make three phone calls in one minute?"

Yun Su replied in seconds: "You're accusing me. If I could finish at once, why would I want to take the trouble of calling you three times? "

Mu Hanfeng's finger was about to reply, but before he could type anything out, he saw Yun Su send another message:

"It is really a coincidence that the three events did not happen at the same time, but they happened to be very close to each other, which only shows that the sky is not favorable, and the harmony of people is useless."

The displeasure and irritation that Mu Han Feng had managed to suppress at the bottom of his heart came back up. He didn't reply again and simply threw his phone aside, rolled over, and hugged Tong Che. He closed his eyes, intending to go dream about the time and place that was more interesting!

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In Tong Che's dreams, it always starts with the same old beach.

And this time, there was no one on the beach again.

Still not used to such an empty beach, the dreamer walked along the beach, looking for Mu Han Feng.

Luckily, it didn't take long to find Mu Hanfeng.

Mu Hanfeng's expression looked colder than usual, and when he saw him, his eyes darkened.

At the same time, waves suddenly rolled up on the previously calm sea, tossing and turning the water turbulent.

Tong Che vaguely sensed something, and sure enough, the next second, he was picked up by Mu Han Feng and placed on a nearby large reef.

Accompanied by the roaring waves, Mu Han Feng's kisses were more fierce than usual.

The scent of the sea filled the tip of his nose, and he couldn't tell if it was the smell of the sea, Mu Han Feng's pheromones, or a blend of the two.

In the dream, Tong Che also felt a strong desire to make out with Mu Han Feng, and the two of them kissed each other unrestrainedly, licking and nibbling on each other's earlobes, necks, and collarbones.

Tong Che kissed Mu Han Feng's abs, and Mu Han Feng kissed the small moon on Tong Che's side waist.

It's like, subconsciously, they were fiercely making up for the intimacy that was owed before.

The sea breeze was slightly cool, but both of them felt hotter and hotter. Mu Hanfeng lowered his head and bit the back of Tong Che's neck, and the moment his canine teeth pierced the glands, his hands didn't stay idle...


The sea was the curtain and the beach was the cloth, Tong Che felt himself weak, his hands and legs sore.

The coconut fragrance permeated the ocean scent. At first, it seemed to be very faint and not obvious, but when you take a closer smell, you realise that the fragrance is everywhere. Ton Che’s pheromones are just like him as a person, obviously very soft in character. Except for the aloof appearance, the person does not possess the slightest aggressiveness. But yet, it is impossible to ignore him, and he steadily invaded every corner of Mu Han Feng's heart, without leaving a single gap.


The night was filled with crazy, sweet dreams, and the sound of meowing was comparable to an alarm clock.

Tong Che opened his eyes and saw Mu Hanfeng's Adam's apple. He was stunned for two seconds before slowly remembering that he had fallen asleep halfway through his singing last night.

And Mu Hanfeng didn't even wake him up or send him to the upper bunk. The two of them huddled together on the 80cm bed all night, and slept surprisingly well.

"Good morning, Tong Tong." Mu Hanfeng opened his mouth, his voice sounding extra husky.

Tong Che was still a bit dazed and replied, "Good morning," but he was still lying in Mu Han Feng's arms and not moving.

Suddenly, two more "meows" sounded in his ears, and when Tong Che tilted his head to look, he realised that Coconut Milk was also lying on Mu Hanfeng's blanket, meowing at them both, as if asking for good morning.

Mu Hanfeng was rarely lazy. Probably because he had been too indulgent in his dream last night, He did not rush to get up, but only looked at the two kittens, one small and one large. His heart was satisfied.

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The two and one cat lazed in bed until the last moment, when they lazily got up and washed up.

There was one more task in the morning-feeding Coconut Milk.

After watching Coconut Milk eating the cat food and pouring it water, Tong Che whispered a couple of soothing words, "Be good, Coconut Milk. Your brothers are going to work. Be good and wait for us to come back. "

Probably because of the cat food, or perhaps because after the night, Coconut Milk was familiar with the environment and was not as resistant as yesterday, rubbing its fat head against Tong Che's leg, obediently returning to the cage.

Tong Che fastened the cage before getting up and leaving through the door with Mu Hanfeng.

As usual, the six of them met at the door and chatted as they went downstairs, the topic of conversation naturally revolving around the three little pets.

After playing with the children for a while, they gathered on the ground floor, but Wang Qi did not let them go to the activity room today. Instead, he led them out the door and towards the building behind.

Recognising this route, Yin Lan said in surprise, "Going to the pet shelter again?"

Wang Qi gave him a blank look and said, speechlessly, "It's such a big building, and as I said before, it's not just a pet shelter there."

Yin Han is worthy of being clueless. He touched the little tug on his brow and looked at Xiao Yao blankly, "Then what else is there?"

Xiao Yao stared at him, just as bewildered.

Mi Beibei reminded him, "Director Wang said earlier that there was also the studios for Love Radio."

It was only then that the two simpletons remembered, and Yin Lan said excitedly, "Are we going to Love Radio?"

Before Wang Qi could answer him, he heard Tong Che answer first, "I think so."

Everyone looked over, especially Mu Hanfeng, who could feel his heart beating heavily. He clenched his fist and asked quietly, "How do you know?"

Tong Che didn't notice anything, as he explained, "I've been to Radio Love once before and remembered this direction."

Mu Hanfeng subconsciously whispered a follow-up question, "When did you come here?"

Tong Che inclined his head and answered him in a voice that only two people could hear, "When I was sixteen years old, before I left here."

Mu Hanfeng closed his eyes and silently counted the time in his mind, he wanted to ask something else, but before he could, he heard Wang Qi clap his hands and say, "Here we are!"

Everyone stopped and looked up, and they saw a small wooden sign hanging on a door in front of them, with two big words on it: Radio Love.

Wang Qi knocked on the door, and a staff member soon came out and opened the door for them.

The staff member was a blessed-looking female Beta, whom Tong Che still remembered, though she, on the contrary, no longer remembered Tong Che.

After all, although Tong Che often came to the orphanage, he had only been to Radio Care once, seven years ago.

The woman greeted everyone with a gentle smile, after which Wang Qi briefly explained, "This task today is simple for you. It is to record a song as a CP pair, and each of you will say a word of encouragement at the end. This will be used as a special broadcast on Love Radio tonight."

After the explanation, Wang Qi looked at Tong Che first and said, "Xiao Che, since you are familiar with this place, why don't you and Teacher Mu come up first?"

Tong Che had no objection, but he still turned his head to look at Mu Hanfeng, and only when Mu Hanfeng nodded did Tong Che respond.

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"You guys discuss what song to sing first," Wang Qi said, "and think of words of encouragement in advance."

Tong Che asked Mu Hanfeng in a small voice, "Teacher Mu, do you know "Ocean"?"

The moment he heard the title of the song, Mu Hanfeng subconsciously clenched his fist again. He lowered his head to hide the look in his eyes and hummed a shirt paragraph, "Is it this one?"

Tong Che was delighted, "That is the song! Then we'll sing this one. How about it? "

Mu Hanfeng nodded, "Okay."

The two of them quickly discussed it, and Tong Che looked up and said to Wang Qi, "Director Wang, we've discussed it."

Wang Qi nodded and said, "Then sit over here and let the staff debug the equipment for you."

The two walked over to the recording table and sat down, putting on the headphones that were on the table.

The staff came over, adjusted the equipment, and gestured to them, meaning that they could start.

Tong Che and Mu Han Feng looked at each other and started a tune in unison.

"Tell me what you are crying for.

I'll wipe your tears, oh love..."

The tones of the two men, one crisp and clear, the other deep and cold, matched together, but had a different flavour, very pleasant and comfortable to listen to.

The room fell silent as everyone listened intently to them sing.


After the song ended, Tong Che glanced at Mu Hanfeng and saw that he was somehow frozen. It was not convenient to remind him, so he spoke his words of encouragement into the microphone first.

He had a light smile on his lips and his voice was put in a warm and slow tone, "You've come to earth for a trip, you haven't seen the sea yet. Don't give up so easily."

After a pause, Tong Che added in a soft voice, "Hang in there and you will get all that you want."

"The sea, the sun, the sweetheart, and hope. What you want, you will really have it all. "

After he finished these words, Mu Hanfeng still didn't make a sound, just staring at him blankly.

Tong Che didn't know why he suddenly reacted this way, but everyone was also a bit anxious and kept gesturing towards the two of them.

Tong Che pursed his lips and reached out to gently tug on Mu Hanfeng's sleeve to remind him to speak.

It was only then that Mu Hanfeng returned to his senses and calmly picked up the conversation, but not with new words. Tong Che only heard him say, in a low voice, "What I want to say is also this, don't give up if you haven't seen the sea yet."

It was not that Mu Hanfeng was being perfunctory, nor was it that he could not think of anything else, but it was what he really wanted to say.

He had already said it to Tong Che ten years ago.


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